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Isles of Somewhere | Sequel Rp

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Isles of Somewhere | Sequel Rp

#268591 Posted on 2023-04-25 18:33:39

The creature gurgled disgustingly, Esmeray turned tails and went to grab Nysa, he didn't want no one hurt from this, especially if his fear took control of the emotion, but Esmeray tried summoning the horn he had before but it still didn't work again.

Then as Esmeray looked under the creature, he noticed eyes peering from the darkness, he knew the Isle couldn't take much more of it before it blasted in fear, but as Esmeray kept Nysa from the creature that was swinging wildly, he ended up against a wall as he got caught while seeing the back claws were going directly to Nysa and Esmeray knew that the creature would change movements just to hit him.

And that's why he got flung to a wall, because the creature missed Nysa and ended up going up as it smacked Esmeray, which it damaged him and nearly fall unconscious if it weren't for Smoke rushing to his sides to heal him and bring strength and resilence to him.

"Oh god's.." Moonlight whispered, as Esmeray was fighting to keep Nysa safe just like what she was doing for Esmeray, Moonlight turned her head as more creatures came out of the darkness, seeming to be smaller but still bigger then a normal horse.

Though two new fears ended up being rolled out of the darkness, as both popped up at the same time, it was a messed up version of the king of stone and Dragon Devil mashed together to create a weird hybrid of some sort, then another goo came out as the second goop shaped into Dragon Devil before the third one was a normal king of stone, then another one took form as well.. This fourth one was Apollo..

"We need to help him!" Moonlight told Raven, but Raven didn't budge as she knew Esmeray's fears wouldn't hurt anyone, they would go right through anyone and not leave a dent on them, making them ghosts in a way, except fear that constantly is there.

"He needs to learn on how to conquer his fears, or else they'll force the Isle to blast out magic and create.. Another terrible Armageddon: Feargeddon.." Raven refused, but she told Moonlight anyways, the two and everyone knew that they couldn't do anything as the fears would go right through them.

"ESMERAY! YOU NEED TO CONQUER YOUR FEARS!" Moonlight shouted to Esmeray, the stallion looked up at Moonlight but put his head down and started crying until he was bawling out tears, Moonlight was confused but this was Esmeray's true emotion and that he couldn't hold it back.

"I can't! I can't do it! I'm just a wimpy stallion that didn't want to lead! I just took the position to protect Nysa!!" Esmeray cried out, he told everyone the truth but it didn't matter as he needed to focus on learning to control his fears and show him that he meant business instead.

"Yes you can! You are the reason we stick together! No matter what! You said it yourself that we all can conquer our fears, and that you meant it as well!" Moonlight shouted back, Raven helped at the end when she pointed it out positively, but it didn't help Esmeray as he kept crying.

"Everyone, we need Esmeray to have confidence once again! Let's show him that we support him greatly!" Moonlight told the group, she used this as advantage as she and Raven began to cheer for Esmeray, the stallion didn't get up instead he almost curled up before hearing the group join in, which made him look at them before Apollo and Nysa.

"You can defeat your fears Esmeray! We know you can do it!" Raven cheered, Moonlight agreed as she did the samething, not one bit later as the group joined together actually and began cheering Esmeray as one group, but Nysa and Esmeray needed to join if they were to help, though Esmeray got smacked for Nysa, so she didn't have any scars nor marks on her, except for a few pieces of missing hair.

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#268598 Posted on 2023-04-26 05:11:18

     Nysa wanted to prove herself. That she may have been the youngest, but she could still fight and protect. Well this wasn't all about proving herself. She just didn't want Esmeray to get hurt. He had done the same for her, so she was really only repaying the favor. Though somehow Nysa knew that the creature wouldn't harm her. That it couldn't, but she didn't like it anymore then she already did.

     Though the creature went straight for Esmeray. Nysa knew she couldn't do anything. This was Esmeray's fear. He was the one that had to conquer his fears. Nysa was thankful that Smoke got to him and healed him. Nysa hadn't even realized that one of the creature's claws had cut off some of her mane, but that didn't matter. Esmeray did. Getting off of this Isle mattered. 

