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Isles of Somewhere | Sequel Rp

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Isles of Somewhere | Sequel Rp

#268685 Posted on 2023-04-27 14:33:47

     Nysa just trotted around for a bit looking around for anything new she hadn't yet discovered. There were some plants she'd never seen before, so she summoned a book. Though this one was different then the spell book. It was more like a notebook. With it, she summoned a quill and some ink. Nysa used to always take some notes on new things she'd discover whenever she explored, so she figured she would do the same for a little bit. 

     Though Nysa found a plant she hadn't seen before as she laid down beside it as she flipped to an empty page. Nysa then started jotting down some notes and even drawing a small image of the plant before she went on exploring some more of the Isle. The quietness seemed to ease her thoughts as she enjoyed her time out there. Nysa ended up finding a trail, and it peeked her interest, so she decided to go see what was along it.

     There were a few more plants, but then Nysa ended up spotting something laying in the middle of the trail. Nysa's curiosity was sparked as she trotted over to the object. Once she got to it, she realized it was a saddle bag. "Hmm..someone must have dropped this when they went to hide..." she said to herself as she figured it would be useful to her. Nysa used her magic as she picked up the saddlebag and placed it on her back, "Perfect." she said happily.

     Nysa then put her items in it including the spell book until she figured it was time for her to start heading back. Nysa decided to gallop a bit as she headed back to the group. The wind through her messed up mane felt good, but either way she didn't care if her mane was ruined or not. It didn't matter to her. Once Nysa got close to the group, she slowed to a trot as she emerged from some shrubs.

     Apollo just grazed a bit within the group minding his own business as he looked up at the others every now and then. Though he looked at Esmeray once he noticed what he did. He didn't hesitate to trot over to him like the others to make sure he was alright. "If you're trying to do a back flip it's a lot easier with wings." he said unsure if that was what Esmeray was thinking, but Esmeray was right in a way.

     "We should all learn to fight and train at least a little. The further we travel the closer we are to finding Minette." he said as he looked at the others. "I know we just want to relax, but things won't go well for us if we don't train at least a little. Who knows what that stallion can do." Apollo may or may not have learned a little from his mom about his father. Phoenix probably lost more fights then he actually won.

     Though Apollo didn't realize Nysa was behind him until she said something, "Asher." she said as she approached everyone now standing beside Apollo, "Faith told me that his name is Asher." she said repeating herself in a way. "Now that we know his name, there could be a chance that he can learn about him. I have a lot to look through, but I'm sure I'll find something now that we have a name."

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#268686 Posted on 2023-04-27 15:06:32

"Heh yeah, plus we should start training like what Apollo said and Esmeray did..? Still confused on that.." Raven perked up in the group, she wanted to train but knew only how to kick, buck, rear, nip, and bite- like regular horses, except ION horses have a bit more personality to them or a lot.

"Agree, we should start learning new ways on to deal with enemies, whether or not we trust them, or even do, but patience is a good thing because we can listen and determine who's nice or mean- good and evil really, but there are horses in the middle- those horses are called traitors, though there are many different horses so traitors ain't a thing anymore. But it was a fun way to bring up awareness huh?" Esmeray smiled at the end, he did get everyone to be aware in a way that a word didn't exist anymore, which was kind of fun like what he said, but Smoke did come trotting over with a smile acrossed her face but Esmeray already knew.

"Sneaky.. Apollo why not go for a little flight? I got something to try out with you, though more of airborn practice to perfect angles that you could try to accomplish, like what Eclipsetess did- she would dive at really strong angles, which is where we can start training you more!" Esmeray looked at Smoke as she trotted up on the other side of Apollo, but Esmeray immediately looked at and asked Apollo, while giving him a valid reason, but Smoke giggled quietly as she was ready to scare Apollo a bit.

"If I can get a perfect angle on you, then you know more then just simple dives, after skydiving practice, we're doing Eclipsetess's flight training regime. Which would be able to taunt you, since she's the only mare that can dive and do things in the middle- multitasking, and if you can do that as well.. Then you are just someone not to mess with!" Esmeray added onto his sentence, though he was plain excited and bursting with energy now, but Smoke was preparing as she only waited for Apollo to go into the sky and do his normal schedule of flying, while also taking on commands to help him dive at angles he couldn't possibly get too without Eclipsetess herself, well a more comfortable way really.

