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Royalty’s Matching RP

#136778 Posted on 2017-12-26 20:43:02

She looked around, eyes wide. Her mind only faintly heard the woman talking. The whole town would watch her wedding? Her stomach did one flip before settling. She turned with a smile to the commoner. "Thank you, miss." She dipped her head and turned once more to the room. Her feet drew her to the dresses, and she carefully sifted through them. Her eyes fell on a simple cream-colored one. She fingered the soft silk, a faint smile on her face. It was perfect. Ivana lifted the dress from the rack and held it against the front of her body. It was a perfect fit, too. With a chuckle, she reminded herself that of course it was, this row of dresses were for her. She scanned the room again and headed toward a small selection of shoes. She stared at them, trying to find a pair she thought matched the simple dress. She decided on a pair of simple, cream-colored, soft slip-on dress shoes. She looked around once more. "No need for make-up," she mumbled to herself. She didn't wear it normally. She padded over to the jewelry and selected an intricate necklace, the chain made of silver. The light blue stone was fashioned delicately in the shape of a fish. Ivana stroked the stone gently, pleased. With a smile traced on her lips, she seemed to float on air as she walked back to the woman. "Where might I try these beautiful things on, may I ask?" 

Ignacio stepped to the left from the doorway and stopped a moment to take a breath. He wondered what Ivana was doing, then pushed the thought from his mind. He had to focus on dressing to please the princess he was to marry. He thanked the king and studied the room a second more before stepping forward toward his row of suits. He looked at each one carefully, not sure which one he liked best. He pulled two out and looked at them side by side. They were both excellently tailored. He stood in indecision, carefully going over almost every thread of the suits to help determine which one he wanted to wear in his wedding. Finally, he swallowed some of his pride and approached the king. "Sir, these are both such amazingly made suits that I cannot decide which one. I would be honored to have your input." 

Last edited on 2017-12-26 at 20:44:05 by Oswin

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#136800 Posted on 2017-12-27 04:48:33

The commoner nodded and smiled leading the way to a changing room and opening ot “Just Hillary if you need anything Princess.” She smiled and then went back to the front and waited. Pushing one yellow button which out slid 2 racks of different perfumes and then pushed the last rack of wedding bands to choose from for there prince. “Ladies once your done spray perfume on and pick a ring you think your future prince will like best. 


Running her hand down he dresses as she spotted a white top laced dress with long lace sleeves running down midway and then turning into white silky texture falling down leaving her back at some points exposed on her back with bare skin. Picking it up and nodding she went to the shoes getting white heels to match and then to the jewelers rack grabbing a small diamond necklace with real diamonds of course she smiled grabbing it and then grabbing a pair of matching stud earrings and then walked to the dressing room to change into what she was going to wear. 

Picking out a navy blue suit he went to the shoes grabbing a pair of matching ones and then hoofed it to the changing room ready to try it on to impress his soon to be wife. Once putting it on with a smile he walked out showing his father who nodded in improvement and flushed him to sit down once changed. 

King Leionel watched as all the princes got busy with what he asked them to do. Watching as the puzzles Ignacio walked over with two suits and smiled towards him. “Well in your left you have a rich dark black suit and the other a rich dark black but tailored by two different ones. The one in your left has black switching and the one on the right as a lighter black so the one on your left is a richer black than the one on the right.... In my best jugdement I’d say the one on your left since we have matching shoes to go with it.” He then looked towards the other princes and pushed another button with two racks of colognes coming out and then pushed the last button were out slid 5 rows of diamond rings all in separate case some shiny some simple with one diamond and some hole band was with diamonds. Nodding towards the princes to pick a ring he sat down. 