     Nysa did eventually step back as more creatures formed..only they took the form of their enemies. Apollo watched unsure of what to do, but he watched as one of the creatures turned into him, "Uhh...why did that one turn into me when the others turned into you know who..?" he asked nervously not liking the fact that one of them turned into him. "I don't like this.." he mumbled.

     Though Nysa just shushed him, "That doesn't matter right now Apollo." she said as she looked at all of them, "Not again...I don't want to see those two again.." she mumbled as she was talking about Dra and the king of stone. Apollo just gave her a look, but Nysa ignored it as she looked at Esmeray. She even tried blasting some magic at the creatures to keep them back.

     Nysa sighed as she heard what Esmeray said. She went right to him even putting her side against his to calm him down, "Esmeray you can do this. You said it yourself. I didn't think I was going to make it out of mine, but I did. So can you." she said seeming to calm in this situation..which was odd for her. "You are anything but a wimpy stallion. You've gotten us this far, haven't you?"

     For a moment Nysa nuzzled his shoulder before she spoke again, "We're in this together. You are a great leader." she said reassuring him, "I know you want to protect all do, but in the end it won't matter. I'll still have to face him. I'll still have to suffer. I may be young, but I'm old enough to understand these things. I have no choice but to accept it." she said looking at the others.

     "If I can keep myself calm in a situation like this, and accept my fate, then I know you can conquer your fears. You're not alone. Not ever. We're right here with you. All of us." she said nuzzling his shoulder again. Nysa still hadn't noticed her mane, but even if she did she didn't care. Hair will always grow back. "I'll be right beside you if you want me to." she said comforting him a little more even if she was already beside him.

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#268600 Posted on 2023-04-26 06:24:35

Esmeray nodded and calmed down, which he stood there for a good minute before looking up at the creature, it crackled its throat and it looked intimidating, but Esmeray didn't care, now. He felt confidence return after he looked at how many horses there were just to help him.

"I still don't know how to handle this big one, I thought I had a horn once, then it disappeared.. So I don't know how to do this. And your guys' magic won't work since it'll go through." Esmeray spoke, he was a little quiet but he could still be heard as the fears just stood there.

"But I'll give it my best shot, even though I have no horn or wings, but I forget that my parents kinda don't need them to use magic.. Hehe.." Esmeray spoke, he went embarrassed but even his sister Moonlight got embarrassed as she forgot as well, its not their fault at all really.

"Go beat them little brother!" Moonlight shouted, Esmeray looked at her and smiled, then he focused back on the creatures, this time he stood in a pose similar to flying but without wings, then he focused on himself and soon enough a book popped up.

Esmeray smiled as he made the book disappear, since he forgot one thing; the same creature that was the biggest was inside Esmeray, so he can fight fire with fire, but put it all to an end, which he did tell Nysa to go over to Apollo. Since he had a plan and that he now can use more then raw strength and speed.

Esmeray took a breath, then he focused even more, and then the same creature right in front of him appeared to replace Esmeray, but with disgusting sounds to say that the same creature was within Esmeray the entire time. But he could now control himself.

As Esmeray's creature looked up at Esmeray's fear, the creature laughed before jumping and clawing at the big beast, then Esmeray's book popped up as Esmeray casted a spearation spell, which worked as Esmeray got out of the creature that he was harboring.

Esmeray started falling but he used the book to not and then he got to the ground, the little critters of less fears but still big enough were ready to fight, which Esmeray laughed before charging. Esmeray ended up summoning a weapon as it began swinging around and that Esmeray was holding up his own.

But as he cleared the smaller fears, he turned to looked at Dra and king of stone, he did smirk before he rebinded with the creature since the spell Esmeray used was for only the time that he wanted to last, which was long before the fear fell itself. Esmeray and the creature then charged at Dra since he was the biggest fear.

But as Fear Dra dodged it, he was still smart, even as a fear which was probably why Esmeray didn't want to step in since he knew he'd be facing many fears, but he cleared most of them and only two more left. Which the king of stne wasn't paying attention as Dra used his fake magic (since he's made of fear, he can only use and touch other fears, and also use fear magic too), which to Esmeray didn't matter as Dra flung the king of stone before Esmeray used a sword with his magic to make the king of stone fear gone.

"Yeah! You can defeat him! He's nothing more then just a burnt legend that'll never exist again!" Raven shouted, Esmeray then focused as Esmeray and the creature then charged together as one, and they both took down Dra, to his surprise Esmeray was able to poke out his head from the creature that was on him.

