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Venomsayers *Human RP*

#14389 Posted on 2016-03-03 14:37:45


Blair followed up close to Mia " so were do you wanna go?" she questioned looking around town. We could go to the pizza...... well we better not go there" she said as she looked at the wall covered in art. " ummm... we could go I don't know?"

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#14390 Posted on 2016-03-03 14:40:28

Mia Landiss Venom
Mia winced as a stranger opened the pizza door and headed to his car. " um lets not how about..." Mia glanced across the street and her eyes brightened " Taco Bell!" She grinned and looked at Blair excitedly

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#14393 Posted on 2016-03-03 14:43:23

" oooh yeah!" Blair said as she rubbed her stomach as it gurgled and screamed to her. She accelerated as she turned into the curb on the sidewalk of Taco Bell. " yumm!" she said as she opened the door to it. " what do I want what do I want?" she whispered to herself.

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#14416 Posted on 2016-03-03 14:58:34

Mia Landiss Venom
Mia giggled as her stomach hollered to her " FEED ME!!!" it seemed to say. Mia thought to herself for a while... " hmm Crunchy taco( no to plain), Triple steak burrito( no not a burrito kinda gal), Hmm Doritos Locos tacos!" She grinned as she spoke to the man at the counter. " 2 Doritos Locos Tacos please, and a medium sized Mountain Dew slushy please" She flipped her hair and smiled to the 16 year old that was in awe over Mia and Blair.

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#14421 Posted on 2016-03-03 15:02:31


Blair smiled at the man behind the counter as she asked what they wanted "ahh Ill have what she is having but make my drink a Bah ha blast please" she said getting out her wallet to pay. " we could go to the park and eat once we get our food?" she questioned Mia as she looked out the windows.

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#14424 Posted on 2016-03-03 15:05:28

Mia Landiss Venom
Mia nodded and said " great! and you dont have to pay for mine!" Mis quickly grabbed out a twenty and shoved it in the man's hand before Blair could. " there all settled, you've done quite enough for me this week" She smiled and thanked the man as they waited on their food.

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#14431 Posted on 2016-03-03 15:14:09


" haha!" Blair laughed as she grabbed her food and swung the door open. she grabbed her skate board as she put her foot on it and let it fall to the ground. she gave herself a boost as she headed for the park.

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#14434 Posted on 2016-03-03 15:24:30

Mia Landiss Venom
Mia did the same but instead shoved her bag of tacos into her shirt. She needed her arms for balance and those tacos were no help. Mia glided along the rocky road as they turned onto the lane with the tall trees and shaded park. " Wow i havent been here in forever, it makes me feel old!" She grabbed the hair that snuck into her mouth and tossed it back into its place. The wind had picked up and twilled Mia's dark hair like spaghetti

Last edited on 2016-03-04 at 06:33:32 by Bopper

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#14457 Posted on 2016-03-03 16:23:13

(I meant Mia.)

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#14460 Posted on 2016-03-03 16:28:43

(@CountryPony, yeah, meant to put British guy, lol)

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#14515 Posted on 2016-03-03 17:42:32

(I will be turning SUs into a chat so I can post season/month/weather/etc. I control these things, so please don't try to yourselves.)

Violett swished downstairs, a very complimentary silk dress reaching down to the floorboards. It was modest at the neckline, not showing too much, and was lavender coloured (I like how fancy colour is compared to color). Her black hair was over one shoulder and was silky soft. Hearing a car pulling into the drive, Quincy ran to the door. But, following his training, Quincy only looked at the door and wagged his tail, not making a sound. Violett smiled, patted him softly on his little head, then opened the door. Aiden. Wow, he looks nice. His hair looks cute all mussed up. She stopped herself. Since when did you think like that? she chastised herself. But she couldn't stop herself from admiring him.

Martin Venom
"I have plenty of time, sugar." He thought over her last words, tumbling them over and over in his brain. "My name is Reece Goodmire. I have a short temper and am really good at making people do wh-" was what she had said. What I want with my words. Martin finished her statement for her in his mind, understanding fully. "Mz. Goodmire, would you mind if Reece and I went to a private room - if that's okay with Reece?"

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#14541 Posted on 2016-03-03 18:44:41

She felt nervous but said nothing, she knew she would have to. She put her head down and blushed fairly hard.
Mz. Goodmire
"Of course sweet pea." She said. "Dont do anything dirty." She joked. "Oh mind me!" She said embarrassed. She walked upstairs to her room and shut her door.
She still looked down and held her hands right against each other. Reece finally looked up when her blushing went away. "So..."
(I have nothing else to say... sorry if it is too short. Sorry for me saying stuff about night, day, dinner, lunch etc.....)

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#14613 Posted on 2016-03-03 21:43:52

( Ok, no problem Noelle :)

Courtney smiled, finally a real smile, instead of faked.
" He used to help my uncle out in his...." She cleared her throat, " Expirimenting, haha." He was a professor in science class. So that means Tyler saw me quite a bit, since he was helping my uncle a lot. He is pretty full of it, but he is okay I guess." She laughed. She put the high heels in her purse, and slipped on the more comfortable shoes.
" Did you find anything you wanted?" She asked.

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#14730 Posted on 2016-03-04 06:32:23

( Ok thanks Grell! :D And yeah sounds great Oswin!)

Mia Landiss Venom
(waiting on Laney to respond)

Aiden Holt
As Aiden walked up the drive he pondered upon the nicely taken care of home. " hmm nice" he whispered to himself. He reached the door and docked three times just to make sure she was ready. He patiently waited about a second before Violett appeared at the doorway. Aiden's eye twinkled as he lifted his eyebrows. " Wow! Violett you look lovely" he spoke calmly but his throat was dry and his palms began to sweat a bit. He ran his dark eyes over her silk dress and landed them on her glowing complexion. He grinned at her widely and felt a bit under dressed for the occasion.

Last edited on 2016-03-04 at 14:04:35 by Bopper

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#14974 Posted on 2016-03-04 15:32:52

(I wasn't yelling at anyone. You guys didn't know not to until now. ;D)

Violett Carlson
Violett blushed furiously, but motioned him in. His mussed up hair was so cute! You look very nice yourself, she said softly, avoiding eye contact. She led him into the kitchen, where a few ingredients were set out. I was thinking mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, and turkey. The turkey is already thawed. But we can have something else if you'd like? Still avoiding eye contact, Violett shyly finished speaking. Though she avoided eye contact, she didn't keep her head down and looked over his nice appearance. Would this be considered a date? No, I don't think so. We're just... hanging out. As friends. He wouldn't go for someone like me. Quincy seemed to sense her uneasiness and licked her hand. She giggled. Meet Quincy.

Martin Lott Venom
Well, sugar, I'm going to have to ask you questions you may have already answered. I need to keep notes to be able to help you. No one will see these and they will be destroyed so that your personal information does not leak out. He waited a bit for recognition, then moved on. So, Reece, what is your last name, middle name, and age? The middle name is optional. He quickly reached into his pocket and pulled out a small compact notebook and a mechanical pencil. He scribbled the following: Reece (a blank for middle/last name) Female He would wait for her first answers before asking any more. He had learned not to overwhelm "patients," though he considered them "clients" or "friends."

(FYI, everyone, Venomsayers can be persuaded by Venomsayers, too. ;D)

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