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Venomsayers *Human RP*

#13843 Posted on 2016-03-02 15:16:54

Mia Landiss Venom
Mia laughed and caught herself as she snorted violently. " Yeah! Ug im so not ready for school this year. Its going to be such a downer cause of all the pot heads and loners" She thought of the new freshmen and the sadly existing sophomores. She glanced at Mia and spoke clearly " het do you like anyone?" she eyed Blair carefully and lifted her eyebrows

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#13852 Posted on 2016-03-02 15:36:04


Oliver watched Courtney try on shoes with a smile. But when she shot him a glance, he raised his eyebrows. This guy obviously was flirting with her, no doubt. Of course he was jealous, he liked Courtney a lot, but he didn't want to interfere. Fighting wasn't his thing. After she payed for the boots, he walked over. "You're a pretty likeable girl, Courtney. Seems like all the guys love you," he said with a grin, laughing. "So what was the British fiasco about?"

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#13855 Posted on 2016-03-02 15:36:59

(Update, please?)

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#13859 Posted on 2016-03-02 15:44:42

( okey dokey! So basically Blair And Mia got in tons of trouble, Aiden is on his way to Violetts, this is just my characters stuff cause I don't know much about the other stuff, oh and Blair and Mia ran into Sabastian and Mia thinks he's cute!)

Last edited on 2016-03-02 at 15:45:15 by Bopper

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#13983 Posted on 2016-03-02 19:23:28

Mz. Goodmire
She smiled at Martin. "Thank you. You could take some home if you want, if there is some more left." She chuckled. She then turned to Reece who had barely eaten her food. "Reece come now. What is wrong? Please speak to the young man he is only trying to help."
Reece Goodmire Venom
"With what! What is sooo wrong with me!? I don't like this at all, Your lucky I am even down here!" She yelled.
Mz. Goodmire
She looked at her sadly. "Reece, I just want you to be happy and not miserable... I understand that you are upset about your father's death." She said gulping.
Reece Goodmire Venom
"Ma! You know that he didn't die. You just want to think that. I loved him so much, and he left us with another woman. A bad woman! What can't anyone be fair around here. Especially men!" She yelled.
Mz. Goodmire
She gulped harder. "Honey, I know... I say if for the best. Please forgive me, I don't want you to be mad. You are almost a fully grown woman... you can't act like this in stores, or anywhere actually. I don't want you to be mad, you are going to make me really upset."
Reece Goodmire Venom
She thought about the year she tried her license test. The day her dad left her. The day she failed and almost killed herself because of it. It was her 15th birthday... "Ma... I am sorry, it wasn't your fault." She took a full breath, she wanted th is to be over. "My name is Reece Goodmire. I have a short temper and am really good at making people do wh-" She stopped, she would sound crazy. He would probably ask for more information, but she didn't even know. "Mr. Lott how much time do you have for me?"

(I was hoping Miami left her wallet at the pizza place or something? Just trying to make my Sebastian useful.)

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#14027 Posted on 2016-03-02 20:01:46

( @Noelle, I'm not sure what you mean by British fiasco? I know what fiasco means, I'm just not sure what your referring too. Do you mean Tyler? Sorry, I'm tired, lol )

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#14207 Posted on 2016-03-03 06:30:55

( @Grell: Who are you referring to that you wanted to leave the wallet?)

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#14356 Posted on 2016-03-03 14:03:01


" me liking someone?!" she said raising her eyebrows and giving a chuckle " your funny Mia" she said sarcastically. " well no one has caught my eye, hey! why don't we play a game? you have to choose one person from the town that would make us a good couple? you go first" she said smiling to her as she looked through the window.

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#14359 Posted on 2016-03-03 14:08:01

Mia Landiss Venom
Mia raised her eyebrows at Blair " um ok... well" She thought hard and starred at her feet intently. " how.. how about Oliver?" she practically whispered. " hey he is pretty good looking" Mia poked Blair with her elbow and rolled over to face her.

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#14362 Posted on 2016-03-03 14:11:43

"Oliver????" she questioned " I guess so..... I mean he seems to drool over Courtney" she said rubbing her elbow as her stomach tied in knots. " I guess I mean he is pretty cute but I don't think that ha would go for a girl like me..... I am to much a hassle and a trouble maker." she smiled to Mia. " now for you.......... Sebastian!!!!!! " she screeched. " you guys would be a good couple"

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#14366 Posted on 2016-03-03 14:16:12

Mia Landiss Venom
Mia blushed and pushed Blair slightly " Blair! " She screamed and jumped up from her creaking bed to ponder upon herself at the large hanging mirror. She smiled as Bliar adjusted and popped upward. " I dont know i mean i do really like him but we've never really talked" Mia glanced at her phone to check the time, 3:26 pm. " sorry about the whole Oliver thing i just felt like he would be good for you but yes he definitely drools over Courtney, obviously" Mia giggled and cleared her throat

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#14368 Posted on 2016-03-03 14:20:24


" its ok I mean yeah its obvious.... and well I kind of like him but.... I don't know I've never had this feeling before" she said rubbing her arm. " it was funny when I knocked him over though!" she said laughing. " he probably couldn't handle me" She said as she pursed her lips" hey I don't think the cops are out for us anymore? want to go get a bite to eat?"

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#14372 Posted on 2016-03-03 14:25:35

Mia Landiss Venom
Mia nodded and spoke clearly " YES! Im starving!" She tramped down the wooden stairs with Blair following behind her. Mia gazed upon Katrina as she sat in her recliner with the black remote in one hand. " Hello aunt Katrina!" Mia smiled and trotted over to her to give her a nice squeeze. " Oh well hello girls! Where are you two headed?" She smiled at she inbrased Mia the glanced at Blair for a second. Mia laughed and spoke to her aunt calmly "we are headed in to town for a quick bite but will be back soon!" She grinned her gleaming smile at the two.

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#14375 Posted on 2016-03-03 14:28:05

"Bye Aunt Katrina!" she said to her as she swung open the door. She thought of Mia's family as her own Aunt Katrina was like her aunt and she liked to think f her that way. She grabbed her skateboard from the yard as she put her foot down on it and pressed her foot up against the cold ground to get a boost.

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#14382 Posted on 2016-03-03 14:31:48

Mia Landiss Venom
Mia followed Blair outside and grabbed her skateboard too. She plopped her foot on top of the could object and chugged forward. " Lets go!" she smiled and started off and sailed onto the road.

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