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#188241 Posted on 2018-09-04 17:08:52

Auberon shrugged as well. "I don't care. Anything works for me."

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#188314 Posted on 2018-09-05 13:13:38

 "Because - wow - maybe you could have all of those things here as well, or maybe even something better. I'm not saying your life wasn't great before Kronos got involved. Mine was too, for the most part. But the only thing preventing you from making the most of what you've got is your close-mindedness," he shot back, eyeing her spear. "And I'm pretty sure you're treating us like freaks, but whatever," he added, stepping around her and resuming heading in the direction that he'd intended to go before she'd stopped him. "Just, you know, think about that a little bit."

 They reached the store and he slowed to a stop, making sure to make the transition gentle as to not catch Freddie by surprise. "We're here. What part of the store do you think it's in?," he asked, carefully maneuvering the wheelchair through the door and onto the hard floor.

Last edited on 2018-09-05 at 13:14:07 by Raptor

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#188316 Posted on 2018-09-05 13:34:50

"I hid it inside the poles of a clothing rack. I think to the right side of the store. I left a tiny pink Sharpie mark on the metal." 

She would have thrown her spear at something but the risk of losing one of the few things tying her to her home was too great and so she kept hold of it. Nikkol didn't even know where to go from here. People have been sending odd glances my direction all morning. He has not seen that, apparently. I am not being "close-minded," I just do not understand anything. Nikkol glanced around, trying to decide which direction to go. "Have you made a decision yet?" She groaned and sat down on the grass. No. "No, you don't want to join me, or no, you're still thinking?" At her silence he chuckled again and Nikkol felt that odd shiver down her back. "I'll give you a bit more time to think. You have until the end of today to make a decision. I'd just like to point out that so far nobody has said why you shouldn't follow me." She bit her lip and set the spear down, staring at the grass. I do not want a part of any of this. Send me back. "It's not that simple." Is there a way? "Maybe." The smile in his voice told her he would most likely be able to figure it out. He implied it with the tone. Her teeth pierced her bottom lip and a coppery taste slipped onto her tongue.

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#188333 Posted on 2018-09-05 14:44:53

 He nodded, steering her in the proper direction, scanning each rack for a mark. He eventually found one on a long-since-discarded rack in the corner, a few old shirts still clinging to it. "Bingo."

 After a short while, he reached the amphitheater once again, doubtful that the person he was searching for would still be there but determined to at least check and see. He reentered, looking around. "Kaylee?," he asked his surroundings, his voice quieter and more reluctant-sounding than he'd intended. Why did you do that. Why did you even do this. Why.

Last edited on 2018-09-05 at 14:45:23 by Raptor

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#188337 Posted on 2018-09-05 15:34:32

"Bring me closer, please. I want to take it apart." She grinned up at him, excited. This was a good idea.

She felt Kronos leave and rubbed her temples tiredly. Nikkol stood and brushed down her dress. Where was that girl, Kahlen? She would probably want to know about Kronos coming back. Nikkol picked a random direction and started walking away from the cabins. 

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#188347 Posted on 2018-09-05 16:15:49

 Jimmy nodded, pushing her chair right up to it. He took her hand and placed it on the pole, right where the mark was. "I think you can do the rest."

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#188357 Posted on 2018-09-05 17:06:57

Her fingers curled around the metal and she felt along for the mostly hidden seam. Finding it, she lifted the top of the rack off and set it on the ground. Her hand plunged into the hollow part of the lower half and she probed the inside. Her fingers brushed against something plastic. "Aha!" She closed on the corner and lifted it up. It was a bag of some sort, and the air pocket inside told her it was unsealed. She gave it a shake and the contents bounced against each other, the sound rising into the air. "What is it? What's the expiration date?"

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#188417 Posted on 2018-09-06 13:37:47

 "It's...," He trailed off purposefully, jokingly adding suspense to his response. "-...More popcorn. We go a little overboard in the popcorn department, don't we?"

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#188418 Posted on 2018-09-06 13:39:26

"I thought it might be. So is there an expiration date? Wait!" She plunged her hand back into the tube and pulled out a packet of popcorn butter. "Extra butter." 

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#188423 Posted on 2018-09-06 14:51:52

 "Yeah... January '86," he mumbled, glancing at the butter. "Dude, that's gross. It's all separated and- Oh, wait. Sorry. You can't... see that."

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#188424 Posted on 2018-09-06 14:54:35

"Oh. It probably expired." Freddie tossed the butter over her shoulder and ran her hands over the bag of popcorn. "Want to try popping some?"

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#188425 Posted on 2018-09-06 15:03:08

 He scoffed. "Of course I do. They don't call me the Snack King for nothing."

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#188426 Posted on 2018-09-06 15:06:35

She giggled. "I know where Patrick hides his sodas. He's got a variety - no grape, sorry. Want to raid his stash?" 

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#188427 Posted on 2018-09-06 15:13:12

 "Uh, yeah, duh. I still need to get back at him for filling my Chex cereal box with Chex Mix," Jim replied bitterly, backing her chair out of the corner and towards the door.

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#188430 Posted on 2018-09-06 15:32:20

She laughed. "Your face was pretty funny. He hides his soda in this closet in the arena. Nobody ever uses the closet and the shelves are empty but he insists on hiding the soda under the floorboards."

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