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#136806 Posted on 2017-12-27 05:59:21

Valentina | Veltron

Valentina stood at the doorway with amazement at the sight of all the dresses and shoes in front of her eyes. Everything was so elegant and she was so close to her own wedding where everyone would be watching. Valentina glided over to where the dresses were hung, reaching her arm out to finger the silk on one of them. It was a creamy off white color with a lace bodice and sleeves that hung off the shoulders and stopped just before the elbow. Around the waist were silver jewels mixed with a few diamonds. The skirt of a dress was on plain silk that flowed out like a ball gown and the train flowed heavily out from behind. "This is the one," she mumbled to herself as she lifted it from the rack and moved it over to the dressing room for her to try on. She moved over to the shoes, looking at each pair. She grabbed up some plain white heels that opened at the toe and placed them next to her dress before moving on to find some jewelry to suit the dress. Upon glimpsing at the sets, she saw a necklace with three jewels on it; two diamonds with the center one as an emerald. The chain was of a rose gold color and there were earrings that matched with emeralds hanging from the chain. She grabbed the two pieces of jewelry before going into the dressing room and changing. When she stepped out of the dressing room with her wedding dress on, she felt like more than just a princess, she felt like a queen. She smiled at herself in the mirror as if reminding herself that she was beautiful and her husband to be would think so too. When the perfumes and wedding bands came to display, she made her way over to them. The aroma coming from the many bottles hit her nose which made her want to sneeze but it would not come. The sensation went away and she picked up a bottle that smelled of Jasmine, misting on her body lightly. She placed the bottle back down and stepped over to the wedding bands. She tried to imagine which prince was her husband and picked up a ring that might suit his fancy. It was a simple band of pure gold with three small diamonds etched into it.

Victor | Veltron

Victor stepped through the threshold and placed his eyes upon the tailored suits. They were of fine material that came in many different shades. His eyes came upon one in particular. It was of a dark, almost navy blue color with black trim and satin lining the inside. The shirt was creamy off white color with a matching tie embroidered and lined with gold. He picked out a pair of black dress shoes that were freshly polished and headed over to the dressing room to change. When he came out he checked himself in the mirror, fixing his mop of curly black hair. "Looking good if I do say so myself," he said aloud to himself. He picked up a bottle of cologne, spraying the Spice and Jasmine scent on to his body. When his eyes laid upon the rings, he was instantly intrigued. He was unsure of which one he liked best, but settled upon one with three diamonds with the largest one being in the center and the band being of white gold color.

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#136822 Posted on 2017-12-27 08:40:26

She walked into the dressing room and tried on her dress. It was long, touching the floor with a small train behind. The sleeves were called "3/4th Sleeves," going just past her elbow. The silk was soft to the touch and comfortable to wear. She didn't feel cramped or closed in while wearing the dress; on the contrary, the dress was light and airy, but with the look of a slightly heavier gown. She stooped and slipped on the shoes. They were comfortable, and she was pleased. Hopefully they weren't the kind to hurt your feet by the end of the day. She gently unclasped the silver chain of the necklace she had chosen and placed it around her neck. After clasping the chain back together, she lifted the blue stone into the palm of her hand. It flashed in the light, and she couldn't help but take a moment to admire it. Finally, she moved out of the dressing room to see perfumes and wedding bands for the prince. She walked to the perfumes and was hit with all the smells at once. The feeling faded as her nose got accustomed to it, and she picked up several bottles to smell. Ivana decided on a light french vanilla perfume, not that strong but just strong enough. She went over to the wedding rings and looked them all over. Who was she to marry? Would he like a simple gold band or one with diamonds inset into it? She wished she knew who it was, so she could pick something he would like. She picked out a gold band with a small vertical row of diamonds, hoping he would like her decision.

The prince nodded at King Leionel and decided on the suit in his left. He picked out the matching dress shoes and walked to the dressing room to change. When he stepped out again, he was clad in rich black, the fabric of the suit allowing his well-developed muscles in his arms to show. He shook his head inwardly at it, not liking to bring attention to his strength. It was simply the matter of working hard. He smiled faintly, realizing it was probably a good thing to put his best foot forward for his new wife. He walked to the colognes and opted for one with notes of iris, lemon verbena, violet, and sandalwood. He applied two sprays before walking to the rings. He was stunned. They were all gorgeous. His eyes were instantly drawn to one in particular, and he had a feeling it was the right one. It was gold, with one large diamond at the front. The band split into two smaller bands as it neared the large diamond on both sides. On the left, the lower one wrapped down below the diamond, and on the right it went above. Tiny diamonds covered the two small bands but ended halfway around the ring. 

