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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#72724 Posted on 2016-10-20 16:09:50


Kali snarled, looking at Cali, who then barked an order at Valido, who quickly got his Royal Guard together, and the lionesses quickly divided into groups; ten to stay behind with the cubs, who went deep into the Great Rock, opened a secret door, and descended into the deep caves under the Great Rock, while the other 25 lionesses got ready to go with the pride. Kali then roared for the Lion Guard, to come quickly, and waited for them to come to her.

Sassy led her pride of 20 strong, flying on the wind, with her two sons leading the way, and her daughter at her side. The Pride of the Enchanted Forest had been given the gift of flight, wings that matched their pelt color perfectly, and all were strong.

Koki and Tori led their pride of 18 strong down the snow covered peaks of the Snowy Mountains towards the ridges above the Savanna. Prince Nikki, the son of Koki and Tori, and the heir followed just behind his parents, with his recent bride and future Queen, Princess Cholo, daughter of Solo and Toki beside him. The entire pride was angry, snarling, for they refused to give up their land to those cursed Doles. They had a plan, but needed to talk it over with Kali and Cali before putting it into action.

Solo sat on a rock, watching his pride being inspected by his lovely Queen Chula, who growled at several of the pride members, who straightened up, she nodded with approval, and looked at Solo with a haughty look. "They are ready sire! We shall, with the alliance of Kali and Cali, Koki, Sassy, and the hyena's will crush those cursed Doles!!!" "Do not get cocky Chula, for they are fierce, and some of us may be injured; or even killed. If you want to stay here where it's safe, then you are free too. However, if we fail, you will not stay safe for long!" Solo told his 15 lionesses, who all looked at each other, murmuring, some shaking their heads, and then looked at their King. "Sire, we shall not be cowardly. We shall die to protect what is rightfully ours!!!" Chula nodded, pleased with their answer, and Solo lead them off with a growl. Two young lions, a male and a female, quickly took their place right behind their rulers, Shula, the future King, and his mate and future Queen, Princess Kori, daughter of King Koki and Queen Tori of the Snowy Mountains led the lionesses. They had no young cubs to leave behind with guards, which was a huge blessing, as they needed all the lionesses they could get.

Last edited on 2018-05-19 at 18:01:16 by πŸ’œ Feathered Gold πŸ’œ

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#72837 Posted on 2016-10-21 17:36:56

A tawny colored lioness with deep caramel eyes blinked out into the horizon with her four month old cubs behind her. Taking a breath Jewl looked at her cubs and purred in pride for them "Come on little ones" she called softly to them as she crouched in the long grass that blended into her fur.

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#72858 Posted on 2016-10-21 19:59:54

Kali couldn't wait for the Lion Guard any longer, roared, and led her pride to meet the rest of the prides on the ridges just above the Savanna at the crossroads from the Elephant Graveyard, Grasslands, Savanna, and Snowy Kingdoms. She and the others met up with Koki, Tori, and their pride. Solo and Chula, as well as Sassy arrived soon afterwards with their prides and the rulers gathered together to discuss battle plans while the prides interacted. There was nervous, excited, angry, defensive, and determined chatter among the three pride lions and lionesses. All were determined to protect their homes, families, and legacies that were rightfully theirs.

Areli sensed the urgency on the wind, growled, looked at her family, her and Sengo's four month old cubs, and their growing four 2 yr. old adolescents. She sensed the gathering of the prides, wanted to go help, and looked at her mate with a look of despair. "Sengo, we need to fight. The older children can care for the little ones and keep them safe. This coming battle will determine our safety as well as the entire land!!!"

Last edited on 2018-05-19 at 18:02:42 by πŸ’œ Feathered Gold πŸ’œ

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#72859 Posted on 2016-10-21 20:36:39

Feeling something stirr inside her, Uru sat up, before running out to Ahadi. "Ahadi! The prides, I feel they need us. They are all gathered, preparing to fight the worst enemy Africa has seen in a long time!" She said urgently and pleadingly to her mate. "Father can look after the cubs and such, and we can leave a few lionesses behind to help in case defense is needed here. But the majority of us must go!"

Nafsi was lost in the blurr, running with her pride. Racing to CATV up with Cali, she ran just behind her at her side. "Queen Cali, I am unsure what to do. I know nothing of the doles. While me entire life has revolved around fighting and killing, I don't know their weaknesses and everyrthing crucial to kill them!"

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#72864 Posted on 2016-10-21 22:24:36

Mohatu groaned, but forced his aging body to move, and gently laid down with his many grandcubs. Ahadi roared, his mouth wide open, huge fangs showing, the entire pride responding quickly, and within minutes; the whole pride was on the move. Seven lionesses and Mohatu remained behind to guard the Royal family's cubs while seventeen of them went with Ahadi and Uru towards the meeting place, racing across the sand, entering the grasslands fast, and climbing the rocks towards the many gathered lions and lionesses.

