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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#57227 Posted on 2016-07-28 14:32:49

"And you make me happy too." Teferi purred so deeply it sounded like a freight train.

(Can you play Vitani???? :))

Marzipan could hardly wait to introduce his new friend to his family, but what he didn't realize was a lion followed him, and was determined to get his daughter back. The family had gotten separated during the fire, he found his mate burnt to death, and was trying to find his daughter. He also wanted to be the next King, so he decided to get himself into the pride somehow, so he could take over when the time was right.

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#57228 Posted on 2016-07-28 14:32:50

Double Post. :P

Last edited on 2016-07-28 at 14:33:33 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#57229 Posted on 2016-07-28 14:35:10

(You're talking to Mystic, right?)

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#57230 Posted on 2016-07-28 14:38:36

(sure. she could possibly be in the guard too. :D )

Vitini followed Marzipan, unaware of her father following them. She was excited to be part of an actual pride. She couldn't wait to meet her new care taker. Vitini bounced along, aweing at the size of the Great Rock.

Star gazed at her, "Oh, Alina.'' He purred, "Why didn't you come home?" He was worried for her, and their cubs.

Last edited on 2016-07-28 at 14:40:32 by MysticMemories{Lilac}

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#57232 Posted on 2016-07-28 14:49:53

(Either one of you two can play her. :))

Vitani's father growled as he followed the cubs, his red eyes narrowed, but told himself he had to be nice in order to get into the pride. His name was Kuizmu, a strong golden tan lion with a brown cropped mane at the top, with a very fierce expression on his face. He liked being a rogue, didn't like anyone telling what he could or could not do, where he could or could not go, which is why his family had never been able to settle in one place for long. All Vitani knew was moving around, never having time to make friends, which is why she liked running into Marzipan. She had his fierceness and stubbornness; but looked like her mother with her pelt color and bright blue eyes.

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#57234 Posted on 2016-07-28 14:58:10

"I couldn't let you see me like this. Weak and vulnerable, I'm supposed to be strong for you, and be your perfect mate." sniffled, rubbing her face sadly against his. Alina curled up around him, holding him close.

Sengo awoke from a nap with Areli, standing up and yawning. He went outside of the den, trotting towards the water to take a bath. He sighed in relaxation, feeling the cold water against his skin as he begun to bathe.

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#57235 Posted on 2016-07-28 15:01:13

Kuizmu sensed a couple other males nearby, just as Marzipan led Vitani up the trail to the dens, he laid down, trying to figure out what to do so as to not be detected, bu then decided it be wiser to give himself up. So he forced his fur to lay down and stood up. Brutus, Valido, and Moyo snarled when they saw him, quickly surrounded him, and escorted him to the Great Rock so they could find out why he was skulking around so close to the Great Rock.

Last edited on 2016-07-28 at 15:01:58 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#57237 Posted on 2016-07-28 15:10:53

Sengo awoke from a nap with Areli, standing up and yawning. He went outside of the den, trotting towards the water to take a bath. He sighed in relaxation, feeling the cold water against his skin as he begun to bathe.

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#57241 Posted on 2016-07-28 15:16:05

Two young male leopards made their way through the thick bushes, looking for something to eat, spied a small pool, figured their be fish in it, but when they spied a good sized male lion bathing, decided to have a little fun instead. They climbed into the trees, parked themselves on two branches of fruit trees, and one of them threw a good sized mango at Sengo's head while the other covered his laugh.

Last edited on 2016-07-28 at 15:16:32 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#57249 Posted on 2016-07-28 15:58:51

(Enchanted, u can be Vitani. :3)

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#57269 Posted on 2016-07-28 17:26:10

Sengo growled, aggravated that his bath had been unpleasantly interrupted. He looked up and saw two male leopards. "So you think it's funny to mess with someone taking a bath?" he roared, jumping up and snatching the branch. His breath acted as a wind as he roared at them again.

Vitani obediently followed her mother up the trail, but couldn't help but wonder if her father would come back tonight. Her little paws had to practically run to catch up with her mother, who had a long stride. She hummed a tune that she had created all by herself, swishing her tail as they walked.

(What is the gender of the other cub you wanted me to play?)

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#57280 Posted on 2016-07-28 17:48:43

(Female, and Vitani is following Marzipan, Tarzan's cub, her mother died from the fire. )

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#57282 Posted on 2016-07-28 17:54:29

(No, no, no... Vitani's mother is dead. She and her mother got separated from her father during the fire and Vitani's mom slipped trying to climb the cliff to get away from the fire. Vitani's father is still alive and tracked her to the Great Rock. Also, she's following MARZIPAN.)

