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Rustling Wind (Wolf RP)

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Rustling Wind (Wolf RP)

#86099 Posted on 2017-01-07 16:55:22

Nyx (Rustling Wind)

The black she wolf stopped pacing as Aqui approached her and said she might be hungry. Nodding her head a bit she continued on with her small little pacing back and fourth as it was also calming her. Licking her muzzle at the sound of deer she smiled and wagged her tail at the thought. "I can wait until you return" she stated softly as she continued on with her pacing in an attempt to calm the pups down inside of her as it began to work a little.

Pyro (Little Valley)
The grey male wolf nodded to the others around him "Thats good" he said thumping his big tail on the ground softly. "When are we going hunting?" he asked loudly looking directly at the others around him hoping one would answer. He sighed waiting for an answer. "I hope we can go soon" with the continued thumping of his large tail eagerness shining in his amber orbs. Shaking his grey ragged fur again he flopped back down onto his side waiting patently.

Last edited on 2017-01-07 at 18:04:23 by Daphne101

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#86102 Posted on 2017-01-07 17:02:47

Saphira (rustling Wind)

Looking up at Aqui she couldn't help admire him, he seemed to always be organising things and helping out. Daydreaming away she wondered what he'd be like on his own away from responsibilities of the pack...

Cana (little valley)

Meeting Mako's gaze she nodded, 'I better go find them' she thought turning towards her den, she looked over her shoulder "they are always getting into trouble, I'll catch up with you guys later" she walked back to the den, her tail flicking along

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#86118 Posted on 2017-01-07 17:57:12

Aqui - Rustling Wind Beta
He looked at the small group gathered. "All right, let's go." He jumped from the rock and led the way into the wood, his nose raised to sniff out prey. A scent caught his attention. He flicked his tail, quieting the party. "Deer," he whispered. It took a few wolves to take down a deer. They were big and powerful.

Shazda - Little Valley Delta
She watched Cana walk off, feeling awkward. Her stomach rumbled and she grimaced. Why in public? She wondered if the alpha and beta had had a rough night. Usually they were the first awake. She sighed looked at her paws.

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#86132 Posted on 2017-01-07 18:31:44

Ahkan Little Valley Alpha

The raven colored canine trotted back into the den area of the pack territory from the hunting grounds beyond. Once him camp he let out a long howl to let his pack know he was there. "Has anyone marked the borders this morning? Or gone hunting? Just because we have no beta and I am away doesnt mean everyone gets the whole day to mingle and be lazy!" He growled as he walked past his pack, towards the queen's den, where he had just seen his mate disappear to.

Ryaki Free River Queen

The heavily pregnant female rolled around in her sleep, stretching her paws and legs as she dreamed. She was running through the forest, no pups, no pregnancy, completely alone and happy. But as she ran the sky darkened, and ut began to pour onto the ground, the clouds clashing and thundering loudly. She whined in her sleep as she began running her dream. It began flooding, and it was rising above her head. She felt as if she were suffocating. She howled out for help, both in her dream and in reality. This continued for some time, and it was obvious she was ij pain and needed help.

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#86139 Posted on 2017-01-07 18:47:23

Shazda - Little Valley Delta
She dipped her head to Ahkan, shame heating her pelt. She sat a moment, wondering if anyone would stand to direct parties. Slowly, and with much embarrassment and second thoughts, she padded to the center. "Hunting party. If you'd like to come hunt, please come here." Her fur felt hot against her skin. Thank goodness her tan pelt hid the furious blush that had crept up her neck.

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#86150 Posted on 2017-01-07 19:06:59

Mako (Little Valley)

Mako looked over at the alpha and stood, "I'll go mark the borders" he didn't feel like going hunting right then. he walked away, He didn't care if someone was to join him. He wondered when the alpha would pick a beta, it made him curios as to who would be a good pick.

Vixen ( Rustling Wind)

Vixen followed Aqui, glad to start the hunt. She got excited when they picked up the scent of deer, though it would take a few of them to bring it down. She wagged the tip of her tail, excited to bring it down. She could just taste it now, she didn't move a muscle as she waited for Aqui tell them what to do next since he was leading the party.

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#86235 Posted on 2017-01-08 04:21:38


She trotted out of camp with Aqui and Vixen ready for a hunt. It was so nice not to be considered 'in training' as she had been last year, it was so irritating when the older wolves would patronise asking if she thought she was up for a 'big grown-up hunt'. Now she trotted along happily, the scent of deer hit her nose and shefroze at Aqui's signal, ready for action.


Entering her den she looked about for her pups 'they must have sneaked out as I was talking' she thought. Turning around she saw Akhan entering the den, a bright smile adorned her face. She touched noses and snuggled in to him for a moment. "Good morning hun". Every day when she saw Akhan she was reminded that loosing the battle for Beta ranking years ago had worked out well for her. The wolf that had become beta instead of her had died several months ago after being shot by Man as she tried to scare them away from a campsite and prove herself as a strong leader instead of listening to her pack members plan. It was so much better being the Alpha's mate than beta... Just then Zulik came head over heels into the den crashing into both of them.

