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#65594 Posted on 2016-09-05 09:17:43

I am going to be posting new questions for a while. Stay tuned...

Last edited on 2016-09-06 at 13:32:21 by Raptorfang™Ω

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#65600 Posted on 2016-09-05 09:35:45

Back when I used GIMP I never had any problems with it. That message about programs you download will always show up as a general precaution about software from online - it doesn't specifically mean there is anything wrong with GIMP. Just make sure that you download it right from the creators' site, not anywhere else, and you should be fine. c:

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#65601 Posted on 2016-09-05 09:37:45

Yeah, I know that message comes up every time, but I just wanted to ask lol
Thanks River, and yes, I am downloading it straight from the website :)
EDIT: I'm gonna turn this into a place where I can ask all my GIMP questions.

Last edited on 2016-09-05 at 10:28:46 by Raptorfang™Ω

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#65618 Posted on 2016-09-05 10:56:13

For the closed window go to the windows button on the top bar>recently closed docs>toolbox, layers, whatnot.

For layers, this depends on if the lineart is transparent or not.
If it is transparent, make the coloring layer underneath the lineart layer and you're good to go.
If the lines are on a white layer, right click>layers>color to alpha
or something along those lines (it's been awhile but I know the function is in layers).
Set that layer above the coloring layer and you're good to go.
This doesn't work if the lines are on a layer that isn't white though.

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#65621 Posted on 2016-09-05 11:01:21

Okay, thank you! I got my toolbox back, but I'm still figuring out layers. But I'm sure I'll eventually find out lol

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#65624 Posted on 2016-09-05 11:07:31

Are you able to put a up? Then I could see what you're doing and help you through it.

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#65627 Posted on 2016-09-05 11:14:26

Um, no... Not currently. But I'll try and explain it well:
So I have the lineart up. It has a transparent bg. I go to "colors" at the top and select "levels". Then I change it from "value" to "alpha" and click "ok". Then, I tried coloring and erasing it again, but the lines still get erased/colored over.

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#65630 Posted on 2016-09-05 11:21:47

Alright so if it's transparent to start with you do not have to do anything with it!
All you do is make a layer underneath the lineart layer (create new layer, drag it under the lineart layer in the layers box) and color on that layer that you just created with the brush tool on 100% opacity.

I'm not sure what the effects that you set will do to it so it might be best to start over with the lineart not having been played with.

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#65633 Posted on 2016-09-05 11:39:14

Yay! I finally did it! Thanks!
But that led to more questions: How do I change the color of my brush?

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#65634 Posted on 2016-09-05 11:41:31

On the toolbox below the tools (about the middle of the toolbox) there should be 2 little boxes, most likely they are black and white. Click on the one in front and it will bring up the color selection.

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#65637 Posted on 2016-09-05 11:47:56

Okay, I got that, but now I've gone and accidentally deleted all the stuff under those two boxes. *sigh* Any idea how I get them back?

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#65639 Posted on 2016-09-05 11:52:37

Probably the same way you got the toolbox back, windows>recently closed.
If that doesn't work then you can probably open those specific boxes individually and put them back in.

Or this might work

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#65642 Posted on 2016-09-05 12:16:36

The windows thing doesn't work for this, and I can't exactly figure out the description in that link... I may be able to put the boxes back in, but I don't know how.
The stuff I deleted was in the right toolbox, and it included the size bar thing :(

Last edited on 2016-09-05 at 12:18:43 by Raptorfang™Ω

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#65646 Posted on 2016-09-05 12:31:24

For the link:

Edit menu (from the top)> Preferences >Window Management section >click the button for "Reset Saved Window Positions to Default Values" Then click Ok to close the Preferences dialog and restart GIMP.

I hope that helps a bit.

If you still can't get it you'll have to open up different boxes from the windows tab until you find the right ones. Then you click and drag those little windows to your toolbox.

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#65672 Posted on 2016-09-05 15:08:39

Alright, so I managed to do all that stuff, so now I'm ready to color. Except there's a problem: When I erase, the lines don't go away, but color still covers them. Also, even though I changed my color to brown, it colors gray.

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