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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#53612 Posted on 2016-07-17 16:31:48

Toki spent many a night laying outside her den, no longer sharing it with Tunar or Kacy, but all by herself. She missed the nights when it was really cold from the rainy season, when Kunar would cuddle up next to her, keeping her warm, licking her with such affection, purring, protective, loving, and all together; the best lion she had ever known. They had been mates for over 8 years and she missed every moment he wasn't with her. She felt ready to give up, to die, to let her spirit run free, and once more join herself with Kunar. However, she couldn't, for she had something, or rather, someone that needed her, and would die if she died. She had confirmed just the day before, that she was indeed pregnant with Kunar's last cubs, and would not allow herself to go until they were weaned. No one knew, not yet anyway, for everyone was excited about Kacy's little ones to come, and she didn't want to steal the spotlight from her sweet daughter.

Areli was the only one who knew that Toki was expecting, for she had confirmed her suspicion just the day before, and had been sworn on Kunar's grave not to tell anybody. It had seemed odd at first, to examine Toki on Kunar's grave, but after she had discovered that Toki was pregnant with the King's cubs, it made perfect sense. She sat on a rock above her favorite watering hole, staring at the moon, and all the stars; thinking deeply, wondering, and wishing that life could be simpler.

Aussie, being the tough lioness she was, normally would've said, "Yeah, sure." But, she was completely overcome with love for Assasin, and jumped onto him; knocking him flat on his back, purring, and whispered, "I thought you'd never ask."

Last edited on 2016-07-17 at 16:34:15 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#53614 Posted on 2016-07-17 16:36:32

"Star, I like you, I really do like you it's just that...I'm not sure I love you. I do not want to hurt you, I do not know what love feels like. I hope you can understand, I just need to know you more first." she told him as gentle as she could, nuzzling his cheeks as she told him. Alina rested her face against his, purring softly against him.

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#53616 Posted on 2016-07-17 16:38:08

Assassin let out a little 'oof'. He wrapped his wings around Aussie and licked her face. "I love you." He told her, rubbing his fluffy cheeks against hers.

Star's eyes widened. "That's fine by me. " He smiled and rubbed his face upon hers, purring. He was so overwhelmed he began to cry. He was so happy!

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#53617 Posted on 2016-07-17 16:41:22

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Aussie was a lioness of action and since they both agreed to be mates; what was keeping them from trying to have cubs? She liked cubs a lot, they were cute, fluffy, and would be fun to train when they were older.

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#53618 Posted on 2016-07-17 16:42:35

Alina laid down in front of him, licking his cheeks happily as she purred. "So, if you had a reason to stay here, would you stay?" she asked looking at him sweetly. I would not be able to leave my mother and pride.

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#53620 Posted on 2016-07-17 16:45:03

"I thought it was you who was waiting." Assassin smirked and rolled her over. (Let's leave them alone. ;P)

Star looked into her eyes. "If my reason was a lioness as pretty and as sweet as you? " He asked. "I just might."

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#53626 Posted on 2016-07-17 16:51:08

A rosy blush fell on her white fur, and licked his cheeks again. "Star, did you really mean it when you said you loved me?" she asked in a whisper, rubbing her face against him gently. Alina pulled back her head gently, looking into his eyes.

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#53630 Posted on 2016-07-17 17:01:18

"I am forbid to lie." Star replied, gazing into her beautiful eyes. "What would you like to know first. Anything."

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#53631 Posted on 2016-07-17 17:04:40

*Fading out in the den, with Aussie purring like CRAZY............*

The sun came up once more, the pride arose, to find their Queen wide awake, and staring over the Savanna. "Your highness, we must go hunting for larger game than gazelle, and rabbits. Our stores are empty and my cubs are hungry for their milk. I know the water buffalo are still very angry about the death of their calf, but we need to restock our larder." A lioness named Astrid said, concerned for her two babies, Storm Fly, and Whisper. "Very well, but be on the alert. Instead of hunting the water buffalo, go after the wildebeest. They are large enough. Take a party of 10, should be enough to take down about 3 wildebeest." Kacy said to her, Astrid bowed, called for 10 lionesses, and the party set off. The rest of the pride were sent to hunt for their daily ration of rabbits or gazelles. Storm Fly and Whisper, Astrid's cubs, decided to go hunting themselves, and sneaked away from their play place. They ran towards the rocky gorge that the river flowed through and began to pounce on the many lizards and mice that lived there.

