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#186524 Posted on 2018-08-25 15:15:25

He nodded to Denver. "You three may go prepare for the quest. Now for the second prophecy.
Trust led to betrayal.
Friendship turned to hatred.
Danger left unchecked.
Life becomes death.


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#186529 Posted on 2018-08-25 15:21:03

 His hand shot upward before he could think twice. Well, this is it. I'm dragging my boyfriend and whoever else volunteers on a dangerous quest to find the girl who, well, unintentionally, blinded my sister and murdered my first crush. A pause. Wait-

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#186530 Posted on 2018-08-25 15:23:54

She silently raised her hand once Chiron had finished. 

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#186531 Posted on 2018-08-25 15:24:40

He raised his hand to volunteer, glancing around to see one other kid who had done so as well. And Outlaw. Kahlen isn't going to be happy. The thought flew through his head but he shrugged it off. She had gone on a quest.

"It's settled, then. You three will go on the quest. You can get your things together and prepare to leave." Chiron paused. "Remember, nobody is allowed to leave the main camp area. The beach and forest are off limits until these issues are resolved. Disobeying this rule puts your life in danger."

Last edited on 2018-08-25 at 15:25:54 by Oswin

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#186539 Posted on 2018-08-25 15:35:44

Hah! When I learn to listen that’ll be the day the world collapses. She thought dryly to herself. She then got up and headed for the exit. What even did she need pack??

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#186598 Posted on 2018-08-25 18:23:27

Denver nodded and went to his cabin to go start packing.

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#188154 Posted on 2018-09-03 19:59:30

He stood and weaved his way back to his cabin, sitting on the edge of his bed and looking around blankly for a moment. He stood, scooping up a bag and tossing a couple changes of clothes into it. A water bottle - stainless steel, of course. A couple snacks. He snapped a sheathe around his waist and tucked his dagger inside. He contemplated the bottle of pills. He doubted he would take any, but he might as well being the bottle just in case. He tossed it in and zipped up the bag. Auberon took a small bit of chocolate and some colored tissue paper. He wrapped it and tied it with a ribbon. Now to deliver the news to Kahlen. He left the cabin and made his way to the infirmary, pushing the tent flap open and peering inside to see if she was there.

"Everyone is dismissed. To the questers that haven't left, you'll be heading out in an hour. Inform the others. Campers, if you have further questions or concerns, I'll be in the dining pavilion." The centaur trotted away from the stunned crowd.

"Hello, again." Nikkol aggressively yanked the spear from the chest of a dummy, ignoring the voice. He simply chuckled inside her head, an eery sound that sent chills running down her spine. "You've got nerve. That's valuable. I could use someone like you. Does anybody there really care about your predicament? Have they tried to help you? Appreciated your talents?" She paused, then the spear went sailing through the air. It pierced deep into the skull of the dummy with a thud. She jogged over and pulled it out again. "There's a reason you're here, dear. If you join me, I'll tell you. You could be of use to me. On my side, you'll get explanations and appreciation. I'll give you a nice place to stay."  Nikkol clenched her jaw, fingers going white around the handle. "I need an answer, Nikkol. I'll check back in periodically." She felt his presence go and let out a breath. She couldn't deny his offers had been tempting. She exited the arena, eyes out for Mason. While she didn't want to talk to the imbecile, he seemed to know the most about the voice in her head. And she wanted to get rid of it.

He finished his job. A bunch of cats had appeared, some eating food, others playing with freshly-catnipped toys. Still others lapped daintily, or not so daintily, at water. Rhyme sat obediently outside the barn, tail wagging when he approached. He dropped a hand absently onto the pup's head as he passed. She stood and followed him back to the lady's house. Beau stepped inside. "Finished already?" She looked up from chopping carrots. "Could you be a dear and go chop wood for me? It's hard for my feeble arms to lift the axe." Beau stared at her a moment. "It's summer," he finally said incredulously. "I'm old. I get cold." With a sigh, Beau trudged back outside.

She finally got into the wheelchair, thanking the medic who had helped her. "Come on, Jimmy!" Freddie pleaded, grinning toward where she hoped he was. Some of her old spark had returned now that she could possibly leave this place, get out and do stuff. She held the cube in her lap for something to do with her hands. Her unseeing eyes sparkled with excitement. "Where should we go?" 

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#188189 Posted on 2018-09-04 11:20:02

"Ollie is one of the most accident prone people I know." Her twin paused. "You understand, right? And you're okay with it?" Denver asked as he packed more medical supplies. Kahlen sighed. "How many times do I have to say yes? You don't need my permission. Just come back safe or I'll give away your giraffe collection." Kahlen decided not to outwardly acknowledge Kronos. I'll go chat with Nikkol in a minute.