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#136828 Posted on 2017-12-27 09:13:28


The light blonde girl walked out of the dressing room and to the perfumes picking up a lavender one and spraying it lightly on her. Next going to the wedding bands she spotted a black titanium one with two blue lines on each side but cut in half in both sides with diamonds then continuing to one in the center. Picking it up she made her way to the other two girls. “Hello Ivana and Valentina...right?” She smiled and then looked to the commoner who was looking at the clock that was almost time. The commoner smiled and looked at all the girls “ So the king will tell me when the first prince is ready then I send out the one that your paired with. Once paired together you will be with your prince and husband the whole night and can’t socialize with your twin since your with your prince now husband. You live together In a nice home on the property and can visit each other but only if you have your husband with you.” She smiled and then went to the entrance of the door waiting for King Leionel to come. 


The dirty blonde haired boy was dressed in his navy blue suit and matching shoes as he headed towards the colognes picking out a light mint one with vanilla. After putting it on lightly he headed towards the weddings rings and spotted a rose gold colored one with diamonds all around it leading up to two large diamonds together touching and intertwining together. Blinking his light blue eyes he looked to his father. Then walked to Ignacio and Victor “How are you two today?” He blinked his light blue eyes and shook his dirty blonde hair and swallowed nervously for the wedding ceremony beginning soon. 

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#136830 Posted on 2017-12-27 09:28:17

"Yes, I'm Ivana. And you are... Brooklyn?" she answered. Ivana listened to the commoner speak and her stomach twisted into a knot. She wouldn't be able to visit her brother without her husband? She couldn't talk to him at all tonight? Ivana wanted to stand up and reject, or curl up and cry. Instead, she stood there as if she wasn't deeply upset at this news. She wanted to see her brother before being married! He was her strength to lean on, how could she do this without him? She nodded at the commoner and turned back to Brooklyn and Valentina. "You both look lovely," she commented. They had chosen gorgeous gowns that went very well with their forms. 

"I'm doing very well, thank you." Ignacio smiled at the Cunningdale prince. "Do you think I could see my sister before her wedding? She's nervous and was depending on my little pep talk." He chuckled, thinking of his sister. She probably looked stunning in her dress right now. He couldn't wait to see her and lift her spirits, encourage her. He knew just how nervous she was, despite her strong appearance. 

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#136834 Posted on 2017-12-27 09:44:24

King Leionel/ Cunningdale
King Leionel walked over with a small smile "I know this is hard for you and your sister but we have to be strong and for the princess it has to be for tonight you can wave and socialize with them but in the presence of your princess...i know it's a rule that we all have to go by your parents were twins as well and had to do the same thing and we've all had a twin and had to do the same thing...It's hard but it's that way since after you get married and your all celebrating your marriages....I know it'll be hard but try to be strong alright..." he drew in a breath and walked towards the door exiting and walking down the stairs and out into the south wing where the chapel was and the rows were filled with all of the town. Giving a breath he walked back to the room taking the steps one by one calmly and opening the door. "Victor its time the rest of you all behave alright cause you'll be next Ignacio alright." he then ushered Victor out the door and to the south wing where the chapel was.

The commoner
The lady glanced at the clock and nodded "Cyrena dear, princess it's your time to shine. Brooklyn get ready cause when I come back your next." She nodded and then hurried towards the door ushering Cyrena with her towards the chapel holding her arm and ready. 

Gulping nervously she began to breath deeply almost shutting down in a panic attack. Gripping the pillow on the couch she breathed nervously and began counting her breaths in and out. Blinking her light blue eyes and looking petrified to be married to one of there twins she took a shaky breath in and gulped tears beginning to pool in her light blue eyes with fear that she didn't get to see her brother before or father before this. Looking at Valentina and Ivana for help she breathed in more shaky breaths and shook with anxiety getting ahold of her. 

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#136837 Posted on 2017-12-27 09:58:47

His head spun. He couldn't see Ivana? It didn't make sense, but he wasn't going to rebel. That's Ivana's expertise, he thought with a smile. The King continued and ushered Victor out. Ignacio gave a small wave to the prince before the door closed behind him. He was getting married next. Ignacio shook his head. Wow. It was here sooner then he had thought it might. He wondered two things: Who was he going to marry? and who will Ivana marry? He sat down to prepare his thoughts and mind to meet his wife.