Zulik(Cana's strongest male pup)

"hahaha bet I can reach the den first!" he raced his brother and sister back to their den. Although he was the biggest and strongest his huge paws made him clumsier than most, as he reached the den he managed to trip over a small tree root and tumbled into the den rather ungracefully. He was first though!

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#86241 Posted on 2017-01-08 05:53:25

Nyx (Rustling Wind)

The solid black female's pains slowly dissolved inside of her stomach as she stopped pacing and panting from the pain. Shaking her short black fur so it laid down smooth she walked into the Queen's den again going back to her little spot and laying down slowly. Resting her head on her paws in front of her she closed her pale yellow orbs and took slow breaths in and out. "One of my pack mates will come and get me when they bring back food" she mumbled slowly spreading out to lay on her side.

Pyro (Little Valley Delta)

Pyro nodded quickly placing one paw in front of the other as he reached Shazda's side "I'll come" he replied with a wag of his tail. Looking around to see if anyone else wanted to come on the hunt he sat down waiting for the rest to join. Shifting his weight from one paw to the next his long tail thumping the ground in happiness for the hunt he was about to go on.

Codex (Free River pack Alpha)

Giving a half yawn and a shake of his smooth light red brown pelt he looked around standing up. "I need a hunting party to go out" he directed loudly from his spot glancing around the camp for any wolf to make the gesture of leading it. Narrowing his yellow orbs he set of to his rounds of checking on the Queens den and making sure everything was going good there. Placing his paws in front of the other he made his way to the entrance of the den "Ryaki is everything alright?" he asked stepping foreword and tilting his head in worry for the Queen.

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#86253 Posted on 2017-01-08 07:50:06

Shazda - Little Valley Delta
She nodded at Pyro, glad he was joining her. If no one else stepped up, they would have to go out with just the two of them. That would be hard to catch decent prey, as deer was too large for two wolves to take down. Maybe some rabbits would be found.

Aqui - Rustling Wind Beta
He flicked back his ears and swished his tail, ordering his pack mates to be still. He slowly crept forward, trying to locate the deer. On the other side of some brambles he spotted it. A doe. His ears flattened. Doe were easier to take down - they didn't have antlers - but where there were doe there was almost always a buck. He crept away, moving slowly. Reaching his pack mates, he spoke in hushed tones. "There is a doe on the other side of the brambles. Remember, keep movement extremely slow and smooth. Deer are sensitive to movement. Vixen, when we reach the brambles, take the right side of the doe. Shapria, take the left. I'll take the direct back. Remember to keep an eye out for a buck." He turned and moved quietly back to the brambles. As the other two got in position, he thought of how he would go about taking down the deer. He had purposely taken the back, the most dangerous part. The doe would kick out backward most likely, and he would be the one there. He looked from one she-wolf to the other, and with a long swish of his tail he began to creep up behind the deer. It would be a bit for all to be in position, and once they were he would direct when to pounce.

Kiyiya - Little Valley Pup
She followed after her brother, at first trying to catch up. After a while she stopped trying and jogged slowly. She shook her head, a grin on her face. He knew he would win. Races were never fair with Zulik. She waited for her little brother Ahruth to catch up to her. "Zulik knows he's gonna win," she giggled to him, keeping in step with him.

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#86268 Posted on 2017-01-08 08:37:35

Vixen ( Rustling Wind)

Vixen nodded and mad a wide arch to get to the right side of the doe, she kept quiet watching her step as she went. She made sure to keep an eye out for a buck, she didn't want to run into it and ruin the chance of catching the doe. Ever slowly she started to get closer to the does right side, still keeping low to the ground and out sight as she did. She looked to Shapria to see if she was ready, then looked to Aqui waiting for his signal.

Mako (Little Valley)

Mako went to the border and began marking it, lifting his leg every so often. He could of gone hunting, but he didn't really want to that this morning. As he went on marking the borders, he kept thinking of who the alpha would pick for beta. He didn't know why he was thinking about it so much, it's not like he would be any good at it.

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#86274 Posted on 2017-01-08 08:54:05


With a silent nod to Aqui to signal she understood she turned slowly to the left side of the brambles. Totally focused now she didn't make a sound as each paw was placed one in front of the other to reach her position. She could see the doe now, who looked peaceful in between the trees seemingly unaware of the predators around her. Shifting into a crouch... *snap!* she froze as the deers head shot up 'damn!' she thought. They either had to pounce now or wait until the doe settled again.


