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32 breedless pons.. what to do..

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32 breedless pons.. what to do..

#91386 Posted on 2017-02-06 10:54:20

Welp, I revived a bunch of pons from the dead and, those added with my already other breedless pons, I have 32 now (well, 31 since one is already 21 years old so I wont bother with that one since I can't breed him anyway)
And in case some of you are interested in having a look at them, here they are

Here's my question.. what should I do with them?

Should I start a new breed with them? Stick with my current main breed (TWHs)? Sell them? Keep them breedless? (lol i don't see a point in that last option)
If I choose a new breed, I want something with a variety of colours and patterns.. But I'm not exactly fond of mustangs, paints, quarter horses or appies. I am considering morgans.. what is a popular discipline for morgans? And what is the least popular discipline?

I've been sort of getting back into the game part of EV with my TWHs on this account. But when it comes to my breedless babs I am undecided. What would you guys do?

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#91388 Posted on 2017-02-06 11:11:50

Sell me one or two. xD If I were going to start a new breed I would have to choose between mini's and paints. Now that I have too many breeds I think I would like to revert back to one specialty or maybe 3 instead of all 6.

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#91389 Posted on 2017-02-06 11:15:58

sell half and start a new breed like appaloosa's, paints, or minis

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#91391 Posted on 2017-02-06 11:26:03

I would love a breedless horse if you put some up for sale, but I'm a cheapo. :O
So yeah, I would sell some of them, use some of them yourself.

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#91394 Posted on 2017-02-06 11:57:13

Would you want to sell Steel Monster and Thirteenth Rain Drop? ;)

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#91397 Posted on 2017-02-06 12:06:51

western seems to be the most popular morgan discipline, and racing looks to be the least popular. the overall number of morgans is fairly low though. you can see that as a small market and a negative, or as a positive: you can make it to the top faster, especially with nicely colored custom horses!

I'd personally keep them all (so if you did decide to sell them i'd be totally interested! :p). But it's really up to you!

You could make some into morgans and some into TWH too. Or maybe split them even farther - 32 is a lot of horses!

also you could make some of them into dressage arabians, because i always want more people to be breeding dressage arabians :D

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#91398 Posted on 2017-02-06 12:08:57

Steel Monster wont be put up for sale since she was part of my precious Oldenburg line, I believe Thirteenth Raindrop was as well..

I may consider selling horses that used to be belgian drafts though.. I'm still on the fence about it though since I'm a hoarder XD

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#91399 Posted on 2017-02-06 12:12:23

Oh I didn't know morgans were so low o: Almost makes me want to breed them more since that's how I started with TWHs XD

And I was actually considering arabians! Though I was playing around with the custom horse tool and saw that they only have sabino for paint markings which kind of put me off of the idea.. I cooould maybe do a few arabs mixed in with the batch though

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#91400 Posted on 2017-02-06 12:16:00

arabians are ♥
plus they come in flaxen, and i think the flaxen chestnut double rabicano single sabino are one of the prettiest combos on the game with their recode art :D

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#91407 Posted on 2017-02-06 13:34:18

*whispers persuasively*
make them Shetlands, they're super squishy and need more breeders

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#91420 Posted on 2017-02-06 14:50:58

As adorable as the pony breeds are, I'm usually more fond of breeding larger pons XD

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#91422 Posted on 2017-02-06 14:59:37

*whispers again*
how do you feel about TBs?

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#91427 Posted on 2017-02-06 15:50:17

I thought about TBs too.. I had a good line of them going years ago when EV was still fairly new.. gah.. there's just so many breeds I want to get into XDD

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#91429 Posted on 2017-02-06 15:54:41

I highly suggest restarting them- people say that they have dull colors, but the bright palomino and chestnut on most other breeds isn't very appealing to me lol. Plus, frame overo and rabicano look great on them!

Last edited on 2017-02-06 at 15:57:51 by Raptorfang Ω

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#91435 Posted on 2017-02-06 16:43:02

TBs are awesome ♥

*Cough* Would totally steal//buy March Into The Sea even thou he's 21, IDK why *Cough* xD

Last edited on 2017-02-06 at 17:11:33 by Lucifer

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