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What would you like to see?

#70951 Posted on 2016-10-05 17:54:54

There have been several posts in the past asking for ideas to improve EV but new ideas are always being thought of so here is a chance to get your new suggestions out, now that we have been playing on the new version for a while.

Focusing mainly on breeding, showing, and stats, what do you think doesn't work and why? How can we improve on that? Are there others things you would like to see, or think works? Specifically things that either have to do with filling in the time until a horse is breedable (or would make breeding a horse earlier worth it), or what you think would improve the economy and make horses easier to sell and private owners more likely to buy.

Here are some very basic ideas from a previous thread some of you commented on. Are there any new ideas out there people have come up with?

1. Medallions. Jobs, players reach a certain level/have certain experience where they are then able to purchase a medallion. Each brings its own benefits depending on job (breeder foals born with 5% more stats etc.)
2. Limited cross breeding.
3. More breeding factors – height, temperament, etc.
4. Items/treats produced by players, give progressively better stat boost based on levels. Ex. Level 1 tack maker would be the same as/1 point higher than general store items.
5. Foundations cost real money in form of credits. Need to buy from other players to avoid using credits. Give some horses (i.e. right at beginning of game) credit-free.
6. Foundations available for limited periods of the year, customs available all the time.
7. Cap on how many foals a horse can have. Minimum breeding age. (i.e. 5-10)
8. “Turns” can be taken at player’s leisure to speed up playing progress.
9. Horses age a year every day, or every 2-3 days.
10. Game generated shows to balance out the lack of player shows.
11. If game had a clear goal, everyone would aim for it. Be it stats, points, etc. instead of player oriented goals (high stats).
12. Standardized value for horses. I.e. Shifty Jim.
13. Turns could be stacked (could use 10 in a day, or not play for a few days and have more). Small bonuses for deluxe, such as an extra turn every few days. Extra turns could be a credit item.
14. Public auction house, players could send their horse there for a certain amount of time to be bid on, i.e. 24-48 hours. Players could watch bids and see which horse is getting the most bids.
15. Treating returns to old way – assign to horse once, and is automatically taken care of from then on. Checkbox to select a group of horses to train/show at one time instead of doing each horse individually. Bring back confo shows, 1x a week classes are broken down by breed. Top 3 per show earn confo points (not overall), final show each month is open competition based on top X number of horses based only on confo points. Significant reward for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. Spay mares.
16. Weekly championships. Horse has to make certain amount of points to enter the show, able to enter championship show for their discipline. Larger prize issued to winner, graphic could be on the horse for a week/trophy to show they won.

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#70954 Posted on 2016-10-05 18:04:56

I like the auction house (14), more factors like height and temperament (3), spaying mares (15), and the old treating (15). But not real money foundations/limited foundations (5 and 6), horses aging more often (9), or a common goal (11).

Why don't I like those things? For the first ones I listed: because I spend enough money on this game already (aka I have no life). For the next one: I always want my horses to age faster, but I've gotten so used to 1 week= 1 year= real-life pregnancy time. For the last one: I like how everyone has goals. I like color breeding. Stats are hard for me. I dislike this idea more than the rest. Sorry everyone who likes this!

Whelp, there ya go.

Also, check out my threads titled 'EV World Equestrian Games?' and 'More Display Cabinet Items/Prize For Doing Things' to see my two great ideas!

Last edited on 2016-10-05 at 18:06:56 by Raptorfang™Ω

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#70959 Posted on 2016-10-05 18:26:13

I'm not sure what you mean in #8 by "Turns".
Also, I like #12 and #14, and I dislike #5, and I'm not sure about spaying mares from #15. I mean, it could be useful, but I am aware of people that are unhappy because perfectly good horses are often gelded and left in the RC. If spaying mares is added, this could become a problem with mares, too.
This got kind of long, sorry.

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#70961 Posted on 2016-10-05 18:28:20

For ;; 15, 14, 1, 2, 4, 10, 12
Against ;;
3 - I feel like it's just unnecessary add on to the horses, and would bring up MORE to breed for separately and would make breeders more separate. (Like; Someone breeding for color trying to buy a horse from a stat breeder, value//price thoughts differ based on what people want.. If that makes sense >.<
5 - Some people, like me, can;t spend real money here. (#CollegeKid) And trying to buy from other people is inconvenient.

6 - Personally I jump in and out of locking my horses a lot, so I'd want to buy foundations whenever I can be around. Not have to try to plan when foundations can be bought, and when I have free time in my life.

