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So many breeds, so little self-control.

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So many breeds, so little self-control.

#85908 Posted on 2017-01-06 21:49:11

When I first started this game, I began with Trakehners because their art really jumped out to me. I then added Quarter Horses, because I've always bred QHs on any game that had them. Then eventually I added in Chincoteagues, which became my favorite. On my second account I started to do some Gypsy Vanners, but decided I didn't like focusing on two accounts and left my GVs locked there.

For the longest time (okay, so for the approximately 5 weeks that I've been active since joining in August last year) and at first when I came back from hiatus once school ended for the semester, I was totally happy to just have 3 main breeds. I disliked most of the other breeds, since I could never do any of the ones that have only 3ish colors, and I'm not into the other pony breeds.

Now suddenly it's like a switch got flipped and I have started wanting to try a lot more breeds. I found myself creating some Andalusians and Mustangs, and now the most recent is Appaloosas. I've also been eyeballing my GV stock and considering taking up them again. I think I'm probably going down dangerous territory, especially since I have school starting up again in around 2 weeks and I don't know if I'm going to have the time to be super active. Even now it's a little hard to keep up with my current stock because I still work full time and have to do this around my shifts. I think I might end up leaving the GVs where they are for now, and dropping the Andys. That's what I should do, at least. xD

Anyway, wanted to get all that out of my system, and I'm curious about how the rest of you guys pick which breeds to do, how many breeds you limit yourself to, etc. (:

Also, I think of the three new breeds I've taken on, Appaloosas are most likely to stick. I really dislike actual Appaloosa markings for the most part, but I discovered I really like them with paint markings or just solid colors or roan. So I wanted to get to know the Appaloosa community better. Are there any genes sought after? Avoided, besides gray? What discipline should I do? Etc.

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#85997 Posted on 2017-01-07 11:04:11

I have a very tiny appaloosa herd, though it used to be much larger.

I too love the paint markings, but am not a fan of the apploosa patterns.
I do love me a spotted blanket though!

western is by far the most popular discipline, but there's a fairly decent showjumping population as well, which is what mine are.

as far as genes that are desirable, really any of the dilutes/modifiers (silver, flaxen, dun, cream, champagne) are good. brown bases are also desirable, like in most other breeds.

i know that paint patterns aren't allowed in "real" appaloosas, but i honestly have no idea how that translates into EV appalooas. like i said, i love them, so the more the better!

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#86012 Posted on 2017-01-07 11:46:56

Welcome to the Appy crowd!! I never get tired of admiring the new Appy artwork. In terms of colour and coat pattern combinations, I'm sure Appies are one of the few breeds with the most variety to choose from.

Western is by far the most popular discipline but there are a few breeding endurance and show jumping as well.

In terms of colour, any flaxen, silver, champagnes and browns are most desirable. Flaxen is only available through custom stores at this time. If you're lucky, you can get champagnes and silvers through the store,
Here's a link to my 2nd gen foals from my custom herd. Their colours combine ff ZZ, champagne and brown...

Although the real world ApHC does not allow any paint markings , we have them available here in our EV world and I think that's one of the reasons Appys are so popular here.

We would welcome you to join the EV Appaloosa Horse Club, if at anytime you decide to do so. Feel free to message me if you have any questions or need help with your Appies. They are addictive!!

As for the limiting of the breeds..ugggggg I wish I could!! My main projects are my Appies, Mustangs, Quarter horses...and GVs...then there's the extra herds: deb, trakehners, arabs, freisians, teks, Clydes etc etc...I have way too many projects on the go..I end up locking and rotating the smaller herds. .but no matter what...I will never give up my Appys! Lol

Last edited on 2017-01-07 at 11:49:14 by 🌀 Windspun Appaloosas

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#86045 Posted on 2017-01-07 14:04:02

Ahaha im with you! I went through so many breeds. Started with TBs in old old EV, then did Oldenburgs and TWHs. Dabbled in belgian drafts but they never stuck. I even tried a couple paints and appies. Then in the end got to TWHs again and had a couple minis on the side. I have them all locked though cos im too busy to play.... but something is trying to bring me back to trying out TBs again... XD

Edit; totes forgot i had chincos at one point too! I kinda miss my chincos XD

Last edited on 2017-01-07 at 16:10:35 by Siren

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#86057 Posted on 2017-01-07 14:18:49

XD I feel ya
I have TBs, Chincos, Shetlands, and Arabs on my main, but I plan on ditching the Arabs.
I also have a bunch of locked QHs on my spare, and a bunch of random locked breeds on my other spare.

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#86089 Posted on 2017-01-07 16:13:23

raptorfang, if you do get rid of your arabians i'd be happy to take a few off your hands ;)

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#86098 Posted on 2017-01-07 16:53:26

Once I breed my goal of a RbRb Sbsb ff chestnut, I plan on studding him out (I'll Loki's Dagger it if it's a she), and then possibly selling it... who knows ;)

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#86115 Posted on 2017-01-07 17:51:32

I don't know much about Appy breeding, but I'd be happy to taake your GV's off your hands!

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#86191 Posted on 2017-01-07 21:33:59



I limit my breeds? *blinks again, innocently*

I basically breed any that attract me, is what it is, which is half the breeds on the limit of 350, LOL...yeah, I have a weakness, ROFL! I just bought a year of Autocare to make sure I can pretty much still come on and handle caring for my horses during the semester...

Besides, it's full time, but I only have three classes, LOL!

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