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#79414 Posted on 2016-12-11 22:27:47

Sorry Siren it's late here so I may be miss interpreting things a lot. Lol

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#79416 Posted on 2016-12-11 22:32:42

if i work hard for my money on EV, then i'm not just gonna... not spend it LOL

no matter what, there will always be someone with more money than you. it's tough, yeah, but once you work towards what money you have over years, then i think you earn a right to spend it. it's completely understandable that you're upset about this, but i'm not going to limit my spending, or judge other people's spending, just because someone doesn't have as much EVD as i/we do.

people, myself included, don't bid that high to make it unfair or to be rude to people - it kind of seems like you're seeing it that way? but we just want the art as bad as you do, we make high bids to guarantee a spot. especially since a lot of us don't login everyday.

if i went around in real life, complaining at stores when someone buys an expensive item that i want but can't afford, i'm not gonna be mad. that's just how the cookie crumbles.

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#79417 Posted on 2016-12-11 22:34:50

When did I ever say three exact names of people who always got the tags??? I'm not trying to point anyone out of be mean in any way. I know I can come off as rude but I don't mean it that way All I'm saying is it gets kind of annoying when one person or anyone consistently bids on the tags and they have bid on the good tags for the past five or six threads. I just feel the way I feel can't change that. Sorry if that's harsh but it's the truth.

Last edited on 2016-12-11 at 22:35:50 by ԼƛƝЄƳ

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#79418 Posted on 2016-12-11 22:37:59

Preach it nari

Laney> never said you said exactly who. But to single out any three people, doesnt matter who, is sad.

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#79419 Posted on 2016-12-11 22:38:52


Last edited on 2016-12-11 at 22:40:10 by Bopper

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#79420 Posted on 2016-12-11 22:39:52

Another example of why I didn't want to post this thread.

I can't stress it enough, I am NOT telling anyone how to spend their money, I don't care. I'm not saying you are bidding high to be rude, if you like the art you like it. But it's kind of crazy how on some threads after a matter of seconds from being posted someone who has a large amount will swoop in and AB before most even get to see the art.

I'm not trading to sound like I'm complaining or anythI got I just want you guys to understand that when you are less fortunate it's harder to get some stuff. I'm not asking for a pittyparty either, so please don't get all cranky on me.

Also I think laneys said three slots because a few sales I've been seeing have three bid slots open at a time.

Last edited on 2016-12-11 at 22:43:10 by Bopper

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#79421 Posted on 2016-12-11 22:52:38

Yea it is crazy. Cos we cray cray bidders.

As said, i once had barely any money. People bid cray cray amounts above me cos they could and i dealt with it. I once felt that pain. It happens. And its always going to happen. But publicly posting about it? Idk what you wanted out of this post. People to gather round and share memories? Artists to put caps on the maximum bid rates? People to rise up on them cray cray bidders? To me, i dunno.. i really dont know.
also laney never said three slots.

"It is kind of unfair when the same three people are getting the slots on multiple sales."

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#79423 Posted on 2016-12-11 22:58:03

I'm talking about bid slots, typically there are always a certain amount of players on the more wealthy side that I feel always gets it, sorry that comment just mad me angry because you basically said I was blaming three people for always getting the tags or sigs. When really you were placing the blame on me for that. Doesn't feel to good on my end. Not at all was I ever trying to be rude but people always seem to take things a totally different way than I mean them. I guess that's all something we have to live with.

Last edited on 2016-12-11 at 22:58:52 by ԼƛƝЄƳ

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#79424 Posted on 2016-12-11 22:59:50

I'm not looking to get anything out of this. I didn't know I wasnt allowed to post what was on my mind. In the original post I said if you found a problem with my wording you can post about it here but please be respectful, not that you aren't being.

