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Isles of Somewhere | Sequel Rp

#262867 Posted on 2022-11-30 18:46:14


Isles of Somewhere


Isles of Nowhere History (past):


When three brother's of horses were created, one took the sky, one took the land and one took the sea, the sky belonged to Zues, the land was taken by Hades, and the sea was taken by Poseidon..

Though the brother's were nice and neutral to each other, Hades ruled the Undeworld and Poseidon made a new kingdom called Kingdom of the Water, and Zues took the Air Kingdom where Alicorns, Pegasi and other's learn the constellations.

In The Heavens, Faith now rules over the Angels and Demons, though the other god's now have retired except Apollo, Faith let him have his job and his family was happy about it, though everyone now knows who Apollo is since he now accompanies Faith when she is going somewhere..


The Isles History (present):


As Solstice defeats Dra and had returned to her birth herd, the thing that started everything, from meeting Azulia, Eclipsetess, Faith, Scorn, Cronsi and many other's, she used all their help to defeat Dragon Devil with a powerful sonic boom!

Though the blast had left a necklace from Dra, it was from his dead wife, something that a cruel horse was powered by envy and many other feelings, but he quickly grew to hate everything! Even his own daughter Darling! Though Solstice and her friends, backed up with Oceanus's army almost didn't make it!

But they pulled through, and saved the Isles! Meaning that they won't ever go to The Mainland, where horses are bred for showing, jumping, racing, and many more, though horse's are also bred to perfection!

But they didn't get to experience being banned from their birth home and made it out alive! Solstice's new herd celebrated her return with her friends, including Scorn, the king but hidden and escaped! Now having a daughter named Smoke, and a future foal.

Though Azulia is expecting her new foal with her mate Cronsi, and Trickster and Carrion are expecting another foal, hoping it's a boy for their daughter Moonlight!

But Azulia plans on naming her foal, if female, Ever Bright, to honor Solstice and Solstice is the aunt. Much like her other friends accepted, maybe Namir as well!



As we return to the Isles, a new force of power is born, a new legend is revived from the dead, a new foal of life has been born. And only a few horses return, as we embark on this journey of power, love, sacrifice, torture, hate, break ups, betrayals and many more.. Only a few select horses must go on their journey just like their parents and friends before them, a new foal was born a filly named "Ever Bright" and her filly friend named "Moonlight"..

Will there be conflict?

Will there be certain demise?

We will find out soon..




Isle of Dreams:

Isle of Ice:

Isle of Mountains:

Isle of Fear:

Isle of Hope:

Isle of Happiness:

Isle of Water:

Isle of Stone:

Isle of Despair:

Isle of Shadows:

Isle of Darkness:

Island of Death:


Kingdom of the Air

Kingdom of Dreams:

Kingdom of the Sea:

Kingdom of Carnage:

Kingdom of Love:

Kingdom of Darkness:

Kingdom of Mountains:

Kingdom of Sapphire and Gems:

Kingdom of Love:

Kingdom of the Stone:

Kingdom of Carnage:

Kingdom of Fiction:




Azulia: Peaceful, caring, a bit mean and rude, Azulia is the one who leads in desparate times and chooses to care for others and gives no crap for anyone trying to hurt friends.

Dra (deceased/soul form): Kinda like his name, he rules over the Isle of Darkness as a volcanic and erupting fiery magma horse that also sprouts bat wings, he stays in his kingdom and his castle and dares not to come out, or else he'll be too far away from his bathing and bed of lava.

Nature: Loving mother to Darling, grandmother to Molten, and now great grandmother to Molten's daughter (unnamed, but will reveal), Nature was actually Pandora once before being reincarnated and becoming the nature that everyone knows and loves.

Winter: Cold, chilly, and frosty, this mare hails from Alaska from the isle known as Isle of Ice, she tends to migrate to chillier climates as Alaska is starting to it's own cool.

Stone: She loves to stay in the mountainy region of the isle Isle of Mountains, she is used to pulling heavy items and larger cargo on her back, she is also a multi runner and runs like the flash!

Trickster: Trickster loves to trick horses, he's known for many tricks, and his mate Carrion supports his tricks as she has been played by him many times. That's how they fell in love.

Carrion: Carrier of Carrion and unalive animals, she takes the unalive animals to a secret pool that keeps their lost souls in there until they are ready to go to heaven. She is also Trickster's mate and mother of two or possibly three?

Faith: Faith is the goddess of hope and prayer, she answers everyone's prayers and helps the ones who lost the way as she and Carrion are the same. And Hope is the younger child of Faith and will take her sister's steps after her sister has passed.

Ashton: Lovely bigger sister of Ashley and Apple, future mother and grandma, lover of science and fictional books to read to bypass time. Ashley, little sister of Ashton and Apple, but has the brain's and raw mentality to continue going forward and ignoring home. Apple, middle child of Ashton and Ashley, has the most intellect when dealing with puzzles and riddles, everyhorse calls her the Riddler or Solver.

Snips: Snips is Soup's younger sibling and true brother of Soup, he cares for her daily since they were forced out of their herd and ended up in isle of Dreams on accident. Soup is the Duchess of a great Duke in Isle of Dreams and older sister of Snip, both get along well and one has been married into a rich and caring family.

