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Gypsy Vanner Club (June)

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Gypsy Vanner Club (June)

#109174 Posted on 2017-06-15 08:19:09

Poll Question 2 - I like RAF contests, quiz contests, & the Mascot Contest. I like most contest ideas. I do feel for art contests that traditional art should also be accepted as not everyone can do digital art. Thank you!

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#109177 Posted on 2017-06-15 08:51:06

Poll #2

1. Raffle contests always work for me
2. I kind of like Danzy's idea for a breeding contest. 
I kind of have an idea, but honestly it could be considered a bit much, and probably too long. Everyone gets a foundation mare and stallions, stats them up, then goes for the best foal result. Like I said, probably takes too long.
3. Foundation contests are always nice, but I'd probably enjoy a 0 yr. old version as well.
4. Raise a rescue?

More ideas to come later.

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#109179 Posted on 2017-06-15 09:02:12

My foal breeding idea was to use any existing horses that you want in the game one of yours and a brood/stud of someone else's. We could probably even make it a team event where players pair up to breed a foal using the horses that they have between them.

The raise a rescue sounds like a fun one. 

Raising a foundation foal from 0 is what the TB club did last month. It was a very intense competition.  Intense but fun. 

If we had an art contest maybe have two categories. Digital and traditional just to shake it up. Or have a contest of just one or the other. Digital or traditional art only contest 

Last edited on 2017-06-15 at 09:04:44 by Danzy007

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#109182 Posted on 2017-06-15 09:10:54

I like the idea of pairing up into teams as well, that is a unique thought. I would definitely get people in the club to speak to each other more often, and work together.

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#109200 Posted on 2017-06-15 11:40:48

for poll #2, I would like to say I enjoy the current contests, but would like to see a few more?

I'm not sure what other contests you can really run, maybe something to do with shows or a featured mare/stallion each month in the newsletter as well as the mascot? 

I wish groups could do a bit more/do breed specific champion shows sort of things too, like how real stud books can do them

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#109291 Posted on 2017-06-15 20:41:07

Thanks for your feedback, everyone! I really like all these ideas. ♥

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#109326 Posted on 2017-06-16 04:01:07

You're welcome :) I hope that was enough to spark some inspiration for next time. 

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#109327 Posted on 2017-06-16 04:21:58

It is! I've got some great ideas for future competitions. :D

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#109328 Posted on 2017-06-16 04:30:44

I don't know about any one else but I'm looking forward to seeing these contests :)

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#109612 Posted on 2017-06-17 17:40:58

Maybe we could have a contest to raise a foundation from each discipline. We would need to have enough for each one to make it work but could be fun. At the end I'm sure you could just convert their training to whatever you currently put your  GV's in :3

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#109647 Posted on 2017-06-18 00:00:52

I had another interesting idea with the raise a foundation contest... what if we did it against another club or two of three? 

Each club participating has the same number of foundations that volunteers from each club raise the stats of. The club that raised the most stats win? 

It wouldn't just benefit this club but other clubs too, just to get them active. Of cause people in multiple clubs would possibly have to chose a team to be on.. but its an idea

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#109662 Posted on 2017-06-18 02:32:10

^ I really like the idea of an inter-club competition. To make it fairer to smaller clubs we could instead take the average stat gain of all entrants, or only consider the horse with the highest stat gain, or something else perhaps? Just so long as clubs weren't disadvantaged by having fewer entries than another club.

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#109666 Posted on 2017-06-18 03:07:16

If we made it so both clubs had 10 horses each (or more or less depending on how much interest there was in players) to raise then it would be fair. It would just be up to the clubs to decide who raises which horses in their own clubs.

What if instead of individual horses stats we totalled up the mass amount off all the stats gained by all horses (from each breed of course) and used that to determine the winner? 

For example the combined efforts of Club A's stats were a total gain of 598 stats from all horses and Club B's stats were 604 combined total stats for all horses involved.

I just used random numbers as an example.... but I hope that makes sense. lol 

It would bring the clubs together as teams for friendly competition and possibly create more in-game hype (which would probably be great news for Abbey. There are no rules against inter-club contests are there because of political reasons?)

If we got the other club president's in on it now (the possible future club presidents for next month) we could probably organise it for July as a mass event. I don't know what the prizes will be. We could probably put an interclub slush fund together to separate for prizes, or accumulate a mass amount of donated items or something for each club which could then be used as prizes in those clubs or what ever. lol I don't know.

X'D sorry I'm getting carried away with this one. 

but just to get more carried away.... 

the clubs that have persons campaigning for president next month are...

1: Akhal-Teke club Maine Der Flier
2: Quarter Horse club Blue Kat
3: Thoroughbred club CheshireKttty
4: Trakener club Koyott | Trakeners
5: Gypsy Vanner club (thanks Blue ^.^ great job btw) 

Clubs that I am not in that I couldn't check were the Minis, Paints and Shetland ponies (wow... I only just noticed I'm almost in every breed club lol)

The other clubs have no one running for president yet. 

Maybe we can inspire the others to get involved in some friendly competition? ^_^

Last edited on 2017-06-18 at 03:23:49 by Danzy007

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#109671 Posted on 2017-06-18 03:58:01

I'm really keen on this inter-club contest. I'm actually in the process of writing up a forum post about it now, and will let you know when it's complete. Mostly it's to check for interest and get feedback on how the competition could be run, etc.

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#109672 Posted on 2017-06-18 04:46:59

if I get the Teke president, I would also be up for an inter-club competition! 

I'm not sure how many people would be up for it, so working out an average stat gain per team/group would work quite well?

So say 14 people entered as part of the GV team, but only 7 for the Tekes, it would be slightly fairer than just combining total stat gains or using the highest stat gain of each team. It also may make it feel like more of a 'team' event as if all your team members have a higher stat gain overall your average will be higher :)

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