She sighed and sunk into the couch cushions next to Brooklyn. She couldn't see her brother, and it was an odd thought. She noticed Brooklyn's desperation and smiled at her. "It'll be okay, Brooklyn. Your parents would have picked the right man for you." She looked at the door as Cyrena was escorted out to be wed. "If you marry my brother," she said, "he will treat you with respect and love, I just know it. Any of the princes would." She hoped to soothe the other girl's panic, since she was going to be married soon. "Relax, and when you go out there you are going to shine. Enjoy it." She grinned and took Brooklyn's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

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#136840 Posted on 2017-12-27 11:03:53

Victor | Veltron

Victor was saddened by the news that he wouldn't be able to see his sister before he was to be married. It didn't help that when King Leionel called for him first. He was to get married now and his head spun with nervousness. He took a deep breathe and let it out before placing his hands and smoothing out his suit. "I guess that's my cue to go on," he said to Bronx and Ignacio. He took a step out of the room and followed King Leionel down to the chapel, silently praying to himself to hold it together. When he came upon the doors to the chapel, he heard many voices making him feel slightly more nervous. It had been some time since he had been in front of many people, and for it to happen now made him nervous. 'What if I make a fool out of myself,' he thought to himself, 'Oh dear, I hope that I don't do anything stupid.' He took another deep breathe before stepping into the room, with all eyes falling on him. He gulped back his nervousness and made his way up to the front, climbing the small amount of stairs and standing to the right of the minister. He looked out upon the people, plastering a smile to his face.

Valentina | Veltron

Valentina gave a small smile, "As do you," she replied to Ivana. When the commoner came in and announced that it was time for Cyrena to go she reached out a gave her a quick hug. "Have fun and the best of luck to you," she said as she pulled away from the hug. Valentina made her way over to the couch where Brooklyn and Ivana sat, taking a seat on the other side of Brooklyn. Seeing that the princess was a bundle of nerves, she reached out grabbed her hand. "That's exactly what I was going to say," she said towards Ivana.

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#136860 Posted on 2017-12-27 12:36:07


Cyrena finished picking out a rose smell perfume and a simple gold band with two Dimond in it. Upon hearing her name she walked up to the commoner. She took her hand and started walking walk. She wanted to stop and cry. She not ready for this but she knew she have to be strong and make her soon to be husband proud. Taking a deep breath she calmed down and tried to look at ease before they got to the Chapel. 


Thane picked out a ring that had Dimonds alround the ring. Once he heard that it was time for Victor to get married he gave him a pat on the back to wish him luck. He then went to the window and watched as the towns people started to heads toward the chapel

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#136928 Posted on 2017-12-27 16:53:19

King Leionel 
The blonde haired king nodded and ushered Victor down aisle and stopped at the end giving a pat on the back and then walking towards the back again and watching. He inhaled a breath and waited hoping that the minister would speed things up faster. 

The girl nodded and entered through the door giving a reassuring smile to Cyrena as they opened the door and all the townspeople looked and smiled towards them as the wedding music began to play cueing them. Walking down the isle towards the prince she dropped Cyrena down on the end and walked towards King Leionel standing beside him. Smiling and watching as both prince and princess were at the end. 

The brown eyed man smiled at both the prince and princess “Do you Prince Victor take the lovely and beautiful Cyrena to be your princess and wife?” Turning towards Cyrena he asked the same question to her about him. “Raise your right hand and repeat after me” He smiled and then cleared his throat once “Our Kingdoms shall be united together until the dawn touches the mountain and until both of you shall be buried unto the sweet earth” Taking another rusty breath “You both out your rings on each other now” He smiled and looked towards both “You May kiss your princess, prince Victor” he stepped back and smiled for the townspeople. 