Iccalus: Servant and great butler of Lucifer, he serves his master and wants to see an old friend that he never met again. But Lucifer is the great great grandfather of Molten and great grandfather of Darling.

Prism: One legendary gem pony and already has the history of the Isles of Nowhere already written down, Prism is the eldest horse and founder of Isles of Nowhere, she likes to play and adopt lost foals or sells things that she can't keep anymore. She is already 12045, pretty old right?

Jackeroo: Half kangaroo blood and all horse, this speedy fella will wear you down before you know it! He's friendly and cuddly, as long as hugs are available.

Rugged & Unity: Rugged & Unity are twin sibling's and want to stay it like that even though they are not related, they share the same thing's and have the same favorites, so they consider themselves to be sibling's of different mother's.

Molten: She is the daughter of Darling, a powerful mare and yet the heir to the throne.

Darling: A powerful mare, daughter of Dra or Dragon Devil, she is the most powerful mare ever to inherit every magic by her family tree, though she had her friend Solstice defeat Dra.

Oceanus: The daughter of the Queen of Water, though the old queen is unnamed, Oceanus took up the title and has had a daughter as well, though in secret, but she did help Solstice turn the tide of battle on Dra.

Cronsi: the mate of Azulia, the father of their foal, and the prince of the alicorn king and bigger brother of his many sibling's.

Everest: The mountain pony, and the Keeper of Scrolls, Everest is the most powerful foresight seer, though she was also included in the battle.

Scorn: the king of his new herd, and was the king of his future kingdom but he turned it all away, and he had met Eclipsetess and Azulia, so he allowed the two girl's to join his herd.

Eclipsetess: Night guardian for Solstice, but also mate to Namir and mother to their future foal, Eclipsetess is also very helpful and patient towards other mares or foals, Eclipsetess is like Faith but she is more knowledge about herself, her surroundings, and her friends!


Horse's (COPY)


Horse Name:

Horse Type:

Horse Breed:

Horse Gender:

Horse Preference:

Horse Age:

Horse Height:

Horse Markings:

Horse Coat:

Horse Discipline:

Wild or tame:


Rider (optional):

Herd (optional):


Any siblings:

Any titles?:

Abilities/Magic (optional):

Last edited on 2023-05-03 at 20:38:58 by Lizzy

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#265402 Posted on 2023-01-18 17:33:28

Horse Name: Astrid
Horse Type: Heavy Warmblood Unicorn
Horse Breed: Oldenburger
Horse Gender: Mare
Horse Preference: Straight (Possibly Bi)
Horse Age: 7
Horse Height: 16.3 hh
Horse Markings: Minimal Overo with small white specks that look like shimmering stars. Astrid has a white blaze and muzzle as well as 4 white stockings. She also has golden tipped ears that shine at all times.
Horse Coat: Grayish Purple Dapple Dun
Horse Discipline: None
Wild or tame: Wild
Personality: Astrid is a very soft spoken and timid individual. She's more of a loner that sometimes find it hard to make friends.
Rider (optional): N/A
Herd (optional): Astrid doesn't have a herd and is a loner. She was driven from her herd long ago for being unnatural. She grew a horn, developed magical abilities, and didn't have natural colorings. 
Parents?: She never knew her parents.
Any siblings: It's a possibility. 
Any titles?: No title.
Abilities/Magic (optional): Astrid has the ability to control the ebb and flow of all things living. She can create life and take it away. She also has the ability to make things (all things, plant, animal, etc..) grow. She usually uses her powers for growing food in barren places and helping injured animals heal. However, she lost control one time and ended up taking the life of an innocent creature. She vowed to never harm with her powers again. Yet, there's always the chance that she would lose control again....

Horse Name: Keeva
Horse Type: Draft Pegasus
Horse Breed: Shire
Horse Gender: Mare
Horse Preference: Bisexual
Horse Age: 7
Horse Height: 17.9 hh
Horse Markings: White Splash with 2 Front Black Stockings. Has black tipped ears, purple and blue wings with gold tips and golden hooves.
Horse Coat: Pink, Purple, and Blue with Purple and Blue mane and tail and Purple/Blue eyes.
Horse Discipline: None
Wild or tame: Wild
Personality: Spunky and Energetic. Loves to fly and be sporty but still look super nice. (Think Rainbow Dash meets Rarity)
Rider (optional): N/A
Herd (optional): N/A
Parents?: None as of now.
Any siblings: No Siblings.
Any titles?: No titles.
Abilities/Magic (optional): Can fly really fast and breaks the sound barrier. Can see into the past and future and can freeze time or blow things up. She likes to blow things up. Lol

Last edited on 2023-01-18 at 20:08:28 by Deer Creek

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#265403 Posted on 2023-01-18 17:48:23

(I'll start off with a short reply)

As Eclipsetess and Azulia trot through the forest together, Eclipsetess paused as she tugged on Azulia's mane to bring her back to the herds..

"Just cause the Isle of Dreams had grown back, doesn't mean we both should get lost in it's more beautiful state." Eclipsetess told Azulia, Azulia's eyes flashed random colors before deciding on a color or a two palette one.

"I know I know, but it was my idea of it!" Azulia said, her mane showing a little gray at the tips but not enough.

