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"🎶toss the key, oh please be kind🎶"

◦°˚About Me & My Horses˚°◦

please don't message me about buying your horses, i buy horses when i need them and not when asked to. thank you! <3 This is my main account! I also have a side account for storage and a couple extra projects, and a sale account for all my sale listings. My brand is ◦°˚ and I don't mind whether it is removed or kept after purchasing a horse of mine. c: just don't use it as your own please!
some stuff about me!
◦°˚ you can call me forgotten or bubbles ◦°˚ have been on EV for 6 years ◦°˚ pansexual & genderqueer! i prefer he/him :) ◦°˚ have been in a relationship for a few years ◦°˚ in my mid 20s & born/living in the U.S, my parents are from India! ◦°˚ i have a big sweet and snuggly cat, and used to have a betta fish before that. i recently got a terrarium with some bugs too! ◦°˚ back in college after dropping out years ago and studying horticulture this time ◦°˚ learning to sew and cook cause I think they're fun and good skills to know too! ◦°˚ my account's theming is based off Kirby!
The Horses <3
Here on my main I juggle a few different projects, while my focus will vary I’m almost always raising Western Paints, Western QHs, and Driving Morgans. As of now my priorities across all projects are roughly NSS>confo>color though this can vary.
Nearly all my lines are public, at any given time I should have some horses for sale or up for breeding. For all but a few projects I will also look for horses to buy from others to combine into my lines.
Most horses are up for stud after reaching 10, i do keep an eye on their current number of foals and typically take down studs after about 2 to 3. I prefer to keep foal numbers a bit low since I currently have trouble finding new horses unrelated to my own and want to keep the market from being flooded with my own lines. Horses will have 5 or fewer total foals each, sometimes I may go as high as 6 or 7 but not often.
After stud years are over (around age 18 and up) I breed 2-3 foals from my pairs and whichever foals I don't keep will be sold. Certain lines might not have any foals for sale since they're unpopular breed/discipline combos and will mostly likely not attract any buyers, but I do try to ask around in the forums if there's any interest before my horses retire.

◦°˚Sales & Services˚°◦

Horses >Sales Account< >Newly Added Division< >Studs/broods thread< Art
Here is a link to the art I've sold on EV! So far I've stuck more to tags and sigs but have some large art ideas for the future. I'm a slow worker when it comes to art so sales are rare and commissions are pretty much nonexistent. I like to draw everything myself and am usually willing to tackle hard designs since I can learn a lot from the challenge, otherwise I won't really grow as an artist! :p Lately I've started to return to character designs. I do not have commissions open for these either but I will have some for sale in the forums from time to time.


1/5/25: going back to college soon, i'm not sure how much it will affect my time on EV but it definitely will. worst case i'll lock everything i can but continue to log in daily. no art for a while though for sure. :(
11/7/24: giving away random sets of 5/5 tack over in the marketplace for $1 each. <3 feel free to offer!
11/1/24: moving my characters to Toyhouse! i've been getting a few charries up every day but it's gonna take a while lol. thank you to Spock for the invite code! <3
9/15/24: recently bred my first group of Nez Perce Horse 1st-gens, so happy with how they turned out. i have all the culled foals up for sale on my sales account for 1k EVD each.
8/7/24: forgot to update this earlier but the Chincoteague Registry is now open! i've also started a contest for our first mascot <3
6/10/24: lately i've been having a lot of trouble with motivation, so i'll have to put my plans for the new Chincoteague club on hold for a bit as i just can't force myself to work on it right now.
6/10/24: i've started an ongoing giveaway for upgraded tack open to everyone <3
6/8/24: all my Show Jumping Chincoteagues are sorted and up for stud!
6/2/24: thank you so much to Ambarone for the new layout! <3
4/18/24: i've started a fresh new herd of foundation Clydesdales that i will combine with my locked 2nd-gens later. i'm also breeding 2nd-gen andalusians!
3/6/24: starting to breed 2nd-gen Clydesdale foals!! it feels like ages since i've progressed my larger herds so i'm really excited!
2/13/24: a lot of not really fun stuff has happened but i'm doing a lot better now. just trying to figure out what my plans were from before.
1/8/24: reached level 29! i'll be on a short hiatus, will be back in a couple weeks though!
1/1/24: happy new year! i'm hoping to make some changes and try new things on EV this year, like starting a club and making more art! we'll see how it goes :)
12/26/23: after thinking about it for a while, i think i'll start having studs and broods up starting from 10 years old instead of 12. hopefully it'll give more chances for people to use them. also 500 snowballs thrown yay!
10/16/23: still got some things to do here and there before it's fully ready, but my sales account can be found here c:
10/7/23: haven't updated this in a while, but i plan to stay here despite everything. will be making a 3rd account to hold my sales since i expect the horse market to go down even more and i would like to hold my sale horses somewhere else to focus on my active ones.
6/10/23: starting some new projects that i'm very excited about, also sorting out my frozen horses.
5/5/23: a bit slowed down on the horse side of things but i'm still around ^^
3/21/23: getting a new laptop soon! :D
2/19/23: finally have my endurance arabians at a point where i'm happy with them. also making more art!
1/27/23: aaaaaa too many scheduled breedings happening at the same time
1/8/23: slowly getting more active and back to work on art now ^^
1/1/23: very busy right now, i'll have to put a pause on anything art related and freeze a lot of herds. hopefully things will begin to calm down and i'll have more free time soon.
12/25/22: currently reorganizing my stables! my goal is one arena per discipline/grade combo and 25 slots each. right now i'm only missing an International Western arena so i'm in the process of leveling up this National one. i'm also slowly adding more slots starting from my Novice arenas.