But Esmeray now controlled the creature and it went back inside Esmeray's throat, mostly because it is a voice before turning into a real thing, but as every fear of Esmeray's was defeated, the group waited until it was safe. And that they heard and watched the tear as it disappeared, making it safe..

Moonlight ran over to Esmeray to apologize to him for not being there or supporting him, but she did that now and apologized too before letting Smoke use some strength magic and even a boost of energy for Esmeray since they needed to continue to the next Isle.

"Thank you Moonlight, Smoke, but especially to Nysa, she also made me more confident then I could ever be. Which is what a good herdmate it, even if they don't do anything. Your a best friend but you are more then a friend, which is why- wanna be the head.. Um.." Esmeray paused since he didn't know what would fit best for Nysa, but Esmeray still didn't know what roles would be in a group.

"What about the head magic user? That way Smoke and me can join the lower rank of not being a head magic user, allowing us three to work together to get a better advantage at things and or magic would be extremely powerful- well not to a regular god's magic.. That's for sure.." Moonlight suggested, which she also provided and explained the detail, and it was a good idea, so Esmeray used his sister's suggestion and asked nysa that.

"I mean I know its a big responsibility, but you'll have friends with you as well for leading them too, but they'll also assume positions, like what they did with the rank for you." Esmeray told Nysa, he asked her a questionw ith confidence and wanted to let her know friends will help her out as well.

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#268627 Posted on 2023-04-26 10:02:17

     Nysa smiled as she knew what she said had helped Esmeray. Though she comforted him some more, "Magic or not you can do this. I know you can." she said reassuring him, "You are smart Esmeray. Use it." she said with a smile. Though she looked over at Moonlight and smiled. Sometimes she forgot they were siblings. They never really acted like siblings which was fine.

     Though Nysa nodded as she went over to Apollo willingly. Apollo gave her a look, but she just nipped his mane. Apollo noticed her mane as he pointed it out, "Looks like one of those creatures got to your mane.." he said as he didn't even realize it until she went over to him. Though Nysa noticed as she pointed it out, but she didn't care. Not a bit. She mainly cared about least in that moment..

     "It's fine Apollo. It will grow back. My mane isn't important." she said as she watched Esmeray. Seemed like her words were just what he needed. She was happy that she was able to help him, but she also didn't know how much he had been hiding from them, but it made sense really. Though Nysa didn't expect to see Esmeray pretty much turn into one of the creatures. She was about to go to him..or it, but Apollo held him back.

     "He's fine Nysa. He's doing exactly what you told him." he said as Nysa nodded. "It's like with Dra. You weren't even a day old when he escaped, and went after your mom. He pretty much became one with one of the creatures, but they were captured again in no time." he said without realizing what he just said until it was already said. "Uhh...sorry..I'll just stop talking now.."

     Nysa looked at him as he talked. She looked down as realization hit, but she didn't say anything. Those nightmares she had. They weren't nightmares. They were memories. Memories that she shouldn't even remember, but they came back to her through the form of dreams. Though Nysa didn't say anything about it. She thought it was odd though. Why would she be having memories in the form of dreams?

     Though Nysa watched Esmeray nervously even though it seemed like he was doing it. That he was conquering his fears. Nysa smiled as Raven cheered him on. "You can do it Esmeray." she said joining in. Wasn't long before it was all over. Nysa smiled as she trotted over to him like everyone else had. She watched Moonlight and Esmeray smiling as she did get curious to know what it would be like to have a sibling, but she didn't think too much on that.

     Nysa smiled as she looked down a little embarrassed..maybe even blushing a tiny bit, "Let's just say..that I know what it's like feeling like you can't do something.." she said speaking the truth on that, "But I was right. You aren't some wimpy stallion. Your the leader of this group. Always." she said. Something about her was different. Maybe just hearing her mother's voice again helped her..even if it wasn't her real mother.

     Though Nysa was still embarrassed as she looked at Moonlight, "Are you sure..? I don't know a lot of powerful magic.." she said a bit unsure of it, "Learned a lot of what I know from Nature.." Though she knew they wanted her to have this no matter what, "Guess being a demigod makes my magic stronger.." Sometimes Nysa forgot she really was a demigod, but most times she didn't like to think of herself as one.