"Anyways, let's head back, I don't want it to get dark, especially some of the foals growing now." Eclipsetess said, she was growing a little worried for Minette.

"Alright alright, we should head back, we don't know what could've been made here." Azulia said, she started trotting back as Eclipsetess followed until they reached the three-four different herds, bigger space and a little bit more of a wiggle room. Perfect.

Azulia breathed in the air as her nostrils were full and she exhaled, both of them stood on a hill as Scorn looks up and waves them down with his hoof and wings, his black horn and black wings now permenent to him and everyone else.

"Ah hah, I told you Scorn found a way to get his wings to be real, even if he's still a runaway king. But at least he's happy here with us even!" Azulia said, Eclipsetess looked down at Scorn happily, she then realized her mane was blowing in the wind much like Azulia's.

But the two girls then trotted down the hill, and back to their birth herd and home.. Though something was different now.. Much more different but not at least danger..

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#265406 Posted on 2023-01-18 18:13:37

Astrid was minding her own business when she heard something rustling in the forest near her. She thought she heard voices. She caught one or two words. It sounded like the were mares talking. Unsure of what she had heard, she inched a bit towards the voices. 

As Astrid crept through the woods, she caught sight of the two mares turning and heading a different way. This place was new to Astrid and she was unsure of how she got here. She was here now though. She used her magic to grow the grass to soften her hoofsteps. She knew she didn't want the mares to hear her spying on them. She thought she heard something about this place being the Isle of Dreams and that it had grown back. Astrid thought to herself, "Where did I end up now? I always seem to find the wrong place at the wrong time, but at least there's beauty here."

Astrid followed the two mares for quite a while, keeping check on the darkness that had slowly crept in upon them. The mares had started to trot and Astrid knew that she would have to keep total concentration to keep her hoofsteps muffled. She finally saw the mares slow as they reached the top of a hillside. They stared down towards something that Astrid couldn't see. She was close enough to hear the mares now though. 

"Ah hah, I told you Scorn found a way to get his wings to be real" said one of the mares. Wings. Be real? What was happening here? Thought Astrid. She knew unicorns were real, but pegasi were just fiction, right? She slowly walked towards the side of the hill, doing her best to keep hidden. Her interest now piqued at the prospect of seeing a real pegasus. As she caught glimpse of the magnificent wings, she noticed the two mares heading down the hill. She sulked backwards so she wasn't seen. Astrid decided at that moment to maybe hang around and see what this herd was all about. Who knows, maybe she could finally be a part of one. 

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#265412 Posted on 2023-01-18 19:19:57

"I mean at least he's still rather an alicorn at least, Grey Cloud knows that, and their foals too! Why do you gotta make some things difficult for the couple?" Eclipsetess nipped Azulia, Azulia looked down before nipping her back at her, though she did stop when she sensed something..

Which it got Eclipsetess to stop and turn around as well, Azulia's eyes then began glowing to an amber-brown for stranger horses, but it was more darker for a horse spying on them, Eclipsetess said before bringing her wings up to stretch them. And then bringing her wings back down and she used her horn to make a glowing torch apppear (cavemane styled torch!).

"Since when could you do a torch?!" Azulia said, her eyes went watermelon colors with the different colors being together, just like a watermelon.

"Since when I examined my book when it updated itself, I might as well use my magic and see what's out there to help! We are adopted siblings after all! Even Scorn is our adopted father but I am now treated as the healer for him in stallion battles, regular battles, and so on." Eclipsetess said, she then started moving her ears around since Azulia was staring at something but she had no idea what.

"You do have a good point there, but still, Grey Cloud is the lead mare yet she and Scorn had Smoke first, making her the first heir to rule the herd after the two die- somehow since their technically immortal.." Azulia agreed, but she even admitted the rest, which Eclipsetess nodded.

"Now let's get onto the point here, we- well you since you can sense anything, going on, you can sense any type of horse feeling an emotion or too, but the greater effect of an emotion the more your able to feel it more. Like when Oceanus had you, Namir, and some other horses be in the court room, you were in the jury, so that's a more greater effect of an example." Eclipsetess said, she had the point taken right off the chart!

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#265424 Posted on 2023-01-19 06:16:49

Astrid was watching these two mares talk, as she had inched far enough back to see them clearly now. That's when she realized that she had been staring at unicorn with wings already! "What are they called? Anycorns? Pegacorns?" She thought to herself. "Oh! That's right, Alicorns!" Astrid had never experienced seeing a Pegasus, let alone an Alicorn. She thought they were just myths stuck in old fairytales to scare young foals. Never in a million years did she think they would be real. 

As Astrid was stuck in her thoughts, she realized that she hadn't kept herself hidden the best. That's when she saw the seal brown Alicorn stretch out her wings and conjure a torch out of thin air. She realized at that moment that the two mares must have sensed her. She had to make a decision. She had to decide whether to let them find her or to come out in the open and declare herself. 

She thought long and hard as she realized that the other mare, the one with the seal brown, seemed like she could possibly be a bit aggressive. Astrid was terrified. She sat frozen in fear, but made the decision to come out of her hiding place. As she got enough courage, her legs all shakey, she slowly walked out. The two mares were talking about some kind of jury, but Astrid didn't want to really interrupt. She knew though that she should say something. "Ahem, he-hello.. I'm so very sorry for spying on you.. I just.. I just don't know where I am or how I got here, can you maybe hel-help me?"