As one of her legs was attacked by a small fur ball she growled menacingly as if she was a big grumpy male wolf. Zulik scampered back, eyes wide in fear until he saw it was his mother. Cana laughed at her young pup who's body was far too big for his brain. "Now then Zulik, you wouldn't want to be tumbling into your father like that very often. He might decide to eat you one day!" She nuzzled her little pup back to his feet "what have you done with your brother and sister?"


A menacing growl sounded from above him, he scampered back desperately 'please don't let that be Mako' he thought, Mako had always been disproving of their pup antics. The big, black pup breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his mum and bowed his head in embarrassment because Akhan his father and more importantly his alpha saw all this too. A comforting nuzzle from Cana relaxed him and he replied "they're coming but they're always too slow for me"

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#86303 Posted on 2017-01-08 10:28:22

Ahkan Little Valley Alpha

Standing still, his muzzle pointed down towards his shorter mate and now two of his three offspring. "Zulik, Kiyiya, where is Ahruth?" He said sternly, looking from the pups to outside the den. The small form of Ahruth running as fast as he could from the other side of the den area. Ahkan turned to Zulik and Kiyaya, growling lowly. "Why are you outside the den without your mother? And leaving Ahruth out by himself when you know to stick together, even when you are with Cana?" He demanded angrily, his pelt bristling. He cared for his mate and pups, and did his best to be a good father. But when they got into trouble it was hard for him to be kind.

Ahruth Little Valley Pup

The runt of his litter, the small, light silver pup struggled to catch up to his littermates. Once he reached the Queens den he stepped in and just stared up at his obviously distressed father. Ahruth knew his father well. Better than the other two. He knew that as a pup, Ahkan was just like Ahruth, though he wasnt the runt. His light silver coat shimmered in the pale morning sun, his similarly colored eyes watching the souls of the four wolves before him.

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#86309 Posted on 2017-01-08 10:44:34


As much as she agreed with Akhan on how the siblings must look after each other she thought his words were harsh. They were no longer newborns and needed to learn about the big wide world. However, they were still all small enough to be snatched up by a hawk so they must be careful. So she echoed his words in a motherly tone. "Your father is right, NO one must be left behind" she turned to Akhan, "come my love, I think we could all do with finding some food"


Deeply ashamed at his scolding he cowered at his fathers feet, he was 'only having a bit of fun and it was only just across the clearing and he was sooo much faster', he thought to himself, 'why does Ahruth have to be so slow all the time? and Kiyiya is so sensible, its boring!'. Of course with his alpha there he said nothing. His mother had suggested food, that sounded like a great idea, 'maybe I can play fight and feast with Kiyiya'. His puppy brain had already forgotten his telling off.

(Fight and feast: where if you can pull the prey off your opponent you get to eat all of it and don't have to share)

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#86317 Posted on 2017-01-08 11:09:24

Ahkan Little Valley Alpha

The black wolf shook his head as he stepped out of the den. "Shazda and Pyro have already gone hunting. When they get back I have an announcement to make, so everyone else is to stay in camp until then." He said, before walking away, towarda the overhanging rock over his den. Using the dips and groves in the rock that he knew so well, he jumped onto the overhang, laying down across it, his eyes on the pack. His mind wondered to who to choose as beta. Not many of them were ready. He knew no one could replace his last beta, she had been a great choice and would've made a great leader after Ahkan. But the pack needed a beta and needed one soon.

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#86382 Posted on 2017-01-08 14:51:15

Java - Rustling Wind Alpha

Java came out of her den with a big yawn as she stretched her legs. Her silver coat reflected the sunlight that was penetrating through the leaves of the trees above. She looked out at the open plains in front of her and saw that some of her pack members were not at camp. 'They must have gone hunting,' she thought. Java wandered down to the closest water source for a drink. She didn't feel like disrupting the hunting party and decided to go to the rock in the center of plains. That way she could see when Aqui and whoever he took with him return.

Kirai - Free River Beta

Kirai lifted her head when she heard Codex announce for a hunting party. She lifted herself from the tall grass and walked back into camp. "I can lead it if you so wish Codex," she said as she looked around for the members of the pack.

Bazu - Free River Delta

Bazu was awoken by the sound of Ryaki whimpering and by the looks of it, she was still sleeping. His golden orbs were fixated on her as worry set in. He nuzzled her in an attempt to wake her, trying to save her from the nightmare she was trapped in. He had noticed that Codex, his alpha, had walked into the cave though he was not speaking to him so he kept his mouth shut. He didn't look at Codex, only his sleeping mate.

Chronos - Little Valley Delta

Chronos was stopped short for leaving for the hills nearby when Ahkan ordered that everyone had to stay at camp. He cursed under his breath as he twisted around and made his way back into camp. He let out a huff and plopped on the ground outside of the deltas den.

Last edited on 2017-01-08 at 15:16:11 by Regime.Bird

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