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#79454 Posted on 2016-12-12 07:41:00

im not even going to pick a fight with you siren all i said was i was kind of hurt by that post because i most likely took it the complete opposite way that you meant it, its not worth it. Ren you state a great point and i think you worded everything just right for both sides, i didnt make the thread so i cant exactaly thank you for your post but thank you for that. :)

Last edited on 2016-12-12 at 07:49:42 by ԼƛƝЄƳ

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#79455 Posted on 2016-12-12 07:48:30

My take is if you can't afford those million EVD arts.. Save your EVDs until you can.

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#79460 Posted on 2016-12-12 08:06:04

so i've been silently watching this topic for a while now and i feel like i need to weigh now. not to be rude or temperamental, just to state my opinions.

look, the way i see it: we all start the same place on EV. we all start in the "lower class" for money-wise. some of us make money through horses, some make money through art, others find other ways to profit (stables, games, etc).

i am someone to is very stringent with my money, both in real life and on here. i have never considered myself someone with lots of money before, but now i maintain a steady bank balance of 1.8 mil - 2 mil+ and that's a lot of money to me. i don't spend it often because i don't find much to spend it on. i found ways to make money and make this game work for me and that's my way.

i have always been an active art community member, whether buying or selling. when i buy, i always try to keep bidding up because 1) the artist always deserves the money for spending their time to make these designs/tags/whatever it is and 2) i don't get mad when someone bids above me because it just simply means they want it as bad as i do and why stop them from having it?

i have seen this topic discussed before and it doesn't bother me because sometimes it can bother me too. but that was me when i used to actually care. you also have to remember how much of a problem is this in your life, in the big picture? do you worry about if you're being outbid or whatever when you're not even online? these designs and art aren't the point of this game and they aren't a main focus in your life (unless art is your career, etc).

in the end, it's your money to earn and how spend how you please and no one else should dictate how you run your finances, in real life or online.

but i do not like to see stuff like this posted simply because you see the first topic posted and you just think to yourself "this is going to turn into a big whole thing" and it does and it just simply annoys me to see people fight over something that shouldn't be a problem.

when these people outbid you, just let it go. it doesn't matter, simply.
i know i will big way high above sb if i love the art or if i'm not going to be online and need to make sure i can't be outbid. it's nothing bad; it's just us saying "we love this more than you and we want to make sure we get it."

(that's the same way auctions work in real life, by the way.)

in the end: if you can't afford it yet, save up. if you are outbid, deal with it.

Last edited on 2016-12-12 at 08:08:14 by ʟεαн

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#79468 Posted on 2016-12-12 08:45:47

Can someone just delete this please?

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#79475 Posted on 2016-12-12 09:33:13

Heyoo, thought I'd pop my head in now. I've been keeping an eye on this, kind of weird knowing my sale sparked this thing off. Anyway, I don't really think this topic should be deleted/locked just yet.

After Frosted cooled things down, everyone has been civil and have been explaining just why this is happening as well as how to work the system, or giving ideas on how to change it so that bids can't be super high (placing blockers such as maximum increases). This topic has a lot of information that players who are frustrated about this subjet may find useful and helpful. Just because the responses don't agree with your view doesn't make them negative! Quite a few of these responses are very informative and can be rather helpful.

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#79485 Posted on 2016-12-12 10:54:16

I'm dismayed at people taking this post so personally. When I first read this post I took it as Bopper commenting on a situation she has witnessed happening quite frequently to newer or less financially stable players, herself included. I see this situation happen to newer players on an almost daily basis. I feel bad for them because I've only been on here for a bit more than a year and still sharply remember not being as financially secure as I am now. I did not sense her complaining about the price being charged for the art nor asking for sale prices to be lowered. We have all been hugely outbid at some point & it smarts. I think that was the true purpose of this post - to just relate to anyone that this has happened to.

As far as Laney singling out any players, I felt she choose the number "3" randomly & based on the fact that most auctions have 3 slots. To be honest, we all know that there are realistically at least 10 players who have considerable funds and use them to place considerable bids. Could I name all 10? Nope - I can't even name one. When I see huge bids in an auction I normally don't look to see who placed them. I look to see the players who were outbid - a fair amount of whom are newer players who have saved to try to buy art.

