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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#34361 Posted on 2016-04-26 19:56:41

"She collects cubs. I don't like it, but she's my Queen, so what can I say?" Koki growled, stalking forward, something bugging him about Bacardi's cub collecting, like it was triggering a memory from a long time ago. Just then, they came out of the tunnel, and there was nothing but grass as far as the eye could see; except for distant bones and rocks straight ahead from the tunnel. "There is the Grasslands, beyond is the Elephant Graveyard. King Solo reigns there, but will grant you safe passage if you don't pose any threat to his family."

Last edited on 2016-04-26 at 19:59:14 by Feathered Gold

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#34363 Posted on 2016-04-26 20:00:36

Keno awoke to something warm and sticky in his and Kalina's bedding. Blood! An open wound shocked him. Kalina had a long scrape down her back, and her whole left ear was torn off, gushing. "King! King Brother!" He wailed. "Save. Save now!!"

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#34364 Posted on 2016-04-26 20:01:50

"I pose no threat" she said nodding. It was suspicious. She didn't like it, the only reason she always tried to take a cub was because she was sterile and no lion wanted a sterile mate. She looked around d her. And looked back at the family and the lion who helped them.

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#34366 Posted on 2016-04-26 20:04:32

Kunar grunted, got up fast, and raced down to Kalina. Tunar raced to go get Areli, while Toki and Kacy didn't wake up from all the commotion. "I... what happened? How did she get this horrible wound?!" Just then, Areli showed up, and quickly cleaned the blood off. She then put some sort of medicine on her wound, which made it stop bleeding, and looked closely. "I don't think I can do anything else. She's lost way too much blood. She'll be lucky if she survives the night." Areli said with worry.

Koki leapt onto a ledge above the tunnel and disappeared. Kody bravely led his small pride into the grasslands, where lots of gazelle, and zebra grazed contently.

Last edited on 2016-04-26 at 20:06:04 by Feathered Gold

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#34367 Posted on 2016-04-26 20:07:15

Keno shrieked and threw himself on top of his unconscious sister. He growled and spat at everyone near, and curled himself around Kalina.

Ava stood beside Kunar and glanced at him. "This." She shook her head, "Is why we need mother." She gazed at the stars above, which looked like Lunar's pelt.

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#34368 Posted on 2016-04-26 20:13:51

"I don't know what to say, but it was their time." Kunar felt desperate and stared at the stars. "Dad, if you can hear me, give me guidance. I don't know what to do."

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#34369 Posted on 2016-04-26 20:17:05

Salik gawped at the beautiful place they had walked into. She couldn't believe it" where are we?" She asked the lion. She followed close behind the little pride

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#34370 Posted on 2016-04-26 20:20:49

"The Grasslands. Part of King Solo's kingdom. We are going to go beyond those bones and rocks in the distance." Kody said, beginning to trot, but the sun was against them, as it set before they were past the Elephant Graveyard. Kody had no choice but to settle down beside some rocks with his pride. He was wary and had no intention of sleeping that night; for he was on guard duty.

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#34371 Posted on 2016-04-26 20:25:35

Salik trotted behind them and lay down a bit away from them, keeping an eye out for anything that could go wrong. She would not fall asleep, she would watch the pride who had let her in.

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#34372 Posted on 2016-04-26 20:37:08

Nothing happened that night and when the sun rose; so did the pride. Kody did fall asleep for a little while, but only for short spurts. Kodiak asked if he could go play, which Lily told him not to go far. Kodiak cautiously snuck through the grass, scaring little mice, and smiling. Then, as he went through a thick bunch of grass, he tripped, fell through, and landed on another cub. The other cub and Kodiak coughed from the dust flying, then they both stared at each other, and started smiling. "Hi! I'm Shula! What's your name?" The rich brown cub eagerly said, while Kodiak stared, and then answered, "I'm Kodiak." Shula walked up to the younger cub, for he was about six months old, and smiled again. "Where's your parents little one? My dad is the..." Then, a lion who looked just like Shula stepped out of the grass, and stared at the cub. "Shula, who is this strange cub?" His son turned to look at him, keeping the younger cub behind him, "He ran into me. His name is Kodiak and his family is somewhere nearby." Solo growled, stalked over to frightened Kodiak, picked him up, and walked to where he could smell the strange lions. Shula followed him and both stepped out of the grass. Kody snarled, ready to fight to the death for his son, but stopped when he saw a young cub with the impressive looking male. Solo put Kodiak down, watch him scamper back to Lily, and nodded to Kody. "I am King Solo, you are traveling through my land." Kody gulped but quickly explained that they meant no harm, but were only seeking a land to call their own. Solo turned and pointed to rocky ridge in the distance. "There is land full of rocks, but plenty of water, grass, and prey. You may have safe passage to it through my land and are free to claim it." Kody thanked Solo, who simply nodded, and trotted off with Shula.

Last edited on 2016-04-26 at 20:38:05 by Feathered Gold

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#34374 Posted on 2016-04-26 20:44:36

Salik rustled her short mane and growled at the lion, but stopped when he dropped the cub and introduced himself. She bowed slightly to show respect and looked around at this lions kingdom. It was huge, he must be very firece to get so much land.

Last edited on 2016-04-26 at 20:53:03 by Momma Bear Blu

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#34375 Posted on 2016-04-26 20:49:10

Kody decided not to waste a minute, rounded up his pride, and they trotted straight towards the ridge that Solo had pointed out. As they climbed the ridge, Shula sat on one of the rocks, beside his father, and both watched the pride from the highest point in the Elephant Graveyard. "Dad, how come you didn't fight that male? He was snarling at you." He asked, staring at his dad. "Simple, he was only being protective of his son. Now that the western border of my kingdom is claimed by someone strong like him, no one will dare to challenge me. That land is between the Nomad's Land and my land." Solo nodded and walked down to join Chula and Cholo.

(Actually, Solo only has his mate, and their two 6 month old cubs. No other lionesses have yet joined his pride)

Last edited on 2016-04-26 at 20:51:04 by Feathered Gold

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#34376 Posted on 2016-04-26 20:56:03

(Edited :)

Salik glanced back once more and trotted after the family, they were the only ones who had offered her a place to stay. So she decided to stay with them and protect them.

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#34377 Posted on 2016-04-26 21:03:34

Sure enough, the land had several springs bubbling out of the rocks, creating small streams, and waterfalls that went into the gorge that was on the right of the trail. There was the unmistakable scent of prey being in the area very recently, so it was obvious the land teemed with food. On the other side of the trail, to the left, was another land, that looked fairly desolate, and uninhabitable. A distinct line was seen, where dusty grass suddenly came up against fairly lush green grass, except little spurts of green here and there in the far distance. Kody sniffed the ground and growled fiercely. "That's a land that nobody lives in. It is where rogues wander. Kodiak, do NOT go across this line. It is dangerous." He warned his son, who stared in fright, and nodded. "I like Shula. He nice." Kody nodded, "I approve of you liking Shula. As for you two, be careful. Apparently rogues tend to wander through here, so we will need to be on our guard."

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#34445 Posted on 2016-04-27 05:41:40

Salik nodded"if anything happens I will protect you and your family with my life. For helping me" she told them smiling at Kodiak. She knew she wouldn't let anything happen to them. "Shall we hunt?" She asked smelling the fresh scent of a deer.

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