*I'll let you decide how to bring Keeva in and I'll just roll with it*

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#268014 Posted on 2023-04-09 15:43:20

"Oh well where are you from? You've got to be from a different Isle!" Azulia said, her black coat now seemingly to have a bit of gray hairs here and there on her coat, much to Eclipsetess's surprise, she didn't really mind but calmed down. She did look at Azulia and sighed but also glared at the sun in a quick glance.

Though Eclipsetess made a scroll appear out of thin air, and it seemed that she made a quick spell as she brought herself and Azulia back into their younger days, which made everyone else in the herd the same way.. Eclipsetess was trying to prevent aging within the herd, but she was a goddess and mother to Minette..

"I'll let you handle this mare Azulia, I got to go check my daughter, I'll see if your husband and daughter are in the herd. You know how adventerous she is when your not there." Eclipsetess told Azulia, she excused herself and flew into the air as Azulia watched before looking at the mare before her.

"Well let's put a pin into this conversation, what's your name?" Azulia told and asked the mare before her, she was always friendly to everyone and supposed to be helpful but she didn't know nothing about a mare appearing out of nowhere, maybe something happened to her.

Anyways, Azulia then appeared behind the mare as she started pushing her towards where Azulia's herd was, and she seemed excited and very glad to have done this, but she then herd foal noises as she stopped pushing the mare before her and started running..

"Come on then! Let's go see my herd's new foal! Well at least in the Isle of Dreams, lots of stallions come through there now, so Scorn's a little jealous that his old best friend has a husband now, but the couple should have had their foal already, explains if you heard any new foal noises." Azulia told the mare, she was excited but always had a sense of mind, so she never forgot anything at all!

As Eclipsetess snuck up behind Nature as the poor mare was scared out of her wits, but she did bonk Eclipsetess on the head when she scared Nature, Eclipsetess only laughed before using a disappearing spell and appeared behind Solstice, though she was always with Orion so she snuck up behind the couple but did back off into the brush when Eclipsetess either saw Solstice or Orion look behind them..

"BOO!!" Eclipsetess said as she jumped out the brush and tried to scare Solstice and Orion, though Minette only came over and asked why her mother was always scaring everyone, Minette knew that everyone loved to scare Eclipsetess every now and then, but it had gotten out of hand.

"Well you can't have revenge if your not putting in the work, I'm just doing it because I'm now not scared of anyone jumping me. Well maybe except Nature, that mare always appears out of nowhere, well I know she can disappear underground, but she's usually so absent so it scares me into paranoia. But not bad paranoia." Eclipsetess told Minette, Eclipsetess hopped over Solstice and Orion before flexing her wings and acting tough until she spoke of Nature.

Minette only looked at her mother, but she did look around before looking back at Eclipsetess, whom was focused on newer spells now, since Eclipsetess did find them over night on accident, but it does make sense all in all, though Minette just left the three alone but not before telling Eclipsetess..

"Oh and you should fin dad, he might want to spend some time cuddling with you, as you have been doing other things, so he might be feeling more then a little lonely. He's probably over by the Big Sacred Tree, since it does help you calm down and relax." Minette told Eclipsetess, then she left and let her mother do what she does after that.

"Well bye you two, have fun cuddling together! Oh I did I find Nysa over with Apollo, who was also next to Blizzard and King talking with each other, oh and Marrow has no made it official that she and King has become a cute couple. I honestly suspected that those two from the Isles of the Mountains would get together at some point, they hinted so many flags.." Eclipsetess told Solstice and Orion, then she flew off to the tree, which was on its own hill and was looming over the three herds once more, except that Mesa's herd made an expansion so that Scorn could move his herd down onto the more softer terrain, easy the footing on the herd. And richer grass as well..

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#268017 Posted on 2023-04-09 17:19:09

     It had been about another year or two until the herds were able to move back. Solstice was more than happy to be back home. Sure the time on the Isle of Mountains wasn't bad, but it just wasn't home. Nysa was unsure of the move since she was born on the Isle of Mountains, but she slowly adjusted to her new home. At least she knew about the fire now and the events that happened that day, but sometimes Nysa missed the Isle of Mountains.

     Though Solstice sometimes spent her days exploring the reborn Isle. It was even more beautiful then before, but she still found her way around the Isle easily. She was born here after all..and liked to run off. Though in that time Nysa had also grown a lot. Solstice thought she had grown too much too fast, but there was nothing she could have done about it. Nysa had grown into a nice young mare.

     Solstice often spent her time teaching Nysa things she needed to know, and magic. Mother daughter time. They both enjoyed it, but Nysa also spent her time in the woods exploring. She was gone often, but it was normal to be more adventurous at that age. She even helped Nature with the animals and the wounded whenever she could. When she wasn't doing any of those things, Nysa was probably hanging out with Minette and the others.

     Though Solstice was grazing with Orion at that time. It was a peaceful day, and Solstice had nothing to worry about. Orion looked around every now and then, but he just went back to grazing. Solstice glanced behind her for a quick moment thinking she saw something, but she dismissed it. At least until Eclipsetess jumped out front behind and scared Solstice enough that she flew up a bit before she realized it was just Eclipsetess.

