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Royalty’s Matching RP

#136559 Posted on 2017-12-25 18:26:33


"It seems as if she is," he replied giving a wink to his sister before focusing his attention to Thane. "I suppose we are only waiting on Bellingham's ship to arrive."

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#136561 Posted on 2017-12-25 18:43:04

"Oh," she said simply. She turned to Valentina. "That's very good. Meadowbrook has been doing wonderful as well." She saw Valentina's exchange with her brother and smiled. "I'm a bit nervous for my wedding," she admitted. "I feel it's the uncertainty of who it is more then the actually marriage." 

He nodded. "I wonder what delayed their ship. I hope not a storm. I've heard some areas can be hit by sudden, dangerous ones." Ignacio's voice was serious, for he didn't take matters like this lightly. Storms and boats did not mix, and the outcome could be catastrophic. While he didn't know the Bellingham twins that well, no death should be waved off. "Does anyone else find it odd," he said, changing the subject with a smile, "that all the kingdoms had twins?"

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#136567 Posted on 2017-12-25 18:56:21

Thane/ Arrington 

"Yes it does seem odd. That every kingdom has a twin"he said and saw the ship arrive " about time they got here"he said 

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#136616 Posted on 2017-12-26 08:07:26

Victor | Veltron

"Hmm, yes I suppose it is rather odd that all the kingdoms had twins, though, my parents told me it was a blessing from the heavens to each of the kingdoms," Victor said. He remembered when his mother would speak about it with him and his sister when they were younger. When he saw the Bellingham ship coming into the harbor, he smiled but a nervous pit settled in his stomach. Soon they would all be on their way in preparation of getting married.

Valentina | Veltron

Valentina gave Ivana a warm smile. "Well if you are to marry my brother, I know he will treat you well. I will tell you that he is very prideful in his ways, though, so you might need to remind him of his place," Valentina said with a small laugh at the last part of her statement. "I too, am slightly nervous, but I put my faith that my husband to be will treat me well and that he is the perfect match for me."

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#136621 Posted on 2017-12-26 08:38:52

She nodded thoughtfully. "Thank you. Your brother sounds very nice." She paused a moment, then continued. "King Leionel and Queen Marcy are very wise, and I trust that the man I am to marry will be right for me." She smiled. "My brother is a charm to have around. He can be a bit over-protective, however, but it's forgivable."

He looked out the carriage to see the ship pull into the harbor. His stomach did a backflip. He was to be married soon, and the arrival of this ship hurried the process. He couldn't help but wonder who he would marry. "I've heard of it that way, that all the kingdoms having twins was a gift. We had some stable-hands, extremely superstitious young men, who called it witch-craft." Ignacio laughed. "They always did it half in jest, but even the shadows made them jumpy." 

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#136696 Posted on 2017-12-26 13:24:10

Queen Marcy looked to the driver of the carriage and smiled “Drop the girls off on east wing of the castle and get them ready for the wedding. “ she dipped her head and got off the carriage and smiled “Also please bring back another coach for Kingdom Bellingham’s Twins and I” She then proceeded down the dock waiting. The carriage driver a woman who was a commoner who worked at the castle nodded and clicked her tongue picking up the reins as the two horses broke into a trot down the path towards the castle. 

King Leionel nodded towards his wife getting off “Let’s go get you boys ready to look all nice and well cleaned for your wife me and Marcy chose.” He smiled and nodded towards the male commoner who began to motion his horses into the trot as well. “Princes we’ve picked out the best tailored suits and accessories to go with it.” He smiled at the princes in the carriage and waited till they reached the castle. 

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#136700 Posted on 2017-12-26 13:38:17

Cyrena / Arringlon 

Feeling the carriage start moving she began to feel sick. She was scared to find out who she was going to marry. Because of feeling sick and scared she started to rub her hand even harder.

Thane / Arringlon 

Thane sighed in relief.  He was glad they were heading to the castle. He looked at the carriage and saw it go a different way and wondered where it was going.

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#136710 Posted on 2017-12-26 14:19:37

The carriage lurched into motion, and she noticed Cyrena nervously rubbing her hands. "Are you okay?" she asked, smiling. She understood the nervousness - she too was nervous. She wished she knew who she was marrying, so she could ask the boy's sister what he was like. She shrugged inwardly. Oh well.

He saw the princesses' carriage go a separate way as they were, and he hoped Ivana was doing alright. She had told him she was nervous while on the boat, and he had soothed her fears. But now here he was, his heart thumping hard as the carriage bumped its way to the castle where the weddings were to take place.

