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T.A.A.S Agency RP

#185969 Posted on 2018-08-21 23:48:03

Rodger led him to the same room. "You don't have a teammate, so we'll see how you do solo. There's a note on the end of the gymnasium. Bring it back. If you get shot you have to come back and start over. All weapons will go in that basket over there."

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#185980 Posted on 2018-08-22 05:06:18

He didn't move to put his knife in the basket. Quinn looked around the room, noting a few trip wires and traps. He spotted the fake guns in the wall and couldn't help but hope they didn't make too realistic a noise. He had never really liked guns. They were loud and messy. Left too much evidence. But not only that, he had some unpleasant memories with them.

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#185982 Posted on 2018-08-22 05:33:39

Marina turned to the other person in the room- the new guy. "What's your name?" she asked, trademark smile on her face.

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#185989 Posted on 2018-08-22 08:32:08

She watched Quinn leave silently, then watched Mari talk to the new boy. Great. Stuck in here with her. 

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#185997 Posted on 2018-08-22 10:12:18

"You can't start until you put your knife in the basket. I can assure you it will be returned," the friendly headless hordeman said kindly.

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#186000 Posted on 2018-08-22 10:23:15

His hand drifted protectively to the blade's handle. "Not happening. It stays with me."

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#186001 Posted on 2018-08-22 10:24:48

Rodger studied the kid quietly. "Very well, but you may not use it for anything," he replied, turning on the system. "You may start."

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#186002 Posted on 2018-08-22 10:32:16

Quinn shrugged. "Okay." He looked out at the field again, studying it a moment before heading out onto it. Quinn snagged a pole and swung over a hole and accompanying trip wires, landing softly on his feet. A gunshot rang out, and his eyes snapped to the wall where a fake bullet whizzed his direction. Quinn stepped to the side and it sped past him. He made quick work of the rest of the course, reaching the paper on the other end. He had already identified the decoy - as a thief he had a good eye for what was fake and what was real - and avoided it. Quinn checked around the paper for any traps before approaching. He snagged it off the wall and quietly crossed back through the field, handing the paper to Rodger. 

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#186018 Posted on 2018-08-22 12:02:24

 He glanced up at the girl with curly hair, having been snapped out of his thoughts. "Reagan. Uh, Reagan Carden." 'Oh, like Nicholas Carden, the successful racehorse trainer?' Yes, he's my dad. 'Oh, like Ethel Carden, the Supreme Court Justice?' Yes, she's my dad's cousin. 'Oh, like Alexa Carden, the historian?' No, nobody ever says that, because she never left that blasted town, which is why nobody knows who she is. Which is why I left it. You don't get anywhere in life if you stay in Cyan Groves. But, ah, nobody asked about that.

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#186022 Posted on 2018-08-22 12:14:39

Her eyes narrowed thoughfully at the new boy’s name. Wasn’t Katie with a Chester Carden once upon a time? Ethel was also a Carden. And there was that one racehorse trainer... Carden somethin. 

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#186036 Posted on 2018-08-22 13:31:57

Mari nodded. "Nice to meet you. I'm Mari!" The redhead regarded him for a moment. "What are your thoughts on brownies?"

Last edited on 2018-08-22 at 13:39:39 by ♪ Bandit ♪

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#186049 Posted on 2018-08-22 14:18:05

Rodger took the note. "Well done, you may return to the room," he said.

Shane to a shakey breath, regaining his composure and going back to the room. He sat back down on his chair without saying anything.

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#186054 Posted on 2018-08-22 14:42:12

He nodded and left, only able to find his way back to the room because he had paid attention on the way to the course. He opened the door and slipped inside, going back to his corner and positioning himself against the wallpaper.

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#186065 Posted on 2018-08-22 15:25:31

Shane looked at Quinn when he came in, glancing at his backpack for a moment.

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#186066 Posted on 2018-08-22 15:28:47

She glanced up when Quinn and Shane returned, then turned her gaze back to the clock. Cmon, hurry up. 

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