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Venomsayers *Human RP*

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Venomsayers *Human RP*

#18721 Posted on 2016-03-13 10:16:59

Aiden Holt
Aiden stood his mouth hung open. He blinked hard trying to decide what had happened. He thought, um ok she just needs some air. He forced a smile as a young lady eyed him from the corner. The man seating them signaled to Aiden to com. Aiden held up his finger and walked out of the building. He trotted to the truck and laid eyes on Violetts flushed face. " are you ok? We can go some were else if this is to.." He trailed off trying to figure out is she was alright.

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#18723 Posted on 2016-03-13 10:19:31

Violett Carlson
She took a deep breath and turned to Aiden. No, no. It's alright. It just freaked me out. I could have sworn there was a lady in there staring me down. She exited the truck, then thought for a moment. Technically, Quincy should be allowed in. He's training to be a therapy dog... She reached into her purse and pulled out his therapy dog jacket and put it on the black dog. She clipped on his leash and he jumped out. [b]This will be good training.

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#18739 Posted on 2016-03-13 10:57:33

Aiden Holt
Aiden grinned at the pup and Violett who seemed much more relaxed. " they called us for our table so we better hurry" he smiled charmingly and held the door for her. When they entered the man was tapping his foot and let out a long breath and began to chatter to them about time and business. They were seated at a small wooden table that shown in the dim light. Aiden smiled as he saw the waiters eyeing Quincy but turning away quickly as Aiden scowled at them .

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#18780 Posted on 2016-03-13 12:15:09

Reece Goodmire Venom
Reece still looked angry. Tears fell from her eyes and she was put in the MRI. She knew not to move, so she just tried to sleep. After a while she came out of the MRI. The Doctor grabbed the totals and read them out of the room. He came back in and frowned. "It is true, you will be needing surgery. But, on the bright side, it will be a very small incision and you can get right out in a jify." the doctor said with a soothing voice. The nurses grabbed Reece and put her in her rolly bed. They roled her to a room that they could get her dressed and etc.. They walked her back out and wrapped her into a blanket as they put needles into her wrists. They put pain medication in her blood and she felt very tired. "Before I go into the emergency room, can I see Martin Lott, the one I was with?" they nodded and went to go get him.

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#19060 Posted on 2016-03-14 04:41:44

Blair "yum sounds good to me!" She said looking at the menu. As the waitress came over with there drinks. She could smell the hazelnut coffee and was trained by it. As she looked at the coffee and the reflection of it she could make out the drago with the V over it as she frowned and studied it. It then vanished before her eyes. " um we will take two chocolate chip pancakes please"

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#19089 Posted on 2016-03-14 08:41:44

Mia Landiss venom
Mia grinned as the waitress trailed off to the kitchen. Mia raised her dark brows at Blair who gazed at her cup. " are you ok?" She squinted her eyes and pursed her chapped lips. A cold breeze drifted from an open window, Mia stared out at the trees and the sun that shown slightly. There on a tree a large marking of a bird with a large V on top of its back seemed to be engraved. How strange she thought and returned her stair to among friend. Mia sipped her cup of coffee, slowly letting the warmth fill her.

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#19368 Posted on 2016-03-14 19:27:13

Blair venom

Ah yeah yeah fine she said snapping herself back to reality. She took a sip of her coffee as she waited on the food. she could hear her stomach grumbling as she rubbed it with her hands. Im really hungry!! were do you want to go after this? she questioned Mia.

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#19377 Posted on 2016-03-14 19:45:49

(I love what you said Bopper. It is so cool! I was thinking of doing something like that, but never thought it would be great to do.)

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#19494 Posted on 2016-03-15 05:58:29

( haha thanks! ;D i really wanted to make her see her symbol so i was like hmm nature maybe?!)

Mia Landiss venom
Mia shrugged " not sure.." she tapped her head and giggled. The two sat quietly thinking as the waitress approached them. " Well her you are!" She beamed her toothy smile and passed the plates around. Mia rubbed her stomach and nodded " Thank you!" her stomach rumbled just as she shoved a fork full of hot chocolate pancakes into her awaiting mouth. " oh... yum!" she said with her mouth still full.

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#19677 Posted on 2016-03-15 14:41:33


Yeah im not sure either.... she said stuffing her face with the choclaty filled pancakes. she looked like a hog eating out of a trough at dinner time when she took her big bite. We could go shopping maybe? my dad gave me money Blair never really saw her dad much as he didn't really care to see her, whenever she would be around him he would always find a way to get her out of the house of out of his sight.

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#19717 Posted on 2016-03-15 16:14:32

Mia Landiss venom
Mia grinned, chocolate covering a few teeth. " Oh yeah! That sounds fun" she smiled and shivered suddenly as a breeze drifted threw the window. Mia peeked out the window once more and shifted her gaze to the tree. Its old bark sang to her as she peered at its marking. She pondered upon why it was there and what it meant.

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#20028 Posted on 2016-03-16 12:30:10

Sebastian pulled out in front of a park. It was near the forest and he loved exploring. He had just finished spending the day helping his dad with his drawings and it was nearly complete and ready to be published. Sebastian walked I to the forest and looked at the trees. The were quite beautiful. He then came upon a big tree, and it had a "V" on it. He studied it and looked at the building close to him. It was the girl he had seen, and she was looking outside, maybe she would see him? He stopped and sat by the tree.

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#20430 Posted on 2016-03-17 16:46:03

Martin Lott Venom
Martin gave Reece a squeeze when he met up with her. I'm glad it's not too bad. Want me to call your mother? I'll be needing to call my own, so I won't mind doing this for you. He smiled, and he didn't care that she had needles poked in her or was probably drowsy. She was still beautiful in his eyes. And, without ever giving it a thought, he kissed her.

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#20432 Posted on 2016-03-17 16:49:34

( Oswin im not sure if you noticed or not but i did respond with Aiden. If you already know this than just ignore me xD ♥)

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#20437 Posted on 2016-03-17 16:58:30

(I noticed. Getting there. Multi-tasking lol)

Violett Carlson
Violett smiled and followed him in. Quincy made her feel a lot better. When they sat at the booth, she picked up the menu and scanned it. She already knew what she wanted, but needed to check the price. She let out a soft breath. Whew, it was pricey! Are you buying or am I?

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