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#185112 Posted on 2018-08-18 15:19:25

 "A bunch of people are missing and Beau's one of them," he responded before he could think twice.

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#185120 Posted on 2018-08-18 15:54:09

"W-what?" Freddie stammered. "Who are the other two? What happened? Why -?" She shook her head and fiddled slightly more aggressively with the cube.

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#185127 Posted on 2018-08-18 16:08:57

"Whatever you need to talk about," Kahlen replied.

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#185128 Posted on 2018-08-18 16:12:23

 "Kaia and Marley," Jimmy replied glumly.

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#185129 Posted on 2018-08-18 16:23:57

She groaned and set the cube down, pawing at her eyes before any tears could slip down. "Lately it feels like the camp is falling apart," she said quietly, voice a little choked up. She waited until she felt she would be able to talk without a tremor before asking, "What's the other bad news?"

"I don't remember saying I needed to talk?" he muttered, still obviously a little confused. Auberon gave his head a quick shake. "I mean - sorry - uh... yeah. I didn't take my meds today, I'm probably a little off," Auberon murmured. 

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#185130 Posted on 2018-08-18 16:30:12

 "There isn't any other news. I just wasn't gonna say who exactly was missing if you hadn't asked for the baddest news. Actually, wait- No, yeah, there's more bad news. Apparently Kronos is back." He paused. "And, yeah... I feel the same way," he added softly, staring at her puzzle as a way to distract himself.

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#185165 Posted on 2018-08-18 19:11:46

She groaned again and messed around with the cube again. "Why does everything have to happen all at once? Why couldn't everything stay quiet and happy and good like camp is supposed to be? Why did Noah and Lilly and Gavin and everyone else have to die and everyone go missing and why did I have to get hurt and lose my eyesight and the ability to walk and apparently a few hours or more of memories and -" Freddie's voice broke and she groped for her pillow, covering her face with it as she tried to stop the quiet sobs that had happened against her will.

Last edited on 2018-08-19 at 09:41:01 by Oswin

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#185217 Posted on 2018-08-19 09:30:38

 Do something do something DO SOMETHING! "Fred, hey, it'll be okay," Jimmy said softly, using all of his small amount of emotional strength to keep his voice steady. "I'm gonna figure out a way to fix everything, alright? I can't promise it'll ever be the way it once was, but...," He trailed off, beginning his next statement with surprising confidence. "It'll be alright. I swear on the River Styx."

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#185218 Posted on 2018-08-19 09:49:54

She lowered the pillow, sniffling, and rubbed at her face. "Th-thanks, Jim." She shot a shaky smile his direction, aware that tears still swam in her unseeing eyes but refusing to allow them to slip out. Freddie looked down at the snake cube and shifted it half-heartedly before saying quietly, "I don't know if you'll be able to fix me. I might be -" she paused, waiting for the thickness in her throat to go away, "I might be handicapped forever. But it-it's okay. It's not your fault." 

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#185220 Posted on 2018-08-19 10:00:30

 "Well, I didn't exactly mean that I'd fix what's already been broken. But I'll make it bearable and worth it... somehow." How will you? You have no plan other than to cry yourself to sleep tonight.

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#185221 Posted on 2018-08-19 10:04:47

"Oh. Oops. That works, too." She twisted the snake cube and finally got it into a cube shape. She smiled faintly and then looked over at Jimmy. "Do you happen to have any grape soda? I haven't tried it in a while - maybe I'll like it this time."

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#185222 Posted on 2018-08-19 10:15:21

 He scoffed playfully. "I always have grape soda. That's one thing that'll never change. I'll be right back."
 He exited the tent, breaking into a run once outside as he headed for his cabin, doing his best to ignore the fact that there were a lot less familiar faces along the route than there used to be. He reached the cabin and went over to his bunk, crouching down and reaching underneath of it for the large box of grape soda. He grasped the cardboard and pulled it out, expecting to be able to grab a can but pausing when he realized that it was empty. Jimmy blinked in disbelief and bitter amusement, shoving the empty cardboard box back underneath of his bed with the muttered statement of, "You have got to be kidding me."

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#185224 Posted on 2018-08-19 10:18:48

A medic came over and did a quick check up while Jimmy was gone. Freddie told him about not being able to move her legs, and he examined them briefly. She couldn't make out his face, so she couldn't read his expression when he finished. He handed her a small ambrosia square and a bottle of water and then left.

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#185250 Posted on 2018-08-19 14:02:43

"Okay then. Just thought I'd corner you and ask." She shrugged, then continued. "Look, I know you feel like what happened with Lilly was your fault, and you're going to contradict this next statement, but it wasn't. It isn't. Nobody blames you for what happened but yourself- not Denver, not me, and not any of the medics."

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#185252 Posted on 2018-08-19 14:13:19

"You're right." His fists had unconsciously clenched of their own will, and he pried his nails from his palm and forced himself to relax. "I will contradict it. Tell me - How was it not my fault?"

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