◦°˚To-Do List˚°◦

•redo an old character ref •sort locked chincoteagues on side •move andalusians to main •finish item guide •write an NSS guide •create new character site Completed •start making character designs again •create a stat guide •organize SJ chincoteagues on main •Adopt Sheet auction •create a tack giveaway •make a club badge
Layout coded by Ambarone #136827

Account Information
Member Name forgottenland
Member ID 121399
Account Type Deluxe (244 days left)
Joined November 16, 2018
Last Active 2025-03-28 08:13:06
Member Information
Money on Hand $70,292
Money in Bank $21,210,525
Player Level 30
Horses 256 / 400

Player Points
Yesterday 9802
This Week 116206
This Month 680002
All Time 37692870
Show Winnings
Yesterday $25,151
This Week $280,684
This Month $1,495,200
All Time $61,108,439

Member Level
Level 30 Experience 13519212 (100%) EXP Required 3339605 EXP Left -10179607

forgottenland's Horse Divisions
1: Natural Plains 7 horses
Trained today
2: Gigabyte Grounds 3 horses
Trained today
A: The Jukebox LOCKED 16 horses
Trained today
B: Dream Palace LOCKED 16 horses
Trained today
C: Jambastion 8 horses
Trained today
D: Pop Flowers LOCKED 0 horses
E: Grape Garden LOCKED 8 horses
Trained today
F: Waddle Dee Town 8 horses
Trained today
G: Dangerous Dinner 8 horses
Trained today
H: Sky Tower LOCKED 0 horses
I: Grand Sun Stones 16 horses
Trained today
J: Naptime & Gentle Breezes LOCKED 0 horses
K: Heart Spears LOCKED 0 horses
L: Rainbow Falls LOCKED 16 horses
Trained today
M: Fruity Forest LOCKED 3 horses
Trained today
N: Melody Town LOCKED 0 horses
O: Star Allies LOCKED 8 horses
Trained today
P: Dusk Dunes 1 LOCKED 8 horses
Trained today
S: Rhythm Route 9 horses
Trained today
T: Factory Tour 3 horses
Trained today
U: Red Canyon 2 horses
Trained today
V: Gourmet Race 10 horses
Trained today
W: Outer Rings 9 horses
Trained today
X: Battleship Halberd 9 horses
Trained today
Y: Sparkling Stars 10 horses
Not trained today
Z: Ice Island (paired) LOCKED 43 horses
Not trained today
Z: Ice Island (sorting) LOCKED 35 horses
Not trained today
Unassigned Horses 1 horses

Club Memberships

Gypsy Vanner Club

Cream Horse Society

Specialists Extraordinaire

Equiverse Dressage Federation

Low NSS Breeders Club

Equiverse Performance Association

Friesian Club

Equiverse Driving Association

EV Welsh Pony Association

Equiverse Thoroughbred Association

Show Creation Coalition

The Kindness Club

Coloured Horse Club

Elite Racehorse Registry

The Tennessee Walking Federation

Appaloosa Club

Chincoteague Registry

Akhal-Teke Club

The EV Art Club

Trakehner Club

Quarter Horse Club

Equiverse Community Center

Equiverse Color Association

For the Well Conformed

Global Show Pony Association

Shetland Pony Club

Equiverse Quarter Horse Association

Sport Pony Registry

Western Horse Association

Equiverse Pony Association

I Own Too Many Characters Group

Dutch Warmblood Society

Endurance Elites

International Pintaloosa Horse Registry

Palomino Association

Paint Horse Association

Low NSS Breeders

The LGBTQ+ Association

One Man's Trash

Horse Addicts Anonymous

American Morgan Horse Association

Magical Mustangs

Absolutely Andalusians

The Andalusian Federation

The EV Nez Perce Registry

Endurance Riding Association

Morgans of Color

ESPA - Equiverse Shetland Pony Association

White Horse Association

Preferred Specialties
Quarter HorseWesternColor
Paint HorseWesternColor