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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#34594 Posted on 2016-04-27 13:37:53

Kunar raised up on his hind legs, roaring in pain for the rogue leader had began to slash at his face, and backed off. He snarled, backed off, the rogue leader, thinking he had him, charged, but Kunar easily evaded his charge, letting him run straight into the rock behind him, which he dizzyingly walked away from, and Kunar attacked him again. The male immediately regained control of himself, though his head hurt, and tried to throw Kunar off him. But, Kunar quickly used his bulk size, and pinned him. He held him down and whispered in his ear, "Give up and I'll let you live." The rogue leader growled, relenting, and Kunar let him up. "Leave. Never return. For in the day you do, I won't be as merciful. Drive them away ladies. Tarzan, NOW you may use your roar, once you get them back into the Nomad's Land!" The males all raced away, with 25 lionesses after them, and barely crossed that log across the crocodile infested river. The crocodiles tried to snap and grab one, but he just got away from their jaws.

"The King of the Savanna is fighting with a rogue. All I know, is that if he looses, we are in deep trouble." Kody said.

Kopa giggled, batting at Lalita's face, and smiled sweetly.

Last edited on 2016-04-27 at 13:39:24 by Feathered Gold

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#34597 Posted on 2016-04-27 13:41:53

"Come here you" she said laughing after he batted her face. She grabbed his little tail and pulled playfully, "gotcha". She was absolutely loving playing with her son. She would never forget this.

Salik nodded. Yes she knew they would be in grave danger if he lost. But she had a feeling he wouldn't.

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#34598 Posted on 2016-04-27 13:46:39

Once more, that melodious, and dangerous roar sounded across the entire landscape. All the animals and nearby prides in the area sighed with relief; EXCEPT for Bacardi, who growled, and wished they had been able to get rid of that annoying Kunar.

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#34601 Posted on 2016-04-27 13:53:07

Lalita heard the roar and laughed," the king has won, my dear boy. We are safe" she continued playing with him. Limbi and Lasari joined in on the little wrestling match and soon everyone was laughing and playing.

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#34602 Posted on 2016-04-27 13:55:06

Simba and Basra roared together, Zala roared from the Jungle, Kody roared from the Ridge, and Solo roared from the Grasslands. Kunar's roar nearly drowned them out, but all could hear the roars.

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#34603 Posted on 2016-04-27 14:00:48

Lalita stopped playing for a moment to watch Simba roar. Limbi gave a little roar of her own, which sounded like a cute mew. I smiled and grabbed her" come ere you beauty" I said laughing.

Salik listened to the roars. She knew they were all safe now. She smiled at the family.

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#34607 Posted on 2016-04-27 14:08:11

Kody roared, so did little Kodiak, who sounded like a tiny squeak.

Solo grinned, "My uncle has won!!!!" He roared his wild roar, with young Shula roaring fairly decently for a cub his age.

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#34617 Posted on 2016-04-27 14:32:46

But the loudest, most powerful roar, came from Tarzan, and the clouds roared with him. The long grass billowed and swayed, and the Lion Guard came to stand beside their leader, gazing across the Savvanah

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#34618 Posted on 2016-04-27 14:36:40

The males bolted even faster, for Tarzan's roar startled them, for they had no idea he had the Roar of the Elders, and disappeared into the Nomad's Land. They regrouped by their camp, breathing heavily and rapidly, and staring at one another. Their leader snarled, all looked at him, and he glared at the three who had backed down. "Get out of my sight! You cowards...." They didn't hesitate and ran far away. He snarled and paced; thinking. "I need to find some more males who aren't scared of Kunar. This might take awhile."

(That male will be back, but from another direction, and with another plan.)

Last edited on 2016-04-27 at 14:37:48 by Feathered Gold

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#34632 Posted on 2016-04-27 14:58:35

Tarzan waved his tail at Marrana and led his friends to the slope where they were train. "Landslides are a terrible thing to encounter." Tarzan explained. "So we need to be ready." He scaled the slope, and speedily skidded down it. "Find a way that suits you. " He glanced at Marrana and the two walked off the talk.

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#34707 Posted on 2016-04-27 19:46:07

Kunar, though he was tired, and covered with new wounds; lay on the hillside and watched the Lion Guard train. He liked to keep an eye on his brother and see how they trained. He wanted to make sure they were ready for anything, so he often gave suggestions to Tarzan for their training, and watched their training as often as he could.

Tunar lay on his favorite sunning rock, watching his uncle Chumvi lick his wounds, and growled; wishing he had been allowed to fight. However, he was only 4 years old, so he wasn't completely filled out with the muscles of a full grown lion, and wouldn't be completely full grown till he was at least 5 years old.

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#34950 Posted on 2016-04-28 18:29:16

Keno ran and slid into Kunar. He puffed, before crying. "Sleeping bleed again! Help!" He gazed up at Kunar, hoping he understood.

Tarzan came back to the Guard, beaming, Marrana at his side. Bamar came tumbling down the slope, crushing Ginelly. "HEY!!" She screamed. "Get off me!" The rhino stood, and the zebra mate stood, shaking her mane. Grumbling, she trudged up the hill, followed by the tall Lilly. Tarzan chuckled.

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#34959 Posted on 2016-04-28 19:02:04

"Again? I don't know what to think Keno........" Kunar sighed and trotted back to the Great Rock. Zuza couldn't take a message to Areli as she was sitting on five eggs, but her mate Everest could, which he swiftly did. She arrived within a few minutes, loaded down with herbs, medicines, and all the natural things you could think off; besides a soft fur. "I am going to spend the night with Keno and Kalina, to see what is up, and to make sure it is not something that is making her bleed." She said, laying out her fur on a ledge just above Kalina, and gently washing her wound out with warm fresh minty water that would sterilize the wound before rubbing some fresh healing cream made from a secret recipe her father had taught her just before he died.

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#34962 Posted on 2016-04-28 19:04:25

Kalina twitched and moaned. Keno had just arrived, and was cooing. He glared at Areli. "She no die. " He told her, and curled up and fell asleep.

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#34964 Posted on 2016-04-28 19:11:55

Areli rolled her eyes but said to Kunar, "He's going to be a good Seer, when he's older, and hopefully can make himself be understood by the less intelligent animals. I wonder when Kalina will wake up, she's be in a coma for the past four years, and hasn't really grown other than size. No muscle on that gal, so she's going have a lot of work to do to even be part of the hunting party." She mumbled, laying down, and resting her weary eyes.

Kunar shrugged and trotted to join his tired family. He too was tired, his wounds were a little sore, but he had refused Areli's offer to clean them, claiming that he'd be fine. His older wounds had healed just fine, so why should these be any different?

Last edited on 2016-04-28 at 19:30:38 by Feathered Gold

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