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Venomsayers *Human RP*

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Venomsayers *Human RP*

#12766 Posted on 2016-03-01 04:50:04

Sebastian tried very hard to study the shoes, but his eyes narrowed to the situation. "Kids." He thought to himself. He put the shoes he had picked up down and looked at the girl. His hair flipped. Maybe he would try to flirt? Nah..... well? He turned to the girl and saw the shoes she was looking at. "Those shoes are one of the bests you can get. They are really comfy and just are beautiful." He smiled, then blushed when he turned his head around, he turned back, "Is used to work at Drew Shoe, it is an amazing place."

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#12792 Posted on 2016-03-01 06:58:28

Courtney was about to answer Oliver when another guy said, " Those shoes Arron's of the best you can get. They are really comfy, and just are beautiful.I used to work at Drea Shoe, it is an amazing place." Courtney picked up the shoes, and slipped off her high heels. She slipped her foot into one. " Your right...but their not my style." She said with no interest as she put it back on the shelf.

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#12828 Posted on 2016-03-01 08:53:05

Mia Landiss venom
Mia starred at Blair in shock. She turned her back and peeked out a small crack in the wood. The afternoon sun shown threw the hole blindingly. " Is there anyway we can sneak out?" she whispered, her voice shaking. Maybe they weren't just after us for the vandalizing, maybe Blair was in more trouble than she thought. " Blair are they here for you?" Her eyes widened as she fiddled with her shirt

Aiden Holt
(waiting for Oswin)

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#13052 Posted on 2016-03-01 14:10:44


Blair was stunned that whoever was out there had found her. " Sneak out? well I do always have aback up plan now don't it?" she smirked with delight as she chuckled. " How else would they be here for? you don't have any black marks on your records now do ya?" she said in a low whisper now. She searched for the key the key to her back up plan......

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#13055 Posted on 2016-03-01 14:14:58

Mia Landiss venom
Mia smiled " ha well i knew you were up to no good when all those men were after us!" She lowered her voice wen she spotted the keys " what.. what are those for?" She looked around the room trying to see if Blair had a secret shoot or exit. Mia walked to the fridge and popped an apple and water bottle into her jacket pockets " for later, in case we really do get stuck" she smirked deviously and was shocked at how much Blair had rubbed off on her.

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#13061 Posted on 2016-03-01 14:21:13


Blair shrugged at Mia " That's were it was! I hid it so good I forgot were it was!" she said chuckling and snatching the key from her hands. " good idea" she said grabbing food and drinks from the fridge. " but first your going to need an outfit that is a little more "Bad girl"" she said pulling out an outfit from the closet. " hope it fits" she said as she handed the tattered jeans and black leather jacket and belt to her. " ill get the bags and stuff ready." she said with an evil smile.

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#13062 Posted on 2016-03-01 14:24:22

Mia Landiss venom
Mia laughed and took the clothing. " ha your amazing!" she smirked and slid into a closet to dress. The jeans felt good on her and the jacket was smooth but a little small. She stepped out and pulled the hedges of the jacket to her waist. " well whats next?" she eyed the bags in the corner and peered out the crack once more in the wood.

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#13064 Posted on 2016-03-01 14:32:38


Blair smiled " Now is were the key comes in" she said slipping it out of her torn skinny jeans pockets. She walked over to the fridge and slid it out on its wheels. Behind it lay a wooden door with a key whole that was in the shape of the dragon she had drew earlier. She had just now noticed the key. " hey the key?" she questioned as she stuck it in the key hole. She opened the door and behind it lay an underground area in which you could see up to the ground. She peeked her head out to see what was out there but quickly shoved her body back down seeing a policeman on the other side of the tree. "how did they find us?" " no one knew of this?" she questioned as she thought of a plan.

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#13066 Posted on 2016-03-01 14:35:21

Mia Landiss venom
Mia winced. Would they be out there all night? " i dont know but we need to get away from them so we dont get caught" She smiled and jostled in her place trying to think of something to do. " maybe a distraction?" she lifted her right eyebrow and pursed her lips slightly together.

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#13067 Posted on 2016-03-01 14:38:26


"Yeah" she said running back to the hideout. She grabbed a2 liter of Dr. Pepper from the fridge and quickly gathered the supplies to make a bottle rocket. She scattered to Mia " here ill set off this you go the opposite way and I will follow!" she said with a whisper.

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#13070 Posted on 2016-03-01 14:41:08

Mia Landiss venom
Mis looked surprised. " are you sure? they know your face and it wont be hard for me to do it." Mia gazed at Blair hopping to convince her " I just dont want them to catch you again, and you know what happens if they do" She leaned next to Blair and scuffed her Black Converse on the wooden flooring.

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#13074 Posted on 2016-03-01 14:46:05


Blair chuckled " ill be just fine" she said. She then tiptoed out hoping the officer didn't notice her. she set the bottle rocket up as she gave Mia the signal. She was ready to run as she looked to see were the officers were. She didn't care if she got into trouble she just didn't want Mia to.

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#13100 Posted on 2016-03-01 15:28:46

Mia Landiss venom
Mia jogged away from the hide out as she heard yells come from a far. " oh Blair" She laughed and trudged on, tromping threw mud and brown grasses. She reached the street and crossed. Out of breath she plopped down and waited for Blair to appear shortly after. She unscrewed the lid of her moist water bottle and took a long sip making her eyes water and her pant.

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#13108 Posted on 2016-03-01 15:40:55


Blair made sure to hide her face as she ran off that way they would have no chance of seeing what he face was. Once she set of the bottle rocket they bought it! She scurried through the bushes and to the street towards the street. " Mia run!" she shouted as an officer ran after her. She ran faster and faster as the officer who was a little bit on the bigger side struggled to catch up.

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#13117 Posted on 2016-03-01 15:54:21

Mia Landiss Venom
Mia was caught off guard. " Ah!" She screamed and scurried to her feet and almost fell on her face. She flew next to Blair as they dodged limbs and glanced behind them as the officer huffed and slowed to a lope. " ha ha ha! Blair oh that guy was SO not ready for that!" Mia smiled and laughed loudly acknowledging her close friend

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