     Orion jumped slightly as Solstice just went back to the ground, " got me.." she admitted as there was no lying on that one. Though she looked over at Minette, "It's fine Minette...just every once in a while. I've had worse scares." she said calmly as she stretched her wings some. Orion gave her a bit of a look, but she only gave it back to him in return. Orion just looked down.

     "My brother spent a few years alone...sometimes he likes being alone, but you know he is..strange one he is. Even I don't even understand him at times and he raised me." she said with a small laugh, "But maybe Minette is right." she said nudging Eclipsetess a bit. Solstice then looked over where Nysa and the others seemed to like to hang out, "I'm not worried about her. She's gotten pretty independent, but thanks for letting us know." she said before Eclipsetess left.

     Nysa was having a good time with her friends like always. Sure she was still the youngest, but it was different now. Apollo was just showing off a bit with some of his flying skills. Nysa only rolled her eyes, "We get it Apollo. Your a better flyer then your father." she said as Apollo came back to the ground. He just snorted a bit, "But are you better then my aunt or even my mom? I've heard my aunt say my mom was the best flyer and she wasn't even born with wings." she said.

     Apollo just gave her a look, "'ve been flying a lot longer than I have. I've just been least I can fly unlike my father like my mom says." he said flapping his wings for fun, "I don't think I could be better then them." he said. Nysa just looked around a bit flicking her ears. "I should probably go and check on my mom..cya later." he said before he ran off.

     Nysa watched him leave before she stood up and walked over to her parents. Solstice looked up when she saw her coming over and smiled. Nysa nuzzled both of her parents, "I guess it's that time isn't it?" Solstice said as Nysa smiled, "Alright then. You've been doing well on your magic, but there's always new things to learn." she said before she summoned her spell book. Solstice smiled as she didn't bring it out much, but this time she did, and Nysa knew there was a reason for it.

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#268020 Posted on 2023-04-09 19:31:38

Though Scorn and GreyCloud were having fun running around, as open and spacious it was, it was just.. Mesa was too kind to helping expand their little territory and help the other two herds out, though some flying critters were scurrying around in and out between the herds, other times Vixen and Tod and their pups were watching the herds just be themselves.. Peaceful, and it truly was..

Though when Minette had completed her foal and yearling guardian training fast, she also took up the time to go up and study, she was the smartest student alongside Marrow of course, but even Minette's friend's had their parents follow Buckwheat, Mesa, and Scorn's herds to stay in touch with Minette.

Of course the Alicorn King allowed it, because friendship shouldn't die, but also to explore their new home, though Oceanus would also visit from time to time with her two new grandfoal's and Carcinus as well, sometimes Ceto and Aphros came as well.. To mainly chat with their friends that they saw as..

Oh and Winter Rose's calf had grown up as well, the young Moon Whale was the most beautiful creature to have grown up, and sometimes Winter Rose would jump out of the ocean to sing her song whenever she could for Solstice, and sometimes her mate and young grown Moon Whale calf also came and sang as well.

It was just surely two years of peacefulness and how quiet sometimes the Isle got at night, though Nature did have Eclipsetess- sometimes bring back extinct creatures and fauna for the Isle to be the most beautiful thing to ever exist, and even the other Isles could agree Isle of Dreams was the most dreamest Isle of all..

Though within the recent two years, a few more Isles popped up by the world shifting, sometimes it was deadly but still livable, other times the Isles would appear out of nowhere at night and Nature would have Eclipsetess document it as Faith also came down to see how the Isles were doing..

Now.. There were 5 new Isles that had been recently shifted atop, and looked like they were the previous Isles as they had rose up and looked like the Isles before they were even sunk and had almost kill off the breeds of horses that lived there, though one particular Isle called Island of Death was very interesting, it didn't look like death but hen stepping past the illusion is when your greeted with instant creatures that were the apex predators. Horses that survived rules the Island and wiped off the apex predators to create a new tradition that isn't spoken..

But Island of Death would be renamed to something else in the near future, just not for the rest time being it seems, though new horses did also join the three different herds at least, so there was difference in them, but a mare did befriend the blind mare and became her helper to see around the woods. Sweet mare too.

Though like I said before, stallions also migrated as well, and newer breeds were also crossed between them too, so now the snake mare Solstice, and Eclipsetess know now have friends that talk in her snake language- because of how much hissing there is for each letter of S..

Anyways, the Isle of Dreams was also expanded as well, so now that it was its old self but in a more modern-regrown Isle way, but still had normal critters as well. Even Scorn has a pet much like some horses are starting to tame the critters that run around theirs herds as a sufficient way to eat- the critters that eat the bugs on/around every horse, I meant that..

But all in all, even Eclipsetess could tell that Minette was starting to show more signs of taking Blizzard as a possible mate and- if they reach that point: married, though like I said Eclipsetess was thinking that Minette thought that Blizzard being different would make really cute babies with white coats and very adorable markings!

But it wouldn't come true if Minette felt feelings for someone else, but Eclipsetess did protect Minette every now and then when she was alone with a different stallion walking up to her- either to talk or try and force her away from the herd, but both would lead to bad choices..