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#188190 Posted on 2018-09-04 11:24:44

He spotted her and headed over, hand digging into his pocket. He withdrew the specially-wrapped chocolate as he drew nearer. "Sorry to interrupt," he muttered, glancing at Denver before handing Kahlen the chocolate. He attempted to send a small smile her way. "I volunteered for a quest." Auberon did his best to keep his voice cheerful, and thought it came out kind of believable. Well, as believable as he could be without meds.

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#188200 Posted on 2018-09-04 13:04:06

She went to her cabin and threw some snacks, drinks, and a couple changes of clothes into a small bag along with her medical kit just in case. She made sure she had her guns and sword and extra ammunition, then exited again, mumbling a "I'm goin on a quest" to Bo and Ben. They stared after her as she swiftly ducked out the door before they could say anything.

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#188201 Posted on 2018-09-04 13:13:34

 He chuckled softly, his mood lifted by the return of her energetic personality. "The beach would be cool, but it's off-limits, and so are the woods... Hm," he replied, trailing off. "The rest of camp is boring. Where do you wanna go?"

 An hour? James glanced up at Floyd, unsure of how he would react. "Looks like I've gotta leave soon. Um, you can ask Chiron if you can come too, but, since both quests have three people, he probably wants them to stay like that, so..."

 Well, here goes nothing. "Alright, Ollie, time to go," Ethel announced needlessly, grabbing Ollie by the arm and tugging her out of the amphitheater. "I just got back from a quest, so you'd better thank me for this."

 Mase pulled himself from his thoughts. That's in the past now. He slid the photograph back into its pocket, his fingers brushing against an old, frail, folded piece of paper as he did so, though he didn't allow himself to get caught up in the memories that that artifact held. He sighed, throwing the bag over his shoulder before exiting the cabin. Where to now?

Last edited on 2018-09-04 at 13:15:30 by Raptor

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#188204 Posted on 2018-09-04 13:34:08

She shrugged, thinking. "Anywhere but here. How about the camp store? I think I hid some snack or something there, though I can't remember exactly what I put there. It was a long time ago. We could find out." 

He found the axe and the stack of wood to be chopped out behind the house. Rhyme followed him loyally and he paused to throw some sticks for her. The puppy was ecstatic, her tail whipping the air, as Beau played with her. He finally gave one last throw and trudged to the wood pile. Hefting the axe, he found it was a little heavy and he wondered how she normally chopped her wood. He placed a log on the block and swung the axe. With a crack, the wood splintered and broke into two good-sized pieces.

She had been heading back toward where the centaur had gathered the camp, but movement by the cabins caught her eye. First she spotted the tall girl who stayed to herself, and then Mason. She paused, debating if she should actually approach him or not. But the voice in her head needed to go, and Nikkol didn't know who to go to, so she started forward again. Her first guess was Mason, since he said he was Kronos's kid, and then she would look for Kahlen. And if neither of them could help, well, she wasn't sure. If only this had never happened to her, and she had stayed in her village with a father who didn't care for her, a mother who apparently wasn't her mother who loved her, and her betrothed. She had been happy there, excited for the future, but of course, here she was instead. And she wasn't even sure where here was. Nikkol had finally drawn close enough to talk. "Good morning." 

A knock came on his door. Noah glanced around, snagging the sword he had sitting nearby. Who could this be? He slipped down the stairs and opened the door a crack. "Hi, I'm here to apply for a bodyguard position." Noah laughed, incredulous, and swung the door wider for the monster to enter. "Come on in and find somewhere to crash." 

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#188212 Posted on 2018-09-04 14:34:20

Kahlen turned to Auberon, taking the little package. Aw, that's sweet of him. Or he might just be trying to make up for his possible death- NOPE NO NOPE NOT CONSIDERING THAT- "Oh, really?" Kahlen said, managing not to sound sarcastic, but instead happy about it. 

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#188213 Posted on 2018-09-04 14:36:56

This is going better than I thought. "Yeah. I'm going to look for Eudora and Andro."

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#188215 Posted on 2018-09-04 14:52:49

 "Or we could just bypass the rules... No, I don't want to put her in danger," he murmured aloud, unaware that he'd done so. "What? Snack- Oh," he replied, trying to remember what she'd said. "Yeah, okay. It's probably expired, though, whatever it is." He grabbed the handles of her wheelchair and began pushing it, tediously weaving around cots and chairs before finally reaching the exit.

 "No need to be so formal. What do you want?," he asked bluntly, his eyes drifting to her outdated outfit. "You can't go around dressed like that, you know. Regular people- No, what do you call them? Mortals. They'll get confused. Go steal something from the camp's little gift shop. They're got cheap bead necklaces - the kind from the dollar store, not to be confused with the special camp necklaces - and magnets and drink bottles and a bunch of other touristy junk, but that's where they sell the shirts at. There's probably other clothes there too."

Last edited on 2018-09-04 at 14:54:36 by Raptor

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