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Venomsayers *Human RP*

#15873 Posted on 2016-03-06 11:16:17


"Ah yeah....." she said noticing the rain as she flipped back her hair in a quick motion. " well i better get going im meeting a friend" she said as she smiled and grabbed her skate board. "Sorry again..." she said as she waved her hamd an in a quick instance she gave a push off as she glided away. She crossed the street as she turned into the pavement sidewalk of the waffle house. She waited to see Mia.

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#15937 Posted on 2016-03-06 14:10:14

Reece Venom
Reece laughed and fallowed him inside. It smelled so good. "I love this place, but yet I feel empty still." She said going to the room with him. "This is beautiful. I love the room." She said looking in the wrong room.

Last edited on 2016-03-06 at 16:46:36 by PhantomhiveGirl(Grell)

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#16222 Posted on 2016-03-07 04:32:15

Martin Lott Venom
"Reece, that's not a bedroom," Martin laughed. "Come on." He led her to the spare and opened the door with a flourish. "Here is your room." He looked around to make sure it was all neat. Good.

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#16226 Posted on 2016-03-07 04:43:53

Reece Venom
Reece smiled and followed him into a new room. It was livable. "It is so neat!" she said, turning around in circles in it. "I like it." She looked on the bed and sat on it. "Comfy!" She said patting it on the sides. "So, do you have any sibling?" She asked out of no where. She hung over and touched her feet.

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#16228 Posted on 2016-03-07 05:06:27

Mia Landiss venom
Mia pulled up to the waffle house in her aunts blue Jeep. She climbed out of the lifted vehicle and started towards the Waffle house. The rain trickled down her back and moistened her dark hair. She spotted Blair shortly as she came around the building " hey Blair!" she grinned " lets head inside im starving." she giggled and examined the patch of mud on the knee of Blair's skinny jeans " what happened there?" she asked pointing to the patch.

Aiden Holt
Aiden grinned at Violett, his eyes glistening in the sunlight. " well there is this new Italian place named uh.. Capolys i believe. We could try that if you like?" Aiden blushed. He could feel the heat rise threw his cheeks. He gazed thoughtfully at her and then chuckled at the dogs as they bounded at their feet.

Last edited on 2016-03-07 at 13:28:46 by Bopper

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#16459 Posted on 2016-03-07 17:13:00

Violett Carlson
Violett gave him a nervous smile, blushing fiercely. Capolys. Yes, I'd heard it was built. Let's try it. I like Italian. She smiled again, shuffling her toes. Quincy jumped up on her, then backflipped over to land beside Diesel. A crowd of kids snuck close. Quincy, the black goldendoodle, is nice to pet. Go ahead. They shyly smiled and pet his fluffy black coat. Violett smiled.

Martin Lott Venom
Martin gave her a smile and sat in a recliner in the corner. Nope, only child here. He looked around the room. A bit dusty. We haven't used it in a while. You can make it as much like you as you want. Personalize it. He grinned at her.

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#16487 Posted on 2016-03-07 18:10:17

Reece Goodmire Venom
Reece looked at him and chuckled. She put her arm around her mouth and coughed. As she pulled it away, she saw blood all down the crease of her arm. She felt her face and blood got into her hands. "Oh my god... oh my god...." She yelled panicking, "I need a doctor now!!!" She said panicking even more. She walked slowly out of the room. She felt dizzy. As if she was spinning like a cap. She turned to Martin and walked really close to him as if she were going to collapse, and fell onto him.
(Reece has a lung problem that she will occasionally receive. She will grow out of it.)

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#16492 Posted on 2016-03-07 18:37:55

Martin Lott Venom
Martin caught Reece lightly, adjusted her so he could carry her easier. Sh, sh, calm down. I'll get you to the doctor. Panicking will make it worse. Sh, sh. He carried her delicately downstairs, out the door, and into his car. He gently laid her down in the back seat. Try not to bang around a lot. He twisted the key and took off for the Urgent Care. I'm taking you to the UPMC Urgent Care.

(I hope you know what the Urgent Care is xD)

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#16501 Posted on 2016-03-07 19:02:16

Reece Goodmire Venom
She laid down with her hand around her stomach. It hurt so bad. (Oh, and I decided that she only has Appendicitis... not a lung problem. It is minor, she will need surgery or she will get cancer. No, I am just kidden around about the cancer thing.) "My stomach hurts so bad!" She wailed. "Ahhh.." She moaned and rocked back and forth.

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#16504 Posted on 2016-03-07 19:07:45

Martin Lott
Martin shot a concerned look to Reece, and they finally pulled into the Urgent Care parking lot. He gently picked up Reece in carried her in. They were soon admitted and bad news hit them like a boulder. "She has Appendicitis. Take her to the hospital ASAP for treatment." Martin picked her up again and carried her out, looking into her beautiful eyes. "How's that stomach, sugar?" he asked softly, smiling slightly to try to raise her spirits. That's why he had called her sugar.

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#16506 Posted on 2016-03-07 19:12:07

Reece Goodmire Venom
"It hurts still." She said holding it. "You aren't my grandpa." She said smiling weakly. Why did this all have to happen. Well, all she knew is that she just developed a major crush on the man holding her in his arms. He was so heroic. She looked him in the eyes, showing her gratitude. But that wasn't it. There was something else in her look, and it was visible. It was a look that one gave another only when they had certain feelings for the other. She put her hand up to feel his face, but it fell back down before it made it there.

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#16511 Posted on 2016-03-07 19:28:08

(oh my gosh they are so cute together)
Martin Lott Venom
Martin felt Reece's hand go up, and he wondered what she was doing. But it went back down. "Are you sure you're okay? Will your stomach hold until we get to the hospital?" At this point, he opened his car and gently placed her in the back seat again. He knew he was falling for Reece, this girl who had captivated him from the start. He got into the driver's seat to wait for her response.

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#16514 Posted on 2016-03-07 19:33:10

Reece Goodmire Venom
"I dunno..." She said. "They need to do surgery, I think." She rolled over looking at the seat. "Ma doesn't know about this. Keep this way." She said sounding demanding, but the she said "Please?" really sweetly to him. "Thank you so much, Martin. You are so sweet and kind... I think I am falling for you quickly." She said closing her eyes facing the seat with her stomach clinched.
)(I know!)(

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#16727 Posted on 2016-03-08 09:43:02

Mia Landiss venom

Aiden Holt
Aiden beamed at a young girl who peered around an older boy. She gazed at Diesel as he bounced joyfully. " its ok you can pet him!" Aiden smiled softly at her and nodded to the dog who sniffed the girls outstretched hand. Aiden turned his head and grinned at Violett. " Great!" he blushed and rubbed his hand on the back of his neck uncomfortably. The children giggled as Diesel and Quincy bounced and played carefully with the group.

Last edited on 2016-03-08 at 09:43:13 by Bopper

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#16862 Posted on 2016-03-08 16:36:59


"oh that? funny story" she said glancing at her pants. " i ran over another person" she said chuckling at the thought. " lets head inside and eat!" she said as she smelled the aromas that filled the air and made the world so colorful.

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