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Venomsayers *Human RP*

#15554 Posted on 2016-03-05 15:47:27

Aiden Holt
Aiden parked his car in the rocky lot and led Diesel out of the front seat. He walked carefully with his pup words the pick nick tables. He saw Violett sitting on an old bench, her hair moving softly in the breeze. Diesel began to lunge for Quincy as Aiden held him back. As Aiden arrived in front of Violett he let Diesel run towards Quincy. Aiden laughed as Diesel jumped at Quincy who hipped at him waiting patiently to be let go of and carefully looked at Violett out of the corner of his eye. He realized finally how much he really did like Violett and how much he cared and respected her, even when she was a bit shy but was quite unique once you met her fully. Aiden longed to know more about her so he sat down on the cold bench and placed his shaky hands in his lap. " well they are quite the friends!" He laughed as they jostled and yapped at one another.

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#15572 Posted on 2016-03-05 16:25:43

Violett Carlson
Violett looked at the two pups. They sure are, she laughed. A blush crept up her neck. He was so nice and kind. Quincy's learning to be a therapy dog. She very much wanted to ask him to dinner, but she wanted to see if he would first. She grabbed her hair and held it down, laughing. A bit windy today.

Martin Lott Venom
He smiled softly at Reece when she plopped back down. He gently reached down, grabbed her by the waist, and pulled her back up. To my house, then. You can shower up while I go to the store. There's a washer you can throw your clothes in and an extra bathrobe to wear while your clothes get washed. Sound good? He smiled softly, his eyes lighting up softly. He pulled a napkin out of his pocket and gently wiped the blood off of her. His eyes crinkled with concern, knowing why the blood was there. And maybe we should see a doctor if you're okay with that.

Last edited on 2016-03-05 at 16:28:43 by Oswin

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#15585 Posted on 2016-03-05 16:56:36

Aiden Holt
Aiden laughed with Violett. " it sure is!" He messed up his soft hair and continued to speak " wow that's really cool! How is he coming with his training?" He smiled at Violett and her dog. He admired how nice she looked even when she wasn't dressed up. " are, are you busy tonight?" Aiden glanced at her quickly but blushed furiously. Why was he always so nervous? He wondered the same thing and began to think about the fun times they've had so far.
( so are they a couple?)

Last edited on 2016-03-05 at 16:57:02 by Bopper

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#15620 Posted on 2016-03-05 18:10:16

She blushed as tears fell from her face. She walked and sat in the car. She smiled softly and held her hands together... He is so beautiful. So handsome, and sweet... maybe I should let him call me sugar. Nah, once again he isn't my grandpa. But, he would make a great one. Oh Crap what am I thinking!? Hmm.. get that thought away. Back to him. She thought looking at him and her green eyes sparked. "Thank you!" She said. "You are a great man. I hope you make a great career."

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#15637 Posted on 2016-03-05 18:27:08

Violett Carlson
Violett's heart fluttered when he messed up his hair. There, that's the way I like it. He asked about Quincy's training. Oh, he's going along very well. He's such a sweety and all the restaurants love having him there. He draws quite a crowd, which always means more customers. She laughed, but blushed furiously when he asked her out to eat. I-I'd love to. Where would you like to eat? Quincy bounced over, licked her hand, then tackled Diesel.

Martin Lott Venom
Martin stepped quickly over and sat in the driver's seat. To the Lott house we go!I should show you my cat, Belle. She's a little bit of a brat at times, but quite pretty. He said this as he drove, and they sat in silence for a couple minutes. They quickly arrived at the Lott house (Martin may have speeded a bit) and Martin led her inside. The shower is in the upstairs bathroom, first room on the right. The laundry room is the first room across the hall from the bathroom. I'll head to the store. Maybe we can head to the doctor later, if you're up to it. That little coughing up blood is a bit scary. He took off her coat and gently hung it up on the hook. I'll be back in a bit. The robe is hanging on the hook by the shower. There are doughnuts in the microwave if you get hungry before I'm back. Make yourself feel at home. He smiled and walked out to go for a quick run to the store.

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#15642 Posted on 2016-03-05 18:29:44

Briar put the finishing touches to the drawing of the park scene, every shadow and light standing out in the drawing. She gazed at the drawing, looking for any mistakes she might have made. "It needs something..." she thought to herself, trying to find out what was missing. Finally it came to her! "It needs more lighting." Briar concluded, and started to sketch more lighting details.

