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Royalty’s Matching RP

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Royalty’s Matching RP

#137082 Posted on 2017-12-28 11:46:29

Brooklyn held her hand up repeating what the minister said and held ours her hand looking at the beautiful ring that Ignacio had picked out. Sliding her ring onto his she smiled and gushed at his words he said. Leaning into the kiss as the townspeople cheered and the exited off to there reserved box seat that was close to Victor and Cyrena’s but separated. Entering into the seat she sat down down and held onto his hand slightly squeezing it to get her mind preoccupied from thinking about the crowded reception after this. Which crowds were not Brooklyn’s easy thing. Keeping her hand in Ignacio’s she slowly traced circles in his palm looking sideways at him and giving a small smile leaning into him to calm her nerves. 

King Leionel 
The brown haired king smiled and once again exited out of the doors down the stairs and to the princes room nodding towards Prince Thane and beginning to usher him into the chapel and walking down the aisle then dropping him at the end and walking back towards the back with a smile. 

The commoner
The commoner rushed down to the princess room looking at Ivana and smiling grabbing her arm gently and rushing her to the chapel entering through the doors as the music began to play again and they entered walking the aisle slowly to the music. Dropping her off to the prince she rushed back to the king ready to grab another Princess. 

The minister smiled to both Thane and Ivana repeating the process of what he said to the last two before. Mentioning for them to raise there hand and repeat after him and then put the ring on he smiled and stepped back “You May kiss your bride.” He smiled and cleared his throat. 

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#137095 Posted on 2017-12-28 12:31:47

The commoner rushed into the room and gently pulled her toward the door. Ivana glanced at Valentina and gave a nervous smile before the door closed behind her. She was guided to the chapel. The doors opened, and she walked slowly down the aisle to music. She looked up to see who she was to marry. Thane, Cyrena's brother! Her stomach turned. Cyrena had said that he was mean. But looking at the dashing prince waiting for her, Ivana decided that she would be the judge of that. Maybe he wouldn't be like that to her. She reached the stage and walked the small set of stairs before standing across from Thane. She gave a small wave and a shy smile crept over her face. She said her "I do" and repeated the minister's solemn words about their kingdom and marriage before Thane put a ring on her finger. She took a small moment to look at it before placing the gold band she had chosen on his finger. As the minister said his final words, "You may kiss the bride," Ivana's heart fluttered.

He smiled at Brooklyn, and was slightly surprised when she leaned into him. He put his arm around her tentatively. Thane walked up the aisle and stood at the front. Ignacio relaxed in his seat. The day would be enjoyable, he just knew it, especially with Brooklyn by his side. The doors opened once more, and in walked Thane's bride-to-be. Ignacio's breath caught. It was Ivana! She looked beautiful in her dress, and Ignacio smiled at her. She didn't glance his way, but he hoped she knew he was proud of her. When she climbed the stairs and smiled shyly at Thane, Ignacio almost laughed. She was never shy. He grinned and gently squeezed Brooklyn's hand.

Last edited on 2017-12-28 at 12:32:25 by Oswin

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#137103 Posted on 2017-12-28 12:58:13

Valentina | Veltron

Valentina became more nervous when she realized that Bellingham's twins had never made it to the preparation of being married. An uneasy feeling formed in the pit of her stomach, causing her to feel nauseous. When she left by her lonesome in the room, it made her even more worried. What if he husband to be was the Bellingham twin and he never showed. She began to take deep breathes, trying her best to hold it all together. "You will be fine Valentina," she said to herself. After a few minutes of staying seated on the couch, she decided she could no longer sit still. She stood to her feet and began to pace the room. "You shouldn't fret about such things," she continued to talk to herself. It was something she always did when she became extremely nervous and it calmed her most of the time. She stopped half a step, took another deep breathe, and continued to pace the room.

Victor | Veltron

Victor watched as Ignacio and Brooklyn sat in a booth nearby, then saw that Thane had walked in. The music queued once more and in came Ivana. He wondered if the Bellingham twins ever made it. If not it narrowed Valentina's husband the the last prince here, Bronx. He couldn't remember much about him, but thought of him as a gentleman a knew that he would treat his sister well. If the statement were untrue, he would certainly be on their doorstep within the hour.

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#137104 Posted on 2017-12-28 12:59:54


Thane smiled as Ivana walked down the isle. She was stunning and beautiful and he couldn't stop smiled at her. Once she stood in front of him. He said I do and repeated with the minister said. He wrapped an arm arm around her and bent down and kissed her.


Cyrena sat down next to Victor and smiled at him. She turned and watched the next people to get married and then watched her brother get married. She then squeezed Victors hand trying to calm her self

Last edited on 2017-12-28 at 13:07:06 by Aloy

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#137106 Posted on 2017-12-28 13:02:30


Callin walked into the room. he knew he was late. he felt so so bad.

(That's all I can write at the moment SORRY! I will be back with way more and casrmen's)

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#137115 Posted on 2017-12-28 13:20:40

The light blonde haired girl blinked her light blue eyes and drew in a breath watching Ignacio’s Twin walk down the aisle and get married to Prince Thane. Inhaling a breath and scanned her eyes to the door hoping that Bronx would walk into the room and see who he got paired with. Nervously watching the door and waiting in anticipation she still kept her hand in Ignacio’s hand and sighed. 

King Leionel smiled in approval and then exited the door once again going down the stairs and into the princes room. Seeing that Bellingham had finally arrived he nodded and grabbed Callin’s arm and ushered him to the chapel where it would begin. Walking down the aisle and dropping Callin down of on the end he walked back towards the end. Standing and watching the next wedding. 