"They go for the belly. So watch your flanks. The best way to kill them fast is grab them by the throat, rip their jugular, and throw them as far away from you as you can. Preferably towards their troops, to knock them off balance, and give us the advantage. The hyena's are experts at going for the joints and at flipping their prey off balance. While lions are experts at going for the weak parts of any animal, using our strong paws to shove the target to the ground, and biting either their throats or nose to cut their jugular vein, or strangle the prey. We only have time to go after the jugular, so do it fast, and make sure you keep the struggling Dole away from you; or they could still hurt you badly before they die. We know from our brief skirmishes with the Doles over the past year. My own son and daughter-in-law killed eight of them without receiving any wounds; simply because they used their hunting skills. Use those and you should come out without any wounds; if you are careful!!!" Kali told Nafsi and then turned her attention to Ahadi's pride; with a surprised but happy greeting.

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#72886 Posted on 2016-10-22 06:08:14

Uru raced forward, looking for the Gateway pride in hopes of seeing her brother and sister-in-law. But she didn't, and it sent a pain through her heart. It had been a long time since she had seen her brother, Kion. She hadn't been told that he had long since disappeared, she just never had time to visit now that she was Queen, and assumed he and Tarzi were busy holding up the Gateway with Kalikow and Karzai. Turning back she walked slowly, head down, as she walked back to Ahadi. "Guess this is just one more battle I have to fight without Kion..." She muttered, holding back tears. Forcing a smile on her face she turned to the rest of the pride. Looking for any familiar faces, she sighed. She didn't do much traveling anymore, preferring to stay home and raise the cubs while Ahadi was away. Staying close to Ahadi, watching their own pride to assure they were all ready for this battle.

Nafsi nodded to Kali, thanking her before the Queen had turned her attention elsewhere. Trotting forward she walked towards a familiar looking lion. Red pelt, black mane, and emerald eyes. "S..Solo?" She walked closer, but kept her distance. "My apologize. You most likely have no idea who I am. I am your half sister. On...his side. I was born around as year after yourself and Jewl. We never met, but my mother talked about you and how lucky your pride was to have a heir like you to make things better after he died." She sighed in remembrance. "But my mother and I were never part of the pride, we lived with a large group of lionesses and their daughters, most of which were also a half siblings." She said, trying not to overwhelm him, but she was staring at her paws, so she was unaware if he was really listening.

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#72898 Posted on 2016-10-22 08:35:23

Jewl blinked at her 4 month old cubs Zircon, Quartz and Sapphire in pride as she led them into small cave to rest. Her cubs all entered and laid down in exhaustion and fell asleep. Jewl blinked her amber brown eyes in love for them as she took guard at the entrance of the cave looking out into the savanna.

Zircon blinked open her eyes from the little nap she was in and sighed as she trotted to her mother and sat down. "Mom when do you think we will find a home? Every place we try to make a home we get chased off" she said sadly ears pinning down as she scuffled her paws.

Jewl looked at her younger cub and purred "One day Zircon I promise we will find a home that is perfect for us....I promise" she said laying down next to her little one and closing her eyes letting sleep take its course.

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#72902 Posted on 2016-10-22 09:12:14

Lumvi sat regally next to Sassy. He roared, declaring his readiness to fight. Looking to the sky, he whispered, "This is for you Kunar." Sammy sat near, and touched his father with his muzzle on his shoulder. "We'll do it together."

Tarzan led both Guards towards the meeting point. "Kali!" He roared. "I have a better plan!" His voice rang out as they slowed, Bahari close behind her father.

Assassin, Adle, and Nebula soared above, and the black male slowly descended, while the younger two stayed gliding. The short make landed, bowing to Kali. "We could make great do of Lumvi and Sassy's pride." He whispered to her, ruffling his sleek feathers. "We could send out air patrols!"

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#72903 Posted on 2016-10-22 09:12:15

Lumvi sat regally next to Sassy. He roared, declaring his readiness to fight. Looking to the sky, he whispered, "This is for you Kunar." Sammy sat near, and touched his father with his muzzle on his shoulder. "We'll do it together."

Tarzan led both Guards towards the meeting point. "Kali!" He roared. "I have a better plan!" His voice rang out as they slowed, Bahari close behind her father.

Assassin, Adle, and Nebula soared above, and the black male slowly descended, while the younger two stayed gliding. The short make landed, bowing to Kali. "We could make great do of Lumvi and Sassy's pride." He whispered to her, ruffling his sleek feathers. "We could send out air patrols!"

