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Venomsayers *Human RP*

#18226 Posted on 2016-03-12 07:39:48

(Oh, okay! I thought something was wrong with my post! Haha)

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#18317 Posted on 2016-03-12 11:40:55

Violett Carlson
Violett giggled and grinned, getting into the truck. Quincy hopped up into her lap, then licked Aiden's face. Violett laughed. You must have some chocolate on your face, she joked.

Martin Lott Venom
Martin froze when Reece touched his face. It felt good, just.... weird. He saw her clench up, and his jaw worked as he glanced around the room. Where was that doctor? A man suddenly came out to the clerk's desk and looked around the room. The clerk whispered in his ear, and she motioned Martin and Reece over. Martin stood, still holding Reece, and followed the doctor, who took them to a room.

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#18321 Posted on 2016-03-12 11:49:08

Aiden Holt
Aiden smiled at Quincy " Ugh hes so well trained!" He smiled and glanced at Diesel who gazed out the window " Unlike the beast in the back seat, hes 1 and a half and still taking 'puppy' course for obedience" Aiden shrugged and patted Quincys head before jumping in. He closed the truck door with a loud screach and started the old engine, once, twice, finally starting up he glanced at Violett " Do you need anything from your house?" He beamed at her, wondering at the offer.

Last edited on 2016-03-12 at 11:50:13 by Bopper

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#18333 Posted on 2016-03-12 12:14:06

Reece Goodmire Venom
Reece frowned and laid on the white wrap of paper. The doctor looked at her. "I hear you have appendicitis, I am sorry about your wait." he looked at Martin. "I will ask a few questions and then we will send her straight to the emergency room where we can do a MRI to see how bad it is and if she needs surgery. That is all until further notice." he looked back down at Reece and grabbed a clipboard and a pen. "So Reece. How old are you?"
"I am 17," she said, "18 in a month." The doctor wrote it down and asked more questions.
"Are you two married, engaged, related, together or just friends?" He asked.

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#18350 Posted on 2016-03-12 13:05:15

Martin Lott Venom
Martin blushed. He didn't really know what they were. He smiled at Reece, his eyes saying "Your choice." He sat in one of the extra chairs, sitting on the edge, to nervous to lean back.

Violett Carlson
She smiled back at him, then looked out the window thoughtfully. Shouldn't need anything from home. She looked at Quincy sternly, who had his head out the window. You, sir, will have to stay in the truck while we go in to eat.

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#18382 Posted on 2016-03-12 14:16:54

Reece Goodmire Venom
Reece blushed really hard. She wanted to say "Together" but didn't. "We are just friends..." she mumbled. The doctor looked up and chuckled on to the next question.
"Do you have any type of anxiety?" He asked. Reece flushed nervously.
"Yes." she said clinching her stomach again.
"Are you allergic to anything?"
"Coconuts and Fish." she said.
"That will be all. We will be right with you." he said walking out of the room.
Her pain felt so bad now, she was starting to moan, and soon started to scream.

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#18425 Posted on 2016-03-12 16:08:05

Aiden Holt
Aiden chuckled as Diesel pricked his ears at her words. Diesel began to yap at the pair in protest of staying inside. " I don't think Diesel is to happy that he will have to do the same" he turned and patted the pup. Aiden rolled down his window slightly as he drove down the straight street. The trees waved in the breeze and the sweet smell of flowers drifted threw the truck. The damp weather seemed to have no effect on Aidens mood, especially when he was with Violett. There were no cares in the world when he was with her.

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#18439 Posted on 2016-03-12 16:41:50

Martin Lott Venom
Martin jumped up quickly and sat on the edge of the table with Reece. He looked at her with concern, then gently took her into his arms. Reece, try to be strong for a little more. They should have something to dull the pain. Ssshhh. He looked into her face, worry causing creases to scatter across his features. He felt helpless, and he didn't like it.

Violett Carlson
Violett looked back at the yapping pup. She laughed and fondled his ears. Don't worry Diesel, you'll have my little boy to play with. He thumped his tail, but kept his pouting expression. At least, Violett imagined a pouty expression, and chuckled at her weird thoughts.