Queen Marcy finally arrived back with both twins and was getting Carmen ready for the wedding helping with makeup and dress and the shoes and helping her in any way possible get ready. Smiling as the commoner took her place to help she grabbed Valentina’s arm gently and ushered her up the stairs and to the chapel entering through the doors as the music began to play she dropped her at the end and smiled going and standing beside her husband the king.

The brown haired minister smiled and proceeded to tell them what he said to all the others. “Raise your right hand and repeat after me...” he trailed off onto the usual saying what he said to the rest of them. Pausing and gestering to the rings he nodded once and stepped back for them to have room “Prince Callin You May kiss the bride.” He nodded and cleared his throat once more and smiled upon the crowd.

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#137119 Posted on 2017-12-28 14:09:10

Valentina | Veltron

Valentina stopped her pacing when the door flew open and in came Carmen, the princess of Bellingham, along with Queen Marcy. They were rushing to get ready, but before she could utter a word, she was ushered out of the room. Her heart was racing as she realized that this was really happening and she was only a few moments away from getting married. When the doors to the chapel came open she was struck by the prince she saw at the end of the isle. It was the prince of Bellingham and looked stunning in his suit. When Valentina was released, she slowly made her way up the few steps and on to the other side of the minister to stand in front of Callin. She looked into his eyes with amazement and was tears of joy began to brim, but never threatened to spill. She said, "I do," and began to repeat the words of the minister upon raising her right hand. As she watched the prince place a beautiful ring on her finger, she did the same, placing the gold band upon his. She looked up into his eyes before leaning forward for the kiss.

Victor | Veltron

As he watched the prince of Bellingham walk into the room, he sighed with relief that they had actually made it in time. It wasn't until his sister walked into the chapel that his jaw almost dropped. She was stunningly beautiful, more so than ever in the beautiful off white dress. When he felt Cyrena squeeze his hand, he turned his attention to her and gave her a smile. He inched closer to her, placing his other arm around her to hug her closer. He looked back towards his sister and watched as her and Callin exchanged rings before finally going in for a kiss.

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#137132 Posted on 2017-12-28 15:02:41


Callin said "I do" and repeated what the ministister had said. He then Kissed his bride. He hoped she would forgive him for being late. His bride was stunningly beautiful in her dress. He was still worried if they would get along. Not sure what to do after the kiss Callin looked  Valentina in the eye.


The dress she was wearing fir her perfectly. It flowed around her in an elegant circle. There was a diamond belt around her stomach. the whole upper part of the dress was speckled randomly with diamonds. Her medium thick blond hair was in curls around her face and her right side bangs were elegantly clipped back. The clip had a diamond on it too. She was wearing diamond tear drop hanging earrings as well as a diamond tira and tear drop necklace. Her square to cowboy boots were barly peaking out from under her dress. "I love this dress!" she said.

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#137141 Posted on 2017-12-28 15:29:55

Valentina | Veltron

Valentina gave Callin a big smile as they pulled away. She looked around the crowd for a moment, spotting her brother next to his wife Cyrena. He gave him a huge smile before turning back to Callin. The crowds cheers eventually died down and she started to descend the stairs, looping her arm around Callin's as she did so. She took the lead, taking them to their reserved spots to watch as the last prince and princess were to get married.

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#137144 Posted on 2017-12-28 15:44:48

She smiled at Thane, green eyes sparkling, and walked off the stage with him, sitting in their reserved seats. She waved to Ignacio, who smiled and waved back. He and Brooklyn are so cute, she thought momentarily. Her thoughts turned to Thane as they sat down. "Hi," she said quietly, brushing her brown hair behind her ear. She wanted to get to know the handsome man who was now her husband. She smiled when she saw Valentina walking down the aisle. She considered the other princesses friends now, and hoped she could write them when she and Thane settled into their home. 

He picked up on Brooklyn's nervousness. He turned toward her and lifted her chin with one hand. "Why is my beautiful bride nervous?" he whispered. "What can I do to help?" he smiled gently into her blue eyes with his green ones. 

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#137157 Posted on 2017-12-28 16:16:56

"You know you look really good right?" He said blue eyes shining. He put an arm around her and waited from the last couple. He was curios to see who his sister was married to. He really hoped the however she married would treat her right.

Carmen was scared. She had always waited for this day but it did not feel like it would come so soon. The part that scared her was having a baby. She knew she could but well what if her husband did not like her or he did not love her? "Stop being stupid" she said to herself. "everything will be fine"

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#137162 Posted on 2017-12-28 16:32:02


Thane looked at Ivana and smiled. "Hi beautiful"he said and wrapped his arms around her. " You look so beautiful in that dress"he said 

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#137164 Posted on 2017-12-28 16:54:27

Valentina | Veltron

Valentina blushed at the comment from Callin. "Err, thank you," she stuttered out. She leaned into him, allowing herself to get comfortable. "So did something delay the ship," she asked. She was genuinely curious as to why the ship had come late and nearly delayed the wedding.

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#137171 Posted on 2017-12-28 17:15:00


"Yeah. That's why we were late" He said. He let Valentina lean aginst him, "I think i could get used to this" he said in his head.

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#137177 Posted on 2017-12-28 17:35:35

She blushed at his compliment, but didn't skip a beat. "Thank you. You don't look too shabby yourself, in that suit." She grinned at him. His arm dropped onto her shoulder, and she found that she liked it. The warm, heavy weight made her feel more secure, like when she was with Ignacio. She lifted her feet and carefully folded them on the seat, adjusting her dress to stay modest. She leaned against Thane, getting comfortable for the last wedding. She didn't know what would happen afterword, but she was glad that the King and Queen had chosen Thane as her prince. She grinned even wider. To think, I was nervous, she thought with a silent chuckle.

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