Well now actually, Eclipsetess was walking around when she got a chance to talk with Namir, and sometimes did her used-t-be-telling him his nicknames, but Minette still could see a change in her mother somehow, like when she was foal she always noticed the exercised swelling-

Eclipsetess should stop running around and getting exercise actually, but Eclipsetess's mane and tail were also more plump- signaling something different as mare manes don't plump- except for expecting mares with foals, but Minette also does watch her mother comb her hair with a new brush that Nature made for everyone to use.

Which was helpful as Nature also made a nature-friendly gel with hair too, to make the mane and tail plump into an almost fluffy style whilst still having their original mane show all the way, Minette still didn't figure out what was the deal with the gel but she was old enough to know herself.. Even if Nature was pushing too hard with trying to modern-nize the herds. She just wanted everyone to have the best life and style they felt like. And that's alright too..

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#268024 Posted on 2023-04-10 05:58:52

     Nysa looked at her mother's spell book. She rarely took it out when she was teaching her new spells, and Nysa couldn't help to ask. "You almost never summon your spell book mother. Why today?" she asked as Solstice smiled. Though she didn't give her an answer...yet. Orion smiled too, but he stayed quiet too. "Why are you two being quiet?" she asked unsure of why they said nothing, "Okay okay what's going on?"

     Solstice couldn't help but giggle a bit, "Well...your father and I talked about how you're progressing with your magic, and you seem to be learning good skills from Nature when you help her." she said as she looked at her spell book, "I think it's time I give you this. I already know most of the spells in the book, and there's a lot of information in there for you to read and learn." she said as she smiled. Orion just nodded in agreement.

     Nysa looked at her mother surprised, "Y-you're giving me your spell book? A-are you sure?" she asked surprised. Nysa wasn't so sure about it or even if she was ready for it and some of the spells it contained. She already knew some of them, but she knew there were some pretty powerful spells in that book. "Mom are you sure I'm ready?" she asked hesitantly, but she was still surprised.

     Solstice only nodded, "You are ready Nysa. I am your mother aren't I? There were plenty of times when I felt like I wasn't ready, but others knew I was. Flying for example." she said spreading out her wings for a moment. "When I was your age, I didn't even know how to pick up even a small leaf with the use of my magic. This book is how I learned my magic. Now go take it and read it. I know you're itching too." she said nudging Nysa.

     Nysa just smiled and hugged her mom before she took the spell book and ran off with it. Solstice smiled, "Well...she'll have her nose in that book for her father." she said as Orion just gave her a look, "Oh you know I'm right." she said messing with him. Though over the past year or two, Solstice changed. Not like how she acted and what she did each day, but her body changed.

     Her mane and tail grew longer. It was always short, but her tail was always long. Though they both grew longer and started to become slightly wavy. Her horn may have grown a little longer, but it was almost like she was slowly changing into her goddess self. Solstice didn't really mind, but she was still her same old self. Well not old...she was still young..unlike Moon. Moon often went to where her old herd was..even if it hurt her to remember those memories.

     Though Solstice decided to go on a small fly around the Isle. At first she was nervous to spread her wings back home, but she grew out of it. The fire was the past, and she was back home. Though she was feeling a little odd for the past few days, but Solstice set it aside like she always had. Instead she just enjoyed her flight around the Isle. One of her favorite things to do like it has been for a while now.

     Nysa's coat hadn't changed much since she grew up the past couple of years. One thing that was more noticeable was that the stars in her odd blue markings seemed to twinkle just like real stars. That and the two white moons she had on her body much like her mother glowed. Mostly at night, but even during the day it was noticeable. Though her mane and tail grew out and was a bit long, but she was almost a mature mare. 

     Though Nysa dug right into the book excitedly before she looked up seeing her mother go off on another flight. Solstice went on them often, but then Nysa looked over seeing Nature as she got up and made the book disappear and walked over to Nature, "Hey Nature. Is there anything you'd like for me to help with today?" she asked also happy to help the mare. "It's okay if there isn't."

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#268027 Posted on 2023-04-10 10:15:45

"Well actually, mind if you follow me? It just might be too much for you, but you can at least try.." Nature asked Nysa, the mare seemed to be a little shaken up but still normal, though Nature did push back some brush that lead to a path somewhere, where it must've led to Nature's place for healing animals.

Though as Nature let Nysa walk directly towards were the path went, allowing Nature to stop pushing the brush behind her, but as Nature and Nysa were walking up the path, it took the two straight to Nature's place as expected, but this time.. There were just several and more nests with just some animals..

"There's more if you look around enough, though I don't know what happened, I was just relaxing and then animals started coming to me in family groups.. I don't know what happened to any of these creatures at all, I know I'm supposed to pop up to keep these critters safe, but once I start meditating to link back with the Isle again.. I don't feel animals being in danger.. I know its stupid at least, but that's how it is.." Nature told Nysa, the animals were tucked out and therefore didn't look up, healing does take time, so animals being tuckered out would be natural.

"I'm still making healing pancakes for them, I'm just collecting flowers, fruits, and all kinds of things that are edible looking to cook for the animals, I'm just missing a few extinct things that Eclipsetess brought back to make the Isle even more beautiful. She does want this to be back to its old self before.. Being lit on fire.. Half the animal population decreased fast.. But thank the god's I was able to save em' all." Nature told Nysa again, though a branch crackled and Nature looked that way before reassuring Nysa and the critters that it was nothing.

