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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#34035 Posted on 2016-04-25 17:52:06

Syrup looked at Sully with wide eyes and stepped back shaking with anger and sadness. Before the world going black she spotted Sully's face close to hers. (She just fainted because she was scared she lost sully)

Meeku looked up and ran to his mother beginning to cry "Mommy wake up!" he said in despair. lifting his little head he looked to his father in hopes of what to do.

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#34037 Posted on 2016-04-25 17:54:26

Ava glanced at Tarnic, then back at her brother. "I think I'll stay..." She told him, and led the newcomers home.

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#34041 Posted on 2016-04-25 18:03:44

Simba lay down with Basra, who talked with him about the responsibilities of being a father, while Josie lay down with Lalita to help keep her own brood from getting too rambunctious with the new cubs.

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#34048 Posted on 2016-04-25 18:19:18

Lalita smiled at Josie" they look so happy playing together, don't they?" She asked laughing as Limbi grabbed Kopi and rolled around with him. Than Lasira jumped on BJ, tugging at her ear, playfully.

Salik tripped on her own burnt paw. She stayed down for a moment than stood back up slowly. Her legs shook, she growled at herself, " keep going, you have to. " she could not die out here alone in the middle of the desert

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#34055 Posted on 2016-04-25 18:28:23

Then, a growl was heard, and a dark brown lion stepped out from behind some rocks. "Do you need some help?" His family joined him and the lioness smiled as well as she could through carrying a bundle of struggling fur.

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#34057 Posted on 2016-04-25 18:35:16

Salik jumped, she growled than stood tall. "Do you know where I can find some water, its been three days since I last had any, except a small rabbit I just ate." She glanced at the lioness and her jaw dropped" is that a cub!?" She couldn't believe it. She was looking at a cub, she stopped herself from running over there.

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#34062 Posted on 2016-04-25 18:42:54

"Yes, that is my mate Lily, and our son Kodiak. We too are wanderers. But, I found a small oasis about a mile away. Just came back to get Lily where she had hid in the shade to get out of the sun." Kody said, grunting, and leading the way up the ridge. Sure enough, there was a small oasis just below them, with several palm trees, and fresh water that bubbled in the middle from the underground spring that fed the oasis. Several gazelle drank, looked up, and bolted; with Lily after them. She had quickly handed Kodiak to his dad and raced to catch them some dinner. One of the gazelle didn't escape and she had it dragged to the shade just a few feet from the oasis's edge; waiting for Kody to join her.

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#34064 Posted on 2016-04-25 18:46:49

She watched closely as the lioness handed the male the cub. She could hardly control herself, she wanted to just grab the cub. (Maybe she'll tell you about why she has the urge to grab cubs) she followed them to the oasis where she ran over to the water and jumped in. She sighed, and drank some water filling her belly with the cool water. Still watching the pair and there cub.

(Don't forget Lalita xD )

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#34066 Posted on 2016-04-25 18:50:31

"Yes, they do appear to be getting along well." Josie nodded as she agreed with Lalita.

"Wonderful. Good food, good company, shade, water, and a chance to rest. We'll continue our journey first thing in the morning." Kody nodded with approval, setting Kodiak down, who immediately nudged his mother for milk, while his parents settled down to eat; after Kody ripped a large piece off and laid it on a rock close to where Salik lay in the water.

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#34068 Posted on 2016-04-25 18:56:19

Salik glanced up seeing the lion put a chunk of meat on the rock, she climbed out and shook. She grabbed it saying thanks and eating it. She lay down close to them and faced the lioness and her cub. She watched them, and didn't look away, she couldn't. It was an irrisistable urge so ce she found out the truth.

Lalita smiled, Kopi yawned and ran over to BJ and cuddled with her. Lalita couldn't resist a small laugh. Limbi and Lasira ran over to Josie and sat there looking at her and giggling.

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#34070 Posted on 2016-04-25 19:01:54

(I'm playing Kopa.)

Kopa looked around with his bright green eyes, stared around, and wondered what on earth was going on. There were three older cubs than he and his sisters; which kinda scared him.

Kody and Lily tore into the gazelle, while Kodiak contently nursed.

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#34074 Posted on 2016-04-25 19:09:05

"Kopa" Lalita called" come here you goof ball" she said seeing him look around at everyone else. She wanted to tell him something.

Salik watched the family sadly, knowing she would never ha e something like that.

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#34075 Posted on 2016-04-25 19:12:29

"Rawr!!!!" Kopa fiercely growled, struggling against his mother.

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#34076 Posted on 2016-04-25 19:14:30

She growled playfully back" Come here ya handsome boy," she said in a silly way hoping to make him laugh. She sat up and watched her children.

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#34077 Posted on 2016-04-25 19:17:07

"No bath!!! Mess Kopa's mane....." He continued to struggle and tried to claw his mother's face. Josie giggled, knowing the struggle of trying to bathe her own little girls who protested, which wasn't Jasiri, who actually enjoyed bath time, unlike BJ, and Kunsie.

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