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Heads up and a little rant...

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Heads up and a little rant...

#88883 Posted on 2017-01-24 09:07:38

I just discovered last night that there is a member using my name on a basic account.. They call themselves windspun-unbelivable 106239.

I just want everyone to know that this is NOT me!! ( I can spell unbelievable). I only have my 3 accounts Windspun Appaloosas, Windspun Quarter Horses, and Sleepy Hollow Stables...So in the event this person attempts to play off that they are me, everyone is aware.

Kinda irks me a bit that someone would use my name, considering Ive had it since I started playing this game 5 yrs ago...sigh...Ok, deep breath...Im done..sigh

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ᵂˢᵖᴺ Windspun Appaloosas

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#88887 Posted on 2017-01-24 10:22:54

I'm sorry, Windspun. I'd like to think this player meant this as an homage, but if so they should have reached out to you first. I hope this person reconsiders their name for your sake.

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#88896 Posted on 2017-01-24 11:07:30

That is not cool. There is another Cadillac as well. Looks like i joined after them by a year but when i first joined i did a search on my name 'Cadillac' and there wasnt one, sooooo yeah. I feel your pain.

We all know you and would know if anything is out of character.

Maybe you can reach out to them and ask?

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#88898 Posted on 2017-01-24 11:31:47

Is it possible they didn't realize there was already another Windspun? I know it's frustrating, and to be honest, if I saw someone floating around as "Buck" I'd be a little perterbed too. But personally, I'd change me name to what it's "short" for, and hope everyone still knows me as Buck lol

But honestly, maybe PM them to get it sorted out? Without knowing who they are, Im really hesitant to say they did it on purpose.

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#88913 Posted on 2017-01-24 13:13:38

I feel you- things like that irk me too. I'm pretty sure some random person used to go as my old name (Twin Oaks Ranch), but I can't really blame them, as it's a very generic name lol... but I was still a bit ticked, nevertheless.

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#88982 Posted on 2017-01-25 02:34:45

Sorry, but you can't be offended by someone using a similar user name. Other than it has the word “windspun”, which isn't a made up word, your names are nothing alike.

I think it is okay to clarify that you are not the same person, but insinuating that this member copies and might try to pass as you, is really not cool without proof. For all we know this member have never seen your account, and due to the spelling the player is most likely young or from a non-english speaking country.
I wouldn't feel particularly welcomed if I saw a post like this about me..

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#88989 Posted on 2017-01-25 05:14:16

I agree with Dratini. This is more likely to be coincidence than anything else. Windspun is an unusual name, but not a completely unique one. It's really not fair to accuse them of copying you or pretending to be you without proof. From the looks of things they're a new player who played for less than a week in November and hasn't been back since. They may very well be completely unaware you even exist.

By all means clarify that this player isn't you, just to avoid confusion due to the similar name, but unfounded accusations are unnecessary and unhelpful. You're hardly the first player to have a similar name to another unrelated player.

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UlyssesBlue (spare)

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#89036 Posted on 2017-01-25 12:14:49

Odds are if they are a newer player they have no idea you even exist. People get the same names, it happens. It even happens in the real world. It can be annoying, but the odds of someone mistaking them for you is highly unlikely. Your name is pretty well known around the forums (somewhere this person obviously doesn't seem to be).

I know know there are plenty of people called silver, but I'm not changing my name for it. I thought about it, but then no one would know who I am anymore, and people are just starting to know me. It didn't seem worth it, because people can tell me apart from other members because I have wolves behind my name. Besides, people partially know you for your symbol too.

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#89038 Posted on 2017-01-25 12:20:51

I was also going to point out in my post that the player seemed pretty new, but I forgot :X
(also, SilverWolves, speaking of "name-copying" in real life, I looked up my first and last name once and found an obituary for someone with an identical name to me except the middle name X"D)

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#89041 Posted on 2017-01-25 13:00:42

I dont think Windspun was being mean. She literally said to be aware that there is another and to not mix them up. Yes things happen, but she is entitled to be perturbed if she wants to.

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#89080 Posted on 2017-01-25 18:02:20

I do agree with Dratini and Ulysses on this.

But I do get your frustration on having someone with similar or exact same usernames as you.

Someone on here used my old username (Spike). At first I thought they copied my old username because I had literally just posted on one of those "What usernames did you have in the past?" threads and then noticed their name change. I was a little upset, but got over it after they messaged me about it and said that their dog's name was Spike(my dog's name was Spike too! XD). I mean, I'll take their word for it at least. Plus, I was no longer using the username anyway, so I was cool with it c:

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