     Nysa nodded as she looked at Esmeray. She just went up to him and gave him a hug before she stepped back. "Let's get out of here..I'm sure that's something we can all agree on." she said with a small laugh, "Hope the next Isle is better than this one, but where are we even going? We have no idea where this stallion came from or even where he's keeping Minette.." she said as she looked at the group then Esmeray.

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#268632 Posted on 2023-04-26 11:24:12

"Well we just need to keep going forward, but I just hope that he didn't take roost at the end of the Isles.. That would give everyone exercise at least, but still.. A long way from home, but we are doing this for everyone's sake really." Esmeray told Nysa at first, then he just prayed that the king of stone wasn't like Dra and make his home at the end of the Isles, like Esmeray said: it'd give everyone exercise.

"Actually I counted that we have traveled three Isles, including this one, making it the fourth one we traveled." Moonlight spoke up, Esmeray cringed a bit as the group only traveled four out of 12 Isles, though he did his math and said that they only needed to travel seven more Isles.

"It's not a long way, unless we need to rest, but its still not a long way." Esmeray said, he looked up at the sky before looking down at anyone else, "If we start walking now, then we should make it to the next Isle at sunset, giving us time to graze, scout, watch out for him, and rest until tomorrow." Moonlight perked up and smiled, it was a perfect plan that Esmeray had made, but it was like the other plan he was making, now he was sure of himself for sure.

"Well let's go! Let's not waste the day away then!" Raven spoke up, Esmeray smiled at her before leading the group as everyone followed, though Esmeray wasn't paying attention as no one spoke of Lichanura yet, but he was actually within the herd. But he wasn't doing anything bad really, making him worth the herd but still not there to trust yet.

Esmeray giggled as he realized that he defeated his fears, he could control himself better and the creature in him, he even had a better sense at everything, well he also knew that Lichanura was in the herd but no one mentioned it. So it was a good idea to leave him alone at that.

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#268640 Posted on 2023-04-26 14:34:03

     Nysa nodded. She didn't like the fact that they knew very little about the stallion that took away their families and Minette. Though she trusted Esmeray. "We'll figure it out. He may not talk much, but that won't keep him hidden. We already know that he could still be injured..which is a good and a bad thing." she said as Apollo nodded. She only hoped that Minette was alright.

     Though Nysa looked at Moonlight before she looked back at Esmeray. "Well..feels like we've crossed more then that, but we were also at the one Isle for over a day..close to two if I'm not wrong." she said. Now that she thought about it, Nysa couldn't quite keep track of things. The number of Isles they've crossed, how long ago certain events. She just couldn't. So much had happened in so little time i was just very hard.

     Not that it all mattered much. Though Nysa looked at Esmeray, "We might get lucky. Even if it gets dark I can help lead the way. I am my mother's daughter after all." she said with a small smile, "I can navigate easily in the dark. Whether or not I know where I am." she said. Apollo just rolled his eyes a little bit and Nysa caught it, "Don't you even. You like to show off your flying. We both know it. Well all of us do."

     Though they both agreed with Raven. Didn't seem like any of them wanted to stay on that Isle longer than they had to. "I agree. Let's get out of here." she said ready to get a move on. They all were. Apollo just flew instead of walking like he normally did, but Nysa ended up walking with the group as she summoned her spell book. She figured it would be good to read some more on the way.

     There wasn't much else to do. Apollo sometimes flew ahead of the group before flying back over to them. Pegasi. Always prefer flying instead of being on the ground. Well not Phoenix since his wings were too affected by all of the fights. Didn't matter though. He was gone for good. Skadi too. Nysa didn't even know about Skadi, but no one spoke of her. Just a corrupt mare that no one remembers.

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#268642 Posted on 2023-04-26 17:02:34

As Esmeray looked around, which got Raven off guard since she was also aware but not like Esmeray in any way, but she just ended up, thoughas Raven watched the sandy Isle of Fear transition to a more hopeful pinkish and happy-go-lucky colors, the Isle of Fear seemed to be right about its name: Smaller and was less bigger then the rest of its connected siblings or well parents.. Either way.

