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#79363 Posted on 2016-12-11 19:40:41

Well now that everyone has made their point I think we can conclude this.

People in the game have trigger points, once set off I get messsages. This was a silly little rant for me and I could not mentally prepare myself for the paragraphs upon paragraphs of response or ideas about myself. I do not think some of the commenters read the other comments in some cases, as I had to repeat myself multiple times threw out this discussion. So let's wrap things up shall we?

1. I am not gaining anything from this thread nor looking to
2. Do what you please with your money
3. We all have feelings for one another and if you'd like to let them show go ahead but keep in mind others feelings and actions.
4. I never said certain people in particular weren't helpful
5. Thanks for the talk guys

Last edited on 2016-12-12 at 04:29:38 by Bopper

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#79364 Posted on 2016-12-11 19:53:28

I've also experienced this. I'll bid on something at like 60k then hop off EV to eat dinner. I come back on to check the bids and a bidder has come along after me and has bid 1 mil. I have a fair amount of EV but I also have a ton of horses and really can't drop 1.5 mil on a single piece of art. I fully grasp that the player who outbid me earned their EVD through their horses or selling art and has the right to use it as they see fit, but that doesn't help ease the sting of being outbid. I don't buy a lot of art any more so when I bid on something it's something I truly like - 99% of the time I get outbid.

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#79372 Posted on 2016-12-11 20:13:34

Thanks Bopper for this message. I am one of those "guilty" people for coming along at times and plopping a large amount down.

However, I look at it from the stand-point that the artist who worked on the quality art deserves a good price for their work. It wouldn't be "fair" to the artist if the people kept bidding very low just to favor those with lesser cash than others. The real world doesn't work like that. And although this is just a game, some artists on here put a lot of time and effort into their art pieces, and if someone wants to bid an obscure amount to obtain it, all the best to them and to the artist who earned it! :)

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#79373 Posted on 2016-12-11 20:17:13

i do agree with you Frosted and Bopper but, the artist takes a risk of there art being bid low on or not bid on at all each time they post a sale. I have experienced something like this bidding situation before bopper. It can be very frustrating especially on every good/quality tag sale that is for bid, it is kind of unfair when the same three people are getting the slots on multiple sales. and i know they have earned that money but i understand both sides.

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#79376 Posted on 2016-12-11 20:20:22

I 100% agree that the artist deserves to be compensated fairly but when the SB is 25K and I'm bidding 60k (more than double the SB) I don't feel as if I'm bidding low. I've also placed bids over 100k on pieces that started out with a SB of 25k to have someone outbid me with a 500K or 1 mil bid. Not everyone who gets outbid is bidding low.

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#79379 Posted on 2016-12-11 20:24:54

Thank you Frosted. I do think any artist should get a fair price for their time and work, and I myself want a good price for what I make, but sometimes the people who have a little less would like to own a lovely piece of art. At times I am even willing to pay more, it just depends on the circumstances and my income.

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#79395 Posted on 2016-12-11 21:26:32

My two cents being a "rich" player here.
we are being mindful. We just decided that we really want said piece of art and would like to offer a very fair price to the artist as well as keep our bid in place hopefully until the sale ends, if not, we bid higher.
i am actually so frustrated with members getting so mad at the "rich community" or whatever we are called because we choose to spend our money, and lots of it. I am only speaking for myself here when i say i really wish people would stop slandering the people who have more than they can spend here and that i wish people would stop making posts like this.. I very much dislike posts like this because i see them way too often. I shouldnt have to apologize because i want to make a $1 mill bid. ._.

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#79403 Posted on 2016-12-11 21:39:51

I dont think bopper is exactly trying to point fingers at any certain people or try to come off as rude or ignorant, she is simply just saying what she has observed overtime on EV. I am semi-rich myself but i also do agree with a little bit of what both sides have to say. But i do know that some people(not pointing out anyone please dont take offense) flaunt there money. and i dont recall there being large amounts of posts like this one. It is just kind of annoying, but i get where both sides are coming from.

Last edited on 2016-12-11 at 21:43:55 by ԼƛƝЄƳ

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#79404 Posted on 2016-12-11 21:41:22

The thing is though, even if it goes up, say in increments of 10k, if people want it badly enough, it's gonna reach a high number, maybe even a million. I don't usually bid huge amounts bc I'm a money hoarder (oops) but if I see something I like, I'd rather just bid 500k than post 10 times back and forth.

Last edited on 2016-12-11 at 21:41:46 by cazoo

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#79405 Posted on 2016-12-11 21:55:17

I dont see how she isnt pointing fingers when she says the same three people are getting slots in sales.
I assume that myself as well as perhaps maple? Is some of them? So who would be the third? Of course i cant put exact names on but i do know we buy things we like.
I feel this thread is just targeting these "three people" now saying.. " hey we want to buy things too. Maybe you should bid less so we have a chance to buy"
honestly if you guys think its us flaunting our money, then so be it.

Remember, abbey brought us all back down to $10mill if we had anymore than that before the recode
It was a huge loss to me, but we were brought a bit more down to level with everyone.

Again, as i said.. im sick of seeing threads with people slandering those with money. It happens all too often and for what?..

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#79408 Posted on 2016-12-11 21:56:07

I for one have never seen any other posts like this. I'm not pointing fingers and I totally understand that it's your money to do whatever you desire with it. I couldn't care less what most people do with their money but you have to see how frustrating it is that every time I bid I get outbid, no matter how high I go.

In the past I have bid up to 800k and even go outbid. I'm not sitting here pouting about being poor either. I'm just starting that no only on the newer version of EV but in the older version I have seen it. And this also brings up the fact that new artists these days are less helpful and aware of struggling newbies. I myself am still learning so it's draining to see high quality artists not stepping in to help a player out every once in a while. I may hide behind a rock most if the time but I see what happens to people

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#79409 Posted on 2016-12-11 21:57:35

Oh and where exactly did I point fingers at three certain people Siren?

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#79410 Posted on 2016-12-11 22:12:14

Ah i mixed up who said it. Laney was the one blaming three people.

But i have definitely seen similar posts. Last one i saw was about how artists price their tags way too high so not everyone can afford it. Very similar to this scenario if you ask me.

Welp. If you keep insisting that its us "rich players" money to do with what we want, then i have no problem bidding millions on things. :)

I came from not having much money here. I get what you mean. But i NEVER once complained to the extent to having to post a public complaint about it to try and persuade artists to price differently or people to bid differently. To me, that is ridiculous. Of course you may think differently and i respect that. To each his own. I shall just carry on doin what im doing.

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#79412 Posted on 2016-12-11 22:21:04

Oh ok
1. I think tag prices are very affordable if the art is good
2. I am not complaining to get cheaper art. I would NEVER stoop that low on any occasion. Anyone who does that needs to think about if it is really worth it and why they need to do that. As stated before, I'm simply saying this to make people aware of not only my personal feelings on occasions but others.

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#79413 Posted on 2016-12-11 22:26:36

I never said you believed in either of those lolol

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