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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#35156 Posted on 2016-04-29 15:18:05

Tarzan rushed down the Great Rock, going to train, when he scented and saw the rogues. "Hey!" He yelled, tearing towards them. "what are you doing on our land??" He didn't like the sight of them, they made him feel uneasy.

Keno scampered into the den. "KING KING!!" He yelled. "Lost one here!!"

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#35158 Posted on 2016-04-29 15:21:29

(Sorry I've been super busy, where do my characters stand in this? xD)

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#35159 Posted on 2016-04-29 15:24:37

"Lost one?" Kunar couldn't move his legs, but could look up to stare at Keno with surprise. Kacy heard, looked carefully, and could see a dark brown lion disappearing into the Nomad's Land. "I know whom Keno is talking about. He's here." She nodded and waited for Keno to come out so she could talk to her young uncle.

Koki growled, "Quickly, we must hide." He ran away with his sisters deeper in the Nomad's Land.

The five lionesses stopped, one stepped forward boldly, and smiled sweetly at Tarzan. "We are wanderers. We have left our homeland, for the king there wanted to force me to be part of his concubine, and I want to marry for love. My sisters joined me, for they felt that I wouldn't survive on my own. Please, we are hungry, and need a pride to protect us. The rogues were chasing us, but stopped when we entered this land."

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#35161 Posted on 2016-04-29 15:28:56

"Show me where they last were..." He glanced at them, they looked plump and full, and too light colored, even lighter than Keldeo! Kane came and stood by his side, narrowing his eyes. he recognized these lionesses... but from where??

Keno left the den, and bumped into Kacy. "Apologies princess,'' He said.

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#35163 Posted on 2016-04-29 15:33:36

"No, the lost one. I know whom you are talking about and what he's here for. Bacardi has twisted his mind, trained him to kill dad, and all of us. We must let them join, but have Tunar help us help Koki remember whom we are to him, and whom he is to us." Kacy whispered in Keno's ear. She indicated with her head to follow him, to convince Tarzan to let them join the pride, so they could use THEM to get to Bacardi.

The lioness nodded and indicated with her paw. "We came from a faraway land, beyond the southern desert of King Mohatu. We tried to find refuge there, but he had us driven away from their land because they have a lack of food. While this land appears to have plenty. The rogues were in the Nomad's Land, but stopped when we crossed into this green land. I do not know why though. They were five, while you are only two." The lioness told Tarzan and Malka and then five lionesses all bowed to the two males.

Last edited on 2016-04-29 at 15:35:30 by Feathered Gold

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#35166 Posted on 2016-04-29 15:38:41

Tarzan snorted, and Malka went back to the Great Rock, he turned the way the lioness pointed, and Kane sped off the same way. When Tarzan arrived, the cheetah told him, "No rogue scents, except theirs, and..." Tarzan caught a whiff of the scent, and glanced at Kane. They nodded and Kane sped off the tell Kunar.

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#35168 Posted on 2016-04-29 15:42:09

"Yeouch!!!!! Oh c'mon Areli!!!! Why are my legs hurting??????" Kunar snarled, but Areli simply laughed. "Simple. You are regaining the feeling in your legs. Be grateful for that pain." Kunar moaned, but within another fifteen minutes, he was able to stand up shakily, and smiled. "Okay, perhaps by tomorrow I'll be okay?" Areli rolled her eyes, "Yes, but no fighting. You need to give yourself a chance to heal completely."

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#35169 Posted on 2016-04-29 15:44:03

Kane rushed into the den, huffing. "Your son," pant, pant "Is here."

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#35170 Posted on 2016-04-29 15:48:22

"How many times do I have to tell you? Koki is dead." Kunar refused to believe that and shakily walked off. Kacy quickly whispered in Keno's ear, "Do not try to convince him any other way. You know how he is. Come, we need to convince Tarzan to let those lionesses in. Tunar?" Kacy looked at her brother, who nodded, and both trotted to talk to Tarzan.

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#35173 Posted on 2016-04-29 15:50:52

Kane shook his head and followed the three lions out. Tarzan came back to the Great Rock, nose to the wind.

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#35174 Posted on 2016-04-29 15:52:45

"Tarzan, I order you as the future Queen to allow those lionesses join our pride." Kacy ordered, Tunar stood firmly beside his sister, and both looked at Tarzan.

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#35175 Posted on 2016-04-29 15:59:42

Tarzan lashed his tail and snorted. "Fine." he growled and tore away with Kane to practice.

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#35180 Posted on 2016-04-29 16:06:42

Kacy looked at the five lionesses, who stared at her, and then bowed. "Thank you your majesty." Kacy simply nodded and trotted away proudly with her brother. Tori and the other lionesses followed, were introduced to the rest of the pride, who looked at them with suspicion, but were a little worried, thinking their future queen made a foolish mistake. The five lionesses made themselves at home in an empty cave and plotted about how to go about completing their mission. "Hee, hee, that princess is dumber than we thought! She let us in and refused to listen to reason. We can use her innocence, sweetness, and seeing-the-good in everybody against her." Aussie snickered, the other three grinned evilly, but Tori was thinking deeply. "I don't know. She had to have some reason to let us in, but what is it? She's not dumb, I can see it in her eyes, she's smart, and she needs to be watched."

"Kacy, I hope you know what you are doing. You know those lionesses are up to no good." Tunar expressed his concerns to his sister, to which she waved it off. "I know they have been manipulated, twisted, and trained by Bacardi. But, we can use that against them. If we can't get Koki to us, then that witch will use something else to get rid of the royal family. We need to get Koki here, to us, get into his brain, remind him who he truly is, and then once we have done that; he can help us get to his lionesses and then we can use them to get rid of Bacardi once and for all." Kacy told him secretly, to which Tunar looked with surprise, smiled, and nodded. "That is a good plan. Never thought of it quite like that!"

Koki, Ciardi, and Cariole relaxed as best as they could in the Nomad's Land. He already had to drive three rogues away, for they had tried to fight him for his sisters. But, he easily defeated them, and took over one of the rogues home.

Simba lay on his ledge outside of his den, thinking deeply. He knew that they were all safe once more, the kings of the prides surrounding the Savanna would not have to go to war, yet, there was a sense of danger, of treachery in the air, of deception. He could smell it on the evening breeze and didn't like it.

Solo growled, for something wasn't right. He always had to deal with avalanches from the northern border of his kingdom from the Snowy Kingdom. Yet, there had been no avalanches recently, and Bacardi had been seen on the ledge overlooking his kingdom for a long time earlier that day. He hated that lioness, for he had to drive her off when Shula and Cholo were younger, as she had tried to steal them, but had failed when Solo caught her in the act.

Kody was uneasy, he didn't like the heavy feeling of treachery on the evening breeze, and felt that he needed to be on his guard more than ever.

Last edited on 2016-04-29 at 19:25:49 by Feathered Gold

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#35367 Posted on 2016-04-30 13:27:05

(wasn't Keldeo pregnant in the last RP? For some reason I think she was...)

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#35409 Posted on 2016-04-30 16:59:56

(I can't remember...... :/)

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