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#268687 Posted on 2023-04-27 15:47:32

     Nysa was a bit unsure of what Raven meant but she dismissed it, "I'll try researching anything about Asher while also trying to learn some spells that are good for battle if anyone wants to join me. There are plenty of spells in there at each level." she said. Apollo looked at her noticing the saddle bag about to ask where it came from, but Nysa beat him to it, "I found it on a trail. Someone must have dropped it." she said.

     Though they listened to Esmeray and nodded. "We've seen what he can do, and from what he's seen he knows we can't fight. If he finds us again before we find him..." Nysa couldn't even bring herself to finish that statement. They knew what she was going to say anyways, "Well best we get to work then." she said before turned away finding a good spot to start researching and working on her magic.

     Apollo was a bit confused when Esmeray asked him to go on a flight. "But..I already have..? Twice..." he said a bit confused. At least until he figured out what Esmeray meant, but he was still a bit unsure and confused. "I'm not so sure what you are you supposed to help me? I'm the only one with wings here." he said. Though Apollo didn't know if Smoke had wings like her father or not.

     Nysa overheard a bit of what they were saying, "My mother is good at flying too!" she said yelling a tad bit, "And multitasking." she added on before she went back to what she was doing. Apollo looked at her before he looked at Esmeray and Smoke. It was clear he wasn't so sure about this. Partly because he never really wanted to be a fighter, but for this he knew he didn't have a choice.

     "I'm not sure how well this will work...I learn better when there's someone up there with me, but I don't have a choice do I?" Apollo said nervously before he sighed and spread his wings stretching them for a second before he flew up a tad bit, "No promises how long I can be up in the air. I've already flown quite a bit today." he said before he flew up higher and started to slowly fly around them.

     Nysa was rereading a couple of pages before she sighed and trotted over to Esmeray, "This will only take a second." she said knowing he was helping Apollo, but she was a bit hesitant to ask this. "Could those things back..?" she asked hesitantly. Nysa didn't really want much to do with them, but she had to try figuring them out and how they were somehow tied to her magic.

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#268696 Posted on 2023-04-27 18:03:41

"The objects right? Yeah I had Smoke take them." Esmeray said, he knew that he didn't have a horn well magic for sure but he didn't know how to control it when he was in the Isle of Fear, but anyways, Smoke made the objects appear as they instantly floated over to Nysa.

"Heheh.. Guess those are just like animals eh?" Smoke giggled, though she was right, the objects that floated over to Nysa seemed to have activated in some way and started doing their own thing whilst circling around Nysa like it was nothing to anyone.

"What about seeing if any god's or goddesses are/were linked to the objects before? That way we have information on the god's and goddesses that we/are linked to the objects, and that we have an idea and knowledge on how to use these." Esmeray asked Nysa, it was a good question and certainly an interesting one at that, though Smoke disappeared before reappearing in the sky next to Apollo, though she was on the other side since she wanted to surprise him.

And that Smoke had grown wings, just like her father's wings were usually grown out of his body for use and protection when using his magic, though Smoke's wings were extremely silent, like a mouse peeing on cotton silent. But she did nudged Apollo before a quick barrel roll to the other side so that Apollo wouldn't know who was on his right.

And then Smoke kept up with nudging Apollo on both sides, barrel rolling, and nudging, then Smoke slowed down and then zoomed passed Apollo with quick speed from mere seconds! Esmeray just laughed and giggled, the surprise was a really good one at that.

"Alright you two, well Apollo, do a quick barrel roll. Then followed by a quick dive, and then a straight shot up towards the clouds when you dive and then go up to slow down." Esmeray asked Apollo, though he sounded like he commanded Apollo, but who was to blame Smoke and Apollo in being the air?

Anyways, then Smoke barrel rolled, did a quick dive and then shot up straight towards the clouds before free falling and then landing down gracefully and successfully, but Esmeray cheered Apollo since it was new to the stallion. But he could quickly learn and do the exact samething the same way.

But Esmeray was happy that Smoke was a natural flyer, instincts from her father, but caring magic that was also awesome too, then Smoke flew back up into the sky pretty quick and then rejoined Apollo before landing back down onto the ground as she enjoyed the exercise very much.

