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NYC High School

#189759 Posted on 2018-09-21 12:44:34

She glanced at the page number Sam's history book was now open to and had to flip forward a couple pages in her own. She could catch up later. She was glad Kahlen had confirmed Louis's safety. It was nice to not have to worry about him for once. Em handed the pen back to Sam and glanced at the clock.

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#189817 Posted on 2018-09-22 19:43:43

Auberon tossed Chicken Slayer into the back of his locker, making a loud clunk as he did so.

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#189818 Posted on 2018-09-22 20:11:03

Kahlen was glad that her jacket was red, because she wasn't exactly sure how badly she was bleeding. It was definitely annoying.ย 

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#189820 Posted on 2018-09-22 20:20:10

Auberon grabbed some other things (after looking around to see if anyone had heard that), then closed his locker quietly.

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#189911 Posted on 2018-09-25 15:58:11

Kahlen glanced at the clock. Almost over, and not soon enough. This is starting to bother me, she thought as she withdrew her hand farther into her jacket sleeve.

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#189913 Posted on 2018-09-25 16:23:46

Auberon turned and looked at the clock. He sighed quietly and slumoed against the lockers. Too late to go to class. He waited patiently for the bell to sound, but still remained where he was when it did.

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#189915 Posted on 2018-09-25 16:32:00

Once the bell rang, Kahlen left the class as soon as possible. I should probably take a look at my hand, but it's just a scratch.

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#189916 Posted on 2018-09-25 16:34:16

Auberon grumbled under his breath when he saw people, getting up and walking away from the hall quietly.

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#189918 Posted on 2018-09-25 16:38:54

The bell rang and the chairs scraped against the floor as people stood. Em closed her history book and grabbed her novel before she stood and pushed her chair back in after. She would stop by her locker to check her schedule and drop off the history book before heading to her next class. With her books in her arms, Em headed for the class door. It was a little congested with everybody trying to leave the room simultaneously.ย 

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#189924 Posted on 2018-09-25 17:59:11

Auberon had no clue what subject he had next, or where it was, but quickly enough he was stopped by a teacher with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. Her eyes were behind reading glasses, and staring into them almost made Auberon feel completely daft. She smiled sweetly, which just made him freak out even more. "Are you Auberon?" she asked, whiping out a pen and scribbling something down on a notebook. Auberon nodded nervously, his eyes pressed to the pen to avoid looking at her. The teacher proceeded to go on about the consequences of being tardy to class, and she hoped he had a good excuse for not showing up at all. Unfortunately, Auberon didn't have a good reason, so he just made an excuse of how he wasn't feeling well, so he was in the office the entire time. The woman opened her mouth to speak, but Auberon smiled and jogged away before she could say more.

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#189961 Posted on 2018-09-26 16:48:45

Kahlen made it into her next class without being noticed. She slid into a seat near the back window and tried to ignore how much her hand was bothering her. I've gotten worse injuries than this and they were less annoying. Goodness.

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#189968 Posted on 2018-09-26 17:42:57

She finally made it out of the doorway only for Sam to snag her sleeve and pull her to the side. "You had something to do with the emergency, right?" Em started to shake her head only for Sam to grin. "Yeah, no, don't deny it." He grabbed her wrist and held her hand up. "Your finger is bleeding." Em frowned thoughtfully at the wound, not recalling any part of the fight where it might have happened. "Paper cut." Sam shook his head this time. "That could be believable, but you've also got a small scrape on your arm." She pulled her hand free and studied the scrape as well. That's odd. When did these even happen? Oh, right. There was glass on the floor and I pricked my finger on it while getting my knives. And the chair the one empousa threw scraped against me. "That's an old injury. I'm a little clumsy sometimes," Em laughed sheepishly. "Come oooon, I just want to hear the story. Are there too many people around? How about this - you can come hang out at my place after school. A few friend are coming out later but if you're there right after it'll give you time to tell me what happened." "Sorry, but there's no story to tell. And even if there was, I'm going to my friend Georgia's house after school. I need to get to my next class. See you later, Sam." She shot him a smile and waved over her shoulder as she walked down the hall toward her locker. Now she was pressed for time.

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#190255 Posted on 2018-09-28 13:31:25

ย Mason exited the room after everyone else, not at all in a hurry. He glanced down at his schedule; he had math next, and it was just down the hall. He sighed inwardly. Math was a subject that he'd never taken the time to be good at, though he could probably get good grades in every class if he tried - which he didn't.

Last edited on 2018-09-28 at 13:31:46 by Raptor

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#190257 Posted on 2018-09-28 13:43:20

Em tossed her books into her locker and hurried down the hall for her English class. She found a seat and sat down just before the teacher started. Barely made it.

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#190303 Posted on 2018-09-28 17:10:57

Kahlen could sense Mason walking down the hall and could only pray he didn't have the same class.

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