Though there was a huff of noisey branches crackling, it was mostly branches from newer trees growing, so Nature also told that fact to Nysa as well, just lots of trees shedding their branches onto the ground so hard that some branches break to make up more space for the littler sticks.

"We might also have to clear out those branches, we can't trap any critter that might be stuck under the brnahces covering the critter's homes on the ground, it would only cause something else to happen.. Well bad things like babies not able to feed on milk when the mother's can't go out searching for food to fill up their milk pouches." Nature told Nysa, basically she was mapping out the area when Nysa found the critter's hiding due to all of them taking lots of space, so they were spacing out themselves.

Meanwhile.. Roulette and Silhoutte were big stallions now, well still young but still, as Geycloud predicted that her twins would be, Roulette taking up Greycloud's chestnut coat underneath the gray, and Silhouette looking like his father Scorn, but the two boys also nipped each other as well which Greycloud told the two to stop..

Though Smoke did come trotting over to her younger brothers, the two looked small considered to Smoke who was now fully mature then ever, Scorn did smile as Smoke was the same size as her father, but shared similarities with Greycloud's body type a bit.

"Why is sis bigger then us? We're almost mature, like her!" Roulette asked, Smoke only giggled as she was older by a lot of years compared to her younger brothers, but she was still good to them, even if Greycloud hoarded the twins like crazy- but she only wanted to train them to not nip each other.

"I'm just mature because I'm older then you two, I knew Solstice when she was.. I think 2 at the time? I never knew her age, but I just guessed that because I remember her being in the herd when I was young, even if my hair came in before I officially became a mature horse.." Smoke giggled at her self, she was right, but not sure of Solstice's age at the time but she was right about having Solstice in the herd.

"Well, anyways, that's in the past and your really good friends with everyone! Even if you did disappear like your father sometimes, you still came back. But who was that stallion with you once I saw you with him..? Hm?" Greycloud asked Smoke, the black mare just looked away before blushing.

"He's a nobody who I was friends with, he decided.. To be like Azulia's mate.. And hide within the brush, so that father wouldn't go after him on accident.." Smoke told Greycloud, Scorn came over from talking with a couple stallions that were his friends recently.

"Which stallion is your 'friend'?" Scorn asked Smoke, he scared the bejesus out of his daughter but he did laugh as Greycloud rolled her eyes whilst the twins were giggling.

"Um.. Just someone who's my friends, nothing really important!" Smoke told her father, Scorn shook off the idea but did keep that in mind about Smoke acting all giddy about a stallion like that.

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#268031 Posted on 2023-04-10 14:05:29

     "I can handle it." she said as she followed Nature willingly. Animals seemed interested in her, and Nysa seemed interested in them as well. She loved helping Nature out whenever she could and whenever she needed the help. Though Nysa was quite the mare even if she was just barely under the age to technically be called a mare, but she was surely a sight to see.

     Her coat was surely one of a kind. Stallions would surely want a mare like her, but Solstice always feared that. Well and that Nysa wouldn't go through anything she did. Solstice taught Nysa to defend herself, so she was better off. Solstice had plenty of experience with stallions with bad intentions. Though Nysa didn't worry about that much. Her mother did however, but Solstice couldn't help it.

     Though Nysa walked past Nature as she held the bush back. Apollo watched the two before he turned away. Nysa looked around at all the critters, "Poor things." she said in a quieter tone not wanting to wake the poor animals. "The Isle was damaged..almost lost..I'm sure you'll connect with the Isle again. It'll just take some time. You'll figure out what's going on." she said with a small smile before she looked at the poor animals.

     Nysa did nod, "My mother told me what happened before we came least she told me some of her many secrets." she said knowing her mother still held many of them, "It's a good thing everyone made it out. Including my mother and my aunt." Though Nysa looked at Nature once more, "Just tell me what you want me to do, and I'll do it." she said happy to help.

     Though Nysa looked up when she heard a branch cracking, "Yeah...let's hope no one gets hurt until then." she said flicking her ears, "Not sure if my magic would do anything, but I'm sure someone who could fly up there would be willing to help. I mean I don't know anyone who wouldn't be willing to help." she said. Though she was ready to help out with whatever Nature needed and with whatever she wanted Nysa to do.

     Solstice just went on a casual fly for a bit before she returned to the herd. She looked around noticing Nysa wasn't where she last saw her, but Solstice wasn't too concerned. Maybe a little. Something was feeling a little off to her, but she figured it was just her. Instead Solstice just walked over to a spot and decided to roll around for a few good minutes. It relieved a few itch spots she had which made her feel better and more relaxed.

     Solstice then got back up and shook off all of the blades of green lush grass from her body and her wings. She even stretched some which relaxed her more. Though she just walked around the herd a bit. Not much going on. Just a relaxing day for everyone. Which was a good thing. Solstice was just nervous sometimes with how uneventful the past few years had been, but she also seemed to act slightly different. Orion noticed and it seemed familiar to him, but he couldn't pin point why. Though Solstice was thinking about talking to Nature..that is when she would see her.