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#18456 Posted on 2016-03-12 17:04:56

Reece Goodmire Venom
Reece began to cry. She hugged him tight very quickly and didn't let go. Tears fell from her eyes. "You have saved me. You have made me happy. You are so nice. You have made me me today. Martin, you have saved me from my anger and depression. I don't want to rush into things.... but thank you.... thank you so much." she hugged him tighter when she said she didn't want to rush into things. She didn't blush, she just squinted as tears fell from her eyes. Her long blonde hair fell into her eyes. (If it is blonde. I forget)

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#18459 Posted on 2016-03-12 17:09:57

Aiden Holt
The truck rumbled onto the busy road full of stores and restaurants. Aiden turned left int the parking lot of the large restaurant, it was very crowded but he soon found a spot. He parked the truck and unbuckled. Aiden grinned at Violett and rolled down the window for the dogs. " well we're here, ready?" he smiled at her as he opened his door and hopped out. He raced around the front of the truck and opened Violetts door. He ruffled his hair as it blew slightly, letting the aroma of musk and Old Spice swirl threw the air.

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#18462 Posted on 2016-03-12 17:20:21

Martin Lott Venom
Martin wiped her tears from her eyes, then stared at the ceiling for a moment. He looked back down at her, then whispered I wish I could do something to help. He smiled forcefully, and began to lean down towards her. The door then began to open, and he hopped off the table to give the doctor room to work. He folded his hands but then put them in his pocket. He couldn't keep them still in his nervousness.

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#18530 Posted on 2016-03-12 19:58:34

Reece Goodmire Venom
"As I said, we will export her to the MRI machine." he said as a few nurses came in and put Reece in a, as I call it, a rolly bed. They rolled her to the MRI room and put her on a shelf object with a piece of long paper on it. The doctor, still in the room, smiled at Martin as he pushed his glasses onto his face. "She'll be alright. She is in the right place right now," he said looking at Martin's nervousness, "If you could follow me to the MRI waiting room, then that will be great." he said walking to the patient room. Reece frowned at what she had done. Why would she not of told her mother? She loved her more than anything. As she was put on the bed, another male doctor approached her. Reece's face dropped. His face was at least 40 something. He had blond hair and was handsome. He was familiar. Reece tried to force herself to sit up as nurses came to tend her in alarm as she started to scream at the man. "You! You little idiot! Why could you have done this! Why did you disappear! You-You left my mom to gamble!? I-I," she stopped as tears fell from her face. Her eyes were really red. "I HATE YOU!" She yelled so loud her voice cracked. The man looked up and opened his mouth wide.

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#18699 Posted on 2016-03-13 09:21:00

Violett Carlson
Violett smiled and hopped out. Quincy began to follow her, but she said "No" then "Sit" and he obeyed. She patted him and gave him a biscuit before shutting the door. Alright, let's go inside and try this place. Looks pretty popular. The parking lot was packed almost completely.

Martin Lott Venom
Martin frowned, turning to the doctor. I am not leaving, sir. I apologize, but I can not leave. The doctor looked nervous, almost said something, then nodded. Martin looked in through the glass. A blonde - and very handsome - doctor came in. Reece began to yell at him, and Martin connected the dots. It was Reece's father! He quickly made his way into the MRI room, gently entering so as not to ruin any procedures. Reece, sh! Right now, your health is all that matters. Just please, please let him work on you. We can scream at him later. Please.

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#18717 Posted on 2016-03-13 10:09:36

Aiden Holt
Aiden nodded and walked her to the door. He opened the door and a roar of music and chatter arose. " wow!" Aiden gazed around at the chandlers and dim lights. People were dressed in lovely clothing and eagerly awaited they're tables. Aiden walked up to the podium and spoke to a flushed man " a um, table for two please" he was practically yelling just to be heard. He raised his eyebrows at Violett who looked astonished at the whole experience.

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#18719 Posted on 2016-03-13 10:12:09

Violett Carlson
There were so many people! Violett just wanted to shrink into nothing. She felt like everyone was staring at her. I need some fresh air. If we are seated, call me please. She slipped out the door and practically ran to the truck. She got in and leaned back into the seat. Quincy licked her hand. She tried to slow down her heart. So many people...

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