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#136945 Posted on 2017-12-27 18:07:43

Victor | Veltron

Victor watched as his bride walked up the aisle along side a commoner, she the princess as Cyrena from Arringlon. She was stunning in her ball gown and it took Victor's breathe away. When she finally came to stand in front of him, he gave her a huge smile. "I do," Victor replied as he watched Cyrena. When the minister asked for him to raise his right hand, he did so repeating, "Our Kingdoms shall be united together until the dawn touches the mountains and until both of us shall be buried unto the sweet Earth." He lowered his hand, pulling out the diamond ring and placing it on Cyrena's finger and then allowing her to place the wedding band on his own. He took a moment to look upon his bride before pulling her closer and placing a kiss on to her soft lips.

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#137003 Posted on 2017-12-27 21:07:14

Cyrena | Arringlon 

Cyrena stood in front of Victor and smiled back. He was so perfect looking she thought. "I do"she said and raised her right hand "Our kingdoms  shall be united together until the dawn touches the mountains and until both of us shall be buried unto the sweet earth"she said. Once she placed the wedding band onto his finger. She then kissed him gently and took his hand

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#137028 Posted on 2017-12-28 04:44:56

All of the crowed cheered and howled with joy for this clapping there hands. King Leionel nodded and then ushered the two married off of the stage and to the two seats reserved for them so they could sit together and watch the rest of the wedding ceremony. Then walking gracefully out the doors and down the stairs to the princes room entering “Ignacio it’s your turn...” he grabbed Ignacio’s arm and ushered him up the stairs and then opened the door walking him down the aisle with the crowed staring and smiling. Dropping him off at the end he walked back towards the door exiting and waiting for his daughter.

The light blonde haired girl nodded to both what Balentina and Ivana said to her. Nodding and releasing the pillow as the commoner nodded to show her it was time. Brooklyn gulped and stood up fixing her dress and necklace and then walked to the commoner as she began to exit the door. Exiting and going up the stairs she greeted her father the king. The king then grabbed her arm and kissed her forehead before entering. As wedding music began to play they entered through the doors into the chapel. Brooklyn looked at the end seeing her prince who was rather handsome who waited at the end. Walking slowly towards the music  and down the aisle she stopped at the end releasing her father and standing still staring into Ignacio’s eyes with her light blue eyes.

The brown haired Minister smiled and nodded “Do you Prince Ignacio take the lovely and beautiful Brooklyn of Cunningdale to be your wife and princess?” Turning towards the princess he asked the same thing about Ignacio and then nodded clearing his throat. “Raise your right hand and repeat after me” he cleared his throat once more and went on “Our kingdoms shall be united till the dawn touches the mountain and until both of us are buried in the sweet earth” Diping his head and gestering to put the rings on each ring finger. He smiled once more “You May kiss the bride.” He nodded and then stepped back allowing room.

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#137069 Posted on 2017-12-28 10:50:31

He felt rather rushed as he was taken down the aisle. The common folk gawked at him, and he nervously straightened his suit. As he stood waiting at the front of the chapel, the doors flew open and in walked Brooklyn. His mouth almost fell open at the sight of her. She was stunning, with light blonde hair and blue eyes. Her dress perfectly accented her form. A smile graced his face when she joined him at the front. His heart beat fast, knowing that he was marrying this beauty. "I do," he replied to the minister. He raised his right hand. "Our kingdoms shall be united till the dawn touches the mountain and until both of us are buried in the sweet earth." At the cue for the rings, Ignacio brought out the gold and diamond ring he had chosen. His stomach clenched, hoping Brooklyn would like his pick. He slipped it on her finger, searching her eyes to see if she was pleased. He smiled softly at her as she put the black titanium ring on his ring finger. When the minister announced that Ignacio "may kiss the bride," he gently reached up behind her head and held her, noting the softness of her hair, and kissed her. When he drew back and the crowd cheered, Ignacio couldn't hide the grin on his face. He whispered, "You're absolutely beautiful," as they walked off the stage and sat down. He was glad he would see Ivana's wedding, but his mind was preoccupied with his new wife. He held her hand gently in his when they sat, hoping she wouldn't mind. 

Brooklyn was ushered out, and they hadn't said who was next. "I wonder who's next," she said. Suddenly, she thought of something. "Oh! Bellingham hasn't arrived yet. Do you think that will throw off the ceremonies?" She looked out the window, wondering where their ship was, and if Ignacio was married yet. She hoped to see him, but she knew she wouldn't get to talk to him even if she did. 

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