But as Esmeray spotted someone and ran up to them, Raven smiled and was shocked to see the horse as well, which did get the others to see that the Isle of Hope was far bigger then its other sibling-parents, and had a more relaxing feeling as well as hope and faith too.

"Oof- oh my, I didn't know that others were out, what are you- oh Esmeray! Raven, Moonlight! I see you didn't get stoned! Destiny?" the horse asked, though it was Faith as her tone and voice had never changed, which is normal for some god's, that they didn't get to change.

"Hehe! Nysa's here too, and Apollo as well, you should know this!" Raven said, though she accidentally yelled at Faith but the goddess mare didn't seem to mind since Raven had her reason to do so.

"It's just- my Isle has resurfaced, and yes, your on the Isle of Hope. You should've known it since I didn't get to show you guys my sister, I have only mentioned her once and that- I've never spoke of her again.. Anyways would you like to meet her?" Faith asked, shortly the group caught up and heard the last part with Faith's sister, and that she really did mention her sometimes but not ever again.

"Yes!" Raven replied with excitment, Moonlight and Esmeray giggled together in sync, sometimes siblings get in sync and can act like each other- if given a real chance to do so.

"Great!" Faith was giddy, and even more so, though it was confusing at first, but like what with Nature- a mare came from the ground but was like Faith: she was white but with pink tipped feathering, light pink hooves, golden yellow eyes, and just with pink hearts on her side.

"Oh wow.. She looks exactly like you, but with pink! Pink is a cute color, but also has different meanings!" Raven said at first, but Faith's sister cut in last with the information about the color pink, which Faith giggled happily as it was true when pink is represented.

"I mean my light-yellow mane, my golden-light hooves, and my pink eyes do opposite from my sister, but at least you all know what she looks like now and acts! She's also Cupid's advisor and Head Leader, well boss, but its because of her pinkness to her and that the Isle she merged with.. Because the Isle was protecting her from.. You know.. Not breathing under water.." Faith stopped at the end, though they all could see since the sea ponies wouldn't know about Faith's sister being under the ground itself.

"Ah right.." Moonlight stopped talking as well, though the Isle of Hope restored their happiness and made sure that everyone was happy and feeling alright and good.

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#268644 Posted on 2023-04-26 18:02:17

     Nysa ended up getting caught up in her book that she didn't pay much attention to anything else. Not what was around her or what was happening around her. Though that was just her father's side of her showing since she was so focused on the book. Though sometimes Apollo got curious as to what she was reading, but Nysa just tried nipping him which made him leave her be for the time being. They were always picking on each other.

     Though Nysa eventually looked up realizing things were starting to get colorful. She smiled glad to see that this next Isle wouldn't be like the last. Though Nysa noticed Esmeray started to run as she was confused until she saw someone out in the distance. A mare. A rather familiar one at that, "It can't be can it..?" Nysa mumbled to herself until she realized who it was and ran over, "Faith!"

     Nysa didn't think she was going to see her. Though she was more than happy to see her. So much so she just ran over to her as quickly as she could sliding to a stop. "We got lucky...everyone else including My mother and my aunt weren't.." she said lowering her ears for a moment. Though Nysa wanted to find some answers. Faith had to know something right? They were lucky enough to see her again though. 

     Nysa didn't know she had a sister, but she was happy to meet her just like everyone else was. Apollo just stood in the back being quiet. Though he was happy to see Faith too. Nysa watched as Faith's sister rose from the ground much like Nature did. Though she smiled happy to meet her. Plus it was a good place to rest and recoup after spending a day of travelling and conquering fears.

     Though Nysa ended up looking at Faith. "You may not have the answers, but I at least want to ask you a few questions.." she said looking down a bit, "My mom said to find you before she was turned to stone.." she said mumbling that part. "If not it's okay. It's been a long day, but either way I won't sleep well. I'm like my mom." she said knowing Faith probably already knew that, but she said it anyways. She wouldn't be surprised if Faith already knew what she wanted to ask her.

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#268647 Posted on 2023-04-26 18:57:18

"Well go ahead, my sister will help out if she hears a familiar question that she can answer, so we won't stop you from asking. I mean we both want to know what you have in store, anyways.."  Faith told Nysa, though she did accidentally get caught up with herself and her sis, but she did focus back on Nysa pretty quickly.

