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Royalty’s Matching RP

#137194 Posted on 2017-12-28 18:08:15

Valentina | Veltron

Valentina nodded, not really bothering to get into the details as to why the ship got delayed. It was most likely a storm that set them slightly off track. Well, at least that scenario was the most common, especially for the open ocean. She remembered back to her voyage across the open ocean to get here. She was seasick the entire time and when her brother wasn't making fun of her, he was helping her out and taking her mind off the rocking of the boat. She knew that she wasn't going to particularly enjoy getting back on a boat anytime in the near future and especially not for a long period of time. Her mind was brought back to the present when she heard Callin speak. His words made her cheeks turn a deep shade of red as she let out a giggle. She had to admit that sitting snuggled up to him was quite comfortable. She couldn't agree more with him on getting used to the feeling. All her doubts of their marriage working out or not was washed away and replaced with the indefinite feeling that the marriage would last a lifetime. She shifted in her seat and snuggled into his chest, wrapping an arm around him and waiting for the final wedding to begin. 

Victor | Veltron

Victor felt the need to yawn and suddenly felt rather tired. The weight of the long days at sea and the long day of weddings that he had endured, made him exhausted. He didn't know where they were to be going after the final ceremony except to an estate where he and Cyrena would share their life together. He brought Cyrena closer and placed his head lightly on her shoulder with his lips right next to her ear. "You are so incredibly beautiful," he whispered to her. He closed his eyes, resting them for a moment while he waited for the final wedding ceremony. 

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#137231 Posted on 2017-12-28 19:42:04


Cyrena smiled and then looked at him "thank you. You look incredibly handsome"she said and kissed his cheek. She then leaned her head on him glad that Victor was her husband 


Thane nodded and pulled her closer. He then took her hand  and gently rubbed it. "I will do anything to please my princess "he whispered to her.

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#137239 Posted on 2017-12-28 19:59:15

She smiled and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. "I don't doubt you," she whispered in response. "And I will do anything to please my prince." She checked her dress to make sure it hadn't pulled up. She was okay. She got comfortable again against Thane. 

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#137243 Posted on 2017-12-28 20:08:53


Thane smiled and kissed the top of her head. He then rubbed her arm and watched the last wedding

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#137246 Posted on 2017-12-28 20:16:48

King Leionel 
As he grabbed his son and pulled him out and down the aisle and dropped his son off at the end and smiled. Waiting at the back and then after they kissed he walked towards the stage and looked at the townspeople. “All if you can go to the reception and have a time to remember eat and drink and dance and have a wonderful time.” He smiled and then looked towards the newly weds with a smile “Please meet the Queen and I later....” he smiled and then released all of the townspeople to go out to the party. All the townspeople rushed to the ballroom where the party was.

Queen Marcy
The light blonde queen ushered Carmen towards the door and ushered her up the stairs and through the door and down the aisle towards the wedding music where he son waited. Smiling and dropping her at the end she went back to her husband the king.

The dirty blonde haired prince was ushered out of the door by his father the king and down the aisle. Standing at the aisle and blinking in nervously he looked as Carmen entered through the doors and dropped his jaw with light tears forming in his light blue eyes. Wiping them quickly and smiling as Carmen greeted him at the end he smiled towards her and did everything the minister said. “I do” pulling out the ring and putting it on her finger and repeating the sacred words and gushing. As the minister said “You May kiss the bride” he stepped forward grabbings Carmen’s waste and pulling her close and dipping her down into a kiss with passion. “You are beautiful..” he whispered for her and then brought her up looking into the crowed. 

As Ignacio lifted her chin towards him she gave a weak smile and whispered towards him. “Well I’m not exactly to good with crowd...” getting cut of as Bronx walked in and snapping her attention to her twin brother and shifting her blue eyes towards him she smiled as he kissed Carmen and clapped with joy. As her father went to the stage and talking about the reception party she gulped I’m nervousness and tightened her hand grip onto Ignacio’s and watched at the crowd of people began to get up and soon they had to join them for the party.

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#137249 Posted on 2017-12-28 20:24:18

He smiled as Brooklyn's brother walked in. The similarities were obvious, since, of course, they were twins. He clapped respectfully at the end and listened to the King's announcement. Brooklyn's hand gave his a squeeze, and he remembered her earlier statement. He squeezed her hand gently in response and leaned down to whisper in her ear. "You'll do fine. I'll be there with you," he assured her. He watched the townspeople stream out of the chapel, leaving the newly-weds in the chapel. Ignacio's brow furrowed, confused. "Are we supposed to go somewhere?" he whispered to his wife.

She watched the wedding with a faint smile, knowing the thrill the new couple were feeling. After all the nervousness from before, Ivana was content just to lean against Thane and watch. She was confident that her life would continue to be a happy one. Yes, it would be different. She glanced at Ignacio and saw that he was occupied. She was going to miss being Ignacio's charge to protect. But she would write him, and she had Thane. 