Last edited on 2016-03-05 at 18:30:58 by Eηcнαηтε∂

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#15657 Posted on 2016-03-05 18:48:46

(I have a tear in my eye. This is so cute.)
Reece venom
Before he left she stopped them. "Oh thank you!" She said her face really red. She then pulled away and went upstairs. She waited until she was gone to get undressed in the laundry room after grabbing the robe from the bathroom. She started the washed after adding laundry detergent and walked in the bathroom. She untied her robe and looked in the mirror. Reece blushed at the bruises on her chest and back. She touched them and winced. Why did she leave the house. She felt like she was happy here though. She used to toilet and got in the shower. She dabbled some shampoo in her hair and washed it out. Then she put conditioner in her hair. She washed her body and then washed her nails. After that she washed the conditioner out of her hair and sat in the shower with her head in her knees. Hot water pored over her head and she breathed in steam. After a while Reece got out of the shower and dried off. She blow dried her hair only using her hands as a brush and the hair dryer. Reece grabbed the robe and put it tightly around her waist. It was short. It came about to her thighs, but covered her bottom. The only thing about it is that is was very tight and it stuck to her birth day suit. Reece flipped her silky hair and looked in the mirror again, only this time it was fogged. She wiped off the mirror and looked at her legs. They were very smooth and shaped as the rest of her body. She left the bathroom and walked down stairs. The washer was not done yet. She went to the microwave and saw the doughnuts. They looked so good and her mouth watered. Just one. So she grabbed one and then the fridge caught her eye. Pictures. They were beautiful. His mom? Oh, and there was his dad! At least that is what she assumed when she saw the pictures. He was so cute when he was young.

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#15672 Posted on 2016-03-05 19:19:29

Martin Lott
Martin pulled back into his driveway. He had two bags from two stores, plus a carry out from a Chinese restaurant. Setting the food on the table, he looked to Reece. He placed the smaller bag on the table. Looking intl the bigger bag, he smiled, then withdrew a pair of jeans, a T-shirt, and some undergarments. "Thought you might need some while yours washed." He handed her the clothes. Turning back to the table, he withdrew a bouquet of flowers from the second bag. "I thought I'd make your bad day a tad better," he said softly witn a slight blush. "Want to eat?"

(Sorry for all typos i am on a tablet)

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#15675 Posted on 2016-03-05 19:40:20

(Blushes!!! We should write a story!)
Reece venom
She blushed. Sure. I would love to. She walked upstairs and dressed. The shirt was a tad small and it showed her belly. Not to matter she was skinny as it is. She walked back downstairs and sat at the table. She studied him but tried not to make it awkward. He was beautiful. She liked him now.

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#15676 Posted on 2016-03-05 19:46:32

Martin Lott Venom
Are you up for going to the doctor? I'm really worried about your whole blood thing. His concern showed in his eyes. He believed now that he liked Reece. Her silky hair, her beautiful eyes, her attitude. It all combined into one gorgeous, marvelous person. And he liked her. And because he liked her, he was genuinely concerned for her health at the moment. She seemed so at ease in his home. Maybe her mother would agree to let Reece board at the Lott house. Of course, his mother would havento agree too.

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#15678 Posted on 2016-03-05 19:54:24

Tyler walked along the pavement, kicking a small pebble, his sneakers squeaking on the pavement. He passed the park, and his pale green eyes caught on a paper very slightly shifting in the rainy breeze. He paused, and saw a girl about his age sitting on the bench sketching. Curiosity drive him to see what she was sketching. He could see her lips slowly moving as she murmured to herself what her sketch should be, and what it shouldn't. He flinched when rain hit the bridge of his nose, and began to soak his hood.
Walking silently up to the girl, he asked, " Won't the drawing smudge?" He asked.

Courtney Venomsayer
Waiting on reply from Noelle::::

Last edited on 2016-03-05 at 20:01:58 by CountryPony🎵

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#15684 Posted on 2016-03-05 20:03:03

Reece Venom
Reece looked into his eyes. "If you think it would help me I would love to.. whatever you want. You seem to know what to do... And I'm, I saw some pictures on your fridge." She said smiling. "You were so cute when you were younger. And your mom is beautiful... and so is your dad... I wish I had a dad that looked so fun and responsible..." She said, then noticed his face. It seemed as if he were looking into her. It made her feel scared for... cared for in a different way.

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#15686 Posted on 2016-03-05 20:03:28

Briar Rabe (Edited)

Hearing sneakers squeak against a pavement, summoned Briar to lift up her head under her umbrella, and glance at the young man kicking a pebble. She gave him a small smile, noticing he was looking at her, before returning to her sketch. I added one more little detail then looked at the drawing once again. "I think it's done...maybe I should add the man into the drawing?" she questioned herself in her thoughts. Briar looked up again when he asked her if the drawing would smudge, "No, waterproof pencil and sketchbook." she answered, still smiling slightly.

Last edited on 2016-03-05 at 20:19:35 by Eηcнαηтε∂

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#15690 Posted on 2016-03-05 20:07:10

Martin Lott we all know hes venom
Martin chuckled. "I guess I was, wasn't I?" He laughed. "Yes, you should probaby go to the doctor. What would you say if I asked if we could ask our mothers if you could board here? We have a spare..." He blurted that last bit out before he realized what he was doing. He blushed, but didnt skip a beat or look away.

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#15692 Posted on 2016-03-05 20:10:33

Reece Venom
Reece smiled and looked down. "I would love to. You know, I am turning 18 soon.. very soon." She looked up. "I would absolutely love to. Where is the spark room." For some reason, she was hoping it was close or even his room. She blushed at the thought. "Well, so what have you gotten to eat." She said in her best British accent.

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