Though Esmeray went to somewhere else to lay down, he was a bit tired from the walking, and exhausted from the running, he did run a lot after all.. But Moonlight went with him since she wanted to spend some sibling bonding time with him, which was nice and sweet to do.

Raven just sat nearby so she could help out if she was needed, but she knew that Faith and her sister would get to all the answers pretty quickly, I mean they are goddesses- so they have extensive knowledge on everything and that they also have a brand new library too. Well after they let Grey Cloud take the previous library and had given it off to Orion..

But even Smoke sat next to Raven, the mare just wanted to make sure that Raven was alright, and that she had someone to talk too, which was caring from the heart and that Raven was happy to hear that one of her friends was there to make sure that she was happy.

Esmeray looked around before putting his head to the ground, the perfect pose that Esmeray at only made him fall asleep more, but it was also because of the positive energy flowing into him, though Esmeray still had his dreams but those were influenced by the positives flowing around the Isle, no wonder why Dra tried to submerge it- he didn't want to walk through this perfect and beautiful harmonic Isle.

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#268655 Posted on 2023-04-27 05:05:07

     Nysa smiled a bit as it seemed like everyone went to go do their own thing. She was quiet for a moment unsure of what to say first or even what to say really. She knew what she wanted to ask, but she just struggled with putting it to words a bit. She did summon her book again and flipped to the same chapter Lichanura had. Though she still didn't like the fact that he touched it. 

     Eventually Nysa sighed, "You know my mother hid her past from me..but since all of this happened..some of the others told me a little about what happened...with Dra.." she said. "I-i know my mother didn't tell me to protect me, but I was always going to find out at some point." she said almost like she didn't want Faith to be upset with her even if she knew she wasn't going to be.

     "She gave me her spell book just before....well..y'know.." Nysa paused for a moment, "I just don't know whether or not to believe certain things right now I guess..even if this chapter talks about me..I don't think I can even do it..I'm not my mom.." she said not even knowing what she was saying. "I never wanted any of this..I just want to get my cousin family back..the herd back..but I don't know how.."

     Nysa paused as she looked over at the others for a moment, "We don't know a thing about this stallion. We don't even know where we are going..all we know is that he has Minette.." At that point she was just rambling on a bit, but she couldn't help it. "I'm sorry I don't know what I'm saying or even what answers I'm even looking for..." she said mumbling a bit as she looked down.

     Apollo watched Nysa for a moment before he decided to fly around for a good while. He was sure to not go too far from the group knowing Esmeray might get upset with him, but he enjoyed flying around. Apollo actually flew around for awhile before it started to get a bit lonely. He never really had anyone to fly with since all of this, but he normally flew alone anyways. Either way he didn't like that he was the only one flying around all the time. After awhile he just went back to the group and grazed..

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#268657 Posted on 2023-04-27 05:59:44

"Well for starters, the stallion your seeking out and is/was terrorizing you, his name is Asher, and Nysa: you can do your mother's magic, god's and goddesses always know who's who and what's what, we try to guide young and old horses to their right paths. We don't know how the future is shaped but we still try to peep into it. Even if we have scrolls, legends, or new oracles, or some thing. We still have one thing: Your always going to find a way, how else did your mother defeat the enemy you can't remember?" Faith asked Nysa at the end, she was right, Nysa could find a way through this. But it just took dedication and time to see.

"And if you want help I'll help you out to the best I can, I can't just do your magic for you, that's why we learn and how we can create our own magic as well, we're born with talent and that you have strong magic coursing through you, even if you think you don't have strong- you do, you just need to find that one thing that'll set your magic loose, how else did your mother need to find hers?" Faith smiled but asked Nysa again, this time she knew well-enough to know about a little bit more about everyone, whilst still letting them have their privacy too.

Though Esmeray was napping until Faith's sister jumped on him, more or so Raven went over so that she could Faith's sister play with her instead, since Esmeray seemed to be at peace until the sister of Faith pounced on him, but Esmeray went back to sleep since he needed it really.

Then Raven and Faith's sister began playing around, well away from everyone so that no one would get disturbed nor have their eyes taken away from something that they were looking or watching, but Raven was having some fun, though Moonlight comforted Esmeray since she got up from napping as well.

