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Venomsayers *Human RP*

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Venomsayers *Human RP*

#13662 Posted on 2016-03-02 11:29:57

Courtney took the peice of paper, and stuck it in her Jeans pocket.
" Thanks." She called before he walked away. She quickly paid $35.00
for the boots, then continued down the aisle, trying not to wince under his gaze. She could feel his jealousy radiating off of him. She sighed, pushing the trouble off her shoulders. That's his problem. she thought.

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#13751 Posted on 2016-03-02 13:40:03

(I really like your character! Reminds me of Reece except Reece has a very short temper and is kind of cooky)
Reece played with her noodles impatiently. She looked at her mother and waited. "So...." She said.
Sebastian walked out of the store. None of those shoes were his type. He glanced in the parking lot to see if anyone was coming his way, got into his truck, glanced again and drove off. He was sooo bored now. Perhaps he could draw... He was awesome at that. He drove around, and then decided maybe he could go to his parents house for a visit. He smiled as he pulled out his phone and quick dialed his ma. "Hey ma, can I come over. I have nothing to do and would love to visit you."
"Sure baby, come down whenever. Wait, but maybe you could have dinner with us?" She asked. He told her yes and I love you ma and hung up. He started toward his parents house. As he got there he saw a cat on the street dead. He looked so sad. He got out of the car and knocked on their door. His 43 year old mom came to the door and welcomed him in. He walked in and saw his 49 year old dad at the table drawing. "Drawing again?" He got no reply from his father, but his mom did. "He has been working on it for a while now." Sebastian got his artistic talents from his father and his aunt. They were both awesome at sketching. Only manga though, and sometimes wolves and horses and etc.. He smiled walking over to his dad and looked at his picture. It was amazing really, it was so amazing. "Pretty good." This time his dad looked up. "Thanks." He said. "Thinking about publishing it into my book. Eh?" "Sounds good!" Sebastian replied.

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#13785 Posted on 2016-03-02 14:13:23

Mia Landiss Venom
Mia smiled at her aunt and kindly spoke to the older woman " Hello Katrina, sorry if you were worried about us we where just at Blairs home and crabbed a bite at the Pizza parlor." Mia shrugged innocently to her aunt trying to convince her of no trouble taking place. Katrina spoke softly " well then Mia why dont you hand me that bag of carrots on the counter then run along with Blair" Mia smiled and nodded to her loving aunt who had an accent that could melt ice. Katrina was from Poland and was quite short but sturdy with her tongues. Mia grabbed an orange, or two, and headed up the wooden stairs with Blair.

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#13792 Posted on 2016-03-02 14:18:39


As Blair helped herself to the apples she saw Mia and quickly grabbed most of the fruit she could get. She smiled to Mia's Aunt with an apple hanging out of her mouth. She quickly waved goodbye to her and headed upstairs with Mia. "so that guy you were looking at behind the counter? You think he's cute?" she questioned though she thought no body was cute. It was going to take one heck of a guy to get through this rebel's heart.

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#13802 Posted on 2016-03-02 14:24:09

(Who was the guy behind the counter? Sorry, I haven't been paying attention to Miami and Blair posts. Just interested...)

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#13803 Posted on 2016-03-02 14:26:34

Mia Landiss Venom
As Mia plopped down on her bed Blair questioned her. Mia smiled shyly and twisted uncomfortably on the lumpy mattress. " um well... yeah hes pretty cute i mean." She blushed and pulled out her phone from the back pocket of the borrowed jeans and placed it onto her wooden night stand. " but... i dont really know his name and have only ever seen him at the shoe store" Mia couldnt help but grin as she fiddled with her socks

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#13808 Posted on 2016-03-02 14:35:04

( it was Sebastian your character :D)


"you totally like him! Your blushing!" she said with a grin. " I cant believe I fell and knocked over ......whats his name? do you know?" " but it was pretty funny!" she said chuckling as she though of it.

