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Venomsayers *Human RP*

#15338 Posted on 2016-03-05 09:48:45

( sorry I don't understand. What do u mean?"

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#15339 Posted on 2016-03-05 09:50:19

(That means we are two days ahead now. Check the Chat {here} for more information.)

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#15342 Posted on 2016-03-05 09:51:29

( oh ok thank you! So where should I start off preferably?)

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#15343 Posted on 2016-03-05 09:52:11

(Aiden at his house, most likely)

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#15344 Posted on 2016-03-05 09:52:45

( ok thank you! Editing now)

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#15352 Posted on 2016-03-05 10:00:38


(Ok XD)

Blair woke up as she outstretched her arms. She gave a yawn and looked around the room. She stood up out of her bed as she walked over to her closet. She grabbed her Blue skinny jeans that had tears all the way from her hip to her toes. And she slipped on her black leather jacket and brushed her long strait silky hair. she slipped on her black leather boots ( I am going to remind you that her style is not emo but more rebleish) She grabbed her phone and texted Mia Hey want to go somewhere for breakfast and go shopping?"

Last edited on 2016-03-05 at 10:16:34 by High Voltage(Laney)

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#15356 Posted on 2016-03-05 10:01:57

( Laney may want to edit cause of the skip, it's been 2 days now so they aren't there any more)

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#15365 Posted on 2016-03-05 10:12:16

Violett Carlson
Violett was rudely awakened by a sudden weight on her legs and a cold thing on her hand. Then, something wet slathered itself all over her face. Quincy. She giggled and sat up in bed, grabbing Quincy and hugging him to her. "Well, good morning Quinc! One walk coming up in ten minutes!" She jumped out of bed, zapped through a shower, and was soon dressed in jeans, a T-shirt, and a light jacket. She clipped Quincy to a leash and took him outside. As Quincy was doing his business in his spot in the yard, she pulled out her phone to call Aiden. He was probably on his way to pick up Diesel. She smiled. They had really gotten to know each other yesterday, when they had gone out to eat at McDonald's. The day before that was the day they had made mashed potatoes, green beans, and turkey. It had been delicious, despite the fact that Aiden had burned the turkey and accidentally put in the wrong seasoning. She chuckled, and her heart fluttered when she remembered how his hair had been mussed up that night. She would have to ask him to style it like that again. But she didn't really have the courage to bring up things like that. She was still shy around him, and what made it worse was his constant compliments. She didn't feel worthy or special, like he said she was. Violett would probably never go past her belief that she was just a nobody with a cute dog with a mission.

Martin Lott Venom
(Waiting on Grell :D)

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#15371 Posted on 2016-03-05 10:21:17

Mia Landiss venom
As Mia walked to her room quietly her phone gave a small buzz. Mia glanced down at it. Blair had sent her a text! Mia smiled as she read it and quickly replied, Sure! I'd love to grad something to eat I'm starving! And we can head to the mall after if you want! Mia quickly ran upstairs and grabbed a purple jacket and tied her hair up in a ponytail.

Aiden Holt
As Aiden drove down the street he turned on to his parents road. The large home was visible from the road and was well taken care of. He pulled in the drive and locked his care as he jumped out. He walked to the door knocked twice then a bundle of joy and fur flew from inside. " Diesel! Hey boy! Oh I missed you too!" Aiden's eyes shown as he looked over his companion. Aidens mother stood at the door in tan boot cut pants and a flannel with a golden chain necklace. " hey mom! Was Diesel good for you?" Aiden spoke as he leaned in to his mothers arms and patted her back elegantly.

Last edited on 2016-03-05 at 10:26:52 by Bopper

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#15373 Posted on 2016-03-05 10:25:42

Violett Carlson
Violett began to walk Quincy over to the park. She dialed Aiden's number and held the phone to her ear as she walked. Quincy tried to tug on his leash. She gave him a fierce look and he stopped. He was getting to be a very good dog and would soon pass the therapy dog test. The phone gave it's first ring. No answer yet. Violett smiled as Quincy sat and held his paws up in a beg. She shook her head and continued walking.

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#15376 Posted on 2016-03-05 10:33:12

Mia Landiss venom
(Waiting and will edit)

Aiden Holt
As Aiden pulled away from his caring mother his phone rang. He fumbled with the device but finally got it out of his pocket and in his reach. " sorry mom I've got to take this" he clicked the answer button and said " oh hey Violett! How are you?" He began to get nervous and wiped his free hand on his pants.

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#15377 Posted on 2016-03-05 10:36:10

Violett Carlson
Violett stopped Quincy to talk to Aiden. Good. I'm out on a walk with Quincy. We're heading to the park. She civered the mouthpiece to take a deep breath and calm herself. Her palms were getting moist. Quincy would like to play with Diesel in the park if - if that's okay? Violett put her hair back in place, as a few strands had slipped out of place.

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#15381 Posted on 2016-03-05 10:40:16

Aiden Holt
Aiden beamed. " sounds great! I actually am picking him up right now so we'll head right over! Diesel seems excited already" Aiden peered down at the prancing pup and laughed as he spun in a small circle. " I'll see you you in five!" Aiden breathed in short breaths as he tried to calm himself. He said good bye to his mother and got into his truck and headed down the road towards the park.

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#15388 Posted on 2016-03-05 10:51:17

Violett Carlson
Violett arrived at the park with Quincy. Quincy immediately looked around for his new playmate, Diesel. Violett laughed. You'll have to wait, bud. They aren't here yet. Violett sat on a bench and wondered how she had ended up with such a nice person. She was still cautious, afraid that Aiden was playing with her. Who could love her and not be joking about it all?

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#15520 Posted on 2016-03-05 14:35:53

Reece venom
Tears fell from her eyes. He was so handsome, and she had the urge of hugging him. She used the tree to get up, and did not take his hand. "I am fine." She said, but really she wasn't. She had sat without eating and needed a shower. She did not want to come home though. When she had gotten up, she also had blood around her mouth. She didn't know why, but the other day she had coughed up blood. "Can I come with you to your house. I don't want to come home right now, and I need a shower... I completely understand if you don't want me to come." She looked down and sat back against the tree again. She put her head in her knees to block the sun. Reece was not used to this. She was not used to actually having a crush. Without looking up she continued. "I am sorry about last night... I was a little, everywhere at the moment I guess? I dunno, but I am really sorry. And embarrassed..." She still did not look up.

Last edited on 2016-03-05 at 14:38:21 by PhantomhiveGirl(Grell)

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