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#268033 Posted on 2023-04-10 16:45:38

"Let's hope.. Anyways, mind looking after the ones you can see around? I gotta check up on the hidden ones around here, you know some critters are still scared, including babies." Nature asked Nysa, she then flicked an ear before looking up at the sky, though Nature did get to walking as she was beginning to look for the hidden critters that are scared from whatever hurt them.

Though a tiny squeak sounded and then became high pitched before stopping, Nature stopped finding the rest of the critters, as she found the tiny squeak's source, but the sound was drowned out by a mother making sure that her baby was drinking enough milk.

"Awww your baby was just hungry! Nothing to be scared of then!" Nature dismissed the noise caused by the baby's mother, she wasn't used to sudden baby critters making noise when hungry or scared yet, though Nature did make sure that the baby was asleep as she didn't want to jump on accident by the same baby getting hungry.

As Nature went back to her spot for finding more critters, two more babies were crying for milk, but when Nature turned around the two mother's for their babies were absent, but Nature shook it off and summoned two bottles of milk for the two babies as the milk bottles went directly into the critter's milk.

"Always got spares on hand! No matter the situation!" Nature just randomly shouted, but she did mean business when she's multitasking, but she also forgot that Nysa existed for a moment..

"Ah sorry Nysa! Say why don't you just care for any babies that have absent mother's? The moms are just probably finding food to store up their milk pouches before returning, that'll be better then throwing milk bottles across the property for a while or more.." Nature asked Nysa, she did look mean when throwing the bottles across to the babies, which was scary to think of actually..

Though Nature went back to finding babies, whilst Nysa was caring for babies with mother's that didn't return until the milk pouches were full before returning and having their babies drink from the milk pouches, though Nature found a sleeping family of critters together in a nest bundle, it was adorable to its best!

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#268034 Posted on 2023-04-10 17:10:47

     Nysa nodded, "I can do that." she said with a smile as carefully flicked her long tail. Her tail consisted of all the colors on her coat, but it seemed to make her coat more unique, but she never really cared. Nysa just cared about the welfare of others mainly. Whether they were a horse or a mouse. It didn't matter to her. Helping Nature taught her good skills. Especially ways of healing which would come in handy.

     Though Nysa watched Nature walk off for a moment before she started tending to some of the animals just as Nature would. She had learned enough that she knew just what to do. Nature just never really left her alone to care for this many creatures before. Nysa wasn't worried though. She looked after them whenever one of them needed something, but they primarily slept.

     Nysa did look up suddenly when she heard shouting, but then she just realized it was only Nature. "You're fine." she said with a small quiet chuckle, "Alright then. Do you ever think there might be something going on without anyone realizing it?" she asked once she started on her new task. Though what never changed even as Nysa aged was her questions. She always had them, and she could be a talker sometimes.

     Though Nysa realized what she said as she looked at Nature before looking down a bit, "Sorry...sometimes I don't realize what I say until after I say it..probably shouldn't have said that.." she said apologizing before she just got back to work on her task. Nysa was primarily quiet after that as she tended to the babies while their mothers were away for the time being getting food.

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#268036 Posted on 2023-04-10 17:58:19

"Oh no darling your fine, no need to apologize really, but there could be something going on. I am a mare of mysteries, so I would be able to tell if something was wrong, but for right now.. I just noticed that so few critter mother's are gone and only one by one they come back.. I'll have to check out their food source and see if I can do anything about it, but I'll always update you on something about the critters." Nature told Nysa, she smiled before going over to another place to check on another group of family critters huddled under a bush next to her house.

Though Nature flicked her ear again, this time she was listening to something, and she pulled away from the bush that she was checking on the family of critters in, though that was when she heard some horses laughing and were walking past the bush and path that led to her house.

"Hm, horse groups.." Nature sighed, but as she turned around to walk somewhere else- she stopped dead in her tracks when a howl rang out.

"Is that a Howling Flower, a Jack Whistle Tree, or a different type of extinct flower that popped up..?" Nature asked herself, Nature thought that it was just a flower, but some of the critters got up and huddled together scaredly, even the critter babies had watched that their mother's came back to protect them.

"Alright what the heck is going on?! First up my critters and creatures come to me hurt, and then branches fall off quicker then ever, and then a howl I can't indentify!" Nature just yelled out, she was frustrated and confused, but she did calm down and apologized to every critter/creature and even to Nysa as well.

Nature was confused and scared, but she then sunk into the ground and told Nysa to watch the critters, even the ones huddling together, she didn't want to lose another critter that could be in danger, and she wanted to keep Nysa safe as well.. So Nature sunk into the ground and then reappeared when she had a feeling something was going on.. A terrible feeling..

But as Nature reappeared somewhere else, she has summoned her armor on, vines wrapping around her two front legs, vines that were wrapped around her two ears and formed a little hat but different, a vine that grew around and made Nature's tail looked like it was put into a weird braid or something, a vine that wrapped around her neck and at the end turned into a hook and placed her amber amulet at the tip, a big red flower formed and made Nature's tail act like a genuine ponytail, some vines wrapped around Nature's waist, even some vines on Nature's muzzle. Even some cracks formed as well!!

Whatever caused Nature to act this way; it was an extrememly bad feeling, and Nature was getting aggressive as well, but she was away from the herds and was determined to find the source of the howl, and even determined to find out what her bad feeling caused her..

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