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#268710 Posted on 2023-04-28 07:41:56

     Nysa nodded a bit. "Yeah..those.." she said. It was clear she wasn't too fond of them. Though Nysa looked over at Smoke as she summoned the objects, but they went to Nysa on their own. Nysa hadn't noticed them circle around her before which made her a little unsettled. "These are rocks...not animals.." she said, "But I don't know why they seem to do this or even why animals are attracted to me. I haven't seen a single critter since I was with Nature last. A lot of them weren't in good shape..just hope they're alright..." she said looking down a bit not even realizing she was still talking.

     Though Nysa then looked at Esmeray, "I could try asking Faith and her sister if I see them again. I know how Faith can be here one moment then gone the next." she said looking around for a moment, "But..I'll see what I can do. I don't think my mother knows anything about it anyway..even if she could help us." she said before she turned around and trotted away back to her spot where she had things laid out.

     Nysa didn't realize that once the objects started hovering around her, her necklace had started glowing. There was so much on her hooves that she had to do, but she started with looking through different chapters of the spell book for some information on the strange rocks. Though after awhile she hadn't found anything which she figured she wouldn't, so she turned to some spells that were good for battles.

     Apollo just hovered above Esmeray conserving his energy. He knew how to do it even when he was in the sky. Though he hadn't realized that Smoke was beside him. At least until she started nudging him and flying around enough that Apollo wasn't even sure what was going on until she came to a stop. Apollo looked at her, "And I did not know you acquired your father's wings." he said. Though he didn't mind since it was nice to fly with someone again.

     Apollo looked down at Esmeray still a little unsure of things, but by the time he looked over at Smoke she was already doing what Esmeray had asked. He had done some of these things before..well he did them often just not how Esmeray asked him to do them. Though when he was ready, Apollo started with the barrel roll as he was a bit fast before he started to dive down.

     Though just before he hit the ground, Apollo shot straight up. He may or may not have waited until the last second, but that was normal for Apollo. Either way he flew up quite high before he leaned back and started to free fall. Apollo always loved this part. It always scared Moon whenever he did..partly why he liked it. Though Apollo made his landing just before he came crashing down into the ground. "I'm a better flyer than I am a runner." he said flapping his wings a bit to stretch them before he brought them to his sides for the moment.

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#268711 Posted on 2023-04-28 08:09:09

Esmeray listened to Nysa before he looked up at Apollo and Smoke, he was still happy but even happier that two horses could train in the sky and get prepared to fight later on, which would be awhile technically.. But who's to judge after all? Anyways..

"Haha well your a pegasus after all! So it makes sense for you to be extremely well at flying rather then running on the ground." Esmeray said, Smoke giggled as she flapped her wings, the wings were really different compared to other pegasi wings, though Smoke only smiled more as her feathers were sharp and flattened to a neat and perfect way.

"You'll take a break since you've been at it for quite awhile, but when your ready; we'll continue with the things I have listed since they'll do you good, but I did cross off some since they were needed to be in combat to acquire.. Which may be more difficult then I can say." Esmeray spoke again, this time he sat down and got out a list of what he was talking about, which seemed to be a lot really.

But Smoke just hung around before she took off again, this time just for a normal flight, since she was new to the wings but still needed them to be normalized on her, well the wings and feathers were completely black which was unusual. But not for horses like Smoke.

But she did come back down from her little flight trip in the sky, then she just trotted over to a spot to relax before preparing to train again, she did really like the training since she was just having fun and allowing herself to engage more then what she seems to be doing sometimes.

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#268716 Posted on 2023-04-28 10:09:15

     Apollo just nodded, "Let's see how difficult things can get." he said with a smirk a little up to the challenge, but Apollo did go to lay down and rest for a bit like Esmeray said. Whether or not Esmeray told him to, Apollo would have done it anyways. Though he laid down and rolled around a few good minutes just because he felt like it, but Apollo mainly just did whatever he felt like doing most of the time.

     Nysa looked through some spells before she came across one. One used for battle, but it seemed to be under her level of magic. Well the level of magic she was used to. She wanted to take things slow and start with something she was somewhat used to before she pushed herself. Nysa did look around finding a tree that would work well for a target as she read the spell a couple of times.

     Once she was ready, Nysa concentrated on the tree as she started pulling magic to her horn as it glowed brighter and brighter. Though she didn't notice that her necklace and the three stones circled around her at a faster pace as they too began to glow the same color that they all were. Apollo looked over at Nysa once he noticed the different colored glows as he looked at the others. 

