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#188434 Posted on 2018-09-06 16:25:49

 "He might wanna rethink that, then," he responded gleefully, pushing her wheelchair through the doorway and then breaking into a moderated run, careful not to run her chair into a rock or something, but too excited at the prospect of getting revenge to be too cautious.

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#188435 Posted on 2018-09-06 16:29:59

"What kind do you think you'll get, since there's no grape?" Freddie asked. She decided not to dampen his mood by telling him Patrick didn't really mind people borrowing his sodas. As long as they were Hermes, that is. Typically they had to figure out the location themselves, though.

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#188477 Posted on 2018-09-07 12:55:51

 He slowed back down, having nearly reached the arena. "Uh...," he replied, trialing off as he tried to catch his breath. "Uh, orange, probably."

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#188478 Posted on 2018-09-07 13:00:36

"Do you only drink fruit-flavored soda?" Freddie asked, pulling a face. She had set the popcorn bag beside her with just the corner under her leg to make sure it didn't fall. Her hands were preoccupied messing with the cube. 

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#188479 Posted on 2018-09-07 13:04:13

 "Not my fault it's the best."
 He pushed her into the arena, the wheelchair traveling rather well over the hard-packed dirt. "Which closet is it again?"

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#188636 Posted on 2018-09-09 10:59:01

"Um... Third one down on the left, maybe? It's shelves are completely empty except for an old sheet of paper with a love note on it. We have no idea who it's from or for, but we're pretty sure it's from, like, 1934. The date is a little faded."

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#188639 Posted on 2018-09-09 11:06:11

 He laughed, wheeling her in the proper direction, his shoes kicking up dust as he walked. "As long as Hermes kids have been hiding snacks, Aphrodite kids have been hiding love letters, I suppose."
 Once they reached the (unnecessarily heavy) door, he stepped away from her chair so that he could push it open. He then propped it open with a stray brick, which was most likely there for that exact purpose. "Destination has officially been reached," he announced, stepping back out in order to push her inside.

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#188640 Posted on 2018-09-09 11:10:31

"Awesome! So, there's a loose board in the hollow space underneath the bottom center shelf. Pull that up from the side closest to the far wall and there should be several cases of soda in a decent sized space in there." Freddie had made a habit of scanning the love letter every time she came, trying to figure out who it was to or from. She had brought UV lights and other equipment "borrowed" from friends, siblings, and sometimes strangers to try and find clues. She was the only one who believed there could be a code of some sort in the letter. It was kind of vague, and instead of names it had letters. The recipient was L and the author was T. Freddie was determined to figure it out, but maybe now, being blind, she wouldn't be able to. 

Last edited on 2018-09-09 at 11:12:47 by Oswin

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#188644 Posted on 2018-09-09 11:26:23

 Jimmy nodded, dropping into a crouch. He peered under the shelf, blinking as his eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness that ruled over nearly every part of the closet, aside from the doorway and the path of light that it let in. After a moment of shoving away all his fears of stumbling across a rat or a snake or something, he reached under the shelf, groping around until his fingers latched onto the loose board. Once he'd pulled it up, the metal cans were evident, thanks to the glare provided by the light from the doorway.

Last edited on 2018-09-09 at 11:27:00 by Raptor

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#188645 Posted on 2018-09-09 11:29:47

"Did you find them? Hand me a Ginger Ale, if he has it, please." Freddie blindly wheeled her chair to the left, bumping into the shelf along the wall there. Her hands groped the shelf until she felt the paper. Freddie pulled it down and thought a moment. What hadn't she looked for yet?

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#188646 Posted on 2018-09-09 11:35:01

 "Yep, I found them, and...," He grabbed a can whose label appeared to be that of a Ginger Ale, though he couldn't be sure just yet. He held it up to his face. "Yep, he's got Ginger Ale. Well, had Ginger Ale," he replied, handing it to her.

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#188649 Posted on 2018-09-09 11:37:13

"Cool. Does he have any orange?" Freddie didn't realize he was handing her the soda. She was staring blankly at the paper in her hands, racking her mind for any ideas. 

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#188667 Posted on 2018-09-09 13:17:23

 He dug around in the space a bit longer, still holding the can up for her. After eventually realizing that she hadn't noticed, he turned and set it in her lap, before turning back to the stash. "Uh... Yes! Yes he does! And it's mine now!," Jimmy exclaimed triumphantly, pulling up the entire six pack ring of sodas.

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#188669 Posted on 2018-09-09 13:23:37

"Thanks," she said, picking up the can and feeling for the tab. She pulled it up and took a sip. "Mmm..." Freddie put the letter back on the shelf. "Now where?"

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#188678 Posted on 2018-09-09 13:42:42

 "Can you hold this?," he asked before answering her question, practically dropping the sodas onto her arms and lap. "And, uh... I dunno. To put this away first, obviously, but I'm not sure about after that."

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