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#72909 Posted on 2016-10-22 09:51:27

"Hmmmm??? You do? I want to hear and hear it now!!!" Kali was impatient, frightened, and determined to keep her family alive. She hated the Doles and her body language clearly said that with every move she made.

Mabaya, once she got word that it was time for the Last Battle, bowed, and ran hastily with her guard to gather her clan to meet the prides at the meeting place. The hyenas only took a few minutes to stash the pups deep into the old aardvarks dens they occupied with a few baby sitters (about 50), and led her other 250 strong towards the mass of lions in the distance on the rocks.

"Say what?! Okay....... that sounds like him. Always messing around, not being faithful. Zira was the better parent than he was." Solo snarled under his breath, for he still hated Scar with all his heart, and was always trying to prove that though he looked just like Scar; he was nothing like him with his rule. He tried to be fair, though his felt he wasn't, however, his subjects said that they felt safe under him, and he was more like his adopted father Chumvi than his biological father. Solo's older subjects had also lived under Scar and could clearly see the difference. "Never mind me. I still hate him for what he put my sister Jewl and I through. I can tell that you are related to me. Same red pelt, same intensive green eyes, and same lithe body; while I managed to get the stocky body from his side of the family." He smiled at her and nodded. Chula looked at this strange lioness, eyes narrowed, and hoping she was nothing like Solo's father was; a killer and untrustworthy. Solo noticed her look, shoved her with his shoulder, and gave her a "Not-now" look. Chula shrugged and walked off. "Don't mind my Queen. She just had no respect whatsoever for Scar and except for Jewl; doesn't trust any other sibling or half sibling I have."

Last edited on 2018-05-19 at 18:06:20 by πŸ’œ Feathered Gold πŸ’œ

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#72917 Posted on 2016-10-22 11:41:59

Tarzan paced, shaking out his thick mane. "We need to get them ALL together." He began. "Then Bahari and I can use our roar!" He smiled. "It'll be easier than risking almost everything."

Assassin padded up to Sassy and Lumvi, and bowed. "Good day, I was wondering if you could split your pride into three patrols?" He asked curtly. "One will be led by me, the other by Nebula, and the last by Adle, my niece and nephew."

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#72940 Posted on 2016-10-22 16:24:56

Kali thought it over, liking it, but worried that Mabaya might not feel the same way. "Mabaya might not agree. She has a personal score to settle with those Doles, as they murdered her mother right in front of her." She told Tarzan.

Sassy growled at his curt manner. "I'm the Queen of the Earth Assassin!!!! You shouldn't ask in that manner." She stalked away, angry, and left Lumvi to talk to Assassin; while she tried to calm herself down.

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#72948 Posted on 2016-10-22 17:41:59

Assassin flattened his ears shamefully. "I'm very sorry, your highness." He responded, as his feathers began to flatten. "Lumvi, is my plan alright with you?" His cupped ears leaned forwards a bit as the tall male nodded and padded over to converse with the Queen. "Sassy, I'll let you pick who goes where." Lumvi nuzzled his mate.

Tarzan turned and looked at Kali, "But it's the best chance we have." He pleaded, gazing at his two sons, Kifo and Marzipan, and his lovely mate, who stood beside them. "I..I don't want to loose anyone..." He dropped his eyes to the ground.

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#72951 Posted on 2016-10-22 17:51:40

Soon Jewl woke up from her nap and blinked looking around the grasslands and then to her cubs. "I will make this our home little ones" she said purring and then exiting the cave to explore the territory around the den they were in. Walking with a slight limp from her dis formed paw she began to call out with a roar signaling for any other lions that this was her territory. Continuing the warning call she stopped and waited to see if any lions would respond.

(If anybody would like to rp Quartz or Sapphire they can.)

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#72972 Posted on 2016-10-22 20:22:59

Nothing. No sounds of any lions roaring back, no animals calling out, no birds singing. Nothing. There was only silence, a deathly silence that would frighten even the toughest lion in the world.

"I know. Moyo, please go get Mabaya." Kali sighed, her mate nodded, and came back a few minutes later with Mabaya; who snarled at the idea. "What?! I wanted to tear the three Doles who murdered my mother limb from limb. Let me do that and then you can do your roar to the rest of them. Let me get them separate from the rest of the pack, take them on, and you can destroy the rest!!!!" Mabaya's snarled, her red and green eyes flashing, and it was clear that she wanted revenge. Kali sighed, shook her head, and tried to reason with Mabaya. "NO!!!!! I want my revenge and will get it!!! You won't fight and risk getting injured. I've had many of my clan murdered by those things and you won't help us destroy them!!!" Mabaya snarled and stalked off in fury. Kali sighed once more, "I don't know how to convince her. She is being impossible, but I can't blame her. I didn't lose my father to Doles, she lost her mother to them. Maybe we should fight and only use the roar when it is needed."

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