     As Nysa was getting ready to let out her magic towards the tree, something else happened. She could feel her hooves leave the ground as she realized she was floating. At that moment Nysa stopped doing the spell, but the stones and her necklace didn't stop glowing. "W-what's happening?" she asked nervously knowing no one had the answer even if they were by her. Though Nysa didn't seem to like floating, but she knew she hadn't gotten the spell wrong.

    Though the glow just got brighter and brighter until Nysa could barely even see anything but the glow. Eventually the glow faded away slowly as Nysa was back on the ground. Apollo watched the whole thing unsure of what was going on. Though Nysa was a bit wobbly at first as she shook her head with her eyes closed. The glow had messed up her sight a bit, but it was back to normal after a moment or two.

    Nysa looked at the others unsure of what happened, but she didn't notice the wings that were now on her back.. Apollo got up and took a few steps over to Nysa, "Nysa..." he said unsure of what to really say, so he just pointed to the wings that somehow appeared on her back. Nysa looked at him just as confused as he was, but the stones were still circling around her. Nysa then looked at her side seeing the wings as she shook her head unsure if they were real. Though she looked at everyone asking what just happened.

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#268718 Posted on 2023-04-28 11:39:48

"Well.." Esmeray was shocked to see what had happened, but he knew that the dream he had was complete, and that it was actually apart of something else that would soon come later into dreams, but for now he was surprised.. And that he was curious just like everyone else.

Moonlight looked over at Nysa, just as the group looked at her, she and everyone else was surprised to have watched something that was done and done, but Raven just started to go all over the place with questions, but Moonlight did get up and walked over as she pulled Raven away.

"Ah come on!" Raven pouted, but Moonlight just looked at her, Esmeray had just gotten up and was already walking over to Nysa, until he made a quick stop to discipline Raven about asking questions when Nysa had to process at what just had happened.

Then after Esmeray was done talking with Raven, he continued walking over to where Nysa and Apollo were, he was still interested but wouldn't dare ask Nysa any questions with how she's processing everything, instead Esmeray was just gonna ask one question and that was it.

Until Faith came flying down onto the ground, making the Isle of Hope shake itself, which made Faith's sister Hope fall to the ground, but she went underground and stayed there since she was in hiding, but for Faith.. There was something else going on if she shook the ground.

"Is she mad or happy..?" the group started to murmur, they were confused until Faith bubbled everyone and even brought the bubbles together and mashed everyone's bubble into a large one, then he appeared but seemed to be still healing from his injuries but slowly healing.

"You.. ALL OF YOU!" the king of stone shouted, he started out with a whisper before getting mad within seconds, he seemed to be extremely mad if he yelled like that, making the wind blow through strong but Faith latched the bubble to pink chains as they clincked onto a metal piece that appeared under the bubble.

"YOU!!" Faith screamed, it made the king of stone back up and made him have a nervous smile on his face, he even had nervous eyes that were beginning to get scared, Faith came down to protect the Isle and her friends, though when she screamed it also got to everyone else.

"ASHER!" Faith screamed again, this made Asher fly a little bit as he was nervous, but he ultimately backed up more until Faith launched into the air, this made Asher fly back to his home as Faith chased him off, Asher knew he couldn't stone a god or goddess, so he was chased out of the Isle because of that flaw.

Silence arose until Faith smacked herself against the bubble, then it popped as Faith brought everyone into a group hug as she flew down onto the ground, making sure everyone was safe, but she started crying as she apologized for screaming and making everyone scared..

"Faith.. You were just protecting everyone, and that you knew you couldn't get stoned, so Asher was still chased out and gave up at the same time since he knew as well." Esmeray told Faith, he seemed to have immediately accepted Faith's apology quick.

"Yeah.." the group agreed, they too also accepted Faith's apology, but Faith smiled and hugged the group even more. But she then let go and let them back as she did the samething, Esmeray smiled and tried cheering up Faith by being goofy around her, which made everyone smile and laugh as Faith joined in, alongside her sister.

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#268721 Posted on 2023-04-28 14:31:47

     Nysa just looked at the wings now on her back. They were the same color as the seal brown on her body, but it faded into all of the different blues that were on her body and the tips of the feathers were white. Though there were small star-like markings throughout the wings just like the small star-like markings in her blue markings. They matched her odd coat perfectly, but Nysa had no words.

