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Happy NEIGHmas!! (Lizzy)

ForumsTag & Signature Sales → Happy NEIGHmas!! (Lizzy)

Happy NEIGHmas!! (Lizzy)

#276184 Posted on 2024-12-02 18:58:35




Normal Horses (Pre-order version)

Separate versions coming soon.. (yes, they can be separated Nala. It was just rushed and I forgot/didn't realize)

TBA (To be added)



Unnamed Black Chimera | Unnamed Palomino Paint | Unnamed Fire Friesian Mare (Mine)


Happy NEIGHmas tag


Incomplete Tag



Normal: 50K

W/accessories: 10K a piece or 5K, depending upon the value.

Christmas Wear: Lets make it 20K? Sound good enough?

Background: 60K? That a fair price?


Christmas Wear (added stock):

Santa Hat
Sleigh Bells
Stockings (multicolored; look like Japanese socks)
Christmas Tree Topper (withers)


Mix and Match Prices:

Normal W/Accessories: 50K +10K or 5K (65K)

Normal W/Christmas Wear: 50K +20K (70K)

Normal W/Background: 50K +60K (110K)


Limited stockings for now:

Round I

1. Nala

2. (BLANK)

3. (BLANK)

4. (BLANK)

5. (BLANK)


Pre-order Form:



Add-ons (Christmas wear):



I am not good at backgrounds, but I will try to do Christmas themed ones.

I am also offering to do horses with their accessories mixed with the Christmas accessories.

Mix and match basically.

But it is pricey with me, just the normal tag alone is good but with adding onto that; its extremely pricey to add up the horses, add-ons, Christmas outfits, and backgrounds together.

No one said its cheap anymore, especially with how dry the thread is getting, so I might as well pop out this tag before remaking a very special signature tag I want to finish before Christmas. And maybe after.

Depends on how anyone is interested in doing this, maybe I'll get to the special sig after this.

This was very rushed T-T

I guess limited to how many horses I given


Round I

Pre-order PICKups:


150x150150x150 Done! Anything need changing? Just PM me!


A desolate beach within an abandoned island...

Last edited on 2024-12-03 at 20:06:55 by Lizzy

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#276190 Posted on 2024-12-03 17:05:04

Round I

1. Nala

2. (BLANK)

3. (BLANK)

4. (BLANK)

5. (BLANK)

Pre-order Form:

is there a max on # of horses?   also I'm a bit confused as to if the tag is one horse if it is the three horses already posted. but Im willing to pay for whatever you make :3 pm me for additonal refs if needed+ backups

Horse(s): Glimmer|  Sidney | Naliyah | + Paparazzi Strawberry Lemonade| Albatross

Accessories:  none please

Add-ons (christmas wear):what do you have available? maybe some christmas hats or other holiday themed decor? suprise me :) I will pay for all the horses for an add-on !

sending money!  I love your art :3

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