I don't like having public conflict but this just bugs people and I know I'm not the only one who feels this way. Like I said, I'm not looking to get anything out of this

Last edited on 2016-12-11 at 23:00:32 by Bopper

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#79425 Posted on 2016-12-11 23:05:21

Laney, you literally said the same three people. How was i not to get that you apparently were talking about no one in general? Hah

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#79427 Posted on 2016-12-11 23:09:47

Alright lets simmer this down a bit. I know both sides have good points, but in any auction, the bidding will generally go as high as it takes for the person with the most money to obtain their item of interest. Whether it be done quickly or drawn out painfully slowly in, say , 10k increments, the highest bidder will still get the item. By holding off on bidding on anything they want so those with less funds can get what they want does nobody any favors - especially those with lower funding because they no longer have an incentive to work for more money.

I respect everyone's opinions on here but tread carefully please .

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#79430 Posted on 2016-12-11 23:15:06

Thank you Frosted. I respect everyone's opinions as well, like I've said not trying to set anyone off. These are my personal opinions and I'm more than happy to listen to anyone else's

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#79433 Posted on 2016-12-11 23:34:07

I just wish that some art sales were for less and some for more. I don't mind some going for a lot, but I don't have a lot of money since I can't spend real money often. I just want some art also. Happy Holidays to everyone! :D

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#79439 Posted on 2016-12-12 00:32:50

Just gonna pop in here and drop my two cents, as both an artist and as someone who does have characters that I enjoy buying art for when it seems fitting.

There have been posts like these in the past, both on the old EV and the new one, and I always try to say the same thing - art is just a bonus on EV, it's not the point of the game, it's not related to the game in any serious way, and the benefit of it towards the 'point' of the game is negotiable, as most people that sell art also buy art. This is the main reason why how much art sells for, the amount that I get outbid for, and the richer EV players winning the art isn't too important to me. Most (I would like to say all, but I'll go with most) people on EV that have a large amount of money, make art to earn that money. They produce a product, people like that product, and people will pay for that product. Art on EV is cheap compared to art you would purchase in other places - not that it matters in our lovely little corner of the internet too much, but it's something I've noticed as someone who both buys and sells art.

But, if you don't like something you can always try to change it. Placing increase restrictions, placing bid restrictions, placing extremely high autobuys. The issue with that, is that no one wants to sell their art for less than they believe the effort is worth, and as said before, people are going to pay the amount needed to get the art they want whether they have to bid it out, set a high bid, or autobuy.

Anyway, I know how it feels to not have money to buy all the pretty things on EV, so I started selling my art on here, got the money, and earned the ability to bid on the things I wanted. I was still outbid, or placed bids and forgot and missed the deadline to bid more. It's unfortunate, but it happens, and sometimes you can ask the artist themselves if they were making/selling/creating any more - though please, please, please check their page for the rules on this, in case they have their art closed.

/end longwinded 2am talk.

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#79441 Posted on 2016-12-12 02:42:32

Well now, what about people who are "rich" and have a few million to spend go against the other high bidders?
Doesn't that also give them a run for their money? Me and every other "Richy" could go head to head and probably wear each other down by multiple millions of EVD, and lets throw some EVC in there too.

Me? I personally, if I LIKE the art, I'm gonna drop a daunting bid on it, because I want it. Bad. I worked years for my money. EV helped me grow into the semi-decent artist i am today.
But as Nitty said, it's a feature of the game, a feature that Abbey can take away at any given time if things get out of hand. Our main focus should be our horses, and when all 300 of mine are unlocked, my art earnings feed, care, train, school, buy, breed the stock i have. And that money goes fast too once they're all unlocked lol.
And also as Nitty said, I know I for one tend to be very easily bribed (I do like to hoard money more than i like to spend, tbh), and a simple message offering me a fee of some sort we can agree on could usually get me to sell you one. I'm easily approachable and easy to deal with, as Mapes found out when I sold a limited amount of the "Playing in the Dark" tag I did. She ordered two rather than one, and I complied, cuz she asked nicely, and was willing to pay. Not many artists on here will flat out be rude and tell you no as long as you, again as Nitt pointed out, READ their page for rules to see if they're open or not. Many of us that do do art that seem to get high bids/sales are friendly and willing to work with you rather than against. I myself have in the past (not recently, ive not cared enough) approached players whose sales i have missed due to work or family stuff or whatever, and we came to an agreement, let it be art trades or financial gain for them and i got the tag(s) i wanted. Be respectful, be nice, don't spam, don't expect us to want to do a million of the tags, etc. I put limits on my bases ONLY because I get tired of colouring them over and over and over and over and so forth. Repetition kills me and my attention span. So I limit my sales. It's not to single anyone out, it's not to ensure I get high bids, it's not to keep lower bidders left out, it's simply because I hate recolouring too many on the same base. PM and ask, and I'll more than likely be willing to do one more recolour. But I may also tell you to ask again in a few days or weeks, give me a break from the base.

