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Venomsayers *Human RP*

#21606 Posted on 2016-03-21 17:09:58


Blair stood up as she followed Mia. " hey honky tonk.... Mia here wants ya to come....." she said in a sarcastic way as she placed her hand on the table leaning. " If i were you id say yes..." she said almost in a threatening way but in a whisper as she held her fist up. "I'm just playin with ya!" she said in a joking tone.

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#21619 Posted on 2016-03-21 17:21:32

Mia Landiss venom
Mia smiled at Blair as she teased the poor guy. " so yeah this is the party girl.. so are you busy at all tonight?" Mia smiled and slightly scooted towards Sebastian, not wanting him to notice but feeding her urge to smother him. She winked at Blair who was grinning playfully as she scuffed her Converse eagerly on the bar stool.

Last edited on 2016-03-21 at 17:21:44 by Bopper

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#21620 Posted on 2016-03-21 17:26:55

Martin Lott Venom
Martin laughed when Reece squealed. It's just a phone. It was no big deal. He smiled and walked out of the hospital with her, glad to get out of the place. It smelled like... well, like a hospital! It had that sterile, cold feel to it. Though many hospital doctors and nurses could really brighten up the room, Martin knew that the sterile, hard floors and whitewashed walls, along with that trademark hospital smell, would always make him feel uneasy. Probably because of the one time he had been in there and had had surgery for a broken bone. It had scared him to death, he had been so young. Hospitals were good places for sure, helping sick people. Martin shrugged inwardly. He had never stopped walking. He sure was glad to be taking Reece out. He wondered where she would stay now.

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#21631 Posted on 2016-03-21 17:50:38

Reece Goodmire Venom
Reece turned to Martin as they got I to the car. She kissed him on the cheek and smiled. "You are so sweet. And for some reason, I feel like I know you from when I was young." she said with a thoughtful look. "Could we all come to your place, or maybe y'all can come to my mother's?"

He smiled and then raised and eyebrow when the other girl came over. Sebastian then closed his eyes and grinned even larger. "Of course, where is it?" He asked, his beautiful Amber eyes gleaming. Sebastian wasnt just a cute guy, he had an outstanding personality.

Last edited on 2016-03-21 at 17:52:39 by ♑️Gamzee♑️[Grell]

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#21646 Posted on 2016-03-21 18:21:23


Blair had noticed the eyebrow he gave her. She didn't know how to react as she turned her face the other way. " My house....... At 6" She moved her head in a quick manner and stepped up on the seat then up on the table. " Hey everyone! Party at my house tonight at 6!" she screeched as as she cupped her hands around her mouth. While a worker stared at her and came over. " mam please get off the table" she said in a low toned voice. Blair then crossed her arms and gave her a look. " and what are you going to do about it? huh?" she said in the women's face almost like she was growling. She women said once more but before she could speak blair cut her off " Save your breath" she hissed as she stepped off the table. " So yeah party at my house' she said like nothing had just happened.

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#21662 Posted on 2016-03-21 18:39:38

He smiled. "I am sorry, I am knew to this neighborhood, I was wondering what the a dress is. I dunno where you live, um, what is your name?" He said sweetly, trying hard not to sound uncomfortable. I mean common, it was a little bit of a out of no where approach.

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#21666 Posted on 2016-03-21 18:46:26


Blair let a slight smirk escape from her. " ah new are ya?... Well i'm Blair" She said as she violently shook his hand. " and as for my address..... well ya see that house right there that one" She said as she pointed to the big tan house on a huge piece of land. Smiling as she looked at Mia. " and this is Mia....... my friend" She said as she smiled to her. " im your tipical bad girl around here" She said in a low toned ripped voice that could cut through metal almost as it seemed.

Last edited on 2016-03-21 at 18:48:13 by High Voltage(Laney)

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#21681 Posted on 2016-03-21 19:09:00

Mia Landiss venom
Mia's mouth hung open slightly. She shut it quickly as she turned to Sebastian " yeah im Mia... ive seen you around here a few times" she smile at him and twirled her hair nervously. His eyes seemed to burrow into her so she tugged on her jacket slightly letting it stretch out across her chest. She winked at Blair who seemed to be amused and looked at her for guidance

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#21685 Posted on 2016-03-21 19:19:55

Sebastian narrowed his eyes. Blair was a bad I influence, and Miami didn't seem like the type of girl that needed that. He smiled unwilling. "I will come. How about you show me around?" He asked, and he decided he will play along. He stood up and flicked the waitresses hair. The waitress blushed and hugged herself as Sebastian stretched. His long, fragile body glowed in the light, and his eyes shined. He smiled and his teeth sparkled white. "My name is Sebastian Michaelous. You may have heard of me," everyone looked at him and dropped their forks. One yelped. "Omg, I knew you looked familiar!" he winked and walked out of the diner, sitting outside and waited. (Ooooh, wait until you find out his history.)

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#21689 Posted on 2016-03-21 19:24:00

( oh im so excited!!!! ♥ )
Mia venom
Mia giggled and followed him outside. She stood next to hi as he sat, glowing in the light. She couldn't pry her eyes off him! It was like he was some sort of alien that was sucking her into a black hole of manliness. She smiled at Blair and sent her a text. " what do i do? Im so nervous!!" she shivered as the cold breeze whipped her hair around and made her look glorious.

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#21692 Posted on 2016-03-21 19:26:32

He put his legs on the outside table. "You are pretty, and you Snell like pairs." he said smiling, grabbing his phone. He then stood up admittedly. "Oh my gosh! My dad just got a whole ton bunch of money from his art! Holy crap!" he placed back and forth as he tested his parents back.

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#21693 Posted on 2016-03-21 19:26:42

He put his legs on the outside table. "You are pretty, and you Snell like pairs." he said smiling, grabbing his phone. He then stood up admittedly. "Oh my gosh! My dad just got a whole ton bunch of money from his art! Holy crap!" he placed back and forth as he tested his parents back.

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#21694 Posted on 2016-03-21 19:26:48


Blair was not impressed at all he could sense him and she didn't like what she sensed. For some odd reason she looked at Mia and then to him and gave a grown. " why don't you ask Mia to show ya around?" She said looking to Mia as she signaled for her to take advantage of the situation.

Last edited on 2016-03-21 at 19:28:50 by High Voltage(Laney)

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#21695 Posted on 2016-03-21 19:27:37

(Auto correct, Kia Miami. Haha)

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#21697 Posted on 2016-03-21 19:29:46

Haha yeah I edited it and then I added it to my dictionary lol

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