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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#34286 Posted on 2016-04-26 16:04:36

Tarzan settled near Keno and Kalina, slowly drifting to sleep.

Tarnic and Marrana quickly settled, and fell asleep.

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#34339 Posted on 2016-04-26 18:49:41

Kunar stood on his ledge, looking over the Savanna as the sun set, and roared territorially. All rogues in the Nomad's Land heard and all growled. Some with hate, most with fear, and all bore the scars from Kunar's claws. He was just too strong, fierce, quick, clever, and big for them to overthrow. For Kunar was much larger than the average lion, by about 200 lbs. so it was very difficult to escape once he had you pinned down. Toki, Kacy, and Tunar watched their mate and father roar proudly from their den just above and to the left of the main den. Kacy was excited yet scared to walk in her father's paw prints one day, while Tunar hoped to be a strong lion like him when he was fully grown. Both young lions were already larger than their mom, so that would be very likely.

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#34340 Posted on 2016-04-26 18:53:05

Salik woke, seeing the others still asleep. The cub was snuggled against the mother. She could easily sneak over and grab it without anyone noticing, but she resisted. She lay back down and stared at the family.

Lalita snuggled closer to Simba, feeling her cubs squirm between them. She smiled in her sleep and purred lightly.

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#34345 Posted on 2016-04-26 19:08:17

Tarzan raised his head. His brother had a strong, beautiful roar, but his own? His own could destroy. The large, young lion gazed over at Marrana. He would win her live tomorrow.

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#34346 Posted on 2016-04-26 19:09:13

Lily and Kody slept beside each other, while little Kodiak woke up, and snuck away from his mother. He crept up on a beetle that was sunning itself on a rock, ready to pounce, growling, and then he pounced! He landed right on the beetle and ate it. Then, he leapt down to the other side of the rocks, and suddenly roared in defiance. A strange white lioness raced away, carrying the struggling dark brown cub, and leapt over Salik. "Kodiak!!!!!!" Lily cried out, taking off after the cub snatcher, and Kody looking ready to kill.

Last edited on 2016-04-26 at 19:13:41 by Feathered Gold

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#34347 Posted on 2016-04-26 19:11:03

(She's at it again!! Could we maybe skip a little bit of time?)

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#34349 Posted on 2016-04-26 19:12:31

(At it again? Are you talking about me?)

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#34351 Posted on 2016-04-26 19:15:44

Salik growled, and raced after the lioness. She wouldn't let her take that cub. She sped up and swiped at her feet, knocking her over. Sending the cub flying. She kept up and caught him in her mouth. She tan back to the parents and handed him to them, turning and growling loudly at the lioness standing up.
(Is that OK? I can change it if you want :)

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#34352 Posted on 2016-04-26 19:17:42


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#34353 Posted on 2016-04-26 19:21:50

(No, Bacardi deserves it, and you are completely right Mystic!!! )

Bacardi snarled, but refused to get into a fight, and bolted fast. She easily outran her pursuers, turned a sharp left, ran up a trail, into the snow covered mountains. Kody roared after her, then when he had finished, stared at the trail the lioness had taken, and growled. "Bad news, she got away, and it looks like the only trail out of this desert is up that trail that lioness just took. But, thank you Salik for saving our son."

Meanwhile, Bacardi raced up the trail, stopped about halfway up, noticed that the male didn't follow her, slipped down, hid, and eavesdropped on their conversation. "This is interesting..... perhaps I'll still get that cub." She smiled wickedly and snuck away again.

Last edited on 2016-04-26 at 19:22:40 by Feathered Gold

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#34354 Posted on 2016-04-26 19:27:09

Salik smiled," your welcome, I couldn't let her take him. I can tell he's far too precious to you to lose". She said. She knew she wouldn't take him either. She smiled at the cub and asked" who was that lioness though?" She needed to know who was trying to steal a cub.

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#34355 Posted on 2016-04-26 19:29:20

"I have no idea. But if I ever see her face again.........." Kody snarled, showed his fangs, and thrust out his claws. "I won't hesitate to kill anyone trying to take my son."

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#34356 Posted on 2016-04-26 19:36:05

Salik nodded, she knew what he meant. Now she finally understood. "I will help you in any way I can" she told them with no hesitation. She would fight to the death to help this family.

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#34357 Posted on 2016-04-26 19:47:56

"You are welcome to join our little pride, but don't expect to have cubs from me. Lily is the only one for me." Kody nodded to her pleasantly and led his little pride cautiously up the steep trail. Bacardi waited just above the wide area, next to a large mass of snow, and got ready to cause an avalanche. However, Koki watched the entire confrontation, didn't like it one bit, and decided to guide the small family on another small trail that Bacardi didn't even know about. Kody looked around the rocky and snow covered landscape with wariness, ears pricked to the max, ready to defend his family. Suddenly, a dark brown lion, just as big as Kody leapt down in front of him, to which Kody got ready to attack, but Koki's look made him back down. "Follow me. Bacardi awaits you just ahead. She will cause an avalanche which will kill you and then take your cub. If you want to live, follow me." He growled and stalked past them; turning to the wall just behind Lily, pushed a rock aside, and disappeared into a tunnel. Kody wasn't sure, but he followed, and so did Lily carrying the cub. As soon as they entered the tunnel, the rock rolled back into place, like it had never been moved. The tunnel wasn't dark, for there were cracks in the ceiling, and melted snow dripped down onto the lions.

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#34360 Posted on 2016-04-26 19:52:47

Salik nodded " of course, I.. I can't even have cubs so you have no worries." She told him. When the big lion came to say he could help them she couldn't help but stare. She followed the rest of them, still watching the male lion who had helped them. "Who is this Bacardi? And why does she want to steal there cub?"

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