For the "rich", what you do with your EVD/EVC is your business. You are all correct - you earned it & have the right to spend it as you see fit. It does makes me so sad to see newer/less "rich" players consistently get shut out of art auctions though. Many times I choose not to bid at all on a piece to give these players a chance. Let me state again - you earned it & have the right to spend it. For those of you who already have an impressive art "collection" - yes, you'd enjoy adding the piece to your collection. But how much might that piece mean to someone with very little art? It could mean the world! Winning that piece of art may be the highlight of that less financially stable member's day, week, month or year. Winning can (just as easily as losing) light a fire in someone to keep saving and be competitive in auctions. Always losing can be a deterrent to even trying. I know for me personally winning now and again inspires me to keep trying much more than constantly losing does. Am I saying to never bid on art again? Of course not. I'm just saying that not bidding once in a while might be a chance to do something nice for others. Again... yes - you earned it, yes - you can spend it however you see fit.

As for the "just save up" attitude - that's the EV equivalent of "just get good" in video games. Players who have years of experience and/or who are very profitable artists telling newer or artistically challenged players to "save up" is a bit unfair. How could they ever hope to save up enough to outbid someone whose horses are continually bringing in more money than theirs? How can they save up as much as someone who may be making huge profits from selling art when they're not able to create & sell art themselves? They can't. They'll never be able to outbid a more experienced and/or talented player because that player is also "just saving up". The only chance for equality between them is if the more financially well off person were to stop playing while the other person gains experience & funds.

I agree with Eliza that this post offers many ideas to help make auctions better for everyone. I think we all basically want the same thing - to be able to have a piece of the wonderful art here on EV. We just have to figure out how to make this art truly available to all players.

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#79487 Posted on 2016-12-12 11:03:08

I couldnt have put it better myself Valzed. Im really just letting this hole thread be taken over by the community conversation, as i am very intrigued by everyone's comments and thoughts. So like said before if you post then keep in mind that your words will represent you.

I am also ashamed that so many of you have taken this personally. Its not meant to single any number of people out or label anyone. Its just some simple opinions and observations id like to share.

And as for some of these comments, please go easy on one another. Things will get heated at times but remember that just because you are behind a screen doesnt mean you can become a hot head and let all hell break loose even if you do find something offensive.

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#79490 Posted on 2016-12-12 11:22:04

Not to be rude, but LOL @Potato Ren for saying it has made you a "semi-decent" artist...dude, your art is AMAZING!

And yes, I honestly am probably partly guilty of the whole art thing. The fact is, I go on buying crazes because I'm on for a few months and off for a few months alternately, and even if I do get a lot of the art I want, I also tend to miss out on stuff I want really badly, because I'm mid-range for wealth, and I cannot bid 8 mil on one piece of art. (My word, Eliza D., LOL, that was one gorgeous piece of art, and I'm tempted to ask you to make me a similar one as a jaw dropped, too, when I saw where the bidding much for Golden Koi being expensive! :P )

That being said, sometimes I feel pained, and I get that "it's so unfair" reflex myself (yeah, I'm human, too...I think...might need to check up on that), but at the same time, I am always reminding myself that it's simply how the world works. If this game is a reflection of real life, well, real life is meaner. Here, I'm a millionaire; in real life, I don't even make 10K per year (broke college student, ugh), and EV is a way of getting away from that reality and pretending I'm not tight on funds constantly. So, hey, I watch and wait and hope that person decides they are not going to use that art down the road and puts it back up for sale, LOL!

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#79661 Posted on 2016-12-12 23:03:03

This is the reason why I don't buy art anymore. I don't have the money. In real life I am even more broke than here. Here I am proud of the 700.000k I have in bank.

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#79671 Posted on 2016-12-13 03:30:46

@silverfox, aww well it's really not all that and a sack of potatoes... honestly. I have a lot of room for improvement. but thank you. I disagree with you but i thank you regardless ♥♥♥

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#79672 Posted on 2016-12-13 03:59:57

I think that some players should take a step back and look at the bigger picture, its just art. I quit buying art a few years ago and it has been really easy to do so. Sure if something were to catch my eye I would look and see what the max bids are but there are certain price points I am unwilling to pay for a 50x50 tag...

My money has been going towards the ten millions lines I have going on (most of which are locked because over 300 horses is a lot at one time). So spend 150K on a tag, or use it to better my stock which will eventually pay out at a greater price? -.-

What do you think Abbey will say when she sees this thread? If she hasn't already?
Everyone has their breaking point when it comes to arguing about a topic so we might just want to be happy we get to sell artwork of all kinds on the game.

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