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Venomsayers *Human RP*

#15695 Posted on 2016-03-05 20:14:04

Martin Lott
"Chinese. I hope you like Chinese." He opened the carryouts and put them on the table. "The spare room is just a couple doors down from the bathroom. My room is right beside it, with my parent's room on the other side." He smiled, the took a little of what he wanted of the food. "Silverware in that drawer," he said, pointing it out.

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#15696 Posted on 2016-03-05 20:23:21

Reece Venom
"Oh." She said with a smirk. She got up and grabbed some silverware. "I can't believe they didn't give us plastic forks. Non the less chopsticks? Come on." She said giving him one. She chuckled at about she was about to say. "Dont mean to make you uncomfortable, but, um, if I hadn't destroyed my phone, I would totally have given you my number, Martin." She grabbed some napkins and passed them to Martin.

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#15699 Posted on 2016-03-05 20:26:23

Martin Lott
He laughed outright at that. "Well, you're quite the master runaway, aren't you sugar? By the way, I asked for no forks. But if you want chopsticks..." He walked to a separate drawer and pulled out two pairs of nice wooden/bamboo chopsticks. "Why didn't you say anything?" Martin laughed, handing her a pair. "I think I'll call my mother and ask her about you bourding."

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#15705 Posted on 2016-03-05 20:29:04


Tyler smiled, " Shows how much I know." He said.
Standing in front of her, he couldn't see her sketch. " Um, may I?" He asked, motioning to the empty spot beside of her.

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#15707 Posted on 2016-03-05 20:33:06

She blushed so hard her face was visibly red. "Martin. Your not my grandpa cherrypie!" She laughed so hard. "Thanks for the chopsticks! They are so nice and fine!" She began to eat. "Yum!" She said. "So, I was wondering... you said nothing about your father to me, do you not have one.... sorry if I made you uncomfortable.. what I mean is does he live here." She completely flushed at what she thought his reaction might be.

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#15708 Posted on 2016-03-05 20:36:12

He chuckled. "He lives here. He is just working a lot. Has a very good paying job that requires him to be very involved. It's okay. I understand why you would ask." His mom picked up, and he explained everything. Soon, he hang up, beaming. "All we need is your mom to approve! I'll call." He flashed reece a happy smile and begam to dial.

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#15711 Posted on 2016-03-05 20:44:44


Briar giggled quietly, putting her hand on her mouth to hide her giggling. "Sure." she answered politely, quickly taking a towel out of her bag and wiping the spot next to her , so he wouldn't get wet. After drying it, she placed the towel on the other side of her, in case it needed to be dried again.

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#15712 Posted on 2016-03-05 20:44:57

Blair Venom ♥

Blair received the text as she slathered the words " ok meet me at the Waffle House in ten" She then quickly headed out the door as she grabbed her skateboard. "bye mom!" she yelled as she ran out the door. She gave a push off and she glided down the street as her long strait dark hair waved in with the wind. She gazed at the sight of the green trees and without looking she was going faster but she didn't realize it ,she had no control now and ended up flying off her skate board by the park and knocked Tyler off his balance as she tumbled. She quickly stood up as she said " I am so sorry" she said as she held out her hand to help him up.

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#15713 Posted on 2016-03-05 20:45:08

double post... sorry my dang tablet! ♥

Last edited on 2016-03-05 at 20:45:38 by High Voltage(Laney)

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#15717 Posted on 2016-03-05 20:51:26

Reece looked up. "Sounds cool..." She said nervously.
Mz. Goodmire
"Hello? Did you find my daughter!? Where is she! Oh please tell me she is all right. I just want her to be okay!" She cried. She lay in her bed rocking back and forth.

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#15718 Posted on 2016-03-05 20:54:29

Martin Lott
He immediately felt guilty. He had forgotten to tell her! "Oh, I apologize. I forgot to contact you. Reece is fine.i found her. We are at my house sharing some Chinese. She has showered and gotten into some new clothes I bought. We were.... we were wondering if Reece could board at our house? Mycmother said it was fine. We have a spare room for her, too." Martin shot Reece a nervous look and help up cr8ssed fingers.

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#15724 Posted on 2016-03-05 21:13:21

Mz. Goodmire
She sat up in her bed shocked. "Well... I suppose. But she has to come see me. She can't leave me Luke her father. I want to know your a dress so I can visit her. If you do not give it to me I will say no." She said in shock.
She heard I suppose on the phone. She stood up and jumped up and down. "Thank you Thank you!" She yelled aloud. "I love you ma! I will send you!" She turned and kissed Martin on the cheek and ran outside happily. No even realizing what she did.

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#15727 Posted on 2016-03-05 21:34:47

Before Tyler could sit down, someone smacked into him.
A girl stood in front of him m with an outstretched hand. He took her hand, but put no weight on it as he got up. " It's fine," he said, " It's hard skateboarding in the rain." He pointed out, as the rain splattered on the pavement.

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#15737 Posted on 2016-03-05 22:02:15

Briar Rabe

Briar looked back down at her sketchbook quickly, not wanting to seem as she was listening in to their newly started conversation. She wrote down her full name in the corner, something an artist would have a habit of doing. She tried not to listen, but being right behind them was difficult not to do so.

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#15792 Posted on 2016-03-06 07:36:08

Martin Lott Venom
He laughed at Reece's reaction, then told Mz. Goodmire his address. He thanked her and hung u[, going outside to catch Reece before she hurt herself. I thought you'd be pretty dang happy, but I didn't know you would be that happy. Come on, let's go take a look at your room. He smiled, the smile reaching his eyes, and turned to go inside.

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