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#136729 Posted on 2017-12-26 15:52:48


She looked up at Ivana "Oh yeah I'm fine.Just nerves "She said and stopped rubbing her hand. She then looked out and watched the scenery pass by

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#136739 Posted on 2017-12-26 16:47:07

Valentina | Veltron

Valentina steadied herself as the carriage began to move. She saw that Cyrena was rubbing her hand and reached out to soothe her. A smile formed on her face, "Your husband to be will be perfect for you, I have faith." She hoped her words were as comforting as she felt that they were. After all, Queen Marcy and King Leionel had to have chosen the best, so that the kingdoms would prosper and stay at peace.

Victor | Veltron

Victor watched as the carriages separated and an uneasy feeling settled. He had never been separated from his sister for a long period of time, and to not have her in his sight made him slightly nervous. He remembered her words to him before they had gotten in to their separate carriages which helped slightly. He dearly hoped that he would see her soon, after all, he wanted to know just exactly who his sister was married to just as much as he wanted to know who he was to be married to.

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#136744 Posted on 2017-12-26 17:09:04


Cyrena nodded at the girl "Thank you"She said "I hope the same for all of you"She said

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#136748 Posted on 2017-12-26 17:21:52

She smiled and leaned back into the cushions, despite her fluttering heart. "I have a feeling all of us are at least a little nervous. How could we not be?" she chuckled. She looked out the window to see the scenery trotting by, and was hit by realization. Her life with Ignacio was over, at least as she knew it. She was saddened, but all things in life had to end at some point, right? She hoped, however, that the marriage she was about to have would last her entire life and would be a happy one.

"Pardon my asking, but how do you plan on treating your bride-to-be?" he directed his question at the other two princes. "Sorry for my curiosity. I might be handing one of you my sister to wed," he added with a smile. He had to be sure that she was marrying a decent guy, and either of these two could be her groom. 

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#136750 Posted on 2017-12-26 17:32:53


Thane looked at the prince."I would treat her with the most respect and as kind, loyal and caring towards her"He said

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#136767 Posted on 2017-12-26 19:38:54

As Queen Marcy waited at the docks for the shirt hoping they would arrive soon she drew in a breath and waited hoping for the best. The commoner finally got to the castle within sight and trotted the horses faster. Stopping the elegant carriage at the east wing she opened the door and led the way towards the door that entered the stunning grey brick castle. Entering into the room where all the girls were to get ready she opened the door and held it for them. “Inside there are dresses of fine silk and elegant jewelry and makeup done by the best make up artists in the whole village. Since your girls weddings the whole town will be watching.” She smiled and looked inside “Princess Brooklyn you ought I be getting ready now.” She instructed and ushered the rest of the girls into the room and closed it. “Now girls there’s only one of me so we must have patience with me helping you.” She smiled and looked at the girls ready to help in any way possible. 


Brooklyn opened her eyes from the sleep she had fallen into from worrying so much. Watching the door open and the rest of the princesses enter of the different kingdoms. “Hello....” the light blonde haired girl smiled and blinked her light blue eyes and shifted to stand up from the couch. Hearing the commoners voice she nodded and walked towards the closet pushing a blue button that opened the closet doors. Out sliding five rows of different wedding dresses of different whites, creams and beiges with silk and different embroidery items on it. Some simple and plain and others jeweled and shining with sparkles. Going to one row she began to look through the dresses hoping one in her taste would appear. 

King Leionel nodded in approvement as they reached the west wing of the elegant grey brick castle. As the commoner opened the door he entered and led the way inside to where they would be getting ready. “Bronx get ready now...” He smiled and then clicked the green button that opened 5 different racks of suits that slid out and then walked towards the shoes and clicked the other small one and out slid 5 rows of different dress shoes. “I want you boys to look sharp for your future wife and since one of your princes is marrying my daughter you all have to look stunning for your soon to be wife.” He then sat down but was ready to asset in any way possible whether it was giving a pep talk to a nervous prince or helping asset even though he was king. 

Bronx| Cunningdale 
The dirty blonde haired boy arouse from his spot as the other princes entered and blinked his light blue eyes and nodded quickly towards his father the king. Immediately rushing towards the shits and flipping through them trying to find one to impress his future wife and princess like his father said to do. The jokes set aside until later he narrowed his brow concentrating on finding the perfect suit for him to wear. 

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#136775 Posted on 2017-12-26 20:32:15


Cyrena followed the other girls into the castle. Once the dresses where  brought out she picked her dress and quickly changed. Once she finished doing her hair and make and putting jewellery on she stood by the window and looked out. 


Thane looked the suits and quickly found one. Since he served his times with wearing suit because of his father he didn't have a problem putting the tie on.

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