as for Valzed's comment on bidding more than the SB. My SB's tend to rest on the lower spectrum unless it's a piece I want to keep for myself. My SBs tend to be the absolute lowest I'd even consider taking. It may be a bit flattering to have someone double or triple the bid amount, but SBs are more or less (to me) a guideline to what I expect at the minimum. If y'all like it to double or more, I enjoy seeing that, and i use that as a basis for future arts.

And Laney, we get along, you and I, but can I ask where anyone flaunts their money exactly? I've seen many people bid aggressively on a piece they want. I've bid in real life on snakes, and have been outbid by a few hundred or a few thousand, but that doesn't mean the competition is flaunting his money. And it's usually the same guy. He aint flaunting, he's got GOOD taste and it makes me want to eventually be able to outbid him one day. It's a goal I strive for. But on here, I've yet to see anyone actually flaunting it. Maybe we have different view points on the term? To me flaunting would be like....

"oooh lookie here rookies, i dare you to outbid me, i have 100million plus to spend mwahahahahaha!"

and sometimes, i guess the playful jaunts we give each other in bidding wars can be seen as flaunting? But to me, that's just two or more players (usually two) taunting each other in a more of a playful manner, not intimidating or rudely or flaunting cash. Like at a tack/horse auction, two people are bidding on the same item/horse, they give each other smirks and nods and eye rolls and keep bidding higher. It's just something we do, like in sports. It's a taunt, it gives us a sense of challenge. Who doesn't like a challenge eh?

and Boppster. "And this also brings up the fact that new artists these days are less helpful and aware of struggling newbies. I myself am still learning so it's draining to see high quality artists not stepping in to help a player out every once in a while" help how? help in terms of bidding? money? credits? or what? I feel slightly insulted at this particular comment, I've always offered help to those who ask artistically or otherwise, heck, I've even "helped" other players (more for their HORSES than their art) and donated a few hundred thousand evd randomly. How are we not helpful? Maple has helped me and all I've had to do is ask. Siren is helpful though I personally have not approached her but she is. Narimasha will always be ready to help if you needed it. Where are we not helping? Giving hand outs wouldn't be helping, not saying that's what you're asking for.

Laners, "All I'm saying is it gets kind of annoying when one person or anyone consistently bids on the tags and they have bid on the good tags for the past five or six threads" --- I have done that before, and it's not to be overwhelming, rude, unfair, or whatever. We must have good taste to want the same things. You say you come off rude or whatever, I'm that way when i want something, like art. I'll come off as daunting, aggressive, and intimidating if i have to, because to me, a bidding war is fun, getting what i want? even better. But i'm not really going to look the other way because "oh i've purchased 3 good tags already in the last few sales, i don't need this one." If I don't snag it, Siren will. Maple will. Frosted. Bopper. Eliza. Luvpalominos. angels. etc etc etc etc. We all have good damned taste guys.

" after a matter of seconds from being posted someone who has a large amount will swoop in and AB before most even get to see the art" This happens to me and I can afford damn near anything i want. i get logged on, and boom a good sale has already been ABed through and through. I miss out. It's not just "lower end of the spectrum financial wise" players. Trust me.

My thing is, honestly, yes it sucks. Sometimes we can't go against another person. But honestly? You should be walking away with a fire burning within you now. A fire that gives you a goal like me going against my one guy i bid against on snakes. It's a desire to get enough to finally.... FINALLY ... outbid him. and when i do get to that point, it will freaking rule. I will win the world that day. Even if it takes me a million years. If I can do it, anyone can. Trust me.

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