     She slowly flapped them once or twice, but she didn't know what to think. Nysa looked at Apollo, but Raven just ran over starting to ask a ton of questions. Nysa just took a small step back still speechless. She couldn't process a single thought. She couldn't form a single thought. Nysa was never so silent. So speechless. Though she was thankful Moonlight pulled Raven back.

     It wasn't long until Esmeray walked over. Nysa looked at him eventually saying something, "I-i don't know what happened...I was just doing a battle spell from the book...and this happened.." she said unable to say much of anything else. Nysa was just processing what happened, but the bright glow also messed with her head a bit. "I couldn't have gotten it wrong..."

     Though Nysa looked over seeing Faith. Nysa could already tell something was wrong, but before Nysa realized it, she was in a bubble. Nysa was confused and a bit unsettled since she had never been bubbled before, but she was then bubbled with everyone else. Apollo looked at everyone unsure of what was going on until they all got their answer. Nysa looked over to see him. "Asher." she said under her breath.

     She saw that he was still wounded, but healed enough to go after them again. Though this time they were all safe. Faith knew what she was doing, but Nysa could see the fear in his eyes. He feared Faith. Though Nysa was still processing what just happened to her to really pay a lot of attention to what was now going on. Before she even realized it, it was all over as Faith brought them all into a group hug.

     Nysa agreed with Esmeray and everyone else. Though she just had one question to ask Faith. "If he couldn't stone you...then how come he could stone my aunt and my mother? You're all goddesses..." she said slowly so she could get her thoughts together so she would say what she wanted to say. It just didn't make much sense. Why would it have been different for Faith? Was it because she was the ruler?

     Though Nysa looked at her new wings a bit again. Like she didn't think they were real, but in all reality she didn't know how any of it happened. She knew that she didn't get the spell wrong, but then what really happened? Nysa just mainly wanted to know two things. How wings appeared on her back and why Asher couldn't stone Faith. Maybe this was just a dream of sorts. It had been a really long day...for all of them.

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#268723 Posted on 2023-04-28 15:15:10

"Actually I've been a real goddess forever, and the current ruler as well, and Asher knows that if I get stoned by him- it'll end for him, pretty quickly since the newer god's are all my friends that are really loyale to me. Ending a life for me to be undone by the spell, and.. Your mother isn't a full goddess yet Nysa.. And Eclipsetess is still a guardian that was turned into a goddess because of her loyalty to your mother, so she's still new to being a goddess as well as your mother." Faith awkwardly answered Nysa, everyone was surprised and unsure of everything now, but Esmeray started cuddling Nysa because of the news Faith had told her.

"So she's not a full goddess yet..?" Esmeray asked, he stood next to Nysa's side as she would need someone to help her process the information as well, as the processing of the wings on Nysa's side, though the group started processing as well. They didn't know..

"Correct, but she's able to access the heavens, and everything else too. But she won't join the rankings yet until she's fully grown into a goddess, which means you'll have your own Isle and everything, after your a fully powered horse. But the power and selection is natural from the start, and that Nature had been watching Solstice from the first time she was able to chat with her, making sure that she's the right one to undertake the moon goddess role. Though she did Lunaris, now she just needs to meet the other two siblings.." Faith eerily said at the end, making sure that she had the right idea, though she did fill in most or all of the details, its just the processing that needs time.

"Well alright then, come on Nysa, I know you'll want more answers, but its time to process everything at once. And I'll be there to help." Esmeray told Nysa, he began walking in a direction to where Nysa can process things quietly and understand everything as well.

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#268725 Posted on 2023-04-28 16:14:19

     Nysa looked at Faith listening to her before she looked down a bit, "Because you replaced the old gods and goddesses with ones you trusted..." she said knowing that part of things, "To protect the Isles." she added on. Though Nysa was confused when Faith said that her mother wasn't a full goddess yet, "What does that mean?" she asked confused as she tried to think about it for a moment. Nysa looked at Esmeray as he cuddled her. She thought it was a bit odd for him to do that, but after a moment she was grateful for it.

     Though Nysa listened to Faith again, "I know sometimes she visits her parents..but not often.." she said a bit unsure of why she doesn't visit her parents more often. Nysa would have thought Solstice would spend some more time with her parents after not knowing anything about them. Well except for a few things, but this still didn't make much sense to Nysa. "My own Isle? That doesn't make any sense...none of this does.." she said as it was still hard for her to collect her thoughts so she could think clearly.