7 - I'm someone who amount of foals doesn't matter. I breed a lot, because when I get good horses I want to maximize foals being born. (Mostly a color breeder)

11 - Having split goals makes things a lot funner to me, Where we aren't ALL competing for the same thing. If everyone's breeding for stats then it's a huge pool of people to compete with and it would be stressful to tyr to sell horses and such.

Last edited on 2016-10-05 at 18:28:55 by Satan.Sneezes

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#70970 Posted on 2016-10-05 19:50:34

You are all welcome to also add ideas you think would be good for the game as well - my list is just a summary of what people have suggested before (but it's good to see what people do/don't like!!)

"Turns" generally refers to the game rolling over due to the player, not the time. Right now, EV rolls over to a new day around midnight and everyone's horses age a day. On other games where there is a turn, a player could get on and play around with the game (forums, check messages etc.) but their horses won't age, shows (I believe) won't run, nothing needs redone until you "turn" the day over and begin a new one. In some games I think you are able to play, turn the day over, and play again in as short a period of time as you'd like.

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#70976 Posted on 2016-10-05 20:58:17

I agree with Raptorfang

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#71077 Posted on 2016-10-06 12:40:35


1, 2, 4, 10, 14, 15, 16,

On the Fence;

3 - When you say breeding factors I need a bit more information than that to make a full decision on whether or not I agree with it, and my main question is will this affect how my horses show. If it's more of a cute realistic thing with no real purpose than I guess it's okay, though a little bit useless, but kinda cool if you wanted to breed a hot-headed herd or a more docile one, but if it does affect showing, part of me thinks is certainly is more realistic, but another part of me doesn't want another factor which I would most likely have a fairly limited amount of control, to decided how my horses show.

9 - Every day or 2-3 seems a bit short to me, maybe extend it to 4-5, so that the game does progress faster, but not at an incredible speed.

11 - Goals kind of take away player freedom in my mind to do whatever they want. And hence I don't really like this idea, but being no one would force you to do them, it wouldn't affect me too much.

8 & 13 - I do like how the game 'turns' per say run right now, as it does give me incentive to get on, but if it does help other players I guess why not.


5 & 6- I personally dislike the idea of having foundations being bought with credits, or only available for a certain time of year. It essentially means if you screw up and lose your herd at the wrong time of year or don't have money to spend, you either have to wait, or can't get yourself back together. I would agree however if there was a cap on how many foundations you could buy a week/month so you could get could foundations, however it wouldn't be at the same insane rate that you can now.

7 - I personally don't see why there needs to be a cap, if I or anyone wants to have their horses have a lot of foals, I don't see why not.

12 - I can see this might start to stagnant the market, and like Abbey I do prefer when the market moves and changes because of the players, and not because of a site algorithm.

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#71085 Posted on 2016-10-06 13:32:55

I am for:

I am not a fan of turn based games myself, for me they detract from the realism

though personally I tend to avoid super over breeding my horses or breeding over bred lines, i think just like in real life it is the players choice.

I think that maybe one way to help with this could be to have a year cycle that lasts maybe two IRL weeks or something and have mares only be able to be bred in spring and summer.. kind of like real life. it would give more of a "foal crop" experience that will also help the market for people looking for foals.. to know around what times of
"year" they will be born.


purely ascetic: but it would be cool to see a variety in the different markings.. such as minimally marked tob or splash...etc

I think it would be cool to have some kind of foal training system.. like halter and saddle breaking maybe... and maybe when the foal turns 3 having the option to distribute the points you've earned in its foal a bonus for people who want to do that

I think it will be cool to have the description section of your horse be able to be seen by the public..

Last edited on 2016-10-06 at 13:36:25 by ♓BlueEyedLuv♓

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#71120 Posted on 2016-10-06 18:39:41

I'm just going to comment on each of your points because my ideas are related to these things.

1. I don't like the idea of players having jobs because we already have the games tent and the fountain for getting additional money. But it sounds like here it's not a job as much as a focus, and that with the medallion thing could be an interesting addition.

2. Cool

3. I think this would overcomplicate breeding.

4. I don't like the idea of treats giving more stats than they already do. It takes away from the realism of the game. I'm on the fence about upgrading tack because the current system puts beginners at a huge disadvantage in shows and it seems really silly to me that tack can have more stats in an area than the horse using it does. But it would be cool if tack could be upgraded more for horses at the higher levels, because by L1 or L2 nearly everyone is using 5/5 tack and there's no advantage.

