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Venomsayers *Human RP*

#12562 Posted on 2016-02-29 17:58:28


"Sorry about that," Oliver apologized. He liked the way her eyes twinkled. "I hope you didn't lose your page," he added, forgetting about the other guy (Jake).

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#12567 Posted on 2016-02-29 18:06:30

Courtney tossed the football into his hands, and smirked.
" It's alright, I was just getting to the most exciting part." She teased, and turned around lay the book back into her bag. " I'm Courtney." She stated, holding out her hand.

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#12578 Posted on 2016-02-29 18:29:29


"Oliver," he introduced, catching the football in one hand and shaking her hand in the other. "Hey, want to take a walk with me? I've got all day," he said, crossing his fingers in his mind.

Last edited on 2016-02-29 at 18:35:21 by Noelle

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#12580 Posted on 2016-02-29 18:31:53

Jake Brooks

Jake rolled his eyes at the sight of the football player drooling all over her. " good gosh" he whispered over himself as he walked away. he tossed his baseball that he had had in his pocket from when he played with his dog earlier ( im just gonna say he has a dog but not getting specific, if that's ok :)) he tossed it up and down as he looked at it still looking at the road but focused on the ball. he could see the two from the corner of his eyes. He was a very athletic person he just had never played in any sports. He still wondered what that object was and his curiosity always seemed to get the better of him.......

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#12582 Posted on 2016-02-29 18:34:32

Courtney raised her eyebrow, " Scared to walk by yourself?" She laughed, but she stepped beside him and shrugged her shoulders. " I have time too." She said, taking a step forward and slipping her purse over her shoulder.
" You going anywhere?" She asked, meeting his gaze directly as she continued walking.

( By all means Noelle, I'm not trying to make my character mean. I'm just basing her
exactly like a character from a movie. It's just the way she is, :)

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#12588 Posted on 2016-02-29 18:40:23

Jake Brooks

Jake could hear there foot steps behind him. he was well.....disgusted. only because he had always liked Courtney he had just never had the guts to tell her to her face. guess that was all over now he thought. He looked into town as he thought he'd stop at the pizza joint. He opened the door as he heard the little bell at the top of it ring. he sat down at a booth as he looked at the menu and waited for service.

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#12589 Posted on 2016-02-29 18:40:33

double post............................ sorry

Last edited on 2016-02-29 at 18:40:54 by 🌲Laney

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#12593 Posted on 2016-02-29 18:43:22

@CountryPony: (Totally understand. I love basing my character off movies, too.)


He met her gaze back, studying her eyes, trying to find her emotions. "Nothing much, just going shoe shopping." Oliver's eyes traveled to her feet, when he noticed the high heels. "You gonna be okay with those? It must be hard to walk in them."

Last edited on 2016-02-29 at 18:44:03 by Noelle

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#12602 Posted on 2016-02-29 18:52:33

( @ Noelle, I know right? To be honest, that same exact scene happened in the movie where a guy asked the girl if he wanted him to walk her home, and she said,
" Scared to walk by tourself?" Haha )

Courtney shrugged. " I'm used to it, besides, the mall is just up here." She said, rounding a corner and coming into view of the mall.

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#12604 Posted on 2016-02-29 18:55:54

(Just trying to make this Charrie useful...)
Sebastian left the shelter and decided it would be cool to go to the sporting store. He got into his car and drove down the road until he met a sign that said
Sporting Goodson it. He smiled and parked. He walked in and saw the gun area. His eyes brightened up... He saw a fancy little dud, about yay big. He smiled and walked to it. He knew he did not need one, so he just studied it. Sebastian finally looked away, and noticed his pants. They were pretty old and gross, so we're his shoes. The kind of pants he liked weren't sold here, but shoes were. He walked to the shoe aisle and saw a few people in it. It would be weird to just say stuff out of no where. He grabbed a nice pair and looked at them. They were green and blue. He sighed, they were nice but went his type. There were so many, but none were his type.

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#12611 Posted on 2016-02-29 19:04:35

(Does anybody know what season it is? Could it be spring?)


Oliver nodded, and looked forward, determined not to trip or embarrass himself in any way. "So I'm guessing your about 18ish? I'm a senior at Justice High School."

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#12625 Posted on 2016-02-29 19:17:28

Courtney smiled slightly, " Correct. I'm 18. I do all my schoolwork on the computer, so I guess I'm homeschooled. My uncle helps out. He was a professor, so he is pretty awesome." She smiled, opening the door and walking in. " But he is umm, " she cleared her throat. " Not able to teach very recently, so I might not have a choice but to go to
a public school. " She stopped be a shelf with tennis shoes, and studied the pairs.

Tyler Laroche spotted Courtney and smirked, brushing his hair back quickly and putting on a charming smile. He ignored the guy standing next to her and pushed between them. " Hey Courtney." He said in his strong British accent.
" You busy tonight?"

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#12653 Posted on 2016-02-29 20:15:55


Oliver smiled at her when she talked, and held the door for her when they walked in. She's definitely a cute one, he thought. Suddenly an unfamiliar guy pushed him away from Courtney, and he was about to protest when the guy spoke. Oliver stood there, stunned. Courtney has a boyfriend? he angrily thought.

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#12669 Posted on 2016-02-29 20:30:08

Courtney turned around and smiled sweetly.
" Gosh Tyler, that's so sweet of you." She said, running her hand down his tie.
Then unexpectedly, she flipped it over his head.
" But like the 10 other times I have told you...." She leaned closer to him,
" No." She turned around and continued looking at the pairs of shoes.

Tyler sighed, and turned around, looking at his tie.
" Ill have to try red next time." He said, and hurriedly walking out of the mall.

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#12688 Posted on 2016-02-29 20:48:53


He glared at the guy as he stormed out. "What was that about?" he asked, hoping that he didn't sound rude.

(Gotta go for tonight, be back soon!)

Last edited on 2016-02-29 at 20:49:25 by Noelle

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