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#137252 Posted on 2017-12-28 20:36:04

Nodding her head gently and listening to his words that calmed her a bit she nodded and stood up still holding hands with Ignacio and exiting out of the reserved booth. “It’s the ballroom where all parties are held.” Giving a little smile and keeping her hand molded into his she led the way towards the ballroom and followed at a slower place to try to decrease her chances of being there for long. As they reached the room she pushed open the door and entered through seeing the sparkly chandeliers and tables set up with people eating and the dance floor with people dancing she swallowed her fear she had been holding in and stared with wide light blue eyes scanning the room for an empty table or one not so crowded. Taking in a sharp breath and tightening her grip in his hand without noticing she looked down seeing the right grip she held and released his hand slowly looking up apologeticly towards him. “We can do whatever you want just as long as it doesn’t involve a lot of people.” giving a nervous laugh and pressing into her husbands side looking into his green eyes with her light blue ones.

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#137257 Posted on 2017-12-28 20:46:16

He smiled and took her hand again, enjoying the warmth of her pressed against his side. His green eyes scanned the room and  spotted the perfect spot. Ignacio led his blonde-haired wife to a table in a back corner, with barely any people. He pulled out a chair for her and made sure she was comfortable before sitting down himself. The chandeliers were of excellent quality, and the dancing was almost chaotic. The townspeople were very excited, he noted with an inward laugh. He hoped to dance with Brooklyn, but he wanted her to be ready and comfortable. "Would you like anything to eat or drink?" he asked.

She saw Brooklyn lead Ignacio out, and she nudged Thane gently. "I think we should follow," she said softly. She smiled at him, waiting for his lead. She could sit here all night, to be honest. Despite the smell of food and the enticing sound of exciting dancing, she didn't mind just sitting here with Thane.

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#137258 Posted on 2017-12-28 20:48:30


Thane looked at Ivana. "Are you ready to go eat or dance"he asked standing up and holding his hand out for her.

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#137260 Posted on 2017-12-28 20:54:16

She slid her feet off the chair and took his offered hand, pulling herself up. "Hmm," she said, extending it out longer than necessary, joking. "Let's see. I'd like to dance, please, my prince." She did a curtsy with a huge grin on her face, and a laugh escaped her lips. "But seriously," she said, straightening. "I'd like to dance."

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#137263 Posted on 2017-12-28 20:57:56


He took her hand and helped her up and smiled her. "As you wish my princess "he said and followed the rest of people. He then pulled her to his side not wanting her to get lost.

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#137270 Posted on 2017-12-28 21:12:13

Walking with him to the chair and sitting down she smiled at him and nodded “ Water...”  she paused and watched her husband go off and get water. As he returned with it she took it with a smile taking a couple sips and looking at him. Leaning into his touch she held his hand underneath the table watching as all the townspeople laughed and danced. Looking at Ignacio she gave a small smile towards him. “I guess we can dance now....” taking a pause and standing up from her chair she looked around the ballroom seeing everyone dancing. “Just a fair warning I took classes but didn’t really pay attention to the instructor.” Giving a giggle Brooklyn blinked her light blue eyes and ran a hand down her hair to move it from her face. Pulling onto his hand and looking out a spot where not as many people were dancing she smiled her eyes brightening up as she found a less crowded spot and led the way on the floor. “I guess you can lead...” blushing and grinning  at him she waited to see what he did. 

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#137271 Posted on 2017-12-28 21:21:23

He fetched her a glass of cold water. When he returned, she lifted it and took a few sips. Ignacio watched all the dancing going on, holding Brooklyn's hand. When she invited him to a dance, his heart leapt. He grinned and stood, helping her from her chair and allowing her to lead him to an emptier corner of the floor. He gently took her by the waist. "I had a good teacher," he replied, "and I don't mind getting my toes stepped on." He smiled and began to lead her in a classic waltz. His movements were fluid and expert, and he counted the steps softly under his breath for Brooklyn's benefit. 

She walked by Thane's side, chuckling. "I won't get lost, I promise," she laughed. They reached the ballroom, and her breath was swept away, as always, with the room's magnificence. She grinned and took Thane's hand, tugging him to where all the dancing was. She glimpsed Ignacio, waltzing with Brooklyn, but her eyes were for Thane only at this moment.

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#137276 Posted on 2017-12-28 21:32:50

Following along with his moves trying to remember dance classes she had when she was younger. Stepping into the motion and the dance with him she grinned as she got the moves down wincing as she accidentally stepped on his shoe with her heel. But continuing on with the waltz and counting the steps with him. “You know we could cut this short and get the key to our home together....” Whispering the suggestion in his ear as she stepped in beside him and finally just put her arms around his neck and smiled. “I mean unless you want to stay but I’m not a crowd person....” she gave a slight smile. “My father and mother have the key and we are supposed to get it tonight...” resting her head against his chest she listened to his heart beat with a small smile spreading onto her face.

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#137292 Posted on 2017-12-28 22:19:50


Thane laughed at her reaction. He then twirled her around and started dancing with her.

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