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Venomsayers *Human RP*

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Venomsayers *Human RP*

#13128 Posted on 2016-03-01 16:09:22


Blair smiled and laughed with her as she hid her face " What did he eat cement!?" she chuckled as she sped away with Mia. She sped by the back of the pizza place were she had always kept her skateboards the quickly grabbed one as she signaled Mia to get the other. She pushed faster and faster as she was headed towards the shoe shop. "AHH!" she screeched as someone opened the door at the last minute and she sped into it. She was out of control and couldn't stop. She sped through the outlet as she ran into Oliver. She screamed as she flew off of the skateboard tumbling into him and knocking him off of his balance.

Last edited on 2016-03-01 at 16:12:02 by 🌲Laney

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#13131 Posted on 2016-03-01 16:13:22

Mia Landiss Venom
Mia sped after Blair. Mia couldnt help but giggle as she rolled upon the the scene of tumbling teens knocking into one another. " Oliver, Blair! Are you guys ok?" Mia laughed as she saw Olivers confused face and Bliar sitting mildly. Mia hit the board with her foot, causing it to sail upward into her awaiting hand. She stood cockily and flipped her hair back as she eyed the guy behind the counter.

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#13134 Posted on 2016-03-01 16:20:12


Blair pulled herself off of Oliver " haha sorry about that......" she said making a smile as she held out her hand to help him up. She then realized her leather jacket had a small tear in it. " are you kidding me! uuug! It has a rip!" she said. she wiped herself down making sure nothing else was ripped or torn. her leather shoe had come un done so she laced it back up. still holding her hand out she smiled and said " let me introduce myself, I'm Blair" she said with a smile. She had seen the cops come her way as she quickly pulled up her hand " ahh but I got to go!" she said grabbing her skateboard as the cops chased after Mia and her in the store. She sped out of the store as quick as she could with the cops trailing behind.

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#13137 Posted on 2016-03-01 16:23:58

Mia Landiss Venom
Mia tralled after Blair. " eh wait up!" She spoke quickly, knowing that Blair would only holt for a minute. She cranked her Converse covered foot into the asphalt and sped down a small hill. She gained speed and quickly caught up to Blair. She could not see the cops anymore she shouted " turn right, lets head to my aunts place!" She slipped her foot into the grass as she rolled down the street.

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#13142 Posted on 2016-03-01 16:30:43


"Ok" blair said speeding to her aunts house. as she made it to her aunts house she jumped off her skate board landing and doing a roll as the skate board rolled towards he she picked it up and waited there for Mia who was close behind.

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#13148 Posted on 2016-03-01 16:34:41

Mia Landiss Venom
Mia rolled to a stop and hurled at the board, picking it up violently. " Well they arent following so i think were clear!" Mia smiled at Blair as she burst out laughing. She walked to the back door as a cute patched dog greeted them. Mia bent over and let it slobber on her dirty cheeks. " Oh Clip! Hi buddy!... Yeah i missed you too!" She babied the pup as Blair stood closely behind.

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#13151 Posted on 2016-03-01 16:40:19


"what's your aunt going to think? are we goanna tell her?" she questioned as she bent down to pet the scruffy little dog. "Hey bud" she said patting the dog.

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#13154 Posted on 2016-03-01 16:43:59

Mia Landiss Venom
Mia smiled as she glanced at her friend and her dog. " thats Clip, hes a trouble making rescue and he loves to steel your shoes!" Mia giggled then gazed up at her aunts window. " um i think its best if we not tell her.. shes a bit crotchety so she will over react" Mia smiled, embracing her glowing teeth and unlocked the screen door and stepped into the mud room. She shoved her thumb on the back of her heel and shoe to remove both and placed them by a bench.

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#13208 Posted on 2016-03-01 17:43:19


Blair smiled " yeah i think it would be better if we didnt" She said smirking. She pulled up her leather belt as she slipped her shoes off. " hey Katrina " she said greeting her aunt. She was very f da armorial with her family and often times she accepted them as her own. She slipped into the kitchen as she grabbed an apple from the fruit basket.

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#13223 Posted on 2016-03-01 18:05:36

"What is your style? I bet you I can get you something comfy like that in your style" he said thoughtfully. "I always like giving a helping hand." He smiled and looked at the girl. His eyes littered in the store lights and his teeth glimmers as well. Sebastian looked up and grabbed a pair that looked like something of her outfit. "What about these?" He asked. Then he thought about going back to Drew Shoe.... it wouldn't be hard.

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#13234 Posted on 2016-03-01 18:21:20

Courtney turned to him and smiled, " Really? Thanks, that is sweet of you." She said
to Sebastian. She shot Oliver an unreadable glance, then sat down in a chair nearby.
She pulled out her phone, and checked her texts. She hated keeping these guys in suspense, but we couldn't help it.

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#13355 Posted on 2016-03-01 20:45:47

Sebastian smiled. "Hmm, I am thinking about how I would get them to you without making it awkward?" He said jokingly. He turned and grabbed a foot measure. "Happen to know what size your feet are?" He said putting it down in front of her. He grabbed a few pairs of shoes. One was black with buckles and a zipper, kind of emo. Another was a grey pair of sneakers with pink and black makings and under. The last pair was a green and blue similar to a pair he picked up earlier, but more feminine. "Any of these make you feel nice? What I mean is do you like them?"

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#13360 Posted on 2016-03-01 20:52:37

Courtney knew at first glance which pair fit her taste. " I'll take the first pair." She pointed to the black buckled boots. " Size 6 " she added, pulling down the same brand of shoes from the shelf, but a size smaller. " Thanks." She said, studying the pair of
boots in her hand. She slipped off her high heels and slipped the boot on. It came up just below her knees. She stood in front of the mirror, and studied the boots.
" They'll do." She said with a slight smile as she took them to the front desk.

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#13375 Posted on 2016-03-01 21:22:34

Briar looked up from her sketchpad, noticing a two girls and a guy, "Interesting..." she thought silently to herself, wondering what was going on. Slightly shaking her head and clearing her thoughts to return to the drawing of the scenery, she added a couple of figures. After a few minutes the figures turned into the girls, and the guy, all in the same position they were only a few minutes ago. Snap! "Dog gone it!" Briar mumbled after breaking the tip of her pencil. She picked up her bag, looking for more pencils but finding none. "I wonder if the store nearby has any pencils? They should..." she wondered.

Not far off from Briar was Ronon, playing with his little sister. Daisy immediately looked over towards the girls, watching them with wide eyes. She turned to Ronon, putting her thumb in her mouth for a moment then pulling it out, "Who dat brothder?" Ronon shrugged, walking over to Daisy and picking her up with his huge arms, making her seem like a baby. "I don't know, but it's none of our bee's wax." he grinned, enjoying messing with his sister.

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#13507 Posted on 2016-03-02 04:32:35

He smiled, and put the others back on the shelf. "Okay then." He started to leave but then turned back to her. "Here is my number hid you need help looking for shoes." He chuckled, then turned around. He smiled along and walked out into the gun section again. Her style was Luke his. Emoish....

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