     Nysa looked at Faith, "Why would Nature keep an eye on her to see if she was a good fit? She's not related to any of this..a-as far as I least..." she said. Solstice never spoke of who Nature was. About Pandora. Though it was more of a secret to protect Nature. Solstice knew Nature wanted her past life a secret to most, so she never told anyone. Didn't even speak about Pandora..well she did when it was just a rare occasion mainly to Nature or Eclipsetess.

     Nysa looked at Esmeray as she nodded, but she looked at Faith, "Thanks...for keeping us safe.." she said before she looked down and followed Esmeray. Nysa didn't know how to really use her wings, so they practically just laid against her sides as some of the feathers dragged through the grass. She just ended up laying down as Esmeray found a spot saying nothing. She just didn't really even look at him. Nysa just wanted all of this to be over. Things got harder and harder for her with each day.

     Though Apollo listened to everything that was said as he watched Esmeray and Nysa for a moment, "Well at least I got a new flying buddy!" he said. Though some of the others probably gave him a bit of a look, "Probably shouldn't have said that.." he mumbled before he looked in the direction the both of them had gone in, "Probably won't be seeing those two for the rest of the day..." Apollo just didn't even realize what he was saying at that point.

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#268728 Posted on 2023-04-28 18:18:15

"Agree." the group agreed at once and in sync, though some or most of the group members weren't as enthusiastic as they were before, but that was because they were all processing the same information and what was happening that was still going on to them.

Though Faith trotted off somewhere, maybe to go relax and just rest since she was very active, but everyone can understand rest and relaxation, but the group also parted ways since they all didn't want to be bange together and rather just split up to deal with everything.

Though Esmeray suddenly became a really good listener as he wanted to listen to Nysa talk, which was extremely weird, unless he wanted to know more about her then just the outside of her, which would be normal since everyone is usually curious of another.

But he wouldn't want to do that unless he saw Nysa be uncomfortable, Esmeray just wanted to listen to Nysa talk, that was all. He was just purely interested in her stories, even though he's already seen the ones today, but he wanted to know what it was like helping Nature.

Well besides that, he was also curious of other things with Nysa, but, he just wanted to make sure that she was alright in the end, sticking by her side was a definately good choice as he could try and help her out with talking, which is a very nice and mature manner; to listen to someone means that person is acknowledging that you care for them by listening to them, which is also spotted in couples as well as friendships, so listening was all over the place really..

Anyways, Esmeray would pay more attention to Nysa, since he just wanted her to know that she has someone to really talk it out with, and that he's waiting until he gets a chance to talk to Nysa, or well make sure that she was fine by giving her what needed in a response when talking. 

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#268731 Posted on 2023-04-28 19:21:36

     Apollo just looked at the others as he felt like he made the moment a bit awkward. He just looked down for a moment before he gave a small nod and trotted away. Seemed like everyone else was going to do the same anyway. Though he just flew a bit to a spot as he laid down. He looked at the others as it seemed like everyone wanted to be alone well apart from Nysa and Esmeray.

     Nysa just curled up saying nothing. She didn't even make a sound. She was just stuck in her head. Stuck in her thoughts. She had nothing to say. At least not at the time. Nysa didn't even really may much attention to Esmeray, but she was thankful he was there. A part of her wanted to be alone, but after everything, most of her didn't want to be alone. Though she just rested a bit even closer her eyes for a few minutes.

     She still thought about things even if she closed her eyes for a few minutes at a time. Nysa didn't really want to fall asleep fully even if she needed it. She just didn't want to sleep. Though sometimes she glanced at Esmeray for a quick moment just to check to see if he was still there, but she quickly looked away. Him just staying there with her seemed to comfort her.

      Though after what seemed to feel like an eternity, Nysa finally spoke. "It's like I don't know anyone...that there's sides about them that I don't know about...I don't even know who I am at this point...I'm just a wreck. A complete wreck.." she said not even bothering to look at Esmeray, "Nothing makes sense anymore, and I don't know how much more I can take. The more answers I try to find, the worse things get."

