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"Gypsy Vanners For Sale"

Layout by UlyssesBlue (#60734)
About Us
Hi, I go by Tuarwen on here but that is not my real name. Only those who earn my trust will learn that. Tuarwen is actually the name of one of my dead dogs. She had seizures and was abused. She is often found in my tags. I am a born and raised Floridian, and am 30 years old. I volunteer at a local horse rescue, where my favorite horse there is an APH Gelding named Blue. Blue has heaves, and recently had skin cancer. I own one dog, a staffordshire bull terrier mix named Blarney, who is my service dog.


Stat Ranges
N1 0-149 [125+]
N2 150-199 [175+]
N3 200-249 [225+]
N4 250-299 [275+]
N5 300-349 [325+]
L1 350-399 [375+]
L2 400-449 [425+]
L3 450-499 [475+]
L4 500-549 [525+]
L5 550-599 [575+]
R1 600-699 [650+]
R2 700-799 [750+]
R3 800-899 [850+]
R4 900-999 [950+]
R5 1000-1099 [1050+]
Na1 1,100-1,299 [1200+]
Na2 1,300-1,499 [1400+]
Na3 1500-1699 [1600+]
Na4 1700-1899 [1800+]
Na5 1900-2099 [2000+]
Right text box.

Account Information
Member Name Tuarwen
Member ID 105731
Account Type Deluxe (336 days left)
Joined October 18, 2016
Last Active 2023-08-27 19:46:34
Member Information
Money on Hand $17,121
Money in Bank $330,391
Player Level 10
Horses 57 / 60

This member has not progressed their account yet today.

Player Points
Yesterday 30760
This Week 0
This Month 0
All Time 941186
Show Winnings
Yesterday $13,788
This Week $0
This Month $0
All Time $271,572

Member Level
Level 10 Experience 151577 (76%) EXP Required 197310 EXP Left 45733

Tuarwen's Horse Divisions
Andalusians 14 horses
Trained today
Foundation Arabian Project 12 horses
Trained today
Gypsy Vanners 6 horses
Trained today
Paints 9 horses
Trained today
Quarter Horses 16 horses
Trained today
zRetired 0 horses

Club Memberships

Gypsy Vanner Club

Equiverse Dressage Federation

Quarter Horse Club

Equiverse Driving Association

Coloured Horse Club

Equiverse Quarter Horse Association

Andalusian Club

Paint Horse Club

The Baroque Club

Western Paint Horse Association

Preferred Specialties
Quarter HorseWesternStats
Paint HorseWesternColor