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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#34539 Posted on 2016-04-27 11:55:03


That morning, Tarzan took Marrana and a couple lionesses hunting. Keldeo came along, and could tell Tarzan took this opportunity to flirt with the new lioness. The albino led the lionesses towards a small herd of gazelle, but Tarzan kept walking.

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#34540 Posted on 2016-04-27 11:57:39

repost oops

Last edited on 2016-04-27 at 11:58:06 by MysticMemories{Lilac}

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#34546 Posted on 2016-04-27 12:17:12


Came from the mouths of seven rogues, who had dared to trespass on the Savanna. They had every single intention of taking over the Savanna and destroying anyone who stood in their way; beginning with Kunar. But, they attacked Marrana, Keldeo, and the two lionesses first, to draw Tarzan over so they could get rid of the leader of the Lion Guard first. It'd be much easier to take Kunar on without his younger brother to protect him.

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#34553 Posted on 2016-04-27 12:34:47

Tarzan growled, seeing his sister and hopefully new mate being attacked. He snarled, ripping a lion off Marrana. "RUN! Tell Kunar!!" The brown lioness speed off. Tarzan leaped onto one that was attacking Keldeo, and roared, sending him flying.

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#34556 Posted on 2016-04-27 12:43:06

The seven rogues leapt onto Tarzan, with the two lionesses who had been hunting torn between helping Tarzan, and running to get help. They looked at each other, nodded, and both leapt into the frenzy; neither one had no intention of letting the males get away without a beating.

Suddenly, a furious roar was heard, and everyone stopped what they were doing. Kunar glared at the seven rogues from the rock he stood on, his green eyes flashing dangerously, claws out, fangs bared, and looking very scary as he leapt down and stalked through their midst. The three younger males in the rogues whimpered and backed down when Kunar glared at them, while the four older males snarled, and all got ready to fight. The entire pride was there, surrounding the "arena", and watching; for this was once more, a fight for the land and pride, so the pride couldn't help their king. "It's not fair mother!!!! Why can't we help them!!" Kacy growled, but Toki shook her head. "Only the pride males can help your father. Tunar, you are not ready, sit down." Tunar growled but obeyed his mother. However, there was still one pride male who could help, which was Prince Chumvi, who quickly took his place beside Kunar. Silence, except for growling from the males, as they circled each other. The three males who had backed down were held back by ten lionesses, as if you showed fear, you were not allowed to fight for land. When the fight was over, all defeated males would be driven away, and possibly be thrown to the crocodiles.

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#34558 Posted on 2016-04-27 12:52:30

Lalita heard the faint roar of a fight. She stood, hoping they didn't come this way. She nudged Simba" what do you think is going on out there?" She asked as he woke up.

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#34561 Posted on 2016-04-27 12:56:27

Simba yawned, "You know how rogues are always challenging Kunar. Most likely some more foolish males are getting into a fight with him. He'll win as usual, otherwise we are all in trouble. It's too bad there isn't a fertile land between the Savanna and the Nomad's Land; to help protect it, but Kunar sure can fight. I've seen him."

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#34565 Posted on 2016-04-27 13:02:59

Lalita nodded" very true," she still worried. If he ever lost they would be in big trouble. She lay back down snuggling her cubs close. She pulled herself closer to Simba. She started purring and rubbed heads with him, smiling.

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#34566 Posted on 2016-04-27 13:03:40

Tarzan snarled, glaring at the lions. He glanced over at Kunar requesting permission to use his roar.

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#34567 Posted on 2016-04-27 13:05:00

Kopa sneaked away from his parents and stood outside the den; listening to the fight. His ears pricked to the max, a sense of fierceness arousing inside himself, and knowing that would his future. To fight, for land, for a pride, for a kingdom. He knew this and vowed to do his best to walk in his father's paw prints.

Kunar caught Tarzan's eye and shook his head "no". He wanted to defeat these rogues the natural way. "We may be outnumbered, 4 to 3, but we are still strong. The ones who backed down are not allowed to fight, which helps a lot. Now, if we lose, we will be killed, so will our little brothers, and the pride will be theirs. I won't let that happen. The pride knows their orders. If we lose, the lionesses are going to kill them, and Kacy along with Cali and Tunar will rule the pride. Now, for the honor, and glory of the Savanna!!!!" He snarled and charged the four males; who immediately retaliated.

Last edited on 2016-04-27 at 13:09:31 by Feathered Gold

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#34574 Posted on 2016-04-27 13:18:33

Tarzan lept forward, taking on two males, he slashed at one's face, potentially scarring him. He wrestled with the other, each trying to grip each other's throat. The golden lion caught his enemy's first. He crushed down on the bone. He stood and shook out his large fur.

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#34578 Posted on 2016-04-27 13:23:28

Lalita saw Kopa walk to the edge of the den. He perked his ears and she knew he was listening to the fight. "Kopa, come here dear". She said. She knew he would become a great lion.

Salik looked around her. This new place was pretty amazing, she could get used to it here.

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#34580 Posted on 2016-04-27 13:25:32

Though two had been killed, the other two refused to back down. One was fighting fiercely with Chumvi, both could barely be seen through the dust, though from the cries of pain, everyone knew that Chumvi was afflicting some mighty heavy damage. However, Kunar and his opponent were clearly seen to be both trying to pin each other down , which was hard, as both were about equally sized. Everyone concentrated on that fight for Chumvi was seen to have victory over his opponent when he pinned down and slashed his throat, leaving the rogue struggling while bleeding out severely. He walked over to the midst of the pride, staring at the fierce fight between the leader of the rogues, and the King of the Savanna.

"Yes mother?" Kopa asked, still staring, and listening.

Kody heard a fight, coming from the land beyond the Grasslands, and knew that something bad would happen if he didn't hear that melodious roar again. Lily hid in the small den, trying to protect Kodiak, who struggled loose, and raced to stand with his father.

Last edited on 2016-04-27 at 13:29:21 by Feathered Gold

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#34591 Posted on 2016-04-27 13:31:40

Tarzan watched, scared for his eldest brother, other than Lumvi, who lived far away in the Enchanted Jungle.

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#34592 Posted on 2016-04-27 13:36:19

Lalita smiled at him, still staring out beyond him. "One day you may have yo be doing that to protect our home, your father will help you to learn to fight" she told him, standing. "But for now you are still my little boy, so come here" she said laughing grabbing him gently. She lay down and rolled over wrestling playfully with him, laughing.

Salik ran over towards Kody and stood beside him. When Kodiak ran over she stood in front of him so nothing would happen to him. "What do you think is going on?" She asked

Last edited on 2016-04-27 at 13:36:40 by Momma Bear Blu

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