Just upstream, one of the water buffalo's jerked his head upright, sniffing, and snorting angrily. He was among the fifteen troublemakers left in the herd, but even the big leader was a little annoyed about losing the calf, as it had been out of his favorite cow. However, he didn't have the murderous thoughts that the others had, and the herd was beginning to be stirred up by the troublemakers. The big leader, whose name was Bulldozer, didn't notice, for he was busy battling a rival, who had brought his own herd into the Savanna, and was trying to defeat the large bull to take his herd, and mix it with his own. All the buffalo could smell young cubs nearby, to which it was new and foreign to some, and a hated scent that must be stomped out by the newcomers; as Storm Fly and Whisper hadn't been away from the Great Rock before. No animal knew their particular scent, so the water buffalo assumed that they were strangers, and didn't belong in the Savanna. The herd became even more agitated, as the rival bull began to push their leader around, and was getting closer to becoming their leader. They most certainly didn't want Dagger, as he didn't stay in one place, liked to wander around, and often was attacked by the humans who lived below for food. He also didn't respect the Circle of Life, thought it was dumb for Bulldozer's herd to respect it, and respected the lions who lived here in the Savanna. Dagger killed every single lion that tried to hunt his herd and had no regrets about it. The agitated herds just couldn't take the scent anymore and bolted. They massed together in a mega-herd and raced down the gorge above the river; HEADING STRAIGHT TOWARDS STORM FLY AND WHISPER!

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#53646 Posted on 2016-07-17 17:30:33

"Have you ever had a mate?" she questioned calmly, licking his cheek as she asked the question. Alina scratched behind his ears, letting him relax. A soft purr continued to bellow from her chest, it was such a relaxing purr.

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#53649 Posted on 2016-07-17 17:32:57

Star glanced away. "Never." He shook his mane. "My parents don't believe in multiple mates, so they told me to wait," he looked into her eyes. "Until I found the perfect one."

A young lioness whom had been in the Nomad's Land, scented cubs. Out here? Alone? Then she heard the thunder of hooves. Now upon seeing the cubs, she quickly leaped over the river, and snatched them up. She ran as far away as she could, towards Queen Kacy's home. She didn't dare come close, and waited until someone spotted her. She set down the two cubs. "Are you ok?!" She asked, grooming them. "Is your mother near?" She asked. "I'm Cinna."

Last edited on 2016-07-17 at 17:37:37 by MysticMemories{Lilac}

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#53650 Posted on 2016-07-17 17:41:16

"They are smart, I remember hearing the story of the two queens, Isa and Kalina. It just raises complications. But I partly believe in multiple mates." she answered while sitting up and scooting back slightly. "And if you found the perfect mate, would you want to have cubs?" Alina asked with a slightly cocked head.

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#53651 Posted on 2016-07-17 17:41:43

The two cubs had ran and took a giant leap onto a nearby ledge. However, it had began to crumble under their weight, and they would've been trampled to death if Cinna hadn't grabbed them just in time. They both trembled, barely able to breath, and stared at her. "Thank....... thank you for saving our lives. Our mother went hunting and we were too. Guess we were too close to the agitated water buffalo herd." Storm Fly whispered, but she was still terrified, and fainted dead away. "Don't worry about Storm Fly. When she gets scared, she faints." Whisper informed Cinna and gently began to rub her sister's head.

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#53654 Posted on 2016-07-17 17:47:47

"Hmmm, what pride do you live in? I need to bring you home." Cinna reminded her. "Can you walk?" She asked. "I'm going to carry your sister." Cinna picked up the unconscious cub, and glanced back at Whisper.

Star purred. "I most defiantly would." He told her. "But not to many." He chuckled. "But at least two litters."

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#53656 Posted on 2016-07-17 17:53:03

"The Savanna Pride. Our mother is Astrid, she is Queen Kacy's childhood friend. She went hunting with ten other lionesses after the wildebeest and told us to go hunting for mice." Whisper said, keeping a sharp eye on her, but she had no need, as Astrid had spied the lioness, and raced over with a angry snarl. "Give me my cubs NOW!!!!" She knew something had happened, for the water buffalo had raced through the wildebeest grazing ground, and scattering the huntresses from their kills until they had left. She suddenly had a thought of worry, for she had given her two cubs permission to hunt in the gorge for mice, and raced to find them; spying Cinna with her two cubs along the way. Her protective momma bear side was coming out, which is why she was so defensive, and rude to Cinna.

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