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Venomsayers *Human RP*

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Venomsayers *Human RP*

#20438 Posted on 2016-03-17 17:03:48

( ha same! School work and EV catch up ♥ lol understand!)

Aiden turned up the corners of his lips, a shy smile appeared on his light face. " Ill buy. Its my treat anyways.. " He smiled shyly. He burned inside with the feeling of passion and lust but new he had to be carful with Violett. The dim lights brought out her eyes and he felt as though he would melt. Without thinking he placed his rough hand on top of her delicate skin. " any ways your my girlfriend and i wanted to do something special tonight!" he beamed and blushed. Fear crept up his neck as his hand started to shake a bit on top of hers.

Last edited on 2016-03-18 at 03:52:40 by Bopper

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#20459 Posted on 2016-03-17 17:55:41

Reece Goodmire Venom
Her eyes opened wide, and she smiled, but still didn't know what was really going on. She said yes and began to fall asleep. The doctor came in. "We will be taking her into surgery now. I promise she'll be fine." He and a few nurses took her and placed her onto a rolly bed and rolled her out of the room. "I am sorry, but you can not come in. You will have to either wait in here or whatever. You can come and go as you please, but you must have this card," he said giving him the card. It was unusual, the card had said Dr. Venom. It had a weird symbol on the bottom as well. The man talking to Martin smiled and studied him. He turned and closed the door behind him

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#20461 Posted on 2016-03-17 17:56:23

(I posted for Mia Bopper)

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#20566 Posted on 2016-03-18 03:52:13

( What do you mean? sorry i just got on xD)

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#20676 Posted on 2016-03-18 12:32:49

On page 15 read Sebastian's post, then you will understand xD)

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#20854 Posted on 2016-03-19 07:18:32

( oh! haha thank you!!!)( Laney- this is a repost of Mia but i just adding on to it for Grell)

Mia Landiss venom
Mia grinned, chocolate covering a few teeth. " Oh yeah! That sounds fun" she smiled and shivered suddenly as a breeze drifted threw the window. Mia peeked out the window once more and shifted her gaze to the tree. Its old bark sang to her as she peered at its marking. She pondered upon why it was there and what it meant. Then to her amazement a handsome man appeared and crouched slowly by the tree, he even seemed to be staring at her! Mia squinted her eyes at him trying to figure out who it was. Her eyebrows rose quickly as she whispered loudly to Blair "Sebastian! He's.. he outside the window!" She began to shake as she peeked at him, he was so handsome but why was he here and by the tree?

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#20858 Posted on 2016-03-19 07:27:58


Blair took a long sip of her coffee as she watched Mia. She was then shaken violently by the tiny hands of Mia. She snapped her arms back into place as she listened to Mia. outside the window? she said her words escaping her mouth before she could catch them. Why? Blair said confused of the situation.

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#20859 Posted on 2016-03-19 07:31:40

Mia Landiss venom
Mia shook her head violently. " I dont know!" she covered her face with her shaking hands. A long breath escaped from her pale lips. She lifted her head and took a sip of her coffee. " look out the window though.. he just appeared!" she felt her stomach flip as he still sat there gazing at her quietly. Mia strangely let a small smile slip from her lips.

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#20860 Posted on 2016-03-19 07:34:05


Blair glanced out the window to see the young boy sitting by a tree. Why is he here? did he follow us? Thoughts raced through her mind somehow racing to get to the finish line as fast as possible. But she didn't know what to say. She just sat there eating her pancake and drinking her coffee.

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#20862 Posted on 2016-03-19 07:41:18

Mia Landiss venom
Mia's shoulders flopped against an invisible wait. " I dont know! Its so weird though" Mia shook her head as she looked at him. Why did she feel scared but happy to see him? Mia let a small wave appear from her hand as she curl the corners of her lips, looking into his seeming eyes.

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#20865 Posted on 2016-03-19 07:52:19

He smiled a cute smile and turned to the tree. He ran is fingers down the engraving and gasped. This did not feel like wood. He put his ear next to the tree, and knocked on it. It wasn't hallow though. Sebastian sat on the nearest tree limb and looked at a few deer ahead, in fact it was quite amazing how he climbed the tree of course. He wondered why someone would ever see something like that or make something like that on the tree.

Reece Goodmire Venom
As for Reece, she came out of her surgery and saw her mother run to her with bracing arms. S
Her mother cried so loudly and Reece hugged her hard. Then Reece saw Martin Lott. Martin Lott. And once again, she repeated the name Martin Lott in her mind. She had remembered nothing but that one kiss he gave her, and she didn't kiss him back. She frowned, but she did t want to hurt herself by kissing him. She might break and incision. A tear fell from her eye, knowing she had only known him for two days. We're they rushing? It felt like it, but Reece didn't want to stop. She closed her eyes as she spoke, to tired to multitask. "Mom, I am so sorry-" She yawned, "I just didn't know what to do and didn't know how to make you feel any better than what you did before." tears fell from her eyes. Her mother smiled at her. "The only things that matter is that you are in the right place, and you okay." she put her and on her daughter's face. "Nothing could ever make me mad at you." she turned to Martin Lott and smiled. The doctor walked back in, in fact all three. Including her father. Mz. Goodmire gasped and walked toward him. She put her hands on his face. "Adam. You, you... you are alive?" She said. Adam smiled and they embraced in this dramatic moment that seemed to be in the hospital. Reece opened her eyes and clinched her hands hard astonished.

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#20866 Posted on 2016-03-19 07:53:07


Blair looked at the two backa nd forth to see there reactions. She had never been in a situation were a boy liked her. And she wondered how Mia felt about it. So you like him? she questioned as she stuffed a peice of pancake in her mouth.

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#20867 Posted on 2016-03-19 07:58:41

(This is going to be funny!
There: Where it is, a place, home or building, etc..EX. Sebastian sat over there, near the tree.
Their(s): Ownership, belongs to another person or more than one person. EX. The patato was theirs to begin with.
They're: A contraction to They are. EX. They're coming to the party this weekend! I hope you get this.)

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#20869 Posted on 2016-03-19 08:03:13

Martin Lott Venom
Martin smiled, leaning back against the wall, just watching. He was standing in the shadows, trying not to be seen too much. He felt good. He had been watching Reece's dad. He actually seemed like a pretty nice guy. Martin looked to Reece. He had no idea why he had kissed her before. It just... He hadn't wanted to lose her. He slipped away and left the hospital. Reece was by her mom, and they could call if they needed something. Right now, he had a quick errand to run.

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#20872 Posted on 2016-03-19 08:12:26

Mia Landiss venom
Mia shivered. " uh... well yeah" she blushed slightly, the color brightening her pale cheeks. Mia looked at Blair who sounded strange " why? Do you.." she trailed off, not looking Blair in the eyes. Did they both like him? Mia winced as someone in the kitchen dropped a plate. A loud crash arose and snapped Mia back into place, to reality.

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