     Nysa didn't want to look at Esmeray. She didn't want him to see her like this. He didn't deserve it. "I can't do a single thing right. I can't find anything that will help us in that darn book, and clearly my magic doesn't want to work with me. Sometimes I just wish I was coat is nowhere near normal and apparently my life isn't either." she said with a small snort as she was letting out some of her feelings and thoughts.

     "I always knew my mom was lying to me, but I never knew just how much she hid from me. Almost like I don't know her like I thought I did..." she said as she was upset. Though Nysa just went quiet again. What was her to do or say? It was just the same thing over and over again. When would she catch a break? It was like her normal happy self was just gone now. Like she was a completely different horse..

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#268732 Posted on 2023-04-28 20:18:34

"Nysa.. Not everything is gonna be normal.. Even though I'm probably no help, I'm still here to help you, but your just maturing more now, and.. I don't know.." Esmeray paused, he wanted to feel more aligned with Nysa, so he tried to relate to her, to better understand her more.

"I still haven't exactly accepted some thoughts, but I'm willing to do so, mostly to keep you and everyone safe, even though I'm pretty terrible at it.. But you should be thankful that you have magic, Moonlight and I think we do have magic but- we've never really explored the topic much since our magic acts differently, even though I clearly have magic, the book I have never really pops up unlike mother and father's books do.." Esmeray told Nysa the first part, to be grateful even when your down and cannot get up.

"Like I don't even have anything there, and Moonlight obviously wants to be the passive and sweet, and non-magical mare in our family. Which makes no sense at all, but I can understand her for doing that- to protect you in case her magic is unable to be controlled, I know that there is wild magic out there that can't be controlled. But look at you: all ready to understand everything and yet, accept what's there in the end." Esmeray got up, turned around to face Nysa, and told her the last part, even though it'd make her mad to say that, but he just said it anyways, to point something out that Nysa would understand when she's much older then now.

"But I'm not allowing you to talk, to vent and tell me things, even though I'm a stallion- you and everyone can see that I want to understand everyone, hear their feelings and how they feel, know what they are feeling and try to help them. I'm trying to do the samething with you, but I am being a negative charismatic.." Esmeray said, he walked back over to Nysa and had chosen to lay down beside her instead of near her.

"As I'm doing right now, I want you to spill everything out, think about one thing and rant on. And on. And on. So that I know how you feel and give you advice back on how to help you, and I want you to really think before saying anything else. I know it's stupid to do that, but feeling and other stuff is even more helpful then just.. Stuffing it away.." Esmeray told Nysa, he made sure to get up whenever she looked away to be in that eyeline and eye sight, to show her that he really meant what he had said this time, and that he really wanted to understand her more better then ever. And that he also made sure to make his words mean it, and say that he wanted to learn about her, whether or not she felt up to it.

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#268738 Posted on 2023-04-29 06:50:02

     Nysa knew that everything wasn't going to be normal, but these past few days were anything but normal. She was going to say something, but knew Esmeray wasn't going to let her. She had no choice but to listen even if she didn't want to listen to what he had to say. She just kept her mouth shut. Nysa kept trying to look away, but Esmeray wouldn't let her. Making her a bit upset.

     Eventually Nysa looked at Esmeray her ears pinned, "What do you expect me to say? Put yourself in my hooves. I'm the one having all the truth to all the lies I was told constantly. I'm supposedly the one to defeat some king of stone. You want me to think before I speak? I can't. I can't think. I can't even put together a single thought. What is there to talk about anyway? That's all I do. Talk."

     It was clear Nysa was a bit upset..well mad, but she had the right to be. "I am thankful for my magic, but I try performing a simple spell and somehow I now have wings. Not that I haven't dreamed of what it would be like to fly, but I don't know.." Nysa just wasn't sure what to say. She didn't know what Esmeray wanted her to say. It was all the same as before.

     "I'm not myself Esmeray. The longer this goes on the more I change...I'm not who I was before this whole mess..." she said letting out a sigh, "I can't keep going like this Esmeray. T-there's just too much there's too much expected from me..he should have just stoned me like he did everyone else." she mumbled as she looked away. Nysa was exhausted. From everything. 

     She just couldn't keep going like this. She couldn't take anything else. Nysa tried everything to help the group to help herself, but nothing. They all expected a lot from her, and she couldn't give them anything in return. She was lost. Broken. Pretty much just had enough. Nysa didn't really have anything else to say. What was there for her to say? She didn't care if she said what Esmeray wanted her to say or not. 

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