But Moonlight went to graze since she made sure that her younger sibling was sleeping alright, and then she went to check on everyone else that wasn't busy but still had something to do, well Moonlight went over and checked on Smoke first of all the rest of the group.

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#268665 Posted on 2023-04-27 08:09:24

     At least getting the name of this king of stone seemed to help Nysa a lot. Maybe there was something in her book about him, but she maybe just didn't see it yet. Either way she'd probably be reading throughout the night. Though Nysa listened to Faith. It felt good to hear her soft voice again. Though Nysa looked away for a moment thinking, "About that....I think I might actually remember him..." she said lowering her ears a bit.

     Nysa sighed, "I've had these two nightmares the other night..." she said, "Two of them were about my mother. One had a mare in it that didn't seem to like my mom much and my mom didn't seem to like her much either. The other..." Nysa was a bit hesitant, "I saw you, Minette, and my mom...these strange creatures...none of it made sense, but that's not all.." she said looking at Faith, "They didn't seem like they were nightmares...they felt..too real..l-like they were memories."

     "E-even if they were, I don't know how I remember them if I was so young, or even why they're coming to me in the form of dreams...I don't know..I might have just lost my mind.." she said muttering the last bit. She had learned probably a lot more in the past few days than she had in the past year. Her mind was never at ease, but Nysa wasn't sure about most things at the time anyways.

     Nysa did go quiet for a moment. She looked at the others before she gave a bit of an answer to Faith's first question, "To protect the ones she loves and cares for.." she said as she looked at Faith unsure if she wanted her to even answer that question. Oh what it's like to be young. Nysa may have been approaching becoming a mature mare, but she was still young. The way she thinks and acts is still part of her age.

     Though Nysa listened to Faith again. "I know I know.." she said, "My mom always said that my magic is stronger than I think..that I'll do great things. None of this feels great. I feel lost..." she said with a small sigh. Nysa didn't know how to answer Faith's second question though. "She never really told me that either. Only thing I do know is that she went to the same school aunt Eclipsetess and Minette went to so she could learn how to use her magic, but that's all I know. She says she's still learning how to use hers."

     That was probably the best answer Nysa had for Faith. Though she was happy to have talked with Faith at least. Nysa just hugged her before she stepped back and looked at the others. Everyone was doing their own thing. Apollo went back to flying around, Raven and Faith's sister were running around, Esmeray and Moonlight were spending time together, but Nysa wasn't all too sure what she should do.

     There was a lot of pressure on her if she was the most important one in the group. Nysa knew she needed to just keep her mind off of things, and just have fun, but she wasn't sure how exactly. Not after the past couple of days, so Nysa just stood there watching the others. Eventually she thanked Faith before she walked over to the others and found a spot to lay down..

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#268666 Posted on 2023-04-27 08:24:13

Faith nodded as she went back to what she was doing earlier, though she did smile now and she had a good idea of what was to come, though Faith called over her sister, which was the same name for the Isle, Isle of Hope. Surprising even Esmeray was surprised to hear a name the same as an Isle.

"Guess she really loves her sister if she named an Isle after her, pretty important but still.. What a loving way to do that." Esmeray said, Moonlight just giggled as she was still grazing but heard Esmeray and Faith, just like everyone else did, though Esmeray got up and nudged Moonlight.

"Yes little brother?" Moonlight teased, Esmeray just frowned before almost walking away from Moonlight, but he shortly went back to her, he wouldn't be the youngest without playing like a foal, so Esmeray had Moonlight chase him and him chase her like foals would do.

"Hehe can't ever catch me!" Esmeray teased, Moonlight was a little mad at Esmeray for doing that, but he did have a fair point as he did run around a lot previously, so it made sense for Esmeray to have a longer speed and endurance, but he still out Moonlight.

Though Esmeray turned around as Moonlight already went to grazing since she was tired, so Esmeray joined her, he just wanted more bonding time with her, they did have much then and there, but the two could catch up a lot more then they would at home.

Raven just smiled at the two siblings, they were finally acting like foals and having their energy taken out, but it wouldn't be long until Raven decided to start chasing Esmeray, the two did have near-fast speed, so they would be constently be at the same speed no matter what.

