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Does Anyone else use spreadsheet?

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Does Anyone else use spreadsheet?

#73061 Posted on 2016-10-23 14:53:50

So, I know I'm new...but im a bit of a geek xD I tend to make a spreadsheet for each game i play, to keep track of my animals at a glance. EV is no different. Like i said, geek. I am wondering if anyone else does this? Click

Last edited on 2016-10-23 at 14:54:24 by Tuarwen

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#73065 Posted on 2016-10-23 15:05:23

I do this to track pedigree, stats, genotypes, and conformation!

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#73067 Posted on 2016-10-23 15:13:13

I do this all by hand on a notebook. This would probably be easier online, but I'm technology challenged. It took me over a week to figure out how to link anything on here once I started replying and making forums.

However, the main thing I track can't be kept in a spreadsheet, as a spread sheet is too small. I track pedigree the most. Helps me to limit inbreeding in my line. When I say limit, I mean it keeps ,me from ever inbreeding a foal Not much I can do about the fact I have bought some horses that have a slight amount of inbreeding over five generations ago.

Last edited on 2016-10-23 at 15:15:58 by SilverWolves

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#73068 Posted on 2016-10-23 15:16:53

Back when I had less than 50 horses I did this; however now that I have so many it just isn't feasible for me anymore.

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#73070 Posted on 2016-10-23 15:22:07

Yay! Im not alone lol. Stephe, how exactly do you track the pedigree? I've wanted to do this, for my Luckylapine spreadsheet lmao. Cause at the moment most my horses on here are foundations.

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#73080 Posted on 2016-10-23 16:40:56

I use slides :p

Can someone link me to an example of the spread sheet? I can't see the one in the post.

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#73086 Posted on 2016-10-23 17:26:39

Yup, this is my current spreadsheet! I match my breeding pairs on confo, the right side has a column for notes, and the name column also includes their sire and dam. I may add grandparents as well so it'll make an easy Ctrl + F search. Blue are studs, red are broods. Below the list of horses will be the pairings, once I figure those out. :) (I also have way more studs, I hid those rows so you could see as much as the full picture as possible)


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#73091 Posted on 2016-10-23 18:06:02

I haven't played the horse side of this game for months and months, but back when I did, yes I used spreadsheets - I couldn't have kept breedings organized otherwise! I had a spreadsheet set up for each breed, and would assign pairings far in advance of the actual breeds to avoid over-breeding any particular horse, or missing a horse altogether.

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#73104 Posted on 2016-10-23 19:35:52

Oh? What all did you have on each sheet, Frosted Mint?

I made up a 'breeding' tab too, which while no one knows the real formula(i dont think?) I have it pulling up an idea. Eager to test it and see how close it is lol. But I just joined.

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#73113 Posted on 2016-10-23 20:53:18

Mine was very rudimentary! I had one column with mares, one with studs, so that each row consisted of a breeding pair. I used color coding to highlight each cell in the spreadsheet one color for 1st generation horses, one color for 2nd gen horses, etc etc.

I used to breed 1st gens with other 1st gens, and then 2nd gens only with other 2nd gens, and then once stats were high enough come 3rd gen horses, I'd breed those with my other lined horses with high stats.

All that said, that was before the recode. I haven't been active on EV after the recode so I will very likely be changing my system to better reflect the changes the recode brought with it. Someday. When I get around to the horse aspect of this game! I really enjoy the horse aspect, but just don't have the time right now D:

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#73156 Posted on 2016-10-24 07:43:32

Ahh . I love my spreadsheet xD Of course, Im sure it'll get annoying like my luckylapine one does xD I have over 60 buns on LL, and i keep track of their non-perms on my spreadsheet. Which means manually updating their total every saturday lmao.

Im not tracking anything that changes on here xD Nope nope. I just added a future breedings sheet, using my lil 'give an idea' breeding tab.

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#73191 Posted on 2016-10-24 12:30:05

I'm a spreadsheet geek too, I love making them! I keep track of my horses' stats, how well they do in shows, breeding stuff, and a rubric I made for pricing horses.

Last edited on 2016-10-24 at 12:30:19 by SueHeck

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#73261 Posted on 2016-10-24 18:58:17

I used to keep track of my horses on a spreadsheets for shows and genetics, but slowly it just changed to millions of linnet squares to figure out genes, lols.

I plan to use a spreadsheet for pairing my horses up, and to create a function for pricing horses and such. And if I get the time to do so I'd like to do Confo functions as well.

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#73272 Posted on 2016-10-24 19:41:07

I keep track of everything via notebooks. I like being able to write stuff a dork. Last year we moved out of our old house to sell it and I found a few old notebooks with anything ranging in old herd lines that I had written out by ID number, color, gen all the way down to tags/manip/layout orders to each player yada I said lol dork

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#73282 Posted on 2016-10-24 23:19:46

I have mine set up as you see, to count the perfect/excellent/good, etc confo things so i can see at a glance. Also, on the actual 'conformation'sheet that i have hidden for each breed, their confo is color coded xD And I just recently rigged up a 'base price' thing. If i ever wanted to torture myself, i'd keep track of their trainable stats too lol

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