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#13815 Posted on 2016-03-02 14:42:15

( Sabastian isnt my character Aiden is, Sabastian is Grell's character :D)

Mia Landiss Venom
Mia giggled. " ok so maybe i do like him! " She almost screamed with delight then thought for a moment " ug! his name is on the tip of my tongue!" she shrugged and fell back on the mound of pillows on her bed. Mia patted the spot next to her signaling to Blair so that they could chat like when they were kids.

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#13820 Posted on 2016-03-02 14:48:04

( I was referring to grell cause she asked :D sorry for the confusion :D)


Blair smiled " hmmm his name was.... idk I've seen him around town he is always playing football???????" she shrugged and layed her head on the pillow. she looked up at the ceiling in which was an older roof as you could tell by its A frame shaped slanted walls. There was a window at the very top of the A frame so it made it almost to were it was a loft.

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#13822 Posted on 2016-03-02 14:51:46

( OH! that makes so much more sense, haha sorry i didnt see her post :D)

Mia Landiss Venom
Mia sighed and starred at the window as she saw a small bird fly by. " I love it here, even though my parents are far away i still feel that you and Katrina are really my only family" She smiled at Blair and lay her head on her shoulder, taking in Blairs familiar scent. Mia and Blair had grew up together and played as children so they are quite close. Mia giggled as she thought of a childhood memory of the two.

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#13827 Posted on 2016-03-02 15:01:36


" haha! hey remember when I fell of the monkey bars I the park and I had the wear a cast for a year! and I got a concussion" " I still did all the things that the doctor said not to do" she said chuckling at the thought of when she was 7.

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#13829 Posted on 2016-03-02 15:03:21

He sat down finally for dinner. They all sat and his dad Toney finally put the drawings up. "So mom, I am thinking about becoming a professional drawer... or maybe a shoe designer. You know..." His mom smiled at him
"I think you would do great at those things. But I want to know when you are going to get a girl friend."
"Oh Caren, you know he doesn't talk about that. Look he is blushing." Dad said with a smile.
"It is Olay. I did see some cute girls at Miss Gingers Sporting goods. One was Courtney I believe, and the other I really don't know. I hope I get to meet the other. I saw her walking around, and funny I saw her at the shelter too... if it was the same person."
His mom smiled. "We will have to find her?"
"Oh no, not this again!" Both Sebastian and his dad said at once. They looked at each other and began to laugh. "So.. ma, thanks for dinner." He said nicely, he had bee t here for a while. "I have to go now, maybe I will come back later?" His ma looked at him carefully. "You go, I see what your thinking. And, honey, I want to go to bed soon, so you could try, your father might be awake on that ridiculous drawing." "Ridiculous!?" Asked Dad. "It is not ridiculous! It is amazing." Caren laughed and stood up, giving Toney more food Nd grabbing her and his plate. Sebastian stood up, washed his hands and walked to the door. "Bye ma, bye dad. Love you." They came and gave him a hug. "Love you too."
Sebastian walked to his car, and drove to get some pizza. To be honest, the food was horrible, he felt horrible and still hungry. He couldn't say that aloud. He parked his black Chevy in the parking lot and walked in with his wallet.

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#13831 Posted on 2016-03-02 15:04:53

Mia Landiss Venom
" Yeah! And your mom told you to stay in bed but instead you ran around the yard with me!" The two started to laugh about the younger them. Mia seemed to get lost in her world of memory as she continued on with the plesent thoughts and dreams

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#13838 Posted on 2016-03-02 15:12:00


"or when I glued the teachers mug and all her other supplies to her desk including her chair!" she said laughing so hard at the thought of it. " her pencil stayed glued to her desk along with her other belongings all year! She said breaking into a slight snort. though it was summer break now she was not ready to go back to school.

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#13842 Posted on 2016-03-02 15:16:33

(catch up? Sorry, I was gone a bit)

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