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#268675 Posted on 2023-04-27 12:34:52

     Apollo was just flying around again seeming like he was enjoying himself, but he was mainly just keeping himself busy. He did miss his mom. She was the only family he really had and she was now gone. He knew Moon wasn't going to be around forever, but he still missed her greatly. Whether or not she was older than most of the others in the herd. Either way Apollo just flew around slowing down to keep himself occupied.

     Though Nysa laid down as she watched the others. She thought about running around with some of them, but she decided against it. Apollo eventually had enough flying as he decided to go to Nysa. Though Nysa noticed the look on his face, "And here I thought a pegasus like you wouldn't get tired of flying since you do it so much." she said messing with him a little bit.

     Apollo gave her a look, "It's different when there's no one else to fly with. It gets boring." he said with a sigh though he made sure Nysa didn't get onto him for saying it got boring. "I'm the only one in the group that can fly. Sure I love doing it, but it gets lonely up there. Just ready for all of this to be over.." he said as he laid down beside her for the time being. Nysa just never thought she would hear him say those things, but she understood it.

     Nysa looked at him, "I know how you feel..and I'm not just saying that." she said letting out with a sigh, "Since I was a filly I wished I was born with wings so that I could fly. I've always wanted to know what it feels like, and to fly with my mom.." she said looking up at the sky for a moment, "It would make no sense for me to really be born with wings since my mother's aren't real, but guess that's just a foalhood dream of mine I suppose."

     Apollo looked at her before he too looked at the sky, "Sometimes I wonder what it's like to have magic.." he admitted though he did let out a small laugh, "Though I'd much rather have wings then a horn. My mom rarely uses magic." he said. Though he looked at everyone else, "Just try to have some fun...we all need it. That includes you." he said before he got up and walked away.

     Nysa watched him before she looked at the others. She wasn't quite so sure how to have fun, but she did get back up on her hooves as she started to explore the Isle a little bit. Though she didn't stray too far from everyone else knowing Esmeray would go after her like he did the night before. Even if it was late in the day, Nysa wanted to explore a little bit like she normally did.

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#268682 Posted on 2023-04-27 13:56:10

Smoke was off finishing up her grooming when she wanted to try and collect more magic to be completely like her father, well she was already like her father, except she was a primarily black coated mare compared to her mud-colored father, and grey coated mother.

Though Smoke went somewhere quiet if she was to acquire Scorn's wings that went along with his magic, Smoke just made sure that she was also doing everything right before getting the wings, but it would take awhile and Smoke was already good with normal magic.

But she also wanted to aqcuire her father's wings if she was to take his place in being the lead stallion of his herd when he retired, whenever that was- probably not for awhile, but it was good to be prepared with being the new lead stallion, whether or not the wings would work properly.

"Though if my wings don't connect I can't do anything about it since I usually see Eclipsetess adjust wing bones in the wings of horses, and I need Eclipsetess to adjust my wings, she is more knowledgeable about that magic.. And that I can only access what I was given with.." Smoke was talking to herself, but she was mostly noting that she can't just do some magic without Eclipsetess or Sconr to give her pointers.

Meanwhile with Moonlight as she was off resting, when Esmeray was rolling arond, pawing the ground, and sometimes scratching his face, like a normal foal would but at a near complete stallion's age, no one knew but Esmeray looked relatively young- like with Nysa, but only Moonlight noticed since she does note everything after all including Raven but her mind is still playful and helpful still- even if she's mature. Or mature-ish really..

Though as Esmeray tried something, well he ran and then flipped his back, which caught everyone's attention and Moonlight who ran over thinking that Esmeray was dead, but no, the stallion got up confused before he almost fell since he did that trick.

"Why little brother..? You almost gave all of us a heart attack!" Moonlight nipped Esmeray's ear, the stallion only smiled nervously as he then regained his balance, but that trick he did would be useful and that's the point Esmeray made about him almost backflipping instead just landing on the ground flat with his back.

"It's not my fault really if I wanted to a trick to avoid any shoots if we were to do a battle, it would still be useful." Esmeray still pouted like a foal, but he was having fun and that Moonlight only sighed and rolled her eyes before grooming Esmeray and his back as he got grass on himself.

But the group did go back to doing what they were originally, same for Smoke as she went back and practiced gathering all the magic that Scorn would use to fight off stallions, monsters, wolves, other unknown horses and the like. But she did also practice using her horn more in case she was given some of Grey Cloud's magic.

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