Kacy growled deeply when she saw the male being brought to the judgement place, for she didn't like that he had somehow sneaked into the Savanna without being caught at the borders. Kuizmu glared at the Queen and snorted. Moyo stepped slightly forward, narrowing his eyes at the male, and stayed ready to protect his mate and Queen. The rest of the pride also readied themselves in case they had to destroy the male. "What are you doing in my Kingdom? You have no right here, for you have been caught before poaching. Why did my warriors find you so close to my home?" Kacy asked, he rolled his eyes, and said. "One of your cubs has my daughter. I lost her mother to the fire and thought for sure I lost her too. But I picked up her scent and tracked her to the log bridge. However, when I saw it bitten in half and down in the river, I thought for sure she had been eaten by the crocodiles when I saw them laughing through the grass, and her thanking him for saving her life. I just want my daughter back and will leave." Kuizmu said, the pride all murmured, and then Marzipan came up the trail with Vitani. Kuizmu whirled around to see his daughter and his stern face immediately broke into a big smile. "Vitani!!!"

"Hahahaha!!!!! Can't catch us old man!!!" The two brothers laughed, climbing higher into the tree, and throwing more mango's at Sengo. A short distance away, another leopard, a female pricked her ears, recognizing her brother's laughter, rolled her eyes, and ran to where the sound came from. "Spot and Dot are so going to get it......." Speckles snarled under her breath. She had better things to do than chase after her trouble making brothers all day, especially since she was Leopald's heiress, and needed to learn from her father about ruling the Leopards as well as guarding the Golden City.

Last edited on 2016-07-28 at 17:58:15 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#57319 Posted on 2016-07-28 20:21:10

"Daddy!" Vitani called out, running to him and practically jumping onto him, hugging his mane and practically holding on for dear life. She pulled back her head, looking at him and giggling, nuzzling his face sweetly. "I'm so glad to see you Daddy!" she cried, not letting go of the most important lion in her life.

Sengo roared, getting so angry until finally getting out of the water. "You disrespectful jerks!" he roared, taking his sweet time to get back to Areli. Ordinarily he would snatch them from the tree and teach them a lesson, but he wasn't in the mood.

Dollu awoke from another short nap, delighted to see her possibly, lover's face against her's. She purred, licking his snout and nuzzling his face. The memory of how he said he loved her was stuck in her mind, she just wanted to nuzzle and hug him to death. Well not literally...

Last edited on 2016-07-28 at 20:22:58 by EΞ·cΠ½Ξ±Ξ·Ρ‚Ξ΅βˆ‚

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#57326 Posted on 2016-07-28 20:35:11

The two brothers laughed again but froze when an all too familiar voice snarled at them. "Spot! Dot! Don't you two have anything better to do than torment a lion? Dad is looking for you two and isn't happy you sneaked away from our lesson again." Spot and Dot looked down and gulped when their angry older sister snapped at them. She didn't wait for their reply and raced after Sengo. "Sir, I'm sorry about my idiot brothers disturbing your bath. Please accept my apologies." Speckles apologized to Sengo but was ready to climb out of reach of his angry claws if necessary. However, it wasn't necessary, for her father Leopold showed up at that time, ordering the two boys down from the tree, who quickly obeyed, and stalked up to where Speckles and Sengo stood. "I am King Leopold of the Leopards. I am very angry with my sons for disappearing from my lesson and apologize for any trouble they've caused. They shall be punished as they deserve." Spot and Dot laid down on the ground, eyes huge, frightened, and followed their father into the bushes; blaming each other that they were in trouble. Speckles rolled her eyes and smiled at Sengo. "You're Areli's mate aren't you? She helped my mother when she gave birth to me and helped her when she was giving birth to my brothers; before she passed away after she gave them their colostrum." Areli came out of her den looking to see why Sengo was roaring in anger and broke into a huge grin when she saw Speckles. "Speckles!!! How's your family???"

Kuizmu hugged his daughter and held her close. "Your mother is dead I'm afraid. I found her body. But, I don't want to go back to being a rogue with you, as can I protect you without your mother's help??? May I stay here and raise my daughter in the protection of a pride?" The pride murmured all the more while Kacy made up her mind. Kali had stepped down but was finishing up Cali's training before Cali stepped up as Queen. The warriors were talking among themselves, decided it'd might be a good idea to have another male among their ranks, and Moyo whispered what he and the others thought. She nodded and looked at Kuizmu, "Very well Kuizmu. You may stay and raise your daughter; but are expected to help guard the borders and be loyal to the throne. Will you accept the Monarchy of my family and respect the throne of my great grandfather, King Herex of Africa????" Kacy asked this hard question, and though every single part of Kuizmu's body screamed no, he gulped, and bowed. "Your majesty. I am a servant in your paws. I do accept your Monarchy and respect King Herex's throne." However, he meant the exact opposite, and determined to somehow win the throne for himself.

Teferi continued to purr as he enjoyed Dollu's attention, then looked up when he noticed that the rain had stopped, and he felt hungry. "Wanna go hunting again?" He crawled out of the tight cave, stretched, and looked at her with eagerness.

Last edited on 2016-07-28 at 20:59:23 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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