5 and 6. I think the only change there needs to be with foundation horses is a daily or weekly limit on purchases. Basic economics says the more there is of something, the less it's worth. So less horses in the game should help with the problems we're having with horse buying and pricing.

7. I would support a realistic cap and minimum age.

8 and 13. I don't like the idea of turns, I think it will mess things up because basically every player will be on a different timeframe.

9. I'd be ok with changing aging to every 2 days but not more than that, it would change the game too much.

10. Not sure about this because the problem at the lower levels is too many shows. I think it'd be better if it was easier for the players making shows to see which levels and specialities are the most profitable so they can make fewer shows in the areas that aren't (the areas that have too many shows).

11. No common goal, one of the best parts of this game is that it's open-ended.

12. I agree with Abbey's reasoning about letting the game economy decide what horses are worth.

14. Yes. The current system makes auctions really tricky. Several times I've lost out on horses because I didn't realize soon enough that I'd been outbid.

15. I love idea of checkboxes to train multiple horses at once! Confo shows sound awesome too.

16. Very cool. I think this would help encourage people to show horses instead of just entering them in riding school, which would help with the problem of too many shows at the lower levels. Also on that note, Abbey mentioned lowering the max number of horses in a show to 10, which I think is way too low as riding school then becomes a lot more profitable than showing and we'd need a lot more shows to be created. But I do think the current max of 25 is too many. Lowering it to 15-20 would be good. Maybe leave the max at 25 for Regional and above since they have the problem of not enough shows.

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#71307 Posted on 2016-10-08 06:14:35

Oh yeah, I'm also not a big fan of turns. Forgot to say that.

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#71323 Posted on 2016-10-08 08:13:54

Ribbons for some certain shows? I'd absolutely LOVE to be able to win ribbons or medals from shows!

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#71324 Posted on 2016-10-08 08:21:06

5. Foundations cost real money in form of credits. Need to buy from other players to avoid using credits. Give some horses (i.e. right at beginning of game) credit-free.
6. Foundations available for limited periods of the year, customs available all the time.

Why limit foundations? We need new blood, otherwise all the lines would be related (which happens easy enough as it is). I am very against these two options.

11. If game had a clear goal, everyone would aim for it. Be it stats, points, etc. instead of player oriented goals (high stats).

You will never be able to get rid of people's goals. Some people will always breed for color and some will always breed for stats, how can you force people to not? I think it takes away the users freedom. And having multiple goals just adds more dimensions to the game.

I do think weekly championships would be fun.

Oh and some more site wide events would spice things up. I know they may be time consuming/hard to code, but I think it brings the community together and just be an exciting time.

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#71325 Posted on 2016-10-08 08:22:17

-Double post, oops..-

Last edited on 2016-10-08 at 08:23:36 by Amϊra♞

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#71340 Posted on 2016-10-08 09:52:46

Here's another suggestion... just look at this post! 'All-Time Hall Of Fame For Deceased Horses'

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#71726 Posted on 2016-10-11 08:59:45

1. I'm all for ribbons or medallions, but not really for jobs.
2. I would rather we didn't, it would make the game more confusing and less people would have the same goal as you.
3. I'd rather we didn't. Same as above, it would give more goals out, and less people would be breeding for what you are breeding for.
4. I think this would just cause more dissonance between younger and older player. The gap is large enough already.
5. NO, just no. Not everyone could afford this game if this was the case
6. I could see a cap on the amount you can make a month to help with the horse market, but not a certain time of the year to make them.
7. If the number was within reason I could go either way.
8. This would just make it harder to connect and be at the same pace as other players.
9. Maybe every 4-5 days, 2-3 seems too fast
10. sure, if that is whats needed
11. No, part of the games fun is allowing us to have our own goals. Besides, it makes breeding horses more realistic
12. Not a standardized value, but maybe one of those stared forums to help newer players out? Something that could constantly be adjusted?
13. I'm actually not big on the idea. It would mean less people would be on at once. If it would help others though, I wouldn't complain.
14. I'm not quite sure how exactly this would improve the horse market, but if others think it will, I'd be willing to give it a try.
15. Treating is a definate yes. Especially if it gives you a chance to change out your treats, or treats get changed to being oriented around that specialty, aka, western treats would give you the chance of getting 0-2 stats in either intelligence or speed.
Checkbox system would be very nice. Might encourage more showing instead of just riding schools. I don't really care either way about confo shows. I'm down for spaying mares. I think it could help you protect your line. from being over-breed.
16. Maybe, I'm on the fence about this one.

As for more ideas, the treats one I mentioned above.

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